I was very torn about what I wanted to post today...
Either way it was going to be about 2012 and I actually wrote two different posts...
One was about the movements of venus and the different ways it ties in to the various cultures that have existed...and that it's travels are often viewed as significant.
The other post was a plea to everyone that we shouldn't sit and wait for a specific date, for God, a comet, or zombies to come along and wipe the slate clean for us, or to give us a radical mindset change.
Both of my posts were valid, and each as a whole bore it's own perspective of the 2012 discussion which has been going on in many circles for quite some time.
The bottom line is this:
Something incredible could happen in 2012. But it's entirely possible nothing will happen. Our calendar could be off by several years in either direction, and it is a possiblity that the roll-over of the Mayan long count calendar actually happened in 2009 or some other year.
Maybe it happened in 2001. There was an event at that time which has changed many aspects of our lives since. Some of us feel like we've got big brother watching over our shoulders even harder now, and others still don't feel safe so long as there are Muslims in this country. It's only in retrospect that massive changes look as completely massive as they really are...
And it's also true that huge changes in the direction of humanity can happen over a period of years... even centuries. The universe takes its time... I can't imagine that everything is going to change dramatically in just one night -
((One caveat - if a large comet or asteroid were to slam into the Earth, it would cause huge changes and not for the better. We're also probably going to see something like that on its way to us... though that isn't a guarantee either.))
We can't sit and wait for something to happen... to make it all better or to make it worse. Each one of us is an individual, a part of the whole, but still an individual. That means we each have the power to change our own lives. I know that most people will immediately have excuses.... in fact I bet I can list many of them right now:
I have kids
I have bills to pay
Where would I live if I didn't have a job?
I need a car
I need a house
I need a job
I need a tv
I need running water
I need a grocery store
I need my family
I need my pets
I need security
I need safety
I need a phone
I need my friends
I need the internet
My significant other wouldn't be ok with it
My parents wouldn't understand
And that's ok... it just means you aren't ready yet. But if you aren't ready enough to make that change right now, then you aren't ready for something major to happen in 2012 either. I mean, it's only about a year and a half away, can you see yourself walking away from your life as it is in that amount of time from now?
So instead of wishing, watching and waiting for a radical event to force us all to change our lives (or kill off half of us before we get the chance), take action today. It doesn't have to be anything big, it doesn't have to be a major departure from your life as it is. It's ok to take baby steps. Focus on one small thing at a time, and eliminate it from your life - or add something beneficial like yoga or meditiation or walking in solitude with nature.
You can eliminate something by reducing your posessions, becoming vegetarian or otherwise simplifying your diet, reducing the number of obligations you put on yourself for social events, spending time alone, volunteering to help others, giving up driving (walking or getting a bike) at least part of the time, and so forth.
Once you make a small step and become comfortable with it, take another. Take time to feel the difference in yourself from the change that you've made, notice how your mood is different and whether it lightens your spirits or makes you feel more grounded. After a few steps, you'll find that your priorities change and your old ways just don't interest you any longer. Once you get the ball rolling, it will take less effort to keep it rolling and as you progress through greater challenges you'll find you have more and more strength to conquer them.
Eventually, you may be able to walk the earth as Jesus did or as the Buddha's did, regardless of what happens next December.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Tending the Seed
He set another parable before them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches."
Matthew 13:31-32
Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the birds of the air came and devoured it up. And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. And some fell among thorns, the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. And other fell on good ground, did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, some an hundred. He said unto them, He that has ears to hear, let him hear.
Mark 4:3-9
He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20
A few examples of Jesus mentioning seeds as compared to spiritual development. His disciples ask him why he teaches in parables, and he tells them that the parables are for the purpose of allowing only those who genuinely follow him to understand his word. He also tells his disciples that the number who will understand his words are very, very few.
To see a fully awakened person, a Buddha, is so rare that it is like seeing an udumbara flower. In the Tu Hieu Monastery in Hue, there is a scroll which says: "The udumbara flower, although fallen from the stem, is still fragrant." Just as the fragrance of the udumbara flower cannot be destroyed, our capacity for enlightenment is always present. The Buddha taught that everyone is a Buddha, everyone is an udumbara flower.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
Both Jesus and the Buddha have taught that each of us has a bit of potential inside us - like a seed - that with proper tending can grow and burst forth the kingdom of God (enlightenment) within us. Both have taught that in order for this to happen, we have to cast off our trappings and desires of the physical world. Just as the Udumbara flower is inside the fruit of the fig and is rarely seen, our seed of potential is buried within us and wrapped up so tightly that we only occasionally hear it's whispers.
But like the fruit of the fig, we can peel away the layers wrapped around our potential, the seed of the soul, so that it can flourish within us.
Giving everything up and becoming an enlightened being sounds like a gigantic task - and frankly, it is. However as with any goal one could have, there is always a starting point, and small steps that can be taken towards the whole goal. It's not something you can do all at once, so it is better to focus on single, smaller tasks first, and you will find that as your seed begins to bloom, the next steps will make themselves obvious.
How does one start on the path?
Just being here - reading this - you've already begun. Even if you scoff at these ideas and walk away from the subject, the words you read are already imprinted on your mind and when you are ready, you'll seek this knowledge out again.
You see, your soul - the real real you is paying attention right now. It's hiding within you, trying to tell you "Please hear me!" and it gets louder each time you touch upon a fragment of the truth. Even if you stop reading at this moment, it is going to latch on to this bit of information within your mind and it is going to cause it to take root, to grow.
Buddhism teaches mindfulness - paying complete attention to your task at hand, noticing how your body feels as you do the task, noticing where your mind tries to go as you work at your task, noticing the beauty of every detail of what you are doing. This mindfulness is about learning observation - because observation is one of the keys to enlightenment.
All knowledge, all knowing, comes from our souls - when we "learn" something, we aren't adding new information to our memory banks, we're opening up channels and pathways to knowledge we already had access to but did not know how to reach. Through learning, we remember the things we've already known. It is possible to tell whether something you are learning is absolute truth or human truth, by listening for the ping or echo within your soul.
If you've ever had the sensation of knowing someone before you knew them, it is like that feeling. In a way, it's also similar to the feeling of deja vu (and probably related to it). It's reading something and have the sensation that you know it in a way that goes beyond simple understanding. As if it is a part of you you haven't seen in a while.
It's the aha! moment - having knowledge spring forth from somewhere you cannot name. For artists, writers, poets, and songwriters, it is those moments when a piece of work comes to us unannounced and complete - the idea is already fully formed and just appears within our minds. Those pieces of knowledge, those ideas - they come directly from our soul. That, is how you can start to feel your soul within you and begin to understand the quality of its presence.
Once you have a grasp of the way it feels when your soul communicates with you, you can use the concept of mindfulness to listen for it more often. If you are going about a task in a mindful manner, you will be better able to hear what your soul is trying to tell you.
Developing this interal dialogue between your mind and your soul (because they are indeed two seperate things) will assist you in making further progress in developing and maturing your soul-seed so that it can one day blossom and transform your conciousness to a higher order.
This is truely what it means to know thyself.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Artwork © Jonathon Earl Bowser - www.JonathonArt.com
“The superior man acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his action.” – Confucius
If everyone that complains about the government refused to pay their taxes, it might actually make them listen.
If everyone who posts about their religious beliefs were to donate $5 to the needy each time they post, it would be an active following of those beliefs.
“When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion.” – Abraham Lincoln
If, instead of stressing about disasters happening in far away places, people stopped when they saw a car on the side of the road in distress or an accident, or helps someone who has too much to carry, or any other random acts of kindness, it can create a hurricane of good will to counteract the forces of nature.
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha
Instead of cutting someone off or not pausing to let someone pull out onto the road, remember that those actions may save you minutes but they spread ill will and bad moods.
Instead of complaining that someone has irritated or annoyed you, try understanding what was going on with them at the time.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Plato
“A jug fills drop by drop.” – Buddha
People say "be the change you want to see in the world" but we are all too quick to think that just saying something is enough. If we raise awareness, those other people will do the actuall changes and we can sit back and relax, thinking we've done our part by opening our mouths.
The problem is, everyone thinks that... and so few people actually make any change at all. We look to a figurehead to make changes for us but then we complain that the government isn't doing what we wanted them to do.
We complain that our freedoms are being limited and then we complain when someone exercises their own freedom in a way we don't agree with.
“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” – Chinese Proverb
The lovely painting I've added to this post is by one of my favorite artists - Jonathon Earl Bowser. It's title is "Invariance and Enlightenment" and though I normally do not use other people's images on my posts I felt this one was an appropriate visual to my message.
You can sit in stone and do the same thing you've always done, and get the same thing you've always gotten. Or, you can let go and release the fear of not having that which you desire. You will find that when you let go of what you consider precious, what you gain is something more precious to you than you could have realized.
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammed Ali
It is through challenging ourselves, casting off our safety nets and protective gear that we can grow and genuinely receive truth and light into our lives.
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.
Actions speak louder than words.
“Action will remove the doubt that theory cannot solve.” – Petryl Hsieh
Be the change you want to see in the world.
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Confucius
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein
It is not possible to grow if you are comfortable - necessity is the mother of invention not just in physical objects but in the way we think and live.
“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” – Unknown
"We can't all see things the same way, but we should all see them for ourselves" -Ri
"We're all searcing for something we may never find, but I'll give you my best if you give me yours." -Ri
Monday, August 15, 2011
The Deception Pt 2
(Continued from Yesterday)
The deception occurred long ago. Jesus taught his disciples to share the words he gave them, the words that came from God and were holy above all others, and they did so. He warned that they and their works would be persecuted, just as he had, and they were. But in that persecution a great deception occurred:
The true meaning of Jesus's life and death, of the kingdom of God, of his words; it was buried, destroyed, burned, hidden, and locked away. Those who wanted to perpetuate their own agenda of control and power and greed twisted the message, deadened the good news and began to form a new religion from bits and pieces of the truth that they thought were harmless.
They took the truth and they flattened it into a two dimensional idea: If you believe in Jesus, you will be saved.
But this is only a half truth: salvation does come in belief in Jesus, but we no longer understand what belief truly means! Belief describes a multi dimensional action, not a two dimensional thought process.
Jesus attempted to describe for us what the completeness and wholeness of belief was through parables, stories and words of guidance. He explained that we had to release everything - from our possessions to our fears to our very lives in order to experience faith, belief, and ultimately the kingdom of God.
Imagine that you have never seen the color green before. You ask "Is it like blue" and someone who has seen it says "it is like blue, and like yellow, but it is neither blue nor yellow."
All you can imagine are the colors which you have seen, but because this color is not known to you, you cannot comprehend what that color looks like without seeing it. So, you call it blue because it is the closest thing your understanding can grasp. But the color is not blue. You'll share the words that shed merely a shadow upon the whole of the idea, and those words may sound amazing to other humans, and they'll say "yes, I understand, it is blue!" but because of their understanding they can only ever think of blue, and never of green.
In this case, green is the kingdom of God. In other cases those who have glimpsed it say "it is like a grand tree that reaches to the sky" and you picture a grand tree that reaches to the sky, not what they actually saw. So you draw trees and search for trees and familiarize yourself with trees, and you completely miss the point of the kingdom of God itself.
As long as you are searching for blue or searching for trees, you will overlook the kingdom of God. This is what Jesus told us, and yet most religions are still looking for blue and looking for trees.
The description became the weapon of the deception. That flat two dimensional idea about great things became the only thing people could see. The other knowledge and ideas were destroyed (or at least they attempted to destroy them) and just in case they'd resurface, rigors of fear and distrust were woven into the two dimensional idea that was shared. That way, if the original ideas resurfaced, those who believed in the two dimensional idea would do it so blindly that they would rather destroy themselves than consider any other possibility to be true.
In this way, it is the religions of the world which are largely the biggest deception of all - they are the wolf in sheep's clothing, those claiming to be good and to be the one true path but actually being nothing more than someone holding a feather and calling it a bird. Don't harbor hatred towards them, they honestly believe that feather is a bird, they can't see that it is only a feather. Through generations, they have been deceived and the deceivers who started it are long gone - though I am sure there are some out there who understand the deception and still perpetuate it.
Finding the kingdom of God is like this: realizing that the feather is not a bird, putting down the feather and then laying back and waiting for a real bird to fly past so you can see what it really looks like. It is giving up all the drawings of feathers, all the books about feathers, the place you kept your feather, and the people who only care about feathers : because all of those things scare away the actual birds - they won't come near because loose feathers say to them a potentially injurious place for birds to be- and it's true! If a bird came near people who honor feathers as if they are truly birds, they will pluck the bird for its feathers and remain blind to the fact it was a bird! After all, that isn't what a bird looks like, a bird looks like this feather!
And so, those who have a preconceived idea of what the kingdom is or looks like will look only for that idea and will overlook, even destroy, the kingdom. They may even fear the bird for it's feathers, saying "look at this greedy one who is keeping all of the bird (feathers) for himself! It is unfair that so much "truth" not be spread amongst us. We'll take it for ourselves, so that we can all be as enlightened as the other."
So they pluck away all of its feathers and leave the bird for dead, never realizing that it was the beautiful thing they had been seeking all along...
This happened to Jesus when he began to show his beauty to man. It took a mere three years before they destroyed him, and maybe twenty to fifty more years before they had buried and destroyed any of his message they could get their hands on, placing a headdress of feathers on the throne after having plucked and killed the bird to whom the throne belonged.
As Jesus said many times: He who has ears, let him hear.
The deception occurred long ago. Jesus taught his disciples to share the words he gave them, the words that came from God and were holy above all others, and they did so. He warned that they and their works would be persecuted, just as he had, and they were. But in that persecution a great deception occurred:
The true meaning of Jesus's life and death, of the kingdom of God, of his words; it was buried, destroyed, burned, hidden, and locked away. Those who wanted to perpetuate their own agenda of control and power and greed twisted the message, deadened the good news and began to form a new religion from bits and pieces of the truth that they thought were harmless.
They took the truth and they flattened it into a two dimensional idea: If you believe in Jesus, you will be saved.
But this is only a half truth: salvation does come in belief in Jesus, but we no longer understand what belief truly means! Belief describes a multi dimensional action, not a two dimensional thought process.
Jesus attempted to describe for us what the completeness and wholeness of belief was through parables, stories and words of guidance. He explained that we had to release everything - from our possessions to our fears to our very lives in order to experience faith, belief, and ultimately the kingdom of God.
Imagine that you have never seen the color green before. You ask "Is it like blue" and someone who has seen it says "it is like blue, and like yellow, but it is neither blue nor yellow."
All you can imagine are the colors which you have seen, but because this color is not known to you, you cannot comprehend what that color looks like without seeing it. So, you call it blue because it is the closest thing your understanding can grasp. But the color is not blue. You'll share the words that shed merely a shadow upon the whole of the idea, and those words may sound amazing to other humans, and they'll say "yes, I understand, it is blue!" but because of their understanding they can only ever think of blue, and never of green.
In this case, green is the kingdom of God. In other cases those who have glimpsed it say "it is like a grand tree that reaches to the sky" and you picture a grand tree that reaches to the sky, not what they actually saw. So you draw trees and search for trees and familiarize yourself with trees, and you completely miss the point of the kingdom of God itself.
As long as you are searching for blue or searching for trees, you will overlook the kingdom of God. This is what Jesus told us, and yet most religions are still looking for blue and looking for trees.
The description became the weapon of the deception. That flat two dimensional idea about great things became the only thing people could see. The other knowledge and ideas were destroyed (or at least they attempted to destroy them) and just in case they'd resurface, rigors of fear and distrust were woven into the two dimensional idea that was shared. That way, if the original ideas resurfaced, those who believed in the two dimensional idea would do it so blindly that they would rather destroy themselves than consider any other possibility to be true.
In this way, it is the religions of the world which are largely the biggest deception of all - they are the wolf in sheep's clothing, those claiming to be good and to be the one true path but actually being nothing more than someone holding a feather and calling it a bird. Don't harbor hatred towards them, they honestly believe that feather is a bird, they can't see that it is only a feather. Through generations, they have been deceived and the deceivers who started it are long gone - though I am sure there are some out there who understand the deception and still perpetuate it.
Finding the kingdom of God is like this: realizing that the feather is not a bird, putting down the feather and then laying back and waiting for a real bird to fly past so you can see what it really looks like. It is giving up all the drawings of feathers, all the books about feathers, the place you kept your feather, and the people who only care about feathers : because all of those things scare away the actual birds - they won't come near because loose feathers say to them a potentially injurious place for birds to be- and it's true! If a bird came near people who honor feathers as if they are truly birds, they will pluck the bird for its feathers and remain blind to the fact it was a bird! After all, that isn't what a bird looks like, a bird looks like this feather!
And so, those who have a preconceived idea of what the kingdom is or looks like will look only for that idea and will overlook, even destroy, the kingdom. They may even fear the bird for it's feathers, saying "look at this greedy one who is keeping all of the bird (feathers) for himself! It is unfair that so much "truth" not be spread amongst us. We'll take it for ourselves, so that we can all be as enlightened as the other."
So they pluck away all of its feathers and leave the bird for dead, never realizing that it was the beautiful thing they had been seeking all along...
This happened to Jesus when he began to show his beauty to man. It took a mere three years before they destroyed him, and maybe twenty to fifty more years before they had buried and destroyed any of his message they could get their hands on, placing a headdress of feathers on the throne after having plucked and killed the bird to whom the throne belonged.
As Jesus said many times: He who has ears, let him hear.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Deception Pt. 1
Long ago, a deception was made. A hiding of a simple truth. Documents were destroyed, people were killed to silence them, fear was bred to drive men away from the truth.
Why? So that people who had power could retain that power. So that people who had money could retain that money. So that people in control could keep that control.
So that people who were afraid of the true meaning of Jesus' message wouldn't be the only ones left when everyone else accepted and practiced them.
In the words of Jesus Christ:
"The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20-21 NKJ
But a deception was made, a change in the way the words were understood. People were taught that seeking the kingdom within themselves, seeking the truth, was akin to paganism (and thusly akin to satanism).
People were persecuted for not believing what the orthodox Christian church attempted to put in place. Jesus himself said to the pharisees that only he without sin could cast the first stone, and the early church (and the church today!) goes about casting stones in every direction, as if it believes itself to be without sin.
But who really does this church worship?
Matthew 13:22 The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.
2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God
2 Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.
Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. (note that Jehovah wasn't described as an invisible god. He made himself aware and known and had to physically hide his face from Moses on the mount. He walked in the garden with Adam and Eve, his presence on Earth was repeatedly recorded.)
Those who blindly follow where they are taken, listen to the words they are told without comprehension and believe what they are taught are being mislead.
They have been brought to the point of blindly following because they have been conditioned to think that questioning, seeking on your own and exploring all of the other beliefs and possibilities is evil. They speak the words of enlightenment but are blinded from comprehension by fear. If they attempt to comprehend a greater understanding, they frighten themselves by touching something unique, something special, something unknown and foreign, and when that happens they snap back into line, hiding under their fear, convinced if they just say the name Jesus over and over again it will somehow protect them.
If only they knew that they are seeking protection from the truth, and seeking shelter provided by the world... which only hides God from them.
What is really going on here?
Jesus and others in the Bible warned that mankind would be decieved into thinking that they were serving god but in fact serving the world itself... and if you can open your eyes and look around, you can see that many religions are of the world and are serving the world, rather than serving God or even trying to seek him.
Churches of brick and mortar that call for money and call for support and cry out to be trusted and believed and who promise salvation while bonding in slavery are not churches of God. We have been raised and programmed to think that these organizations are here for our benefit, that they want the best for us, that they would not mislead us, that they can be trusted. It is true that they do a lot of good in the world, but they do so while also pushing their agenda - their religion - on the people whom they help. It is not necessarily with malice that any of this happens, most of those who preach and profess these messages believe them just as much as the rest of the congregation.
To be continued...
Why? So that people who had power could retain that power. So that people who had money could retain that money. So that people in control could keep that control.
So that people who were afraid of the true meaning of Jesus' message wouldn't be the only ones left when everyone else accepted and practiced them.
In the words of Jesus Christ:
"The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20-21 NKJ
But a deception was made, a change in the way the words were understood. People were taught that seeking the kingdom within themselves, seeking the truth, was akin to paganism (and thusly akin to satanism).
People were persecuted for not believing what the orthodox Christian church attempted to put in place. Jesus himself said to the pharisees that only he without sin could cast the first stone, and the early church (and the church today!) goes about casting stones in every direction, as if it believes itself to be without sin.
But who really does this church worship?
Matthew 13:22 The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.
2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God
2 Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.
Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. (note that Jehovah wasn't described as an invisible god. He made himself aware and known and had to physically hide his face from Moses on the mount. He walked in the garden with Adam and Eve, his presence on Earth was repeatedly recorded.)
Those who blindly follow where they are taken, listen to the words they are told without comprehension and believe what they are taught are being mislead.
They have been brought to the point of blindly following because they have been conditioned to think that questioning, seeking on your own and exploring all of the other beliefs and possibilities is evil. They speak the words of enlightenment but are blinded from comprehension by fear. If they attempt to comprehend a greater understanding, they frighten themselves by touching something unique, something special, something unknown and foreign, and when that happens they snap back into line, hiding under their fear, convinced if they just say the name Jesus over and over again it will somehow protect them.
If only they knew that they are seeking protection from the truth, and seeking shelter provided by the world... which only hides God from them.
What is really going on here?
Jesus and others in the Bible warned that mankind would be decieved into thinking that they were serving god but in fact serving the world itself... and if you can open your eyes and look around, you can see that many religions are of the world and are serving the world, rather than serving God or even trying to seek him.
Churches of brick and mortar that call for money and call for support and cry out to be trusted and believed and who promise salvation while bonding in slavery are not churches of God. We have been raised and programmed to think that these organizations are here for our benefit, that they want the best for us, that they would not mislead us, that they can be trusted. It is true that they do a lot of good in the world, but they do so while also pushing their agenda - their religion - on the people whom they help. It is not necessarily with malice that any of this happens, most of those who preach and profess these messages believe them just as much as the rest of the congregation.
To be continued...
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Heart
It is common today to believe that we are our brains. All of that exciting electrical activity, synapses firing must surely be the home of all thought and feeling, especially because we can trace the movement of that electrical activity to certain areas when we are feeling or thinking about specific things.
The brain is indeed an important central organ for our bodies, it keeps everything in pace and in check, it processes our experiences and stores our memories. But is it really the whole of who we are?
Past cultures didn't think so: (quotes from around the web)
The Egyptians believed that the heart, rather than the brain, was the source of human wisdom, as well as emotions, memory, the soul and the personality itself. Notions of physiology and disease were all connected in concept to the heart, and it was through the heart that God spoke, giving ancient Egyptians knowledge of God and God's will.
Many classical philosophers and scientists, including Aristotle, considered the heart the seat of thought, reason or emotion, often rejecting the value of the brain.
The Christian religions also embraced heart symbology early in their history. An example is the Catholic belief in Jesus' "Sacred Heart." Christians also recognize the heart as the center of human emotion. Eastern religions observed a similar symbology in the "Sacred Heart of Shiva." And the Islam religion considers the heart to be the center of spirituality.
Lets think about a computer: It has a mother board on which is a processor, memory chips, and various other components which affect and allow its operation. It is a conduit and storage for data, but a computer is not data, and data is not a computer.
I think that we are like this, we have brains and hearts and stomachs and all these busy things working to keep us walking and talking and thinking. They provide us energy to fuel the brain, pump the heart and move the muscles, and the signals that cause us to use these abilities are electrical and are traced from the brain. However, in a computer those signals are traced to and from the processor...
But that still doesn't mean that the processor and the data are one and the same. If you understand how a processor works, it makes it easier to understand what I'm saying. Essentially all computer components function from an extremely simplistic system - binary - and they can process more complex data by (essentially) stacking binary on binary on binary until we get nibbles and bits and bites and eventually giga-quads of data processing capability.
The data itself is understood by the system in binary, but again, the data itself is not binary it is only described that way. So the synapses in our brains are describing our thoughts and feelings to the body so that we can experience them in a conscious way - but the synapses and electricity that jumps between them is still not our actual thoughts and feelings and memories. Those are something else, something more, something that is managing to interact with our phsyical bodies somehow...
We have an ancient description of how: It's called the chakras, or the tree of life. We are believed to have seven open chakras - and at the center, the hinge, the meeting place is the heart chakra.
When ancient mythology was read and compared to our own understanding, we thought that they must have been mistaken to think that the essence of our being resides in the heart: after all, they thought the brain was a useless organ and here we are finding all this mystery and activity there! So how do these two views reconcile?
Our soul is not contained within any one organ of our body: rather it meshes into our body at node points which have been called chakras by some. The strongest node point is that of the heart, the one of the most overlap and thusly the center of our emotional contact from our souls.
It is also the place from which our intuition or gnosis springs, and the most open channel of communication between the two parts of us. This is part of the reason that we are not quite so aware of what is beyond the physical world... our perceptions and interperetations of the world around us are processed in our brains, which has an indirect connection to the soul. The information that comes through at the heart chakra is transfered to the brain, but often remains a bit obscured for the journey. We cannot clearly see anything beyond that which is in our heads because our consciousness is obscured from the soul and vice versa.
Through the advancement of evolution, the soul progresses across the chakras, continously connecting to the body at higher points. Our next progression will be to the throat chakra, putting us even closer to a connection of soul and consciousness. Rather than just feeling truth from our soul, we'll be able to express it. After that we'll hit the third eye, allowing us to not only feel and express truth from our soul, but to see it in the world around us. At the top of our phsyical body is the crown chakra - which will enable us to know all truth and begin to leave our bodies as they are behind. It is like the slow climbing out of a chrysalis, or the slow climb up a ladder from within a cave to the surface. As you climb you can see more and more light, hear more of the sounds going on up there, and eventually you reach the top and you can join in the festivities.
The brain is indeed an important central organ for our bodies, it keeps everything in pace and in check, it processes our experiences and stores our memories. But is it really the whole of who we are?
Past cultures didn't think so: (quotes from around the web)
The Egyptians believed that the heart, rather than the brain, was the source of human wisdom, as well as emotions, memory, the soul and the personality itself. Notions of physiology and disease were all connected in concept to the heart, and it was through the heart that God spoke, giving ancient Egyptians knowledge of God and God's will.
Many classical philosophers and scientists, including Aristotle, considered the heart the seat of thought, reason or emotion, often rejecting the value of the brain.
The Christian religions also embraced heart symbology early in their history. An example is the Catholic belief in Jesus' "Sacred Heart." Christians also recognize the heart as the center of human emotion. Eastern religions observed a similar symbology in the "Sacred Heart of Shiva." And the Islam religion considers the heart to be the center of spirituality.
Lets think about a computer: It has a mother board on which is a processor, memory chips, and various other components which affect and allow its operation. It is a conduit and storage for data, but a computer is not data, and data is not a computer.
I think that we are like this, we have brains and hearts and stomachs and all these busy things working to keep us walking and talking and thinking. They provide us energy to fuel the brain, pump the heart and move the muscles, and the signals that cause us to use these abilities are electrical and are traced from the brain. However, in a computer those signals are traced to and from the processor...
But that still doesn't mean that the processor and the data are one and the same. If you understand how a processor works, it makes it easier to understand what I'm saying. Essentially all computer components function from an extremely simplistic system - binary - and they can process more complex data by (essentially) stacking binary on binary on binary until we get nibbles and bits and bites and eventually giga-quads of data processing capability.
The data itself is understood by the system in binary, but again, the data itself is not binary it is only described that way. So the synapses in our brains are describing our thoughts and feelings to the body so that we can experience them in a conscious way - but the synapses and electricity that jumps between them is still not our actual thoughts and feelings and memories. Those are something else, something more, something that is managing to interact with our phsyical bodies somehow...
We have an ancient description of how: It's called the chakras, or the tree of life. We are believed to have seven open chakras - and at the center, the hinge, the meeting place is the heart chakra.
When ancient mythology was read and compared to our own understanding, we thought that they must have been mistaken to think that the essence of our being resides in the heart: after all, they thought the brain was a useless organ and here we are finding all this mystery and activity there! So how do these two views reconcile?
Our soul is not contained within any one organ of our body: rather it meshes into our body at node points which have been called chakras by some. The strongest node point is that of the heart, the one of the most overlap and thusly the center of our emotional contact from our souls.
It is also the place from which our intuition or gnosis springs, and the most open channel of communication between the two parts of us. This is part of the reason that we are not quite so aware of what is beyond the physical world... our perceptions and interperetations of the world around us are processed in our brains, which has an indirect connection to the soul. The information that comes through at the heart chakra is transfered to the brain, but often remains a bit obscured for the journey. We cannot clearly see anything beyond that which is in our heads because our consciousness is obscured from the soul and vice versa.
Through the advancement of evolution, the soul progresses across the chakras, continously connecting to the body at higher points. Our next progression will be to the throat chakra, putting us even closer to a connection of soul and consciousness. Rather than just feeling truth from our soul, we'll be able to express it. After that we'll hit the third eye, allowing us to not only feel and express truth from our soul, but to see it in the world around us. At the top of our phsyical body is the crown chakra - which will enable us to know all truth and begin to leave our bodies as they are behind. It is like the slow climbing out of a chrysalis, or the slow climb up a ladder from within a cave to the surface. As you climb you can see more and more light, hear more of the sounds going on up there, and eventually you reach the top and you can join in the festivities.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Many people have a distinct idea of what hell is, and many others are unsure and wonder about it's true nature.
The origins of the word "hell" can be traced back to a proto-germanic word 'halja' which means "one who covers up or hides something". Other potential origins for the word include places where the dead reside but do not necessarily describe punishments, and the environment is often misty or obscurative rather than fiery.
It is often described by later peoples (including Dante) as having sections, chambers, circles, or levels. In Mayan mythology, Xibalba is a nine-leveled underworld. In Greek Mythology, Hades involved punishment for some but was an all encompassing underworld, for the good and the bad, with Tartarus being the pit of punishment for those who were evil.
In the old testament, there is talk of Sheol being the underworld. Souls of the dead go to Sheol regardless of their deeds in life and are obscured from the light of God. There are punishments in Sheol as well, but they are not for everyone. Other interperetations of the old testament concur that Sheol is a subterranean place where shadows of our former selves exist in nothingness, with no real recollection of who or what they were.
A quote from Proverbs (30:16) describes Sheol as never satisfied. Jonah seems to refer to the whale as Sheol. Psalm 6 says that when in Sheol, souls cannot remember God.
In the new testament, Sheol is regarded as a place where souls go to wait for resurrection (reincarnation) and Gehenna is a place of eternal punishment.
In Ancient Egypt, a person's heart was weighed and they would go either to the Two Fields or be thrown to a devourer, to be prevented from eternal life.
In Judaism, Gehanna is described as a sort of purgatory or waiting room, souls inhabit this place temporarily and while they are there they become aware of the shortcomings of their life and/or are judged. In general it is accepted that souls will be in this place no longer than 12 months, after which the soul can ascend or be reborn, or both in parts. Gehanna is also viewed as a place of the present, not the future, and that simply the knowledge of being misaligned with God's will is punishment enough.
In Buddhism, six realms of rebirth are described, subdivided into varying degrees of pain or pleasure. One of the six realms is the Naraka, the lowest realm of rebirth and essentially, hell. One can be there for eons, however it is not permanent and the soul can be reborn into the other five realms to continue on its journey towards Nirvana.
In all the descriptions of hell I have found, each seems to symbolize the same idea:
If you do not do well/expand/evolve in this life, you will be made aware of the difficulties you had and you will be reborn to another life. It is possible that the next life will be one of great difficulty in order to teach you great lessons and help you to "catch up" and evolve faster, if you chose to listen to the lessons of that life as they occur.
Continuing on the path of divergence from God's will causes one to again be reborn in lives of challenge and darkness, which continues until the soul finally has had enough and reaches for the true light.
As we incarnate into different lives, our souls evolve and we come closer to the kingdom of God - aka Nirvana - aka paradise - aka heaven.
Jesus said many times that the kingdom of God is within us, implying that the deepest part of our beings is where the seed of the kingdom lives, and by implication that what is outside or without us is Sheol or hell.
The description of hel by Norse Pagans refers to it as a misty place, punishment is not mentioned, and it is ruled over by a being of the same name (as is also the case with Hades). The idea of mist brings to mind also the idea of the veil - and this ties into the concept of Sheol being a place where one cannot see the light of God any longer.
In this, hell again sounds like it is our physical body and mind - the mist or veil which obscures us from God and tricks us into thinking that we are of the Earth when in reality, we are of God.
Simply put, being incarnate is the equivalent of the levels of hell. By waking up to our surroundings and becoming aware of that seed of God within us, we can slowly pull ourselves up out of this mortal life and realm of confusion and bring ourselves back to God. The illusions of this life are the true flames of the fire, and it is only forever if we refuse to believe that we are the stuff of God and are divine, worthy of redemption, ressurection and reclaimation by God.
The origins of the word "hell" can be traced back to a proto-germanic word 'halja' which means "one who covers up or hides something". Other potential origins for the word include places where the dead reside but do not necessarily describe punishments, and the environment is often misty or obscurative rather than fiery.
It is often described by later peoples (including Dante) as having sections, chambers, circles, or levels. In Mayan mythology, Xibalba is a nine-leveled underworld. In Greek Mythology, Hades involved punishment for some but was an all encompassing underworld, for the good and the bad, with Tartarus being the pit of punishment for those who were evil.
In the old testament, there is talk of Sheol being the underworld. Souls of the dead go to Sheol regardless of their deeds in life and are obscured from the light of God. There are punishments in Sheol as well, but they are not for everyone. Other interperetations of the old testament concur that Sheol is a subterranean place where shadows of our former selves exist in nothingness, with no real recollection of who or what they were.
A quote from Proverbs (30:16) describes Sheol as never satisfied. Jonah seems to refer to the whale as Sheol. Psalm 6 says that when in Sheol, souls cannot remember God.
In the new testament, Sheol is regarded as a place where souls go to wait for resurrection (reincarnation) and Gehenna is a place of eternal punishment.
In Ancient Egypt, a person's heart was weighed and they would go either to the Two Fields or be thrown to a devourer, to be prevented from eternal life.
In Judaism, Gehanna is described as a sort of purgatory or waiting room, souls inhabit this place temporarily and while they are there they become aware of the shortcomings of their life and/or are judged. In general it is accepted that souls will be in this place no longer than 12 months, after which the soul can ascend or be reborn, or both in parts. Gehanna is also viewed as a place of the present, not the future, and that simply the knowledge of being misaligned with God's will is punishment enough.
In Buddhism, six realms of rebirth are described, subdivided into varying degrees of pain or pleasure. One of the six realms is the Naraka, the lowest realm of rebirth and essentially, hell. One can be there for eons, however it is not permanent and the soul can be reborn into the other five realms to continue on its journey towards Nirvana.
In all the descriptions of hell I have found, each seems to symbolize the same idea:
If you do not do well/expand/evolve in this life, you will be made aware of the difficulties you had and you will be reborn to another life. It is possible that the next life will be one of great difficulty in order to teach you great lessons and help you to "catch up" and evolve faster, if you chose to listen to the lessons of that life as they occur.
Continuing on the path of divergence from God's will causes one to again be reborn in lives of challenge and darkness, which continues until the soul finally has had enough and reaches for the true light.
As we incarnate into different lives, our souls evolve and we come closer to the kingdom of God - aka Nirvana - aka paradise - aka heaven.
Jesus said many times that the kingdom of God is within us, implying that the deepest part of our beings is where the seed of the kingdom lives, and by implication that what is outside or without us is Sheol or hell.
The description of hel by Norse Pagans refers to it as a misty place, punishment is not mentioned, and it is ruled over by a being of the same name (as is also the case with Hades). The idea of mist brings to mind also the idea of the veil - and this ties into the concept of Sheol being a place where one cannot see the light of God any longer.
In this, hell again sounds like it is our physical body and mind - the mist or veil which obscures us from God and tricks us into thinking that we are of the Earth when in reality, we are of God.
Simply put, being incarnate is the equivalent of the levels of hell. By waking up to our surroundings and becoming aware of that seed of God within us, we can slowly pull ourselves up out of this mortal life and realm of confusion and bring ourselves back to God. The illusions of this life are the true flames of the fire, and it is only forever if we refuse to believe that we are the stuff of God and are divine, worthy of redemption, ressurection and reclaimation by God.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
God of the Old Testament
After reading through Exodus and putting some thought into much of what it said, it seems further confirming that Jehovah or the god of the old testament is not what we today expect the divine source, eternal spirit, the one that is all to be. The being described in Exodus (and other parts of the Bible) seems to have more of the characteristics of one who is more powerful and knowledgeable than humans, but is certainly not omnipotent.
I have selected many excerpts from Exodus to consider, they follow along with my thoughts on each:
Exodus 7:3`And I harden the heart of Pharaoh, and have multiplied My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt,
Jehovah says that he is making Pharaoh more closed to the idea of letting the Hebrews go, in order that Jehovah has more opportunity to prove himself and make the spectacle bigger and more talked about.
Exodus 10:1 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Go in unto Pharaoh, for I have declared hard his heart, and the heart of his servants, so that I set these My signs in their midst, 10:2 and so that thou recountest in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, that which I have done in Egypt, and My signs which I have set among them, and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.'
Jehovah confirms the above - the Pharaoh's heart was hardened and the signs set against Egypt to make the Hebrews want to tell stories of this for generations to come, and so that everyone reveres Jehovah.
Exodus 10:12 and I have passed over through the land of Egypt during this night, and have smitten every first-born in the land of Egypt, from man even unto beast, and on all the gods of Egypt I do judgments; I [am] Jehovah.
Jehovah is judging the gods of Egypt - is he above them in station or does he just disagree with them? Humans can be judgemental towards each other without actually having a higher place in the world. By contrast a judgement could refer to a legal action - telling the gods of Egypt to stay out of the matter and let Jehovah handle his business.
Exodus 10:35 And the sons of Israel have done according to the word of Moses, and they ask from the Egyptians vessels of silver and vessels of gold, and garments; 10:36 and Jehovah hath given the grace of the people in the eyes of the Egyptians, and they cause them to ask, and they spoil the Egyptians.
It's a good thing Jehovah put on such a show, and made sure that it would be extra spectacular, because now that the Egyptians are terrified of him, the Hebrews can take all of their valuables, food, clothing, anything they want without resistance. It is essentially like armed robbery.
Exodus 13:17 And it cometh to pass in Pharaoh's sending the people away, that God hath not led them the way of the land of the Philistines, for it [is] near; for God said, `Lest the people repent in their seeing war, and have turned back towards Egypt;'
God is concerned that if the people who have come out of Egypt see a war going on where the Philistines are, that they will want to run back to the safety of Egypt.
Exodus 15:1 Then singeth Moses and the sons of Israel this song to Jehovah, and they speak, saying: -- `I sing to Jehovah, For triumphing He hath triumphed; The horse and its rider He hath thrown into the sea. 15:2 My strength and song is JAH, And He is become my salvation: This [is] my God, and I glorify Him; God of my father, and I exalt Him. 15:3 Jehovah [is] a man of battle; Jehovah [is] His name.
Jehovah is a man of battle? From most of our understanding about the biblical God, it is very out of character for him to be referred to as a man - in fact, it seems outright insulting as it would be degrading to refer to a great being as a lesser being.
Exodus 18:10 and Jethro saith, `Blessed [is] Jehovah, who hath delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians, and from the hand of Pharaoh -- who hath delivered this people from under the hand of the Egyptians; 18:11 now I have known that Jehovah [is] greater than all the gods, for in the thing they have acted proudly -- [He is] above them!'
Again the tale of how Jehovah got the Hebrews out of Egypt impresses many and convinces them that he is amazing - and again, it was Jehovah who made it difficult to get them out of Egypt so that the event would be far more impressive.
Exodus 19:9 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Lo, I am coming unto thee in the thickness of the cloud, so that the people hear in My speaking with thee, and also believe in thee to the age;' and Moses declareth the words of the people unto Jehovah.
Jehovah is coming to the mount - in a huge show with all the people watching - so that Moses is more likely to be believed when he relays the messages Jehovah is giving him.
Exodus 19:21 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Go down, protest to the people, lest they break through unto Jehovah to see, and many of them have fallen; 19:22 and also the priests who are coming nigh unto Jehovah do sanctify themselves, lest Jehovah break forth on them.' 19:23 And Moses saith unto Jehovah, `The people [is] unable to come up unto mount Sinai, for Thou -- Thou hast protested to us, saying, Make a border [for] the mount, then thou hast sanctified it.'
Jehovah had already told Moses to make a border and make sure no one could get through. Now he is double checking, and Moses reminds him that the border is already set up and he has already told everyone they can't cross it because it would be dangerous.
Exodus 19:24 And Jehovah saith unto him, `Go, descend, then thou hast come up, thou, and Aaron with thee; and the priests and the people do not break through, to come up unto Jehovah, lest He break forth upon them.' 19:25 And Moses goeth down unto the people, and saith unto them: -- 20:1 `And God speaketh all these words, saying, 20:2 I [am] Jehovah thy God, who hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of a house of servants. 20:3 `Thou hast no other Gods before Me.
Clearly, there are other Gods. Jehovah wants to make sure that Israel - who he preserved - focuses only on him, in repayment for his preservation and selection of them.
Exodus 20:4 `Thou dost not make to thyself a graven image, or any likeness which [is] in the heavens above, or which [is] in the earth beneath, or which [is] in the waters under the earth.
This almost sounds as if art itself is unacceptable, that the people are not to recreate anything they see, no matter what it is. Could this be a reference more so to likenesses of the ethereal, the supernatural, the holy, the awe inspiring? Maybe it isn't a concern if they paint a sunset but it is a concern if they paint a recreation of Jehovah leading them through the desert - perhaps he didn't want there to be a record of what that pillar of smoke and pillar of fire really looked like.
It seems like this decree could have two goals - 1. (shown below) Jehovah doesn't want them worshiping any other gods or phenomenon, so he doesn't want the people making and worshiping an image of any other god or phenomenon. 2. Jehovah does not want a visual record of his presence, appearance, or technology.
This is interesting because within the Nag Hammadi library, there is reference to Yaldoboath having the appearance of a beast and making man look like heavenly man (Adama/Christ) and seeming unhappy about looking like a beast himself. If that's the case, it's a good reason why he wouldn't want any images made of him.
Exodus 20:5 Thou dost not bow thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, Jehovah thy God, [am] a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, on the third [generation], and on the fourth, of those hating Me, 20:6 and doing kindness to thousands, of those loving Me and keeping My commands. 20:7 `Thou dost not take up the name of Jehovah thy God for a vain thing, for Jehovah acquitteth not him who taketh up His name for a vain thing.
This commandment is often misconstrued to be saying that you shouldn't speak the name of Jehovah in a cursing, swearing manner.
What it really means is that you should not do anything that is vain (pointless) while telling people you do it under the command of Jehovah, for Jehovah, or with his name or signs anywhere on your flags, clothing or vehicles. In other words, don't go fight a war you can't possibly win with Jehovah's name on your banner.
To do so is to soil the name of Jehovah, to make it less mighty - to make Jehovah look bad or weak.
Exodus 20:12 `Honour thy father and thy mother, so that thy days are prolonged on the ground which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee.
Here it is said that the honoring of the father and the mother increases the number of generations which will survive in the land - what action is described by honoring the parents? How is it that this honoring will lengthen how long the Hebrews stay in the land? Is it in some way related to preventing interbreeding that is too close, keeping in mind who your family line is so that when you take a mate they are not so closely related to you as to cause problems?
Or perhaps it is the opposite - be sure to only breed within this group, do not go outside as it will cause the genetic line to lose it's purity.
Exodus 20:13 `Thou dost not murder. 20:14 `Thou dost not commit adultery. 20:15 `Thou dost not steal. 20:16 `Thou dost not answer against thy neighbour a false testimony. 20:17 `Thou dost not desire the house of thy neighbour, thou dost not desire the wife of thy neighbour, or his man-servant, or his handmaid, or his ox, or his ass, or anything which [is] thy neighbour's.'
All of these commandments relate to interpersonal relations, and if followed should keep the entire population fairly harmonious and peaceful. If they stick to these guidelines, it will prevent most of the negative interactions that people have with each other.
Exodus 20:18 And all the people are seeing the voices, and the flames, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mount smoking; and the people see, and move, and stand afar off, 20:19 and say unto Moses, `Speak thou with us, and we hear, and let not God speak with us, lest we die.' 20:20 And Moses saith unto the people, `Fear not, for to try you hath God come, and in order that His fear may be before your faces -- that ye sin not.'
The people are afraid, and Moses reassures them that their fear of the situation is necessary, god has come to cause it, so that it is a remind to them not to sin or cause problems. Jehovah wants to be feared.
Exodus 20:21 And the people stand afar off, and Moses hath drawn nigh unto the thick darkness where God [is]. 20:22 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Thus dost thou say unto the sons of Israel: Ye -- ye have seen that from the heavens I have spoken with you; 20:23 ye do not make with Me gods of silver, even gods of gold ye do not make to yourselves. 20:24 `An altar of earth thou dost make for Me, and thou hast sacrificed on it thy burnt-offerings and thy peace-offerings, thy flock and thy herd; in every place where I cause My name to be remembered I come in unto thee, and have blessed thee. 20:25 `And if an altar of stones thou dost make to Me, thou dost not build them of hewn work; when thy tool thou hast waved over it, then thou dost pollute it;
Jehovah does not want silver or gold idols made of himself - these are the two metals which are least likely to degrade over time, gold would stay pristine so long as it isn't exposed to corrosive forces, silver would also last a long time but would tarnish and oxidize. If idols had been made of Jehovah in these materials, they would have stood a far better chance of surviving through to today and being discovered - making evidence of Jehovah available. The altars too were to be made of the least sturdy materials, things that would easily be blasted away by natural forces and would not last more long at all.
Exodus 20:31 `And ye are holy men to Me, and flesh torn in the field ye do not eat, to a dog ye do cast it.
An instruction not to eat something which died in the field, probably at a time that you don't know when it died. Man did not yet understand the concept of spoiled meat, so Jehovah explained to them that they should only eat food if they know exactly when it was killed.
Exodus 31:3 and all the people themselves break off the rings of gold which [are] in their ears, and bring in unto Aaron, 31:4 and he receiveth from their hand, and doth fashion it with a graving tool, and doth make it a molten calf, and they say, `These thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.' 31:5 And Aaron seeth, and buildeth an altar before it, and Aaron calleth, and saith, `A festival to Jehovah -- to-morrow;' 31:6 and they rise early on the morrow, and cause burnt-offerings to ascend, and bring nigh peace-offerings; and the people sit down to eat and to drink, and rise up to play. 31:7 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Go, descend, for thy people whom thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt hath done corruptly, 31:8 they have turned aside hastily from the way that I have commanded them; they have made for themselves a molten calf, and bow themselves to it, and sacrifice to it, and say, These thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.'
They make the golden calf, worship it and seem to associate it with Jehovah. Jehovah did not want any images of himself - or any other gods - so whether or not the calf represents Jehovah it would anger him. However, if it does represent Jehovah, is this a tie to the Hindu belief that Brahman appears as a cow at times? Zeus also has appeared as a bull, there are common themes among the gods of various religions and appearing as bovines.
Exodus 31:9 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `I have seen this people, and lo, it [is] a stiff-necked people; 31:10 and now, let Me alone, and My anger doth burn against them, and I consume them, and I make thee become a great nation.' 31:11 And Moses appeaseth the face of Jehovah his God, and saith, `Why, O Jehovah, doth Thine anger burn against Thy people, whom Thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a strong hand? 31:12 why do the Egyptians speak, saying, For evil He brought them out to slay them among mountains, and to consume them from off the face of the ground? turn back from the heat of Thine anger, and repent of the evil against Thy people.
The Egyptians were distrustful of Jehovah - they believed him to have evil intent towards the Hebrews, or evil intent in general. This seems reflected in Pharaoh's unwillingness to let the people worship Jehovah, mirrored today in our culture where we do not like or trust religions that perform animal sacrifices. Here, Jehovah has become angry with the people for disobeying what he has decreed and he threatens to consume everyone but Moses, and make Moses the new start of what he was trying to do with the Hebrews.
Most interestingly, Moses asks Jehovah to "repent of the evil against thy people" - at other places in the Bible it is said or insinuated that the eternal God cannot sin - but if Jehovah is feeling evil towards the Hebrews, and Moses recognizes it and asks him to stop, this is a massive contradiction in ideas about what Jehovah is.
Exodus 33:20 He saith also, `Thou art unable to see My face, for man doth not see Me, and live;' 33:21 Jehovah also saith, `Lo, a place [is] by Me, and thou hast stood on the rock, 33:22 and it hath come to pass, in the passing by of Mine honour, that I have set thee in a cleft of the rock, and spread out My hands over thee, until My passing by, 33:23 and I have turned aside My hands, and thou hast seen My back parts, and My face is not seen.'
There is a lot of care taken that no one know what Jehovah's face looks like, but also that his image not be recreated in any way. However, he clearly has a visible body of some type because of the mention of his "back parts" - but had to maneuver so that Moses wouldn't see his face. This again seems to indicate a being of limited power rather than limitless - could he not have simply not appeared, disguised himself, or moved with such speed that Moses would not have seen him, if he were in fact a being of limitless power and ability?
Who was this being? You'll have to decide for yourself. For me, I do not follow this being nor hold it in high regard, as many of it's actions seem to center on deception and control of the people.
I have selected many excerpts from Exodus to consider, they follow along with my thoughts on each:
Exodus 7:3`And I harden the heart of Pharaoh, and have multiplied My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt,
Jehovah says that he is making Pharaoh more closed to the idea of letting the Hebrews go, in order that Jehovah has more opportunity to prove himself and make the spectacle bigger and more talked about.
Exodus 10:1 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Go in unto Pharaoh, for I have declared hard his heart, and the heart of his servants, so that I set these My signs in their midst, 10:2 and so that thou recountest in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, that which I have done in Egypt, and My signs which I have set among them, and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.'
Jehovah confirms the above - the Pharaoh's heart was hardened and the signs set against Egypt to make the Hebrews want to tell stories of this for generations to come, and so that everyone reveres Jehovah.
Exodus 10:12 and I have passed over through the land of Egypt during this night, and have smitten every first-born in the land of Egypt, from man even unto beast, and on all the gods of Egypt I do judgments; I [am] Jehovah.
Jehovah is judging the gods of Egypt - is he above them in station or does he just disagree with them? Humans can be judgemental towards each other without actually having a higher place in the world. By contrast a judgement could refer to a legal action - telling the gods of Egypt to stay out of the matter and let Jehovah handle his business.
Exodus 10:35 And the sons of Israel have done according to the word of Moses, and they ask from the Egyptians vessels of silver and vessels of gold, and garments; 10:36 and Jehovah hath given the grace of the people in the eyes of the Egyptians, and they cause them to ask, and they spoil the Egyptians.
It's a good thing Jehovah put on such a show, and made sure that it would be extra spectacular, because now that the Egyptians are terrified of him, the Hebrews can take all of their valuables, food, clothing, anything they want without resistance. It is essentially like armed robbery.
Exodus 13:17 And it cometh to pass in Pharaoh's sending the people away, that God hath not led them the way of the land of the Philistines, for it [is] near; for God said, `Lest the people repent in their seeing war, and have turned back towards Egypt;'
God is concerned that if the people who have come out of Egypt see a war going on where the Philistines are, that they will want to run back to the safety of Egypt.
Exodus 15:1 Then singeth Moses and the sons of Israel this song to Jehovah, and they speak, saying: -- `I sing to Jehovah, For triumphing He hath triumphed; The horse and its rider He hath thrown into the sea. 15:2 My strength and song is JAH, And He is become my salvation: This [is] my God, and I glorify Him; God of my father, and I exalt Him. 15:3 Jehovah [is] a man of battle; Jehovah [is] His name.
Jehovah is a man of battle? From most of our understanding about the biblical God, it is very out of character for him to be referred to as a man - in fact, it seems outright insulting as it would be degrading to refer to a great being as a lesser being.
Exodus 18:10 and Jethro saith, `Blessed [is] Jehovah, who hath delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians, and from the hand of Pharaoh -- who hath delivered this people from under the hand of the Egyptians; 18:11 now I have known that Jehovah [is] greater than all the gods, for in the thing they have acted proudly -- [He is] above them!'
Again the tale of how Jehovah got the Hebrews out of Egypt impresses many and convinces them that he is amazing - and again, it was Jehovah who made it difficult to get them out of Egypt so that the event would be far more impressive.
Exodus 19:9 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Lo, I am coming unto thee in the thickness of the cloud, so that the people hear in My speaking with thee, and also believe in thee to the age;' and Moses declareth the words of the people unto Jehovah.
Jehovah is coming to the mount - in a huge show with all the people watching - so that Moses is more likely to be believed when he relays the messages Jehovah is giving him.
Exodus 19:21 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Go down, protest to the people, lest they break through unto Jehovah to see, and many of them have fallen; 19:22 and also the priests who are coming nigh unto Jehovah do sanctify themselves, lest Jehovah break forth on them.' 19:23 And Moses saith unto Jehovah, `The people [is] unable to come up unto mount Sinai, for Thou -- Thou hast protested to us, saying, Make a border [for] the mount, then thou hast sanctified it.'
Jehovah had already told Moses to make a border and make sure no one could get through. Now he is double checking, and Moses reminds him that the border is already set up and he has already told everyone they can't cross it because it would be dangerous.
Exodus 19:24 And Jehovah saith unto him, `Go, descend, then thou hast come up, thou, and Aaron with thee; and the priests and the people do not break through, to come up unto Jehovah, lest He break forth upon them.' 19:25 And Moses goeth down unto the people, and saith unto them: -- 20:1 `And God speaketh all these words, saying, 20:2 I [am] Jehovah thy God, who hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of a house of servants. 20:3 `Thou hast no other Gods before Me.
Clearly, there are other Gods. Jehovah wants to make sure that Israel - who he preserved - focuses only on him, in repayment for his preservation and selection of them.
Exodus 20:4 `Thou dost not make to thyself a graven image, or any likeness which [is] in the heavens above, or which [is] in the earth beneath, or which [is] in the waters under the earth.
This almost sounds as if art itself is unacceptable, that the people are not to recreate anything they see, no matter what it is. Could this be a reference more so to likenesses of the ethereal, the supernatural, the holy, the awe inspiring? Maybe it isn't a concern if they paint a sunset but it is a concern if they paint a recreation of Jehovah leading them through the desert - perhaps he didn't want there to be a record of what that pillar of smoke and pillar of fire really looked like.
It seems like this decree could have two goals - 1. (shown below) Jehovah doesn't want them worshiping any other gods or phenomenon, so he doesn't want the people making and worshiping an image of any other god or phenomenon. 2. Jehovah does not want a visual record of his presence, appearance, or technology.
This is interesting because within the Nag Hammadi library, there is reference to Yaldoboath having the appearance of a beast and making man look like heavenly man (Adama/Christ) and seeming unhappy about looking like a beast himself. If that's the case, it's a good reason why he wouldn't want any images made of him.
Exodus 20:5 Thou dost not bow thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, Jehovah thy God, [am] a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, on the third [generation], and on the fourth, of those hating Me, 20:6 and doing kindness to thousands, of those loving Me and keeping My commands. 20:7 `Thou dost not take up the name of Jehovah thy God for a vain thing, for Jehovah acquitteth not him who taketh up His name for a vain thing.
This commandment is often misconstrued to be saying that you shouldn't speak the name of Jehovah in a cursing, swearing manner.
What it really means is that you should not do anything that is vain (pointless) while telling people you do it under the command of Jehovah, for Jehovah, or with his name or signs anywhere on your flags, clothing or vehicles. In other words, don't go fight a war you can't possibly win with Jehovah's name on your banner.
To do so is to soil the name of Jehovah, to make it less mighty - to make Jehovah look bad or weak.
Exodus 20:12 `Honour thy father and thy mother, so that thy days are prolonged on the ground which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee.
Here it is said that the honoring of the father and the mother increases the number of generations which will survive in the land - what action is described by honoring the parents? How is it that this honoring will lengthen how long the Hebrews stay in the land? Is it in some way related to preventing interbreeding that is too close, keeping in mind who your family line is so that when you take a mate they are not so closely related to you as to cause problems?
Or perhaps it is the opposite - be sure to only breed within this group, do not go outside as it will cause the genetic line to lose it's purity.
Exodus 20:13 `Thou dost not murder. 20:14 `Thou dost not commit adultery. 20:15 `Thou dost not steal. 20:16 `Thou dost not answer against thy neighbour a false testimony. 20:17 `Thou dost not desire the house of thy neighbour, thou dost not desire the wife of thy neighbour, or his man-servant, or his handmaid, or his ox, or his ass, or anything which [is] thy neighbour's.'
All of these commandments relate to interpersonal relations, and if followed should keep the entire population fairly harmonious and peaceful. If they stick to these guidelines, it will prevent most of the negative interactions that people have with each other.
Exodus 20:18 And all the people are seeing the voices, and the flames, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mount smoking; and the people see, and move, and stand afar off, 20:19 and say unto Moses, `Speak thou with us, and we hear, and let not God speak with us, lest we die.' 20:20 And Moses saith unto the people, `Fear not, for to try you hath God come, and in order that His fear may be before your faces -- that ye sin not.'
The people are afraid, and Moses reassures them that their fear of the situation is necessary, god has come to cause it, so that it is a remind to them not to sin or cause problems. Jehovah wants to be feared.
Exodus 20:21 And the people stand afar off, and Moses hath drawn nigh unto the thick darkness where God [is]. 20:22 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Thus dost thou say unto the sons of Israel: Ye -- ye have seen that from the heavens I have spoken with you; 20:23 ye do not make with Me gods of silver, even gods of gold ye do not make to yourselves. 20:24 `An altar of earth thou dost make for Me, and thou hast sacrificed on it thy burnt-offerings and thy peace-offerings, thy flock and thy herd; in every place where I cause My name to be remembered I come in unto thee, and have blessed thee. 20:25 `And if an altar of stones thou dost make to Me, thou dost not build them of hewn work; when thy tool thou hast waved over it, then thou dost pollute it;
Jehovah does not want silver or gold idols made of himself - these are the two metals which are least likely to degrade over time, gold would stay pristine so long as it isn't exposed to corrosive forces, silver would also last a long time but would tarnish and oxidize. If idols had been made of Jehovah in these materials, they would have stood a far better chance of surviving through to today and being discovered - making evidence of Jehovah available. The altars too were to be made of the least sturdy materials, things that would easily be blasted away by natural forces and would not last more long at all.
Exodus 20:31 `And ye are holy men to Me, and flesh torn in the field ye do not eat, to a dog ye do cast it.
An instruction not to eat something which died in the field, probably at a time that you don't know when it died. Man did not yet understand the concept of spoiled meat, so Jehovah explained to them that they should only eat food if they know exactly when it was killed.
Exodus 31:3 and all the people themselves break off the rings of gold which [are] in their ears, and bring in unto Aaron, 31:4 and he receiveth from their hand, and doth fashion it with a graving tool, and doth make it a molten calf, and they say, `These thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.' 31:5 And Aaron seeth, and buildeth an altar before it, and Aaron calleth, and saith, `A festival to Jehovah -- to-morrow;' 31:6 and they rise early on the morrow, and cause burnt-offerings to ascend, and bring nigh peace-offerings; and the people sit down to eat and to drink, and rise up to play. 31:7 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Go, descend, for thy people whom thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt hath done corruptly, 31:8 they have turned aside hastily from the way that I have commanded them; they have made for themselves a molten calf, and bow themselves to it, and sacrifice to it, and say, These thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.'
They make the golden calf, worship it and seem to associate it with Jehovah. Jehovah did not want any images of himself - or any other gods - so whether or not the calf represents Jehovah it would anger him. However, if it does represent Jehovah, is this a tie to the Hindu belief that Brahman appears as a cow at times? Zeus also has appeared as a bull, there are common themes among the gods of various religions and appearing as bovines.
Exodus 31:9 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `I have seen this people, and lo, it [is] a stiff-necked people; 31:10 and now, let Me alone, and My anger doth burn against them, and I consume them, and I make thee become a great nation.' 31:11 And Moses appeaseth the face of Jehovah his God, and saith, `Why, O Jehovah, doth Thine anger burn against Thy people, whom Thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a strong hand? 31:12 why do the Egyptians speak, saying, For evil He brought them out to slay them among mountains, and to consume them from off the face of the ground? turn back from the heat of Thine anger, and repent of the evil against Thy people.
The Egyptians were distrustful of Jehovah - they believed him to have evil intent towards the Hebrews, or evil intent in general. This seems reflected in Pharaoh's unwillingness to let the people worship Jehovah, mirrored today in our culture where we do not like or trust religions that perform animal sacrifices. Here, Jehovah has become angry with the people for disobeying what he has decreed and he threatens to consume everyone but Moses, and make Moses the new start of what he was trying to do with the Hebrews.
Most interestingly, Moses asks Jehovah to "repent of the evil against thy people" - at other places in the Bible it is said or insinuated that the eternal God cannot sin - but if Jehovah is feeling evil towards the Hebrews, and Moses recognizes it and asks him to stop, this is a massive contradiction in ideas about what Jehovah is.
Exodus 33:20 He saith also, `Thou art unable to see My face, for man doth not see Me, and live;' 33:21 Jehovah also saith, `Lo, a place [is] by Me, and thou hast stood on the rock, 33:22 and it hath come to pass, in the passing by of Mine honour, that I have set thee in a cleft of the rock, and spread out My hands over thee, until My passing by, 33:23 and I have turned aside My hands, and thou hast seen My back parts, and My face is not seen.'
There is a lot of care taken that no one know what Jehovah's face looks like, but also that his image not be recreated in any way. However, he clearly has a visible body of some type because of the mention of his "back parts" - but had to maneuver so that Moses wouldn't see his face. This again seems to indicate a being of limited power rather than limitless - could he not have simply not appeared, disguised himself, or moved with such speed that Moses would not have seen him, if he were in fact a being of limitless power and ability?
Who was this being? You'll have to decide for yourself. For me, I do not follow this being nor hold it in high regard, as many of it's actions seem to center on deception and control of the people.
Friday, August 5, 2011
This may be the longest post I've ever made, but it is not my own words that have made it so lengthy.
It is the sheer numbers of mammals, fish, birds, lizards, insects and mollusks on this planet who are threatened and endangered.
It is easy to think of just panda's, tigers, turtles, some fish and butterflies and maybe an ibex when we think of endangered species. It's easy to assume the list isn't that bad and could be printed on a couple of sheets of paper. Well, it can, but in several columns and fairly small print.
I wanted to draw an illustration of as many endangered species as I can, donating a chunk of the profits from selling the original artwork to various organizations working to preserve the species. Then, I saw the list. I realized that it would take the rest of my life to illustrate every one of these species, especially to do so in a 9x12 detailed format as I had originally planned. Even then it is likely I could not finish, especially if more species are added to the list.
Instead, I will be making selections from the list to illustrate and I will attempt to focus on species that are not as well known. Some endangered creatures are quite well known and most dwindle in obscurity. I would like to shed some light on these creatures through visual representation, but also bring a little more awareness of just how many creatures and how much of the variety on earth is endangered. Further information will be posted here as the project develops.
I should not waste any more time and get to the list - it is shockingly long. Please at least scroll through the entire list so that you know just how much we stand to lose.
Endangered/Threatened Creatures of Earth:
Abbott's Booby
Abbott's Duiker
Abbott's Starling
Abdulali's Wrinkled Frog
Abe's Salamander
Aberdare Cisticola
Aberdare Mole Shrew
Abolokopatrika Madagascar Frog
Abor Bug-eyed Frog
Abra Acanacu Marsupial Frog
Abra Malaga Toad
Abronia deppii
Abronia martindelcampoi
Abyssinian Longclaw
Acadian Whitefish
Acancocha Water Frog
Acanthobrama centisquama
Acanthobrama telavivensis
Acanthocyclops hypogeus
Acanthodactylus ahmaddisii
Acanthodactylus mechriguensis
Acanthomyops latipes
Acanthomyops murphyi
Aceh Pheasant
Acha Tugi Long-fingered Frog
Achalas Four-eyed Frog
Achondrostoma arcasii
Achondrostoma occidentale
Acicula norrisi
Acicula palaestinensis
Acilius duvergeri
Ackawaio Stefania Treefrog
Acropora Coral
Actinella anaglyptica
Acultzingo Minute Salamander
Acuminate Snaketail
Acute Elimia
Adam's Shadowdamsel
Adamson's Grunter
Adelaide Pigmy Blue-tongue Skink
Adeleana forcarti
Adelophryne baturitensis
Adelopoma stolli
Adelos Salamander
Aden Gulf Torpedo
Aders' Duiker
Adler's Mottled Treefrog
Admirable False Brook Salamander
Admiralty Cuscus
Adriatic Salmon
Adriatic Sturgeon
Advena charon
Aegean Minnow
Aellen's Roundleaf Bat
Aeolian Wall Lizard
Aeshna yemenensis
Afghan Tortoise
Afghani Mountain Salamander
Africallagma cuneistigma
African Black Oystercatcher
African Blind Barb Fish
African Butter Catfish
African Egg Frog
African Elephant
African Golden Cat
African Gray Parrot
African Green Broadbill
African Lion
African Painted Frog
African Penguin
African Skimmer
African Slender-snouted Crocodile
African Spurred Tortoise
African True Toad
African Viviparous Toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis)
African Wedgefish
African White-bellied Pangolin
African Wild Ass
African Wild Dog
Afrixalus clarkei
Afrixalus lacteus
Afrogyrus rodriguezensis
Afrogyrus starmuehlneri
Agabus clypealis
Agabus discicollis
Agabus hozgargantae
Agassiz's Coral
Agile Gibbon
Agkistrodon bilineatus
Aglaodiaptomus kingsburyae
Aglaodiaptomus marshianus
Agra Bubble-nest Frog
Agriades zullichi
Agriocnemis palaeforma
Agua Rica Leaf Frog
Agulhas Long-billed Lark
Ahl's Reed Frog
Ahuitzotl Salamander
Ailao Spiny Toad
Airsac Catfish
Ala Balik
Ala Shan Redstart
Alabama Cave Shrimp
Alabama Cavefish
Alabama Heelsplitter
Alabama Lampmussel
Alabama Moccasinshell
Alabama Pearl Shell
Alabama Red-belly Turtle
Alabama Shad
Alabama Sturgeon
Alabama Waterdog
Alabama Well Amphipod
Alaena margaritacea
Alagoas Antwren
Alagoas Curassow
Alagoas Foliage-gleaner
Alagoas Tyrannulet
Alajuela Knobtail
Alamosa Springsnail
Alaotra Grebe
Alaotran Gentle Lemur
Alban Cochran Frog
Albanian Water Frog
Alberca Silverside
Albert Lates
Albert's Lyrebird
Albertine Owlet
Alburnus belvica
Alburnus orontis
Alburnus qalilus
Alcatrazes Lancehead
Alcorn's Pocket Gopher
Aldabra Brush Warbler
Aldabra Drongo
Aldabra Flying-fox
Aldabra Giant Tortoise
Alexteroon jynx
Algerian Clubtail
Algerian Nuthatch
Algerian Ribbed Newt
Alicia's Wrinkled Frog
Allacanthos pittieri
Allan's Lerista
Allegheny Woodrat
Allen's Cotton Rat
Allen's River Frog
Allen's Slippery Frog
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Allobates chalcopis
Allocharopa erskinensis
Allodiaptomus satanas
Allpahuayo Antbird
Allyn Smith's Banded Snail
Almirante Trail Toad
Aloeides caledoni
Alona hercegovinae
Alona sketi
Alona smirnovi
Alosa vistonica
Alpine Asian Toad
Alpine Shrew
Alpine Stream Salamander
Alpine Wallaby
Alpine Woolly Rat
Alsodes barrioi
Alsodes montanus
Alsodes nodosus
Alsodes tumultuosus
Alsodes vanzolinii
Alta Verapaz Spikethumb Frog
Altai Weasel
Altamaha Arcmussel
Altamaha Pocketbook
Altamaha Spinymussel
Altamira Yellowthroat
Alto de Buey Poison Frog
Alvarado's Salamander
Alvarez del Toro's Salamander
Alveopora allingi
Alvord Chub
Alzoniella hartwigschuetti
Amami Jay
Amami Spiny Rat
Amami Takachiho Snake
Amami Tip-nosed Frog
Amani Flatwing
Amani Forest Frog
Amani Sunbird
Amargosa Toad
Amargosa Vole
Amarkantak Bubble-nest Frog
Amastrid Land Snail
Amatola Malachite
Amatola Toad
Amazon Climbing Salamander
Amazon Giant Glass Frog
Amazonian Manatee
Amazonian Parrotlet
Amber Darter
Amber Mountain Rock-thrush
Amber-coloured Salamander
Ambohimitombo Bright-eyed Frog
Ambohitantely Stump-toed Frog
Ambon Yellow White-eye
Ambrosi's Cave Salamander
Ambystoma altamirani
Ambystoma bombypellum
Ambystoma mexicanum
Ameerega ingeri
American Bison
American Burying Beetle
American Cinchona Plantation Treefrog
American Crocodile
Amicorum Tree Toad
Amiet's Long-fingered Frog
Amietophrynus djohongensis
Amietophrynus villiersi
Amji Oriental Salamander
Ammersee Kilch
Ampelita fulgurata
Ampelita julii
Ampelita soulaiana
Amphicyclotulus liratus
Amphicyclotulus perplexus
Amphorella iridescens
Amphorella melampoides
Amphorella producta
Amplirhagada astuta
Amplirhagada questroana
Amsterdam Albatross
Amur Sturgeon
Anaecypris hispanica
Anaimalai Flying Frog
Analabe Giant Treefrog
Anamallais Indian Frog
Anambra Waxbill
Anatipes Robber Frog
Anatolia Lycian Salamander
Ancash Water Frog
Anceya terebriformis
Ancient Antwren
Ancient Greenling
Ancylus ashangiensis
Andalgala Water Frog
Andaman Crake
Andaman Crow
Andaman Cuckoo-dove
Andaman Drongo
Andaman Hawk-owl
Andaman Horseshoe Bat
Andaman Rat
Andaman Scops-owl
Andaman Serpent-eagle
Andaman Spiny Shrew
Andaman Treepie
Andaman White-toothed Shrew
Andaman Wood-pigeon
Andaman Woodpecker
Andean Bear
Andean Caenolestid
Andean Cat
Andean Catfish
Andean Condor
Andean Flamingo
Andean Hairy Armadillo
Andean Night Monkey
Andean Poison Frog
Andean Titi Monkey
Anderson's Crocodile Newt
Anderson's Salamander
Anderson's Squirrel
Andes Marsupial Frog
Andes Stubfoot Toad
Andoany Stump-toed Frog
Andrews' Robber Frog
Andringitra Madagascar Frog
Anegada Ground Iguana
Angel Island Mouse
Angel Shark
Angel's Madagascar Frog
Angled Tiger
Angola Cave-chat
Angolan Epauletted Fruit Bat
Angrobia anodonta
Angrobia dyeriana
Angrobia grampianensis
Angrobia petterdi
Anguila Ciega
Angular Angelshark
Angular Dwarf Crayfish
Angular Pebblesnail
Angular Rough Shark
Angulated Tortoise
Anhui Musk Deer
Anisogomphus solitaris
Anita's False Brook Salamander
Anjouan Island Sparrowhawk
Anjouan Scops Owl
Ankarana Sportive Lemur
Ankober Serin
Annam Flying Frog
Annam Leaf Turtle
Annam Spadefoot Toad
Annandale's Paa Frog
Annobon White-eye
Annual Tropical Killifish
Anomaloglossus beebei
Anoplolepis nuptialis
Ansell's Shrew
Ansonia guibei
Ansonia latidisca
Antado Stubfoot Toad
Antafia Sportive Lemur
Anthias regalis
Anthias salmopunctatus
Anthony's Riversnail
Antichthonidris bidentatus
Antiguan Racer
Antioquia Bristle-tyrant
Antioquia Giant Glass Frog
Antioquia Marsupial Frog
Antipodean Albatross
Antipodes Green Parakeet
Antiponemertes allisonae
Antrisocopia prehensilis
Antrobia breweri
Antrobia culveri
Antsingy Leaf Chameleon
Apache Trout
Apalachicola Cave Crayfish
Apaporis River Caiman
Apeco Oldfield Mouse
Apennine Chamois
Aphaenogaster bidentatus
Aphanius almiriensis
Api Dwarf Toad
Aplastodiscus eugenioi
Apo Myna
Apo Sunbird
Apolinar's Marsh-wren
Apollo Butterfly
Apostates Robber Frog
Appalachian Cottontail
Appalachian Elktoe
Appalachian Monkeyface Pearlymussel
Appalachian Snaketail
Appert's Tetraka
Aprada Stefania Treefrog
Apron Ray
Apurimac Spinetail
Aquadulcaris pheronyx
Aquatic Box Turtle
Aquatic False Brook Salamander
Aquatic Rat
Aquatic Tenrec
Aquatic Treefrog
Aquatic Warbler
Arabian Gazelle
Arabian Grosbeak
Arabian Oryx
Arabian Tahr
Arabian Woodpecker
Arachnothelphusa melanippe
Aragua Glass Frog
Arakan Forest Turtle
Aran Rock Lizard
Araripe Manakin
Aratathomas's Yellow Shouldered Bat
Araucaria Tit-spinetail
Arawacus aethesa
Arboreal Minute Salamander
Arboreal Splayfoot Salamander
Arcane Spikethumb Frog
Archachatina bicarinata
Archbold's Bowerbird
Archer's Lark
Archey's Frog
Arctodiaptomus burduricus
Arend's Golden Mole
Arfak Rainbowfish
Arfak Ringtail
Arganiella exilis
Argentine Angel Shark
Argentine Tortoise
Argentine Tuco-tuco
Argentine Water Frog
Arico Water Frog
Arinia biplicata
Arinia boreoborneensis
Arinia dentifera
Arinia oviformis
Arinia simplex
Arinia streptaxiformis
Arisan Oriental Salamander
Aristochromis Deep
Arius bonillai
Arius festinus
Arius uncinatus
Arizona Cave Amphipod
Arizona Giant Sand Treader Cricket
Arizona Striped Whiptail
Arkansas Fatmucket
Arlequinus krebsi
Armadillo Girdled Lizard
Armenian Birch Mouse
Armenian Myotis
Armigerous River Snail
Armored Snail
Armoured Frog
Armsia petasus
Arnhem Land Rock Rat
Arnhem Leaf-nosed Bat
Arno Goby
Arnold's Paa Frog
Arntully Robber Frog
Arodi Bubble-nest Frog
Aromobates alboguttatus
Arrogant Shrew
Arroyo Southwestern Toad
Arthroleptis francei
Arthur River Freshwater Snail
Arthur's Stubfoot Toad
Arthurs Paragalaxias
Aru Flying Fox
Aruba Island Rattlesnake
Arubolana imula
Arum Reed Frog
Arunachal Macaque
Ascension Frigatebird
Ash Meadows Pebblesnail
Ash's Lark
Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant
Ash-throated Antwren
Ashaninka Oldfield Mouse
Ashy Antwren
Ashy Darter
Ashy Storm-petrel
Ashy Thrush
Ashy-breasted Flycatcher
Ashy-headed Laughingthrush
Asia Minor Ground Squirrel
Asiagomphus yayeyamensis
Asian Bonytongue
Asian Dowitcher
Asian Elephant
Asian Giant Softshell Turtle
Asian Giant Tortoise
Asian Golden Cat
Asian Golden Weaver
Asian Green Broadbill
Asian Leopard Cat
Asian Small-clawed Otter
Asian Tapir
Asian Wild Ass
Asiatic Black Bear
Asiatic Lion
Asiatic Short-tailed Shrew
Asiatic Softshell Turtle
Aslauga australis
Asoka Barb
Aspatharia divaricata
Aspatharia subreniformis
Assam Macaque
Assam Roofed Turtle
Astacoides crosnieri
Astreopora cucullata
Astylosternus fallax
Atacama Myotis
Atelognathus jeinimenensis
Atelopus angelito
Atherton Antechinus
Atif's Lycian Salamander
Atitlan Grebe
Atiu Swiftlet
Atlantasellus cavernicolus
Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Halibut
Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin
Atlantic Petrel
Atlantic Pigtoe
Atlantic Royal Flycatcher
Atlantic Salmon
Atlantic Sawtail Catshark
Atlantic Titi
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross
Atlas Day Gecko
Atlas Dwarf Lizard
Atlas Dwarf Viper
Atlas Goldenring
Atlas Pebblesnail
Atoll Fruit-dove
Atoll Starling
Atopophrynus syntomopus
Atoyac Minute Salamander
Atrophaneura atropos
Atyid Shrimp
Auckland Island Rail
Auckland Islands Shag
Auckland Islands Teal
Audouin's Gull
Aulonocara aquilonium
Aurelio's Rock Lizard
Austen's Brown Hornbill
Austin Blind Salamander
Austin's Shadowdamsel
Austral Rail
Australasian Bittern
Australian Ant
Australian Bustard
Australian Freshwater Limpet
Australian Grayling
Australian Lace-lid
Australian Sea-lion
Australian Snubfin Dolphin
Australogyra zelli
Australomussa rowleyensis
Austroassiminea letha
Austrolebias cinereus
Austrosaga spinifer
Austrothelphusa tigrina
Avalon Hairstreak
Avotrichodactylus oaxensis
Awash Multimammate Mouse
Ayampe Poison Frog
Ayanganna Stefania Treefrog
Aylacostoma chloroticum
Ayres Black Uakari
Azara's Tuco-tuco
Azorean Bat
Azores Bullfinch
Azores Wood Pigeon
Azuay Marsupial Frog
Azuay Stubfoot Toad
Azulita Salamander
Azure Jay
Azure-breasted Pitta
Azure-rumped Tanager
Azure-shouldered Tanager
Babault's Mouse Shrew
Babina subaspera
Bachman's Sparrow
Bachman's Wood Warbler
Back-striped Sportive Lemur
Bactrian Camel
Badplaas Black Millipede
Badwater Snail
Baer's Pochard
Baer's Wood Mouse
Baetica ustulata
Bagre De Rio Verde
Bagre De Yaqui
Bagrecito Andes Frog
Bahama Swallow
Bahaman Lesser Funnel-eared Bat
Bahamas Rock Iguana
Bahamian Hutia
Bahia Antwren
Bahia Spinetail
Bahia Tapaculo
Bahia Tyrannulet
Baikal Teal
Bailey's Shrew
Bailey's Snake
Baird's Trogon
Baja California Legless Lizard
Baja California Rock Squirrel
Baja California Whiptail
Baja Verapaz Salamander
Baker's Robber Frog
Baker's Small Toothed Harvest Mouse
Bakossi Reed Frog
Balabac Mouse Deer
Balbalan Frog
Balcones Cave Amphipod
Balcones Cave Shrimp
Bald Parrot
Bald Uakari
Bale Monkey
Bale Mountains Frog
Bale Mountains Tree Frog
Bale Shrew
Balearic Shearwater
Balkan Blind Mole Rat
Balkan Snow Vole
Ball Bearing Frog
Balloon Frog
Balsas Armed Lizard
Balsas Screech-owl
Balsas Splitfin
Baltic Sturgeon
Balu Flying Frog
Baluchistan Forest Dormouse
Bamboutos Egg Frog
Bamboutos Smalltongue Toad
Bamenda Reed Frog
Bamileke Plateau Frog
Banahao Forest Frog
Banana Bat
Bananal Antbird
Banbury Springs Limpet
Band-bellied Crake
Band-tailed Antwren
Banded Cotinga
Banded Day Gecko
Banded Eagle Ray
Banded Elimia
Banded Flying Frog
Banded Green Sunbird
Banded Ground-cuckoo
Banded Hare Wallaby
Banded Horned Treefrog
Banded Neolebias
Banded Palm Civit
Banded Surili
Banded Toed Gecko
Banded Wattle-eye
Banded White-eye
Banded Wobbegong
Bandula Barb
Banggai Cardinalfish
Banggai Crow
Bangs's Mountain Squirrel
Bangwa Forest Warbler
Bank Cormorant
Banks Flying Fox
Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rat
Bannerman's Turaco
Bannerman's Weaver
Baoruco Burrowing Frog
Baoruco Hammer Frog
Bar-tailed Pheasant
Bar-winged Wood-wren
Barabattoia laddi
Baracoa Dwarf Frog
Barahona Rock Frog
Baramundi Cod
Barau's Petrel
Barbados Racer
Barbados Yellow Warbler
Barbary Macaque
Barbary Serval
Barbary Sheep
Barbatula eregliensis
Barbus acuticeps
Barber's Sheep Frog
Barbour's Forest Treefrog
Barbour's Seahorse
Barbour's Vlei Rat
Barbuda Warbler
Bardick Snake
Bare-backed Rousette
Bare-eyed Myna
Bare-necked Umbrellabird
Bare-throated Bellbird
Bareback Shovelnose Ray
Barker's Anole
Barnard's Rock-catfish
Barndoor Winter Skate
Barr's Cave Amphipod
Barred Bandicoot
Barred Danio
Barred Galaxias
Barrens Topminnow
Barrington Land Iguana
Barrio's Frog
Bartels's Rat
Barton Springs Salamander
Basecamp Giant Glass Frog
Basking Shark
Basra Reed Warbler
Bastard Sturgeon
Bastrop Crayfish
Bat Cave Isopod
Bates's Weaver
Bath County Cave Amphipod
Bathanalia howesi
Bathurst Copper
Batrachophrynus brachydactylus
Batrachuperus cochranae
Batrachus uranoscopus
Baudo Guan
Baudo Oropendola
Bavarian Pine Vole
Baw Baw Frog
Bay Lycian Salamander
Bay-breasted Cuckoo
Bay-capped Wren-spinetail
Bay-ringed Tyrannulet
Bay-vented Cotinga
Bayadera ishigakiana
Be'er Sheva Fringe-fingered Lizard
Beach Mouse
Beach Thick-knee
Beach Vole
Beal's-eyed Turtle
Bear Lake Sculpin
Bearded Black Millipede
Bearded Guan
Bearded Red Crayfish
Bearded Saki
Bearded Screech-owl
Bearded Tachuri
Bearded Wood-partridge
Beaudouin's Snake-eagle
Beautiful Crayfish
Beautiful Jay
Beautiful Mantella
Beautiful Nursery-frog
Beautiful Nuthatch
Beautiful Parachute Spider
Beautiful Petaltail
Beautiful Shiner
Beautiful Treerunner
Beccari's Margareta Rat
Bechstein's Bat
Beck's Petrel
Beck's Treefrog
Beddome's Bubble-nest Frog
Beddome's Toad
Beddomeia hullii
Beddomeia salmonis
Bedford's Paradise-flycatcher
Bedford-russell's Tree-nymph
Bednall's Land Snail
Bedotia geayi
Bedotia madagascariensis
Bedotia marojejy
Bedotia masoala
Bedotia sp. nov. 'Ankavia-Ankavanana'
Bedotia tricolor
Bedriaga's Fringe-fingered Lizard
Bedriaga's Rock Lizard
Bedriaga's Skink
Bee Creek Cave Harvestman
Bee Hummingbird
Beira Antelope
Beisa Oryx
Bekko Tombo
Belding's Yellowthroat
Belgrandiella alticola
Belkin's Dune Tabanid Fly
Bell's False Brook Salamander
Bell's Vireo
Bellamya constricta
Belle's Sanddragon
Belly-spotted Treefrog
Belted Flycatcher
Bemaraha Woolly Lemur
Benavony Bright-eyed Frog
Bendire's Thrasher
Bendrao Digging Frog
Bengal Florican
Bengal Monitor
Bengal Ornamental
Bengal Roof Turtle
Bengal Slow Loris
Beni Titi Monkey
Benkulen Toad
Bennett's Tree Kangaroo
Bentfin Devil Ray
Benton County Cave Crayfish
Berg River Redfin
Berg's Tuco-tuco
Berger's Cape Tortoise
Berlepsch's Canastero
Bermuda Cave Amphipod
Bermuda Rock Lizard
Bernhard's Mantella
Bernier's Vanga
Berry Cave Salamander
Betampona Burrowing Frog
Betic Midwife Toad
Betsileo Bright-eyed Frog
Betsileo Digging Frog
Betta burdigala
Bhutan Giant Flying Squirrel
Biak Bare-backed Fruit Bat
Biak Black Flycatcher
Biak Coucal
Biak Dark Crow
Biak Giant Rat
Biak Megapode
Biak Monarch
Biak Paradise-kingfisher
Biak Scops-owl
Biak Threespot Crow
Biak Tiger
Biak White-eye
Bibron's Toadlet
Bicknell's Thrush
Bicol Narrowmouth Toad
Bicolor Cactus Snail
Bicolored Antpitta
Bicoloured Antvireo
Bicoloured Frog
Bienkotetrix transsylvanicus
Bifurcated Cave Amphipod
Big Bend Gambusia
Big Bend Slider
Big Blue Spring Cave Crayfish
Big Deer Mouse
Big Levels Salamander
Big Mexican Small-eared Shrew
Big Pine Key Conehead Katydid
Big Pocket Gopher
Big Sandy Crayfish
Big South Fork Crayfish
Big White Fish
Big-cheeked Cave Crayfish
Big-eared Chirping Frog
Big-eyed Forest Treefrog
Big-footed Minute Salamander
Big-headed Amazon River Turtle
Big-headed Mole Rat
Big-headed Turtle
Bigeye Lates
Bigeye Tuna
Bigfoot Leopard Frog
Bigfoot Splayfoot Salamander
Bighorn Sheep
Bignose Fanskate
Binchuan Horned Toad
Bioko Forest Shrew
Biomphalaria barthi
Biomphalaria tchadiensis
Birdlike Noctule
Birdsnest Coral
Birdwing Pearlymussel
Bismarck Flying Fox
Bismarck Giant Rat
Bismarck Kingfisher
Bismarck Masked-owl
Bismarck Melidectes
Bismarck Thicketbird
Bizant River Shark
Black Abalone
Black And Rufous Elephant Shrew
Black Caiman
Black Catbird
Black Clubshell
Black Cod
Black Colobus Monkey
Black Creek Crayfish
Black Crested Gibbon
Black Crested Mangabey
Black Crowned-crane
Black Dorcopsis Wallaby
Black False Brook Salamander
Black Finless Porpoise
Black Flathead Toad
Black Giant Squirrel
Black Grouper
Black Guan
Black Harrier
Black Honey-buzzard
Black Hornbill
Black Inca
Black Jackrabbit
Black Jumping Salamander
Black Knobby Newt
Black Lemur
Black Long-fingered Frog
Black Magpie
Black Marsh Turtle
Black Mogurnda
Black Mountain Boulder Frog
Black Mudalia
Black Munia
Black Muntjac
Black Musk Deer
Black Oriole
Black Partridge
Black Racer
Black Rail
Black Rhinoceros
Black Rockfish
Black Salamander
Black Sea Bass
Black Sea Viper
Black Shama
Black Sicklebill
Black Softshell Turtle
Black Solitary Eagle
Black Squirrel Monkey
Black Stilt
Black Tinamou
Black Toad
Black Torrent Toad
Black Wallaroo
Black Water Frog
Black-and-chestnut Eagle
Black-and-gold Cotinga
Black-and-gold Tanager
Black-and-rufous Flycatcher
Black-and-tawny Seedeater
Black-and-white Bulbul
Black-and-white Monarch
Black-and-white Monjita
Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur
Black-and-white Tanager
Black-and-yellow Broadbill
Black-backed Shadowdamsel
Black-backed Tanager
Black-banded Bannerwing
Black-banded Barbet
Black-banded Flycatcher
Black-bearded Flying Fox
Black-bellied Malkoha
Black-bellied Seedeater
Black-bellied Tern
Black-bibbed Cicadabird
Black-billed Amazon
Black-billed Flycatcher
Black-billed Gull
Black-blotched Stingray
Black-bodied Woodpecker
Black-breasted Buttonquail
Black-breasted Hill Turtle
Black-breasted Parrotbill
Black-breasted Puffleg
Black-browed Albatross
Black-capped Petrel
Black-capped Piprites
Black-capped Vireo
Black-cheeked Ant-tanager
Black-cheeked Lovebird
Black-chested Honeyeater
Black-chinned Monarch
Black-clawed Brush-furred Rat
Black-crest Elimia
Black-crowned Barwing
Black-crowned Dwarf Marmoset
Black-eared Mantella
Black-eared Miner
Black-eyed Treefrog
Black-faced Black Spider Monkey
Black-faced Impala
Black-faced Pitta
Black-faced Spoonbill
Black-Finned Goodeid
Black-footed Albatross
Black-footed Cat
Black-footed Ferret
Black-footed Gray Langur
Black-footed Rock Wallaby
Black-footed Tree Rat
Black-fronted Piping-guan
Black-fronted Tern
Black-fronted Titi Monkey
Black-fronted Wood-quail
Black-handed Tamarin
Black-headed Berryeater
Black-headed Ibis
Black-headed Parrotbill
Black-headed Rufous Warbler
Black-headed Uakari
Black-hooded Antwren
Black-hooded Coucal
Black-hooded Laughingthrush
Black-horned Capuchin
Black-legged Dacnis
Black-legged Poison Frog
Black-lored Parrot
Black-masked Finch
Black-necked Crane
Black-necked Stork
Black-polled Yellowthroat
Black-snouted Flying Frog
Black-spectacled Brush-finch
Black-spotted Cuscus
Black-spotted False Brook Salamander
Black-spotted Newt
Black-spotted Pond Frog
Black-striped Squirrel
Black-tailed Antbird
Black-tailed Deer Mouse
Black-tailed Godwit
Black-tailed Hutia
Black-thighed Puffleg
Black-throated Babbler
Black-throated Blue Robin
Black-throated Finch
Black-throated Shrikebill
Black-throated Wren-babbler
Black-vented Shearwater
Black-webbed Treefrog
Black-winged Lory
Black-winged Pratincole
Black-winged Starling
Black-wristed Deer Mouse
Blackbarred Crayfish
Blackbelly Garter Snake
Blackbelted Crayfish
Blackburn's Sphinx Moth
Blackchin Guitarfish
Blackfin Pupfish
Blackish Shrew Opossum
Blackish-blue Seedeater
Blackish-breasted Babbler
Blackish-headed Spinetail
Blackmouth Shiner
Blacksaddled Coral Grouper
Blackspot Shark
Blackspot Skate
Blackspot Tuskfish
Blackspotted Long-fingered Frog
Blakiston's Fish-owl
Blanc's Fringe-toed Lizard
Blanc's Sand Racer
Blastomussa wellsi
Bleeding Toad
Bleher's Rainbowfish
Blick's Grass Rat
Blind Cave Beetle
Blind Cave Fish
Blind Loach
Blind Naked-belly Barbel
Bliss Rapid Snail
Blommers Bright-eyed Frog
Blond Titi Monkey
Blonde Capuchin
Blotched Mogurnda
Blotchside Logperch
Blue Bird-of-paradise
Blue Bustard
Blue Chaffinch
Blue Coral
Blue Crane
Blue Duck
Blue Finch
Blue Giant Glass Frog
Blue Lorikeet
Blue Mountain Vireo
Blue Mountain Water Skink
Blue Paradise-flycatcher
Blue Ridge Gray-cheeked Salamander
Blue Shiner
Blue Skate
Blue Spring Aphaostracon
Blue Swallow
Blue Whale
Blue-and-gold Tanager
Blue-and-orange Threadtail
Blue-banded Kingfisher
Blue-bellied Parrot
Blue-billed Curassow
Blue-billed Duck
Blue-capped Fruit-dove
Blue-capped Hummingbird
Blue-cheeked Amazon
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-eyed Aquatic Treefrog
Blue-eyed Cockatoo
Blue-eyed Cuscus
Blue-eyed Ground Dove
Blue-eyed Spotted Cuscus
Blue-faced Rail
Blue-fronted Lorikeet
Blue-headed Macaw
Blue-headed Pitta
Blue-headed Quail-dove
Blue-headed Racquet-tail
Blue-legged Mantella
Blue-masked Leafbird
Blue-naped Parrot
Blue-rumped Parrot
Blue-sided Treefrog
Blue-spotted Mexican Treefrog
Blue-streaked Lory
Blue-throated Macaw
Blue-throated Parakeet
Blue-whiskered Tanager
Blue-winged Goose
Blue-winged Macaw
Blue-winged Racquet-tail
Bluebarred Pygmy Sunfish
Bluegrass Crayfish
Bluegray Carpetshark
Bluemask Darter
Bluespotted Bamboo Shark
Bluestripe Darter
Bluetail Glass Barb
Blunt-eared Bat
Blunt-headed Salamander
Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard
Blunt-toed Chirping Frog
Bluntnose Shiner
Blyth's Flying Fox
Blyth's Kingfisher
Blyth's River Frog
Blyth's Tragopan Pheasant
Blythe River Freshwater Snail
Bobiri Reed Frog
Boca de Yumuri Frog
Bocaccio Rockfish
Boeckella bispinosa
Boeseman's Rainbowfish
Boettger's Grainy Frog
Boettgeria obesiuscula
Bofilliella subarcuata
Bog Turtle
Bogidiella bermudensis
Bogota Rail
Bogota Treefrog
Boisduval's Blue Butterfly
Bokermann's Bromeliad Frogs
Bokermannohyla izecksohni
Bokermannohyla vulcaniae
Bolano's Woodrat
Bold Characodon
Bolifamba Egg Frog
Bolivar Bush Toad
Bolivian Chinchilla Rat
Bolivian Recurvebill
Bolivian Spinetail
Bolivian Water Frog
Bolson Tortoise
Bombay Bubble-nest Frog
Bone Cave Harvestman
Boneberg's Frog
Bonetto's Tuco-tuco
Bonhote's Mouse
Bonin Flying Fox
Bonin White-eye
Boninagrion ezoin
Boninena callistoderma
Boninosuccinea ogasawarae
Bonthain Tiger
Bonytail Chub
Boophis tampoka
Booroolong Frog
Booted Macaque
Bopatalawa Rice Frog
Boqueron Robber Frog
Boquete Rocket Frog
Borax Lake Chub
Borbour's Montane Pitviper
Bordered Knob-tipped Shadowdamsel
Boreal Toad
Boreas uglowi
Boribory Rain Frog
Bornean Banded Langur
Bornean Bristlehead
Bornean Flat-headed Frog
Bornean Frogmouth
Bornean Ground-cuckoo
Bornean Leaf-nosed Bat
Bornean Orangutan
Bornean Peacock-pheasant
Bornean River Turtle
Bornean Slow Loris
Bornean Water Shrew
Bornean Wren-babbler
Borneo Bay Cat
Borneo Bubble-nest Frog
Borneo Narrowmouth Toad
Borneo Shark
Borneo Splash Frog
Boroda expatria
Bot River Klipfish
Botha's Lark
Bothriembryon bradshaweri
Bottiella cucutensis
Bottiella medemi
Bottlenose Skate
Botucatu Escuerzo
Boucardicus albocinctus
Bougainville Bush-warbler
Bougainville Giant Rat
Bougainville Monkey-faced Bat
Bougainville Thicketbird
Boulder Darter
Boulder Pile Mountain Snail
Boulenger's Backpack Frog
Boulenger's Egg Frog
Boulenger's Indian Frog
Boulenger's Rocket Frog
Boulenger's Small Flying Frog
Boulenger's Spiny Frog
Boulenger's Stubfoot Toad
Bounty Islands Shag
Bourlon's Genet
Bousfield's Amphipod
Bowhead Whale
Bowman's Cave Amphipod
Bowmouth Guitarfish
Bowry Creek Freshwater Snail
Boxer Pupfish
Boyaca Giant Glass Frog
Bracket Coral
Bradytriton silus
Braken Bat Cave Meshweaver
Bramble Cay Mosaic-tailed Rat
Branchinecta belki
Branching Anchor Coral
Branching Frogspawn Coral
Brandt's Hamster
Brash Bubble-nest Frog
Brasilia Lyrefin
Brasilia Tapaculo
Brass's Friarbird
Brauer's Burrowing Skink
Braun's Toad
Brawleys Fork Crayfish
Brazilian Arboreal Mouse
Brazilian Black-tyrant
Brazilian Blind Electric Ray
Brazilian Button Frog
Brazilian Cownose Ray
Brazilian Funnel-eared Bat
Brazilian Giant Tortoise
Brazilian Guitarfish
Brazilian Merganser
Brazilian River Frog
Brazilian Sideneck Turtle
Brazilian Snake-necked Turtle
Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo
Brazilian Three-toed Sloth
Brazoria Crayfish
Brazos River Watersnake
Breasts-of-Julie Frog
Breedlove's Anole
Brenton Blue Butterfly
Breyer's Long-tailed Seps
Brick Seamoth
Bridges's Degu
Bridled Nail-tailed Wallaby
Bridled White-eye
Bridouxia ponsonbyi
Bridouxia praeclara
Brigalow Scaly-foot
Brindle Bass
Brine Shrimp
Bristle-thighed Curlew
Bristle-tipped Sanddargon
Bristled Grassbird
Broad River Spiny Crayfish
Broad Sea Fan
Broad-fingered Crayfish
Broad-headed Snake
Broad-snouted Caiman
Broad-striped Dasyure
Broad-striped Mongoose
Broad-tailed Grassbird
Broad-toothed Mouse
Broadfoot Climbing Salamander
Broadley's Mountain Frog
Broadley's Ridged Frog
Broadnose Wedgefish
Bromeliad Treefrog
Brongersma's Toad
Bronze Quoll
Bronze Tube-nosed Bat
Bronze Whaler
Bronzeback Snake-lizard
Bronzed Frog
Brook Elimia
Brook Snake
Brooks's Dyak Fruit Bat
Broom Hare
Brother's Island Tuatara
Brown Bear
Brown Eared Pheasant
Brown False Brook Salamander
Brown Fulvetta
Brown Hyena
Brown Madagascar Frog
Brown Mesite
Brown Palm Civet
Brown Pelican
Brown Robber Frog
Brown Stingray
Brown Tanager
Brown Teal
Brown Tropical Frog
Brown Wood-rail
Brown's Hutia
Brown-backed Dove
Brown-backed Flowerpecker
Brown-backed Parrotlet
Brown-banded Antpitta
Brown-cheeked Hornbill
Brown-chested Jungle-flycatcher
Brown-headed Crow
Brown-headed Spider Monkey
Brown-marbled Grouper
Brown-reticulate Stingray
Brown-spotted Catshark
Brown-spotted Rockcod
Brown-tailed Mongoose
Brown-winged Kingfisher
Brownband Numbfish
Brownstriped Grunt
Bruijn's Brush-turkey
Bruijn's Pogonomelomys
Brumback's Night Monkey
Bruneau Hot Springsnail
Brush-tailed Phascogale
Brush-tailed Rabbit Rat
Brush-tailed Rat-kangaroo
Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby
Bryant's Woodrat
Bryophryne bustamantei
Bryophryne cophites
Bubble Coral
Bubble-nest Frog
Buckley's Giant Glass Frog
Buea Smalltongue Toad
Buena Vista Lake Ornate Shrew
Buenaventura Robber Frog
Buenos Aires Leaf-eared Mouse
Buettikofer's Shrew
Buff-breasted Buttonquail
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Tody-tyrant
Buff-browed Chachalaca
Buff-headed Capuchin
Buff-necked Woodpecker
Buff-throated Purpletuft
Buff-throated Tody-tyrant
Buff-vented Bulbul
Buffetia retinaculum
Buffy-fronted Seedeater
Buffy-headed Marmoset
Bugun Liocichla
Bulinus camerunensis
Bulinus hightoni
Bulinus mutandensis
Bulinus nyassanus
Bulinus succinoides
Bulinus transversalis
Buller's Albatross
Buller's Chipmunk
Buller's Shearwater
Bullocks Mountains False Toad
Bullseye Electric Ray
Bulmer's Fruit Bat
Bulo Burti Bush-shrike
Bumblebee Bat
Bumphead Parrotfish
Bunawan Wart Frog
Bunn's Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat
Burmagomphus sivalikensis
Burmeister's Armadillo
Burmese Peacock Softshell Turtle
Burmese Peacock Turtle
Burmese Roofed Turtle
Burmese Starred Tortoise
Burnsville Cove Cave Amphipod
Burnup's Hunter Slug
Burnupia crassistriata
Burnupia stuhlmanni
Burrowes' Giant Glass Frog
Burrowing Bog Crayfish
Burrowing Crayfish
Burrowing Grainy Frog
Burrowing Vole
Burt's Deer Mouse
Burton's Vlei Rat
Buru Cuckooshrike
Buru Opalescent Birdwing
Buru Thrush
Bush Blackcap
Bush Dog
Bush Thick-knee
Bushoho Reed Frog
Busuanga Wart Frog
Butler's Dunnart
Buttons Rivulet Freshwater Snail
Buxton's Jird
Buzzing Frog
Bythinella badensis
Bythiospeum acicula
Caalaya Andes Frog
Caatinga Antwren
Cabo Cruz Frog
Cabot's Tragopan Pheasant
Cabrera's Hutia
Cabrera's Vole
Cacao Shadowdamsel
Caddo Madtom
Caddo Mountain Salamander
Caecocypris basimi
Caerulean Paradise Flycatcher
Cagle's Map Turtle
Cahaba Shiner
Cainarachi Poison Frog
Cairns Rainbowfish
Cajamarca Water Frog
Calayan Rail
Calconiscellus gotscheensis
Caldwellia imperfecta
Calf Frog
Calico Grouper
Calientes Water Frog
California Bay Pea Crab
California Condor
California Freshwater Shrimp
California Giant Salamander
California Red Tree Mouse
California Red-legged Frog
California Sheephead
California Tiger Salamander
Callippe Silverspot Butterfly
Callulina kisiwamsitu
Callulops kopsteini
Calopteryx exul
Calvert's Emerald
Cambarus cymatilis
Cambodian Laughingthrush
Cameron Highlands Niviventer
Cameroon Clawless Otter
Cameroon Climbing Mouse
Cameroon Egg Frog
Cameroon Montane Greenbul
Cameroon Range Night Frog
Cameroon Slippery Frog
Cameroon Soft-furred Mouse
Cameroon Toad
Cameroon Water Frog
Cameroon Wolterstorff Toad
Cameroonian Forest Shrew
Cameroonian Shrew
Camiguin Forest Mouse
Camiguin Forest Rat
Camouflage Grouper
Camp Shelby Burrowing Crayfish
Campbell Albatross
Campbell Island Shag
Campbell Island Teal
Campbell's Forest Toad
Campeche Spiny-tailed Iguana
Campo Grande Button Frog
Campo Grande Treefrog
Campo Miner
Camponotus universitatis
CamRiver Freshwater Snail
Camron Climbing Salamander
Canarian Black Oystercatcher
Canarian Shrew
Canary Big-eared Bat
Canary Islands Large White
Canasi Frog
Candidula setubalensis
Canebrake Groundcreeper
Cannatella's Andes Frog
Cannatella's Plump Toad
Cantareus mazzullii
Canterbury Mudfish
Cantharellus noumeae
Canthigaster rapaensis
Canthocamptus dedeckkeri
Cantor's Giant Softshell
Canut's Horseshoe Bat
Cape Caco
Cape Cormorant
Cape Fear Shiner
Cape Flats Frog
Cape Gannet
Cape Melville Treefrog
Cape Platanna
Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow
Cape Seahorse
Cape Shark
Cape Stag Beetle
Cape Thorntail
Cape Verde Shearwater
Cape Verde Warbler
Cape Vulture
Cape York Rock Wallaby
Caper Elimia
Capoeta antalyensis
Capped Langur
Captain Fine
Carabaya Stubfoot Toad
Carabo Beetle
Carabobo Climbing Salamander
Carbonell's Wall Lizard
Carbonera Pupfish
Carchi Andes Frog
Carchi Andes Toad
Carchi Rocket Frog
Cardiocondyla zoserka
Caribbean Coot
Caribbean Electric Ray
Caribbean Monk Seal
Caribbean Reef Shark
Carinotrachia carsoniana
Carinurella paradoxa
Carmen Mountain Shrew
Carolina Heelsplitter
Caroline Islands Ground-dove
Carpentarian False Antechinus
Carpentarian Grasswren
Carpentarian Rock Rat
Carpetane Rock Lizard
Carphish Frog
Carpione Del Garda
Carrizal Seedeater
Carson Wandering Skipper
Cartago Knobtail
Cartago Worm Salamander
Carunculated Fruit-dove
Carvalho's Slider
Carvalhoi Tree Toad
Cascade Cave Amphipod
Cascade Caverns Salamander
Cascade Torrent Salamander
Cascade Tree Frog
Cascades Frog
Caseolus calculus
Caseolus commixtus
Caseolus subcalliferus
Caspian Lamprey
Caspian Seal
Cassin's Finch
Castalia martensi
Castillon Robber Frog
Cat Island Turtle
Cat's Eye Cynarina Coral
Cataglyphis hannae
Catalina Deer Mouse
Catalina Mountain Snail
Catamarca Water Frog
Cataract Gorge Freshwater Snail
Cataract Gorge Snail
Cataract Hooktail
Catspaw Pearlymussel
Cauca Guan
Cauca Poison Frog
Cauca Rocket Frog
Caucasian Birch Mouse
Caucasian Black Grouse
Caucasian Mountain Ground Squirrel
Caucasian Salamander
Caucasian Viper
Caulastrea connata
Cauliflower Coral
Cave Catfish
Cave Physa
Cave Spikethumb Frog
Cave Squeaker Frog
Cave Tropical Night Lizard
Cave Wrinkled Ground Frog
Cayenne Stubfoot Toad
Cayey Robber Frog
Cayman Island Ground Iguana
Cayman Islands Ground Iguana
Cebu Flowerpecker
Cecilioides connollyi
Cecilioides eulima
Cedros Island Mule Deer
Ceiba Stream Frog
Celaque Climbing Salamander
Celebes Crested Macaque
Celebes Cross Frog
Celebes Tortoise
Celestial Monarch
Central American River Turtle
Central American Snapping Turtle
Central American Tapir
Central Coast Stubfoot Toad
Central Humming Frog
Central Kashmir Vole
Central Missouri Cave Amphipod
Central Rock Rat
Central Sulawesi Echiothrix
Centrolene mariaelenae
Centrolene robledoi
Cephalaeschna acutifrons
Cephalakompsus pachycheilus
Cerambyx Longicorn
Ceratophallus socotrensis
Ceres Featherlegs
Cerion nanus
Ceron's Glass Lizard
Cerro de Enmedio Moss Salamander
Cerro Munchique Marsupial Frog
Cerro Pando Salamander
Cerro Pando Worm Salamander
Cerro Pital Salamander
Cerro Pozo de Agua Moss Salamander
Cerro Saslaya Moss Salamander
Cerulean Warbler
Ceuthonectes rouchi
Ceylon Jungle Shrew
Ceylon Pygmy Shrew
Ceylon Spiny Mouse
Ceylon Streamlined Frog
Ceylonthelphusa alpina
Chaceus ibiricensis
Chaco Side-necked Turtle
Chaco Water Frog
Chacoan Naked-tailed Armadillo
Chacoan Peccary
Chacoan Pygmy Opossum
Chaetodon obliquus
Chalazodes Bubble-nest Frog
Chalcides simonyi
Chalepoxenus brunneus
Chamula Mountain Brook Frog
Chaney's Spiny Lizard
Chantaburi Bug-eyed Frog
Chapa Bug-eyed Frog
Chapa Spiny Frog
Chapin's Flycatcher
Chapin's Mountain-babbler
Chapman's Prehensile Tailed Hutia
Charadrahyla nephila
Charal De Alchichica
Charal De La Preciosa
Charal De Quechulac
Charalito Chihuahua
Charalito Saltillo
Charalito Sonorense
Charazani Treefrog
Charles Darwin's Eastern Frog
Charming Thicket Rat
Charta Treefrog
Chat Tanager
Chatham Albatross
Chatham Island Black Robin
Chatham Island Pied Oystercatcher
Chatham Island Pigeon
Chatham Island Snipe
Chatham Islands Shag
Chatham Parakeet
Chatham Petrel
Chathams Galaxias
Chatooga Crayfish
Chattahoochee Crayfish
Chattering Lory
Cheat Mountain Salamander
Checkered Pupfish
Checkered Sengi
Cheer Pheasant
Cheoah Bald Salamander
Cherokee Clubtail
Cherry-throated Tanager
Chestnut Antpitta
Chestnut Seedeater
Chestnut Wood-quail
Chestnut-backed Buttonquail
Chestnut-backed Laughingthrush
Chestnut-backed Owlet
Chestnut-backed Thornbird
Chestnut-backed Thrush
Chestnut-banded Plover
Chestnut-bellied Cotinga
Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer
Chestnut-bellied Guan
Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird
Chestnut-bellied Imperial-pigeon
Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher
Chestnut-bellied Malkoha
Chestnut-breasted Partridge
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface
Chestnut-capped Piha
Chestnut-capped Thrush
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush
Chestnut-headed Partridge
Chestnut-naped Forktail
Chestnut-necklaced Partridge
Chestnut-rumped Babbler
Chestnut-throated Spinetail
Chestnut-winged Whistling-thrush
Chevron Skink
Chevron-breasted Babbler
Chevron-spotted Brown Frog
Chiala Mountain Salamander
Chiapan Climbing Rat
Chiapan Deer Mouse
Chiapan Pigmy Anole
Chickamanga Crayfish
Chignahuapan Splayfoot Salamander
Chihuahuan Deer Mouse
Chihuahuan Fringe-toed Lizard
Chile Darwin's Frog
Chile Mountains False Toad
Chilean Caenolestid
Chilean Dolphin
Chilean Flamingo
Chilean Woodstar
Chili Water Frog
Chiloglanis lufirae
Chiloglanis ruziziensis
Chimalapa Toad
Chimanimani Stream Frog
Chimbo Rocket Frog
Chinamococh Stream Frog
Chinanteco Deer Mouse
Chinese Alligator
Chinese Bahaba
Chinese Broad-headed Pond Turtle
Chinese Crested Tern
Chinese Egret
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese Goral
Chinese Grouse
Chinese Lazy Toad
Chinese Monal Pheasant
Chinese Paddlefish
Chinese Pangolin
Chinese River Dolphin
Chinese Salamander
Chinese Serow
Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle
Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle
Chinese Sturgeon
Chinese Three-keeled Pond Turtle
Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle
Chinese Water Deer
Chinhai Spiny Newt
Chinook Salmon
Chipola Slabshell
Chiricahua Leopard Frog
Chirinda Toad
Chiriquita Shadowdamsel
Chirocephalus croaticus
Chirocephalus pelagonicus
Chirocephalus reiseri
Chisholm Trail Salamander
Chiszar's Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Chitwan Frog
Chlorocnemis abbotti
Chlorocypha bambtoni
Chlorogomphus iriomotensis
Choco Broad-nosed Bat
Choco Poorwill
Choco Stubfoot Toad
Choco Tinamou
Choco Toad
Choco Vireo
Choco Woodpecker
Choctaw Riverlet Crayfish
Chondrina oligodonta
Chondrostoma beysehirense
Chornaya Gudgeon
Chortipphus acroleucus
Christian's Marsupial Frog
Christianoconcha quintalia
Christmas Hawk-owl
Christmas Island Blind Snake
Christmas Island Frigatebird
Christmas Island Goshawk
Christmas Island Imperial Pigeon
Christmas Island Pipistrelle
Christmas Island Shrew
Christmas Island White-eye
Chrysoritis cotrelli
Chuuk Monarch
Cicek Minnow
Cienega Colorado Worm Salamander
Ciervo Scarab Beetle
Ciliellopsis oglasae
Cinderella Waxbill
Cinereous Bunting
Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Warbling-finch
Cinnabar Hawk-owl
Cinnamon-banded Kingfisher
Cinnamon-breasted Tody-tyrant
Cinnamon-headed Green-pigeon
Cinnamon-rumped Trogon
Cinnamon-tailed Fantail
Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow
Cinnamon-vented Piha
Cinquefoil Skipper
Cipo Canastero
Cirolanid Isopod
Clanton's Cave Amphipod
Clanwilliam Rock Catfish
Clanwilliam Sandfish
Clanwilliam Yellowfish
Clapper Rail
Clarence Galaxias
Clarence River Cod
Clarendon Parish Robber Frog
Clariallabes mutsindoziensis
Clarias maclareni
Clarion Island Whip Snake
Clarion Wren
Clarke's Gazelle
Clarke's Weaver
Clavator moreleti
Clawtoed False Brook Salamander
Claytons Rivulet Freshwater Snail
Clear Creek Gambusia
Clear-winged Woolly Bat
Cleft-headed Juliomys
Clench's Middle-toothed Land Snail
Cleopatra cridlandi
Cleopatra exarata
Cliff Robber Frog
Clifton Cave Isopod
Climbing Mantella
Clinothelphusa kakoota
Closed Brain Coral
Cloud Forest Parrot Snake
Cloud Forest Rice Rat
Cloud Forest Salamander
Cloud Forest Stream Frog
Cloud Forest Treefrog
Cloud-forest Pygmy-owl
Cloud-forest Screech-owl
Clouded Leopard
Clouded Salamander
Cloven-feathered Dove
Clubnose Guitarfish
Clupeonella abrau
Coachelia Giant Sand Treader Cricket
Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard
Coachella Valley Jerusalem Cricket
Coahuila Collared Lizard
Coahuila Isopod
Coahuilix De Hubbs Snail
Coal Elimia
Coal-crested Finch
Coalcolman Deer Mouse
Coastal Black-handed Titi
Coastal Ecuador Smoky Jungle Frog
Coastal Flatwoods Crayfish
Coastal Lowland Cave Crayfish
Coastal Sheath-tailed Bat
Coastal Stingaree
Coban Climbing Salamander
Cobb's Wren
Cobitis arachthosensis
Coccusa cristicervix
Cocha Antshrike
Cochabamba Grass Mouse
Cochabamba Mountain-finch
Cochabamba Water Frog
Cochin Forest Cane Turtle
Cochlostoma canestrinii
Cochran Frog
Cochran's False Brook Salamander
Cochran's Running Frog
Cochranella nola
Cock-tailed Tyrant
Cocoharpinia iliffei
Cocos Cuckoo
Cocos Flycatcher
Cocos Island Finch
Coenagriocnemis insularis
Coenagrion syriacum
Coffin Cave Mold Beetle
Cofre de Perote Salamander
Coho Salmon
Coiban Agouti
Coimbra-filho's Titi Monkey
Cokendolpher Cave Harvestman
Colan Water Frog
Colares Stingray
Coldwater Darter
Colima Warbler
Collared Brown Lemur
Collared Crow
Collared Delma
Collared Laughingthrush
Collared Petrel
Collins' Poison Frog
Colombian Backpack Frog
Colombian Beaked Toad
Colombian Black-handed Titi
Colombian Electric Ray
Colombian Giant Toad
Colombian Mountain Grackle
Colombian Night Monkey
Colombian Screech-owl
Colombian Weasel
Colombian Woolly Monkey
Colonia Robber Frog
Colorado Checkered Whiptail
Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard
Colorado Grouper
Colorado Pikeminnow
Colorful Puffleg
Colostethus awa
Colostethus mertensi
Columbia Clubtail
Columbia River Tiger Beetle
Columbia Torrent Salamander
Comal Blind Salamander
Comal Springs Dryopid Beetle
Comal Springs Riffle Beetle
Comanche Springs Pupfish
Comb Grouper
Commerson's Leaf-nosed Bat
Common Bentwing Bat
Common Brown Lemur
Common Guitarfish
Common Hippopotamus
Common Lazy Toad
Common Madagascar Frog
Common Mist Frog
Common Moorhen
Common Sawfish
Common Seadragon
Common Seahorse
Common Shovelnose Ray
Common Splayfoot Salamander
Common Tortoise
Common Tree Frog
Common Woolly Monkey
Common Yabby
Comoro Black Flying Fox
Comoro Friar
Comoro Olive-pigeon
Comoro Rousette
Complex-toothed Flying Squirrel
Conant's False Brook Salamander
Conant's Salamander
Conasauga Logperch
Concave-eared Odorous Frog
Concentrated Snail
Concho Water Snake
Conchos Shiner
Condorir's Andes Frog
Condoto Stubfoot Toad
Cone Shell
Cone-billed Tanager
Confusing Toad
Congo Bay-owl
Congo Blackfin
Congo Peafowl
Congo Shrew
Conservancy Fairy Shrimp
Continental Divide Treefrog
Contulmo Ground Frog
Cooco Andes Frog
Cook Islands Fruit-dove
Cook Islands Reed-warbler
Cook's Hocicudo
Cook's Petrel
Cook's Robber Frog
Cookeconcha contorta
Cooloola Sedgefrog
Cooper's Black Caecilian
Cooper's Cave Amphipod
Coosa Moccasinshell
Coosa Pebblesnail
Coosawattae Crayfish
Copadichromis atripinnis
Copan Brook Frog
Copan Stream Frog
Copan Treefrog
Cope's Brown Treefrog
Cope's Mountain Meadow Snake
Copper Pheasant
Copper Redhorse
Copper-tailed Glossy-starling
Coppercheek Darter
Coppery-bellied Puffleg
Coppery-chested Jacamar
Coquerel's Giant Mouse Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka
Coral Catshark
Coral Trout
Cordelia's Crow
Cordillera Central Salamander
Cordillera Central Treefrog
Cordillera Talamanca Salamander
Cordoba Escuerzo
Cordoba Toad
Corfu Toothcarp
Coronados Deer Mouse
Corpulent Hornsnail
Corroboree Frog
Corrollton Crayfish
Corsican Hare
Corsican Painted Frog
Corsican Swallowtail
Cortes Salamander
Coryphagrion grandis
Coscinaraea hahazimaensis
Costa Rica Brook Frog
Costa Rican Variable Harlequin Toad
Cotton-top Marmoset
Cottus petiti
Cotuero Toadfish
Cousseau's Skate
Cowan's Madagascar Frog
Cowan's Mantella
Cox's Stefania Treefrog
Cozumel Harvest Mouse
Cozumel Thrasher
Crab-eating Rat
Cracking Pearlymussel
Cralopa colliveri
Crater Salamander
Craugastor alfredi
Craveri's Murrelet
Crawfish Frog
Cream-banded Swallowtail
Cream-bellied Fruit-dove
Creamy-bellied Gnatcatcher
Crematogaster atilanica
Crenigomphus abyssinicus
Crepidophryne chompipe
Crescent Nail-tailed Wallaby
Crescent-faced Antpitta
Cresent Dune Scarab Beetle
Crested Argus
Crested Capuchin
Crested Cuckoo-dove
Crested Fireback
Crested Genet
Crested Honeycreeper
Crested Jay
Crested Partridge
Crested Quail-dove
Crested Shelduck
Crested Tailed Deer Mouse
Crestless Fireback
Cretan Frog
Cretan Spotted Darner
Cretan White-toothed Shrew
Crevice Tortoise
Cricket Robber Frog
Crimea Shemaya
Crimean Tatar Goby
Crimson Hawaiian Damselfly
Crimson Shining-parrot
Crimson-hooded Myzomela
Crisp Pillow Coral
Cristilabrum bubulum
Crobett's Gap Bubble-nest Frog
Crocidura hikmiya
Crocker's Sea Snake
Cromwell Chafer Beetle
Cross-backed Bubble-nest Frog
Crossband Rockfish
Crossley's Dwarf Lemur
Crossley's Ground-thrush
Crow Honeyeater
Crow Tiger
Crown Shark
Crowned Cormorant
Crowned Lemur
Crowned River Turtle
Crowned Sifaka
Crowned Solitary Eagle
Crust Coral
Cruz's Treefrog
Cryptazeca elongata
Cryptazeca kobelti
Cryptopotamon anacoluthon
Crystal Darter
Crystal Siltsnail
Ctenella chagius
Ctenochromis aff. pectoralis
Ctenomys rionegrensis
Ctenophila caldwelli
Ctenophila setiliris
Ctenophila vorticella
Cuatro Cienegas Shiner
Cuatro Cienegas Slider
Cuatro Cienegas Softshell Turtle
Cuban Black Hawk
Cuban Bluet
Cuban Cave Shrimp
Cuban Crocodile
Cuban Evening Bat
Cuban Greater Funnel-eared Bat
Cuban High-crested Toad
Cuban Hypolestes
Cuban Kite
Cuban Lesser Funnel-eared Bat
Cuban Long-nosed Toad
Cuban Parakeet
Cuban Parrot
Cuban Pine Toad
Cuban Red-rumped Frog
Cuban Small-eared Toad
Cuban Solenodon
Cuban Solitaire
Cuban Sparrow
Cuban Spotted Toad
Cuban Yellow Bat
Cubera Snapper
Cuchumatanas Bromeliad Salamander
Cucujus cinnaberinus
Culata Climbing Salamander
Culebra Island Giant Anole
Culion Frog
Culion Tree Squirrel
Cumberland Bean Pearlymussel
Cumberland Combshell
Cumberland Dusky Salamander
Cumberland Elktoe
Cumberland Monkeyface Pearlymussel
Cumberland Pigtoe
Cundall's Robber Frog
Cundinamarca Antpitta
Cupedora evandaleana
Cupedora nottensis
Cuphead Skate
Curacaoan Long-nosed Bat
Curassanthura bermudensis
Curry Shark
Cuvier's Gazelle
Cuvier's Hutia
Cuyuja Robber Frog
Cuzco Cochran Frog
Cyanophrys bertha
Cyathopoma randalana
Cyclades Blunt-nosed Viper
Cyclogomphus gynostylus
Cylichnidia ovuliformis
Cylindrical Lioplax Snail
Cynotilapia axelrodi
Cynotilapia zebroides
Cyphastrea hexasepta
Cypress Crayfish
Cyprian Wild Sheep
Cyprus Whip Snake
Cyrano Spurdog
Cyrtopodion amictopholis
D'Abrera's Tiger
D'Albertis's Ringtail
D'entrecasteaux Archipelago Tree Mouse
D'Orbigny's Tuco-tuco
Dabry's Sturgeon
Daggernose Shark
Dahaoping Sucker Frog
Dahl's Jird
Dahl's Toad-headed Turtle
Daiyun Sucker Frog
Dakota Skipper
Daleswanson's Poison Frog
Dalhousie Goby
Dalhousie Hardyhead
Dalmatian Barbel-gudgeon
Dalmatian Pelican
Dalquest's Pocket Mouse
Dama Ciega Blanca
Dama Gazelle
Damar Blue Flycatcher
Damara Tern
Dammerman's Wart Frog
Damochlora millepunctata
Damochlora spina
Dancea rodriguezensis
Dannatt's Tiger
Danube Crested Newt
Danube Salmon
Dapitan Peak Bubble-nest Frog
Dardo De Conchos
Darevsky's Viper
Darien Small Eared Shrew
Darien Stubfoot Toad
Dark Bolo Mouse
Dark Guest Ant
Dark Knob-tipped Shadowdamselfly
Dark Pigtoe
Dark-backed Wood-quail
Dark-brown Serotine
Dark-rumped Swift
Dark-tailed Laurel Pigeon
Dark-tailed Tree Rat
Dark-throated Oriole
Dark-throated Seedeater
Dark-winged Groundling
Darkedged Splitfin
Darling River Hardyhead
Dartford Warbler
Darwin's Fox
Darwin's Frog
Darwin's Rhea
Dary's Burrowing Snake
Dasyatis fluviorum
Davao Cross Frog
David's Spiny Bandicoot
David's Tiger
Davies' Tree Frog
Day's Shrew
Dayak Fruit Bat
Dayang Newt
Dayao Flying Frog
De Filippi's Petrel
De Graaff's Praomys
de l'Isalo Madagascar Frog
De Winton's Golden Mole
Decary's Madagascar Frog
Deccan Wrinkled Frog
Decken's Horseshoe Bat
Deckenia imitatrix
Deckenia mitis
Deepwater Jack
Deepwater Spiny Dogfish
Definitive Leaf-eared Mouse
Degodi Lark
Dekeyser's Nectar Bat
Del Norte Salamander
Delacour's Langur
Delany's Swamp Mouse
Delectable Soft-furred Mouse
Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly
Delicate Deer Mouse
Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel
Delminichthys adspersus
Delta Green Ground Beetle
Delta Smelt
Demonic Poison Frog
Dendropsophus gryllatus
Denham's Bustard
Dennis' Chirping Frog
Dense Hydrobe
Dere Kayasi
Dermogenys weberi
Deroceras tarraceuse
Deronectes aljibensis
Desert Bandicoot
Desert Dace
Desert Monitor
Desert Monkey Grasshopper
Desert Pocket Gopher
Desert Pupfish
Desert Rain Frog
Desert Rat-kangaroo
Desert Slender Salamander
Desert Tortoise
Desert Viper
Desperate Shrew
Devil Fish
Devil's Hole Pupfish
Devil's River Minnow
Devil's Sinkhole Amphipod
Diademed Plover
Diademed Sifaka
Diamond Firetail
Dian's Tarsier
Diana Monkey
Dianchi Bullhead
Dianchi Carp
Diard's Trogon
Diastole tenuistriata
Dickey's Deer Mouse
Dickson's Copper
Dieterlen's Brush-furred Mouse
Dime Forest Treefrog
Diminutive Amphipod
Diminutive Clubtail
Diminutive Forest Frog
Diminutive Wood Rat
Dinagat Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat
Dinagat Gymnure
Dinagat Hairy-tailed Rat
Dinelli's Doradito
Dinotopterus cunningtoni
Dionda dichroma
Dip Falls Freshwater Snail
Diplodon dunkerianus
Diplommatina cacuminulus
Disc-fingered Reed Frog
Discula bicarinata
Discus guerinianus
Distichodus petersii
Distocambarus devexus
Ditropis whitei
Divellomelon hillieri
Dixon's Ground Snake
Dizangue Reed Frog
Dja River Warbler
Djibouti Francolin
Djikoro Wart Frog
Doflein's Salamander
Doimon doichiangdao
Doiran Bleak
Dolapex amiculus
Dolloff Cave Spider
Domed Ancylid
Dominican Myotis
Donkey Fish
Donnelly's Knobtail
Dorcas Gazelle
Doria's Goshawk
Doria's Tree Kangaroo
Dorias Tree-kangaroo
Doris' Poison Frog
Doronomyrmex goesswaldi
Dorymyrmex insanus
Dot-winged Crake
Dotted Grainy Frog
Dotted Lazy Toad
Douc Langur
Doumergue's Fringe-fingered Lizard
Doumergue's Skink
Dracula Ant
Draparnaudia anniae
Draughtboard Shark
Dring's Asian Toad
Dring's Borneo Frog
Dring's Grainy Frog
Dring's Horned Frog
Dromedary Pearlymussel
Dryad Monkey
Dryland Mouse Opossum
Drymaeus acervatus
Du Toit's Torrent Frog
Dubois' Bubble-nest Frog
Dubois' Paa Frog
Duchess Lorikeet
Duck-billed Buntingi
Duck-billed Golden-line Fish
Duckbill Cat
Duckwater Pyrg
Duida Grass-finch
Duke Of Bedford's Vole
Dulit Flying Frog
Dulit Frogmouth
Dull-blue Flycatcher
Dumb Gulper Shark
Dumeril's Boa
Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
Dunmall's Snake
Dunn's Climbing Salamander
Dunn's Mud Turtle
Dupont's Lark
Dupontia levis
Dupucharopa millestriata
Durangonella De Coahuila Snail
Durga Das's Leaf-nosed Bat
Dusky Fantail
Dusky Friarbird
Dusky Gopher Frog
Dusky Grouper
Dusky Hopping Mouse
Dusky Leaf-monkey
Dusky Mosaic-tailed Rat
Dusky Starfrontlet
Dusky Tetraka
Dusky Wallaby
Dusky-headed Brush-finch
Dusky-striped Squirrel
Duskytail Darter
Duskytail Grouper
Dussartius baeticus
Duthie's Golden Mole
Dutton's River Snail
Dwarf Bharal
Dwarf Bigeye Scraper
Dwarf Bronze Gecko
Dwarf Cassowary
Dwarf Climbing Salamander
Dwarf Coqui
Dwarf Crag Lizard
Dwarf Crocodile
Dwarf False Brook Salamander
Dwarf Flying Fox
Dwarf Galaxias
Dwarf Grass Frog
Dwarf Gymnure
Dwarf Honeyguide
Dwarf Hutia
Dwarf Inanga
Dwarf Jay
Dwarf Loach
Dwarf Musk Deer
Dwarf Olive Ibis
Dwarf Pebblesnail
Dwarf Pygmy Goby
Dwarf Red Brocket Deer
Dwarf River Crab
Dwarf Sawfish
Dwarf Splayfoot Salamander
Dwarf Tinamou
Dwarf Wedgemussel
Dytiscus latissimus
Ear-spot Squirrel
Eared Quetzal
Earless Toad
East African Highland Shrew
East African Little Collared Fruit Bat
East Coast Akalat
East-coast Free-tailed Bat
Easter Island Butterflyfish
Eastern Angel Shark
Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Eastern Black Crested Gibbon
Eastern Bristlebird
Eastern Cape Redfin
Eastern Cape Rocky
Eastern Carpathian Golden Loach
Eastern Crested Toad
Eastern Fox Snake
Eastern Gorilla
Eastern Hoolock Gibbon
Eastern Imperial Eagle
Eastern Jerboa Marsupial
Eastern Long-beaked Echidna
Eastern Longnose Spurdog
Eastern Owl Frog
Eastern Puna Mouse
Eastern Quoll
Eastern Rufous Mouse Lemur
Eastern Sand Darter
Eastern Sawshark
Eastern Shovelnose Stingaree
Eastern Squeaker
Eastern Tur
Eaton's Pintail
Ebner's Skink
Echinomorpha nishihirai
Echinophyllia costata
Echinopora ashmorensis
Ecnomiohyla miliaria
Ecnomiohyla phantasmagoria
Ecuador Horned Treefrog
Ecuador Leaf Frog
Ecuadoran Spiny Pocket Mouse
Ecuadorean Grass Mouse
Ecuadorian Blue Glass Frog
Ecuadorian Piedtail
Ecuadorian Sac-winged Bat
Ecuadorian Tapaculo
Edgbaston Goby
Edisto Crayfish
Edmund's Snaketail
Edough Ribbed Newt
Edward's Pheasant
Edwards' Rocket Frog
Efulen Water Frog
Egg-carrying Buntingi
Egyptian Tortoise
Egyptian Vulture
Eileen's Robber Frog
Eisentraut's Mouse Shrew
Eisentraut's Shrew
Eisentraut's Striped Mouse
El Carrizo Deer Mouse
El Chape Toad
El Cusuco Salamander
El Empalme Worm Salamander
El Muerto Side-blotched Lizard
El Oro Parakeet
El Pepino Treefrog
El Rincon Stream Frog
El Segundo Blue Butterfly
El Tambo Stubfoot Toad
El Tovar Glass Frog
Elaphoidella amabilis
Elasmias cernicum
Elattoneura pasquinii
Eld's Browantlered Deer
Electra's Tree-nymph
Elegance Coral
Elegant Madagascar Frog
Elegant Malachite
Elegant Margaretamys
Elegant Scops-owl
Elegant Stubfoot Toad
Elegant Sunbird
Elegant Tern
Eleotris pellegrini
Elevated Spring Amphipod
Elfin-woods Warbler
Elias' Atlantic Spiny-rat
Elimia porrecta
Elizabeth Springs Goby
Elk River File Snail
Elliot's Pheasant
Elliptical Star Coral
Elongate Bitterling
Elongate Shadowdamsel
Elongated Tortoise
Elsalvadoria zurstrasseni
Elusive Antpitta
Elusive Sanddragon
Elvira Rat
Emerald Valvata
Emerald-green Flying Frog
Emily's Tuco-tuco
Emma's Giant Rat
Emperor Bird-of-paradise
Emperor Goose
Emperor Newt
Emperor Rat
Empire Cave Pseudoscorpion
Emu River Freshwater Snail
Enchanted Side-blotched Lizard
Encheloclarias curtisoma
Ender's Small-eared Shrew
Endo's Pipistrelle
Endodonta apiculata
Engaewa similis
Engelhardt's Climbing Salamander
Enggano Scops-owl
Enggano Thrush
Enterprise Siltsnail
Entre Rios Seedeater
Eodiaptomus lumholtzi
Eoleptestheria spinosa
Ephemeral Cave Amphipod
Epilobocera haytensis
Epimyrma adlerzi
Epirus Water Frog
Epischura baikalensis
Equatorial Dog-faced Bat
Equatorial Graytail
Erebia epistgyne
Erebonectes nesioticus
Erect-crested Penguin
Erepta odontina
Erepta stylodon
Erikssonia acraeina
Erlanger's Grassland Frog
Erythrastrea flabellata
Escambia Crayfish
Eskimo Curlew
Esmeraldas Woodstar
Espada's Rocket Frog
Espanola Mockingbird
Estrada's Robber Frog
Estuary Cod
Ethiopian Amphibious Rat
Ethiopian Banana Frog
Ethiopian Bush-crow
Ethiopian Highlander
Ethiopian Thicket Rat
Ethiopian Wolf
Etigo Mole
Etowah Crayfish
Etowah Darter
Eua zebrina
Euchondrus ramonensis
Eucrenonaspides oinotheke
Euler's Flycatcher
Eumeces dugesi
Eungella Day Frog
Eungella Tinker Frog
Euonyma curtissima
Euphrates Jerboa
Euphrates Softshell Turtle
Euphyllia paraglabrescens
Euphyllia yaeyamaensis
Eurasian Curlew
Eurasian Otter
Eurasian Peregrine Falcon
European Bison
European Eel
European Ground Squirrel
European Leaf-toed Gecko
European Marbled Polecat
European Mink
European Mudminnow
European Rabbit
European Roller
Everett's Flying Frog
Everett's Thrush
Everglade Snail Kite
Everglades Sprite
Ewaso Nyiro Labeo
Exerodonta chimalapa
Exerodonta xera
Eye-ringed Tody-tyrant
Eyeless Golden-line Fish
Eyespot Skate
Eyrean Grasswren
Ezell's Cave Amphipod
Fabaeformiscandona aemonae
Fabulous Green Sphinx Moth
Faichuk White-eye
Faint-striped Opossum
Fairy Pitta
Fairy Tern
Fairy Treefrog
Falcated Duck
Falcated Wren-babbler
Falcon Toad
Falkneri camerani
Fallicambarus gilpini
Falls Reed Frog
False Cienega Colorado Worm Salamander
False Flower Coral
False Pillow Coral
False Shovelnose Sturgeon
False Smooth Snake
False Spike
False Water Rat
Fanged River Frog
Far Eastern Myotis
Farmland Green Flying Frog
Faro Island Treefrog
Fastigo Whipping Frog
Fat Pocketbook
Fat Three-ridge Mussel
Fat-nosed Spiny Rat
Fat-whorled Pondsnai
Father Basilio's Striped Mouse
Father Schoenig's Chocolate
Fatuhiva Monarch
Fausto's Button Frog
Fawn Hopping Mouse
Fawn-breasted Thrush
Fazil Lycian Salamander
Fea's Muntjac
Fea's Petrel
Fearful Owl
Fejervarya sahyadris
Felder's Tiger
Felten's Myotis
Fenney Spring Hydrobe
Fenouilia kreitneri
Fernandez's Sword-nosed Bat
Fernandina Galapagos Mouse
Fernandina Island Galapagos Mouse
Fernandina's Flicker
Fernando Po Speirops
Fernando's Giant Glass Frog
Ferruginous Duck
Ferruginous Partridge
Fibreno Trout
Fibulacamptus bisetosus
Field's Mouse
Fiery Minivet
Fiery Redfin
Fiery-throated Fruiteater
Fiji Crested Iguana
Fiji Ground Frog
Fiji Petrel
Fiji Snake
Fiji Tree Frog
Fijian Blossom Bat
Fijian Free-tailed Bat
Fijian Monkey-faced Bat
Fijji Banded Iguana
File-tailed Ground Snake
Finback Whale
Finca Chibigui Salamander
Findley's Myotis
Fine-lined Pocketbook
Fine-rayed Pigtoe Pearlymussel
Finsch's Bulbul
Finsch's Imperial-pigeon
Fiordland Crested Penguin
Fire Blue Hap
Fire Salamander
Fire-maned Bowerbird
Firschein's False Brook Salamander
Fischer's Lovebird
Fischer's Turaco
Fish-eating Bat
Fishing Cat
Fisk's House Snake
Fissuria boui
Fitzroy River Turtle
Fitzroy's Wood Frog
Five-colored Barbet
Five-keeled Spiny-tailed Iguana
Flame Robin
Flame-breasted Fruit-dove
Flame-crowned Flowerpecker
Flame-templed Babbler
Flame-winged Parakeet
Flapnose Houndshark
Flapnose Ray
Flat Pebblesnail
Flat Pigtoe
Flat-faced Seahorse
Flat-headed Cat
Flat-headed Galaxias
Flat-headed Myotis
Flat-headed Water Frog
Flat-tailed Horned Lizard
Flat-tailed Tortoise
Flathead Knob-Scaled Lizard
Flattened Musk Turtle
Flaxen Elimia
Fleay's Barred-frog
Flightless Cormorant
Flint's Knobtail
Floreana Coral
Floreana Mockingbird
Florentino's Cuban Toad
Flores Crow
Flores Giant Tree Rat
Flores Green-pigeon
Flores Hanging-parrot
Flores Hawk-eagle
Flores Monarch
Flores Scops-owl
Flores Shrew
Flores Tiger
Flores Woolly Bat
Florida Bog Frog
Florida Bonneted Bat
Florida Cave Amphipod
Florida Cave Shrimp
Florida Deermouse
Florida Fairy Shrimp
Florida Grasshopper Sparrow
Florida Salt Marsh Vole
Florida Sand Skink
Florida Scrub Lizard
Florida Scrub-jay
Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler
Fluminense Swallowtail
Fluted Pebblesnail
Fly River Grassbird
Fly River Turtle
Flying Earwig Hawaiian Damselfly
Fonscochlea accepta
Foothill Elaenia
Foothill Robber Frog
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
Forbes's Blackbird
Forest Banana Frog
Forest Bittern
Forest Ground-thrush
Forest Madagascar Frog
Forest Owlet
Forest Rain Frog
Forest Spikethumb Frog
Forest Stubfoot Toad
Forest Thicket Rat
Forest Thrush
Forester Freshwater Snail
Fork-crowned Lemur
Fork-tailed Pygmy-tyrant
Forktail Lates
Formica dirksi
Formica talbotae
Formicoxenus chamberlini
Formosan Woolly Horseshoe Bat
Formosan Yellow-throated Marten
Forth River Freshwater Snail
Forty-spotted Pardalote
Fossil Shark
Fossorial Giant Rat
Fountain Darter
Four-digit Toad
Four-eyed Frog
Four-eyed Turtle
Four-horned Antelope
Four-spot Midget
Four-striped Ground Squirrel
Four-toed Jerboa
Fourche Mountain Salamander
Foushee Cavesnail
Fox's Weaver
Fraas' Lizard
Fraggle Reef Alien Eye
Fragile Wart Frog
Francois' Langur
Frankenberg's Bubble-nest Frog
Frankland River Freshwater Snail
Franklin's Bumble Bee
Franklin's Climbing Salamander
Fraternal Hill Rat
Fraternal Snail
Fraternal Squirrel
Freckled Darter
Fredius granulatus
Free-living Stony Coral
Freetown Long-fingered Frog
French Broad Crayfish
French Cave Salamander
Freshwater Pearl Mussel
Freshwater Sawfish
Freycinet's Epaulette Shark
Freycinet's Frog
Frigate Island Giant Tenebrionid Beetle
Frilled Shark
Fringe-backed Fire-eye
Fringe-toed Sand Lizard
Frogspawn Coral
Frome River Freshwater Snail
Frosted Flatwoods Salamander
Frosted Myotis
Fuegian Snipe
Fuerteventura Stonechat
Fuhrmann's Backpack Frog
Fujian Rough-skinned Frog
Fulton's Freshwater Snail
Fulvous-dotted Treerunner
Fungia curvata
Furhstorfer's Jungle Watcher
Furrowed Wood Turtle
Furtive Flycatcher
Furtive Tuco-tuco
Fuzzy Pigtoe
Fynbos Golden Mole
Gabb's Snail
Gabbiella rosea
Gabela Akalat
Gabela Bush-shrike
Gabela Helmet-shrike
Gabon Batis
Gabriella's Grouper
Gadgil's Tropical Frog
Gadow's False Brook Salamander
Gaige's Tropical Night Lizard
Gaimard's Rat-kangaroo
Galapagos Coral
Galapagos Hawk
Galapagos Islands Fur Seal
Galapagos Land Iguana
Galapagos Land Snail
Galapagos Marine Iguana
Galapagos Martin
Galapagos Penguin
Galapagos Petrel
Galapagos Rail
Galapagos Rice Rat
Galapagos Sea Lion
Galapagos Shark
Galapagos Tortoise
Galeana False Brook Salamander
Gallardo's Toad
Gammon's Riffle Beetle
Ganges Shark
Ganges Soft-shelled Turtle
Ganges Stingray
Garden Dormouse
Gardiner's Seychelles Frog
Garnet Pitta
Garo Hills Bubble-nest Frog
Garra barreimiae
Garra dunsirei
Garra ghorensis
Garra longipinnis
Garrido's Hutia
Gastrocopta boninensis
Gastrotheca antomia
Geata Mouse Shrew
Gebe Cuscus
Geelvink Bay Flying Fox
Geelvink Pygmy-parrot
Geithusa pulchra
Gejiu Blind Loach
Gelada Baboon
Geminoropa scindocataracta
Gene's Cave Salamander
Genoways's Yellow Bat
Gentoo Penguin
Geoffroy's Cat
Geoffroy's Peruvian Woolly Monkey
Geoffroy's Spider Monkey
Geometric Tortoise
Geomitra coronata
Georgia Blind Salamander
Georissa laseroni
Geothelphusa levicervix
Geothelphusa miyakoensis
Germain's Peacock-pheasant
Ghana River Frog
Ghats Wart Frog
Ghost Bat
Gia Lia Eastern Spadefoot Toad
Giant Anteater
Giant Antpitta
Giant Armadillo
Giant Asian Pond Turtle
Giant Atlantic Tree Rat
Giant Babax
Giant Bandicoot
Giant Barred River-frog
Giant Blind Mole Rat
Giant Bronze Gecko
Giant Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat
Giant Butterfly Ray
Giant Clam
Giant Conebill
Giant Devilray
Giant Ditch Frog
Giant Freshwater Crayfish
Giant Freshwater Stingray
Giant Garter Snake
Giant Gippsland Earthworm
Giant Girdled Lizard
Giant Golden Mole
Giant Ground Pangolin
Giant Guitarfish
Giant Hispaniolan Galliwasp
Giant Ibis
Giant Kangaroo Rat
Giant Kingbird
Giant Kokopu
Giant Marsupial Frog
Giant Noctule Bat
Giant Nuthatch
Giant Otter
Giant Palouse Earthworm
Giant Panda
Giant Pangasius
Giant Philippine Frog
Giant Pitta
Giant Rain Frog
Giant Sable Antelope
Giant Scops Owl
Giant Spiny Frog
Giant Star Coral
Giant Sturgeon
Giant Thicket Rat
Giant Torrent Midge
Giant White-eye
Giant Wrasse
Giant Wrinkled Frog
Giant-striped Mongoose
Gibbibarbus cyphotergous
Gigante Wrinkled Ground Frog
Gila Chub
Gila Monster
Gila Springsnail
Gila Topminnow
Gila Trout
Gilbert's Potoroo
Gilded Tube-nosed Bat
Ginger Pearlfish
Giuliani's Dune Scarab Beetle
Glacidorbis occidentalis
Glacier Bay Wolf Spider
Glacier Rat
Gladiator Elimia
Glandular Frog
Glass Blue-eye
Glass's Shrew
Glaucous Macaw
Glauerts Seadragon
Globose Dune Beetle
Gloomy Tube-nosed Bat
Glossogobius ankaranensis
Glovers Hardyhead
Glow-throated Hummingbird
Glyptophysa petiti
Glyptorhagada bordaensis
Godman's Treefrog
Goebel's False Brook Salamander
Goeldi's Marmoset
Goeldi's Spiny Rat
Goitered Gazelle
Gola Malimbe
Gold-fronted Fulvetta
Gold-ringed Tanager
Gold-spotted Marsupial Frog
Goldbelly Reed Frog
Golden Bamboo Lemur
Golden Bandicoot
Golden Bell Frog
Golden Cownose Ray
Golden Dancing-jewel
Golden Frog
Golden Grouper
Golden Hamster
Golden Lancehead
Golden Langur
Golden Line Fish
Golden Lion Tamarin
Golden Mantella
Golden Minute Salamander
Golden Palm Civet
Golden Parakeet
Golden Poison Frog
Golden Shrub Frog
Golden Swallow
Golden Treefrog
Golden Vizcacha Rat
Golden White-eye
Golden-backed Mountain Tanager
Golden-backed Squirrel Monkey
Golden-bellied Flyrobin
Golden-bellied Treeshrew
Golden-bellied White-eye
Golden-capped Fruit Bat
Golden-capped Parakeet
Golden-cheeked Wood Warbler
Golden-crowned Babbler
Golden-crowned Manakin
Golden-crowned Sifaka
Golden-headed Lion Tamarin
Golden-mantle Saddleback Tamarin
Golden-mantled Tree-kangaroo
Golden-naped Weaver
Golden-plumed Parakeet
Golden-rumped Elephant Shrew
Golden-rumped Tamarin
Golden-shouldered Parakeet
Golden-striped Salamander
Golden-tailed Parrotlet
Golden-white Bare-ear Marmoset
Golden-winged Laughingthrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Goldie's Bird-of-paradise
Goldline Darter
Goldman's Bunchgrass Lizard
Goldman's Diminutive Woodrat
Goldman's Pocket Mouse
Goledn-line Angle Fish
Golfodulcean Poison Frog
Goliath Frog
Goliath Grouper
Goniastrea columella
Gonidomus sulcatus
Goniopora albiconus
Gonospira cylindrella
Gonyostomus gonyostomus
Gonyostomus insularis
Goodfellow's Tree-kangaroo
Goodman's Mouse Lemur
Gooty Tarantula
Gopher Frog
Gopher Tortoise
Gorgan Mountain Salamander
Gorgas's Rice Rat
Gorgeted Wood-quail
Gorontalo Macaque
Gorzula's Amazon Treefrog
Gotel Mountain Soft-furred Mouse
Gough Bunting
Gough Moorhen
Gould's Frogmouth
Gould's Mouse
Gould's Petrel
Gouldian Finch
Government Canyon Bat Cave Meshweaver
Government Canyon Bat Cave Spider
Graceful Pitta
Graceful Splayfoot Salamander
Grady's Cave Amphipod
Graham's Cichlid
Graham's Robber Frog
Grand Cafe Robber Frog
Grand Cayman Ground Iguana
Grand Comoro Drongo
Grand Comoro Flycatcher
Grand Comoro Scops-owl
Grand Minute Salamander
Grand Skink
Grand Wash Springsnail
Grandbassa River Crab
Grandidier's Trident Bat
Granular Asian Toad
Granular Poison Frog
Granular Salamander
Granulated Snail
Grape Coral
Graphium epaminondas
Graphoderus bilineatus
Graptodytes delectus
Grassland Forest Treefrog
Grauer's Cuckooshrike
Grauer's Swamp Warbler
Gray Bamboo Lemur
Gray Bat
Gray Dorcopsis
Gray Grass Mouse
Gray Imperial-pigeon
Gray Langur
Gray Mouse Lemur
Gray Nurse Shark
Gray Petrel
Gray Whale
Gray Wolf
Gray's Monitor
Gray-backed Hawk
Gray-backed Tachuri
Gray-bellied Comet
Gray-bellied Shrew Opossum
Gray-breasted Flycatcher
Gray-breasted Mountain-toucan
Gray-breasted Parakeet
Gray-capped Hemispingus
Gray-capped Tyrannulet
Gray-checkered Whiptail
Gray-cheeked Parakeet
Gray-chested Jungle-flycatcher
Gray-crested Helmet-shrike
Gray-crowned Crocias
Gray-crowned Palm-tanager
Gray-crowned Prinia
Gray-faced Sengi
Gray-footed Spiny Rat
Gray-handed Night Monkey
Gray-headed Albatross
Gray-headed Antbird
Gray-headed Flying Fox
Gray-headed Quail-dove
Gray-headed Warbler
Gray-hooded Sunbird
Gray-necked Rockfowl
Gray-sided Thrush
Gray-throated Warbler
Gray-winged Cotinga
Graytail Skate
Graziana klagenfurtensis
Great Antpitta
Great Argus
Great Bustard
Great Curassow
Great Desert Skink
Great Green Macaw
Great Hornbill
Great Indian Bustard
Great Indian Rhinoceros
Great Key Island Mosaic-tailed Rat
Great Lake Freshwater Snail
Great Peeping Frog
Great Piebald Horned Toad
Great Raft Spider
Great Snipe
Great Spinetail
Great Spotted Kiwi
Great Stingaree
Great White Shark
Great-billed Seed-finch
Greater Adjutant
Greater Bamboo Lemur
Greater Bromeliad Treefrog
Greater Dwarf Lemur
Greater Fat-tailed Jerboa
Greater Large-headed Shrew
Greater Long-tailed Bat
Greater Marmoset Rat
Greater Mascarene Flying Fox
Greater Monkey-faced Bat
Greater Prairie-chicken
Greater Rhea
Greater Sage-grouse
Greater Scythebill
Greater Slow Loris
Greater Spikethumb Frog
Greater Spiny Madagascar Frog
Greater Spotted Eagle
Greater Stick-nest Rat
Greater Tip-nosed Frog
Greater Wilfred's Mouse
Greek Algyroides
Greek Brook Lamprey
Greek Goldenwing
Greek Red Damsel
Greek Rock Lizard
Green And Gold Frog
Green And Red Venter Harlequin Toad
Green Avadavat
Green Bromeliad Frog
Green Bubble-nest Frog
Green Cave Frog
Green Crab
Green Hammer Coral
Green Iora
Green Labeo
Green Mantella
Green Peafowl
Green Poison Frog
Green Psammodromus
Green Salamander
Green Sea Turtle
Green Sturgeon
Green Torch Coral
Green-backed Kingfisher
Green-billed Coucal
Green-breasted Bush-shrike
Green-capped Tanager
Green-crowned Racket-tailed Parrot
Green-eyed Frog
Green-faced Parrotfinch
Green-fronted Hanging-parrot
Green-naped Tanager
Green-tailed Bristlebill
Green-thighed Frog
Green-throated Euphonia
Greenback Stingaree
Greenbrier Cave Amphipod
Greenbrier Cave Crayfish
Greenbrier Cavesnail
Greenland Shark
Greenland White-tailed Eagle
Greensboro Burrowing Crayfish
Grenada Dove
Gressitt's Paramelomys
Grevy's Zebra
Grey Bamboo Shark
Grey Falcon
Grey's Robber Frog
Grey-banded Munia
Grey-bellied Bulbul
Grey-breasted Babbler
Grey-breasted Laughingthrush
Grey-crowned Tetraka
Grey-headed Fish-eagle
Grey-headed Greenbul
Grey-hooded Parrotbill
Grey-striped Francolin
Grey-winged Inca-finch
Gristle-Headed Splayfoot Salamander
Grizzled Giant Squirrel
Grizzled Mexican Small-eared Shrew
Grizzled Tree Kangaroo
Groove-toothed Trumpet-eared Bat
Grosbeak Bunting
Ground Beetle (Rhadine exilis)
Ground Beetle (Rhadine infernalis)
Ground Parrot
Guacamayo Plump Toad
Guadalcanal Monkey-faced Bat
Guadalcanal Rat
Guadalcanal Thicketbird
Guadalcanal Thrush
Guadalupe Fur Seal
Guadalupe Storm-petrel
Guadeloupe Big Brown Bat
Guadeloupe Big-eyed Bat
Guadeloupe Woodpecker
Guajira Stubfoot Toad
Gualecenita Stubfoot Toad
Guam Micronesian Kingfisher
Guam Rail
Guam Swiftlet
Guanahacabibes Robber Frog
Guanay Cormorant
Guangxi Warty Newt
Guaniguanic Yellow-mottled Frog
Guantanamo Robber Frog
Guanujo Stubfoot Toad
Guaramacal Salamander
Guatamalan Small Eared Shrew
Guatemala Plateau Frog
Guatemala Spikethumb Frog
Guatemala Stream Frog
Guatemalan Black Howler Monkey
Guatemalan Bromeliad Salamander
Guatemalan Knobtail
Guatemalan Rubyspot
Guatemalan Spiny-tailed Iguana
Guatemalan Vole
Guayacon Bocon
Guayacon De Cuatro Cienegas
Guayacon De Hacienda Dolores
Guayacon De San Gregorio
Guayaquil Woodpecker
Guerreran Climbing Salamander
Guerreran Leopard Frog
Guerreran Peeping Frog
Guerreran Stream Frog
Guerrero Stream Frog
Guiana Spider Monkey
Guianan Crested Eagle
Guibe's Bright-eyed Frog
Guibe's Madagascar Frog
Guille's Andes Frog
Guinea Baboon
Guinea River Frog
Guinea Screeching Frog
Guinean Horseshoe Bat
Guizhou Snub-nosed Monkey
Gulella Snail
Gulf Grouper
Gulf Moccasinshell
Gulf Sturgeon
Gulickia alexandri
Gulper Shark
Gundia Indian Frog
Gundlach's Hawk
Gundlach's Robber Frog
Gunning's Golden Mole
Gunnison Sage Grouse
Gunther's Borneo Frog
Gunther's Bubble-nest Frog
Gunther's Caribbean Toad
Gunther's Cylindrical Skink
Gunther's Dwarf Burrowing Skink
Gunther's Flathead Toad
Gunther's Marsupial Frog
Gunther's Whipping Frog
Gunther's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Gunung Bubble-nest Frog
Gunung Mulu Borneo Frog
Gunung Mulu Bubble-nest Frog
Gunung Mulu Stream Toad
Guramba Shrew
Gurney's Eagle
Gurney's Pitta
Gyraulus cockburni
Gyraulus mauritianus
Habana Robber Frog
Hacrochlamys lineolatus
Hadra wilsoni
Hainald's Flores Island Rat
Hainan Flathead Toad
Hainan Frog
Hainan Gymnure
Hainan Hare
Hainan Knobby Newt
Hainan Leaf-warbler
Hainan Partridge
Hainan Spadefoot Toad
Hainan Torrent Frog
Hainan Wart Frog
Hainanpotamon orientale
Hairy Harvest Mouse
Hairy Little Fruit Bat
Hairy Long-nosed Armadillo
Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur
Hairy-nosed Otter
Hairy-tailed Tree Rat
Haitian Slider
Haitian Solenodon
Hajar Wadi Damsel
Hakuba Salamander
Half-stripe Bromeliad Frog
Halliday's Bubble-nest Frog
Halmaheran Blossom Bat
Halomitra clavator
Hamelin Ctenotus
Hamilton's Frog
Hammerhead Shark
Hammond's Rice Rat
Hampala lopezi
Handapan Bubble-nest Frog
Handapan Ell Bubble-nest Frog
Handapan Ella Bubble-nest Frog
Handley's Slender Mouse Opossum
Handley's Tailless Bat
Haplochromis acidens
Hara's Cave Amphipod
Haraldmeier's Mantella
Hard Coral
Hardnose Shark
Hardy's Hooknose Snake
Harenna Shrew
Harlequin Frog
Harmles Serotine
Harmogenanina argentea
Harney Basin Duskysnail
Harpagochromis sp. nov. 'frogmouth'
Harpagoxenus canadensis
Harpy Eagle
Harrisson's Flying Frog
Hartweg's Climbing Salamander
Hartweg's Spikethumb Frog
Hartwig's Soft-furred Mouse
Harvey's Andes Frog
Harwood's Francolin
Hastings River Mouse
Hatchie Burrowing Crayfish
Hauffenia kerschneri
Hauffenia sp. nov.
Hauffenia wienerwaldensis
Hawaii Creeper
Hawaiian Coot
Hawaiian Crow
Hawaiian Dark-rumped Petrel
Hawaiian Duck
Hawaiian Goose
Hawaiian Grouper
Hawaiian Hawk
Hawaiian Hoary Bat
Hawaiian Monk Seal
Hawaiian Petrel
Hawaiian Stilt
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Hay's Spring Amphipod
Haycock Bubble-nest Frog
Haycock Shrub Frog
Hazel's Treefrog
Hazel's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Heathcote Creek Freshwater Snail
Heavenly Hill Rat
Heavy Pigtoe
Heazlewood River Freshwater Snail
Heck's Macaque
Hector's Dolphin
Hedgehog Seahorse
Hedleya macleayi
Hedleyoconcha ailaketoae
Hedrick's Robber Frog
Heermann's Gull
Heinrich's Wart Frog
Heinroth's Shearwater
Hejiang Spiny Frog
Helicarion leopardina
Helicella bierzona
Helicina rostrata
Helicostyla smargadina
Heliodiaptomus kolleruensis
Helix ceratina
Hell Creek Crayfish
Hellmich's Rocket Frog
Helmet Vanga
Helmeted Honeyeater
Helmeted Hornbill
Helmeted Myna
Helmeted Water Toad
Helmeted Woodpecker
Helotes Mold Beetle
Hemiboeckella powellensis
Hemicordulia ogasawarensis
Hemicycla pouchet
Hemigrammocapoeta kemali
Hemimyzon taitungensis
Hemisaga elongata
Hemistoma beaumonti
Henderson Island Crake
Henderson Island Fruit-dove
Henderson Lorikeet
Henderson Petrel
Henderson Reed-warbler
Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner
Henna-tailed Jungle-flycatcher
Henslow's Sparrow
Henst's Goshawk
Herault Sculpin
Herbert's Black Millipede
Heredia Treefrog
Hermes Copper
Hermit Beetle
Hernandez's Stubfoot Toad
Herrera's Alligator Lizard
Herrera's Mud Turtle
Herveo Plump Toad
Hesperodiaptomus augustaensis
Heterocyclus perroquini
Heterothelphusa fatum
Hewitt's Ghost Frog
Hickman's Pygmy Mountain Shrimp
Hidalgo Anole
Hidden Angel Shark
Hidden Pebblesnail
Higgin's Anomalous Blue
Higgins Eye Pearlymussel
Highfin Coral Grouper
Highland Guan
Highland Long-fingered Frog
Highland Splitfin
Highveld Golden Mole
Hildegarde's Tomb Bat
Hill Shrew
Hill's Horseshoe Bat
Himalayan Musk Deer
Himalayan Quail
Himalayan Serow
Himalayan Tahr
Himalayan Wood Mouse
Hinde's Pied-babbler
Hine's Emerald Dragonfly
Hipparchia azorina
Hirasea acutissima
Hirinaba curytibana
Hirthia littorina
Hispaniola Robber Frog
Hispaniolan Amazon
Hispaniolan Crestless Toad
Hispaniolan Crossbill
Hispaniolan Crowned Frog
Hispaniolan Giant Treefrog
Hispaniolan Greater Funnel-eared Bat
Hispaniolan Ground Iguana
Hispaniolan Malachite
Hispaniolan Montane Frog
Hispaniolan Parakeet
Hispaniolan Trogon
Hispaniolan Wheeping Frog
Hispaniolan Yellow Treefrog
Hispid Hare
Hiwassee Crayfish
Hiwassee Headwater Crayfish
Hoary Puffleg
Hoary-throated Spinetail
Hobb's Cave Amphipod
Hobbseus cristatus
Hochstetter's Frog
Hocking's Water Frog
Hodges' Clubtail
Hodgson's Giant Flying Squirrel
Hoffman's Black Millipede
Hoffmann's Bubble-nest Frog
Hoffmann's Pika
Hog Badger
Hog Deer
Hogsback Frog
Hokuriku Salamander
Holst's Frog
Holy-mountain Salamander
Hombron's Kingfisher
Home's Hinge-back Tortoise
Honduran Brook Frog
Honduran Emerald
Honduran Paleate Spiny-tailed Iguana
Honduran White Bat
Honduras Spikethumb Frog
Honduras White-lipped Frog
Honey Blue-eye
Hong Kong Cascade Frog
Hong Kong Grouper
Hong Kong Spiny Frog
Hong Kong Warty Newt
Hood Ancylid
Hood Coral
Hooded Antpitta
Hooded Berryeater
Hooded Carpet Shark
Hooded Crane
Hooded Grebe
Hooded Plover
Hooded Racket-tailed Treepie
Hooded Seal
Hooded Seedeater
Hooded Visorbearer
Hoogerwerf's Sumatran Rat
Hoogstraal's Gerbil
Hook-billed Bulbul
Hook-billed Hermit Hummingbird
Hook-billed Kite
Hoolock Gibbon
Horaglanis krishnai
Horastrea indica
Horned Coot
Horned Curassow
Horned Guan
Horned Knobtail
Horned Marsupial Frog
Horned Parakeet
Horned Wrinkled Ground Frog
Horse-tailed Squirrel
Horsfield's Tarsier
Horvath's Rock Lizard
Hose's Broadbill
Hose's Langur
Hose's Palm Civet
Hosmer's Frog
Hotel Zaracay Salamander
Houbara Bustard
House Wren
Houston Toad
Howarth's Cave Cricket
Howell's Forest Shrew
Huachuca Springsnail
Huahachuco Water Frog
Hualapai Mexican Vole
Huanuco Water Frog
Huila Stubfoot Toad
Humbali Village Toad
Humboldt Penguin
Hume's Pheasant
Hume's Rat
Hummelinck's Vesper Mouse
Humpback Chub
Humpback Smoothhound
Humpback Whale
Humped Knobtail
Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle
Hunter's Antelope
Huon Tree-kangaroo
Hutton's Shearwater
Hyacinth Macaw
Hyacinth Visorbearer
Hyaline Fish
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum
Hydnophora Coral (Hydnophora bonsai)
Hydrobia scamandri
Hydrotarsus compunctus
Hygromia golasi
Hyla bocourti
Hylarana mangyanum
Hyloscirtus jahni
Hypolobocera alata
Hypsiboas cipoensis
Hyrcanian Field Mouse
Ian's Andes Frog
Ibadan Malimbe
Ibanum pilimanus
Iberian Emerald Lizard
Iberian Frog
Iberian Midwife Toad
Iberian Rock Lizard
Iberochondrostoma almacai
Iberocypris alburnoides
Ibiza Wall Lizard
Icacos White-lipped Frog
Ichetucknee Siltsnail
Ichnosomunda sacchii
Idaho Ground Squirrel
Idaho Point-headed Grasshopper
Idaho Springsnail
Ideopsis hewitsonii
Idiomela subplicata
Idomacromia jillianae
Idunella sketi
Iglica kleinzellensis
Ili Pika
Illidge's Ant-blue (Butterfly)
Illiman's Andes Frog
Illinois Cave Amphipod
Imitator Sparrowhawk
Imnadia banatica
Imperial Cave Salamander
Imperial Parrot
Imperial Pheasant
Imperial Snipe
Imperial Woodpecker
Impressed Tortoise
Inaccessible Island Rail
Inagua Island Turtle
Inca Oldfield Mouse
Inca Tern
Incachaca Toad
Incan Little Mastiff Bat
Incilius macrocristatus
Incomati Suckermouth
Independencia Robber Frog
Indian Brown Mongoose
Indian Eyed Turtle
Indian Flying Frog
Indian Giant Squirrel
Indian Pangolin
Indian Python
Indian Sawback Turtle
Indian Skimmer
Indian Softshell Turtle
Indian Spotted Eagle
Indian Toad
Indian Vulture
Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross
Indiana Bat
Indigo Macaw
Indigo-winged Parrot
Indo-pacific Hump-backed Dolphin
Indochinamon bhumibol
Indochinese Box Turtle
Indochinese Lutung
Indolestes boninensis
Indonesian Shovelnose Ray
Indus River Dolphin
Inger's Asian Tree Toad
Inger's Bubble-nest Frog
Inger's Flying Frog
Inger's Robber Frog
Inger's Wart Frog
Ingerophrynus kumquat
Ingolfiella longipes
Inland Hill Rat
Inquisivi Andes Frog
Insulivitrina reticulata
Interior Digging Frog
Interior Robber Frog
Invisible Rail
Inyanga Toad
Inyangani River Frog
Inyo Mountains Salamander
Iodotropheus declivitas
Iomon luangprabangensis
Iowa Pleistocene Snail
Iphis Monarch
Iquitos Gnatcatcher
Irangi River Frog
Iraq Blind Barb
Iredaleoconcha caporaphe
Iringa Ground Robin
Iris Lorikeet
Irishtown Freshwater Snail
Irmengardia didacta
Irrawaddy Dolphin
Isabel Giant Rat
Isabela Oriole
Isaka-Ivondro Madagascar Frog
Isalo Bright-eyed Frog
Isalo Madagascar Frog
Isalo Serotine Bat
Isarog Forest Frog
Isarog Rhynchomys
Isarog Shrew Mouse
Ischnocnema epipeda
Ischnura abyssinica
Ishikawa's Frog
Isla Bonita Treefrog
Island Cisticola
Island Fox
Island Scrub-jay
Isolapotamon bauense
Isophya harzi
Israel Painted Frog
Isthmohyla insolita
Italian Agile Frog
Italian Bleak
Italian Cave Salamander
Italian Goldenring
Itasenpara Bitterling
Itatiaia Highland Frog
Itombwe Nightjar
Ivory Coast Frog
Ivory Coast Running Frog
Ivory Coast Wart Frog
Ivory Gull
Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Ivory-faced Flatwing
Ixalodectes flectocercus
Ixil Spikethumb Frog
Ixtlan Deer Mouse
Izecksohn's Brazilian Treefrog
Izecksohn's Bromeliad Frog
Izecksohn's Guanabara Frog
Izu Leaf-warbler
Izu Stingray
Izu Thrush
Jackson Prarie Crayfish
Jackson's Mongoose
Jackson's Widowbird
Jacobson's Bubble-nest Frog
Jaeger's Bright-eyed Frog
Jagged-shelled Turtle
Jalapan Pine Vole
Jaliscan Spiny Pocket Mouse
Jalpa False Brook Salamander
Jamaica Petrel
Jamaica Robber Frog
Jamaican Blackbird
Jamaican Boa
Jamaican Giant Swallowtail Butterfly
Jamaican Greater Funnel-eared Bat
Jamaican Hypolestes
Jamaican Iguana
Jamaican Kite
Jamaican Pauraque
Jamaican Red Bat
Jamaican Red-eyed Frog
Jamaican Snoring Frog
Jambu Fruit-dove
James Spinymussel
Japanese Ant
Japanese Crane
Japanese Crested Ibis
Japanese Devilray
Japanese Giant Salamander
Japanese Huchen
Japanese Murrelet
Japanese Night-heron
Japanese Noctule
Japanese Paradise-flycatcher
Japanese Short-tailed Bat
Japanese Waxwing
Japanese Wood-pigeon
Japanese Yellow Bunting
Jardinella acuminata
Java Flying Frog
Java Indonesian Treefrog
Java Sparrow
Java Stingaree
Javan Bamboo Rat
Javan Cochoa
Javan Grizzled Langur
Javan Hawk-eagle
Javan Lapwing
Javan Lutung
Javan Pithecheir
Javan Plover
Javan Rhinoceros
Javan Rusa
Javan Scops-owl
Javan Shrew-like Mouse
Javan Slit-faced Bat
Javan Slow Loris
Javan Tailless Fruit Bat
Javan Torrent Frog
Javan Trogon
Javan Warty Pig
Javan White-eye
Javan Woodcock
Jay's River Snail
Jelak Asian Toad
Jemez Mountains Salamander
Jenkin's Andaman Spiny Shrew
Jenkins' Shrew Tenrec
Jentink's Duiker
Jerdon's Babbler
Jerdon's Courser
Jeweled Toad
Jico Deer Mouse
Jin Jiang Sucker Frog
Jingdong Frog
Jingdong Lazy Toad
Jinxiu Bubble-nest Frog
Jiulong Spiny Frog
Jocotoco Antpitta
Johnson's Horned Treefrog
Johnston's Genet
Johnston's River Frog
Johnston's Water Frog
Johora counsilmani
Joiceya praeclarus
Jolly's Mouse Lemur
Jollyville Plateau Salamander
Jondachi Treefrog
Jones' Roundleaf Bat
Jordan's Swallowtail
Jouanin's Petrel
Jozani River Frog
Jozani Running Frog
Juan Fernandez Firecrown
Juan Fernandez Fur Seal
Juan Fernandez Petrel
Juan Fernandez Tit-tyrant
Juanita's Earless Treefrog
Juil Ciego
Jujuy Water Frog
Julia Creek Dunnart
Juliana's Golden Mole
Jullien's Golden Carp
Jumrum Australian Treefrog
Junaluska Salamander
June Sucker
Jungle Threadtail
Junin Andes Frog
Junin Grebe
Junin Rail
Junin Slender Opossum
Junlian Odorous Frog
Ka'apor Capuchin
Kabatangan Frog
Kadamaian Stream Toad
Kadavu Fantail
Kaempfer's Tody-tyrant
Kaempfer's Woodpecker
Kafue Mole Rat
Kahuzi Swamp Shrew
Kai Cicadabird
Kajang Asian Toad
Kakadu Pebble Mouse
Kalakad Wrinkled Frog
Kalakkad Flying Frog
Kalang Wart Frog
Kaliella hongkongensis
Kalinga Narrowmouth Toad
Kalinowski's Oldfield Mouse
Kalombo Suckermouth
Kamboranga Bubble-nest Frog
Kamborangah Borneo Frog
Kampira Falls Frog
Kanab Amber Snail
Kanab Ambersnail
Kanawha Minnow
Kandy Bubble-nest Frog
Kangaroo Bubble-nest Frog
Kangaroo Island Dunnart
Kangaroo Rat
Kangting Sucker Frog
Kanneliya Dot Frog
Kapala Stingaree
Kapcypriodopsis barnardi
Kapit Borneo Frog
Kapit Rice Frog
Kaplan's Garagoa Treefrog
Karamoja Apalis
Karimi's Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Karissimbi Forest Treefrog
Karkloof Blue Butterfly
Karl's Robber Frog
Karnataka Bubble-nest Frog
Karnataka Rice Frog
Karner Blue Butterfly
Karpathos Frog
Karpathos Lycian Salamander
Karwar Large Burrowing Spider
Kashmir Flycatcher
Kashmir Gray Langur
Kashmir Musk Deer
Kasner's Dwarf Burrowing Skink
Katechonemertes nightingaleensis
Kauai 'O'o
Kauai Akialoa
Kauai Amakihi
Kauai Cave Amphipod
Kauai Cave Wolf Spider
Kauai Thin-footed Bush Cricket
Kaumana Cave Cricket
Kawanphila pachomai
Kazakhstan Blind Mole Rat
Kazbeg Birch Mouse
Keast's Tube-nosed Fruit Bat
Keel-billed Motmot
Keeled Sideband
Keeled Snail
Keelsnout Treefrog
Keith's Striped Frog
Kelaart's Dwarf Toad
Kelaart's Long-clawed Shrew
Kelp Grouper
Kelso Giant Sand Treader Cricket
Kelso Jerusalem Cricket
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle
Kemp's Thicket Rat
Kentucky Cave Shrimp
Kerala Indian Frog
Kerangas Bubble-nest Frog
Kerch Black Sea Shad
Kerguelen Tern
Kern Canyon Slender Salamander
Kern Plateau Salamander
Kern Shoulderband
Key Largo Cotton Mouse
Key Largo Woodrat
Keys Scaly Cricket
Keys Short-winged Conehead Katydid
Kezenoi-am Trout
Khaki Bromeliad Frog
Khastor Water Frog
Kiau Borneo Frog
Kibiti Lampeye
Kihanga Reed Frog
Kihaule's Mouse Shrew
Kikuzato's Brook Snake
Kilimanjaro Mouse Shrew
Killer Whale
Kilombero Weaver
Kimboraga exanimus
Kina Balu Flying Frog
Kina Balu Stream Toad
Kinabalu Asian Toad
Kinabalu Horned Frog
Kinabalu Shrew
Kinabalu Spadefoot Toad
King Colobus
King Rat
King's Bullhead
Kinglet Calyptura
Kings River Slender Salamander
Kipengere Seedeater
Kirtland's Snake
Kirtland's Wood Warbler
Kite Ray
Kittlitz's Murrelet
Kitumbeine Stream Frog
Kivu Banana Frog
Kivu Ground-thrush
Kivu Long-haired Shrew
Kivu Screeching Frog
Kivu Shrew
Kivu Tree Frog
Klages's Antwren
Klemmer's Madagascar Frog
Klinikowski's Robber Frog
Kloss's Gibbon
Kluchor Birch Mouse
Kneria ruaha
Kneria sp. nov. 'South Africa'
Kneria uluguru
Knifetooth Sawfish
Knipowitschia cameliae
Knob Coral
Knob Mudalia
Knotty Elimia
Knysna Banana Frog
Knysna Velvet Worm
Knysna Warbler
Knysna Woodpecker
Kobayashi's Horned Frog
Kocevje Subterranean Spider
Koepcke's Hermit
Kogelberg Reserve Frog
Koh Chang Island Frog
Kokagala Streamlined Frog
Kokoe Poison Frog
Kolar Leaf-nosed Bat
Kolombangara Monarch
Komodo Cross Frog
Komodo Island Monitor
Komodo Rat
Kondana Soft-furred Rat
Kondoconcha othnius
Koopman's Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse
Koskulana Bubble-nest Frog
Kosrae Flying Fox
Koster's Springsnail
Kotagama's Dwarf Toad
Kottawa Bubble-nest Frog
Kottigehar Tropical Frog
Kozlov's Pika
Krefft's River Frog
Kretschmarr Cave Mold Beetle
Kroombit Tinker Frog
Krueper's Nuthatch
Kuang-wu Shan Frog
Kubusi Featherlegs
Kuekenthal's Yellow Tiger
Kungwe Apalis
Kunming Nase
Kunming Snout Trout
Kunming-lake Catfish
Kurdistan Spotted Newt
Kurintji Flying Frog
Kuroiwa's Ground Gecko
Kutubu Hardyhead
Kutubu Tandan
Kwang-yang Asian Frog
Kyidris media
Kyidris yaleogyna
L'hoest's Monkey
La Arboleda Stubfoot Toad
La Banderita Marsupial Frog
La Estrella Salamander
La Fortuna Worm Salamander
La Gomera Giant Lizard
La Guitarra Stubfoot Toad
La Horma Robber Frog
La Hotte Glanded Frog
La Hotte Whistling Frog
La Hoya Minute Salamander
La Loma Tree Frog
La Maya Robber Frog
La Palma Giant Lizard
La Palma Pupfish
La Palma Salamander
La Plata River Dolphin
La Plata Skate
La Rioja Water Frog
La Selle Grass Frog
La Selle Long-legged Frog
La Selle Red-legged Frog
La Selle Thrush
La Siberia Marsupial Frog
Labang Rice Frog
Labeo lankae
Labeo sp. nov. 'Baomo'
Labeo trigliceps
Labidochromis chisumluae
Labord's Chameleon
Lacepede's Ground Snake
Lacerta clarkorum
Lacerta kulzeri
Lacy Elimia
Laevicaulis haroldi
Lagden's Bush-shrike
Laggala Bubble-nest Frog
Laggar Falcon
Lagniappe Crayfish
Laguna del Bay Frog
Laguna Mountains Skipper
Laguna Toad
Lake Cronin Snake
Lake Eacham Rainbowfish
Lake Kurumoi Rainbowfish
Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish
Lake Lerma Salamander
Lake Magadi Tilapia
Lake Oku Clawed Frog
Lake Patzcuaro Salamander
Lake Placid Funnel Wolf Spider
Lake River Freshwater Snail
Lake Rukwa Sardine
Lake Rukwa Suckermouth
Lake Victoria Deepwater Catfish
Lake Wanam Rainbowfish
Lamarck's Sheet Coral
Lamellidea biplicata
Lami Tuco-tuco
Laminella sanguinea
Lamnifera pauli
Lamotte's Roundleaf Bat
Lampadia webbiana
Lampedusa imitratix
Lampobatang Sulawesi Rat
Lamprocystis hahajimana
Lamprologus kungweensis
Lancelin Island Skink
Landdros Moss Frog
Lange's Metalmark Butterfly
Lanistes alexandri
Lantzia carinata
Lanza's Alpine Salamander
Lanza's Frog
Lanza's Skink
Laos Sucker Frog
Laotian Black Langur
Laotian Rock Rat
Laotian Shad
Lappet-faced Vulture
Lar Gibbon
Lar Valley Viper
Larch Mountain Salamander
Large Asian Leaf-nosed Bat
Large Blue Lake Mayfly
Large Desert Marsupial-mouse
Large False Serotine
Large Flying-fox
Large Frogmouth
Large Green-pigeon
Large Indian Civet
Large Iron-gray Dwarf Lemur
Large Ivory Coral
Large Kauai Thrush
Large Long-clawed Mouse
Large Rufous Horseshoe Bat
Large Wren-babbler
Large Wrinkled Frog
Large-antlered Muntjac
Large-billed Blue-flycatcher
Large-crested Toad
Large-eared Free-tailed Bat
Large-eared Hutia
Large-eared Oldfield Mouse
Large-eared Pied Bat
Large-eyed Rabbitfish
Large-headed Forest Shrew
Large-headed Rice Rat
Large-headed Water Snake
Large-spined Bell Toad
Large-spotted Civet
Large-toothed Shrew
Largemouth Yellowfish
Largescale Pupfish
Largescale Spiny Lizard
Largetooth Sawfish
Laricis Tree Cricket
Las Minas Frog
Las Palmas Spikethumb Frog
Lasius reginae
Lataste's Viper
Laurent's Night Frog
Lauria fanalensis
Lava Gull
Lava Rock Mountain Snail
Lavigera coronata
Lawton's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Layard's Palm Squirrel
Laysan Albatross
Laysan Duck
Laysan Finch
Lazuli Kingfisher
Leadbeater's Possum
Leaf-nosed Lizard
Leaping False Brook Salamander
Least Big-eared Bat
Least Chub
Least Crayfish
Least Pauraque
Least Tern
Least Valley Coral
Least Woolly Bat
Least Yellow Bat
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Lebanon Viper
Leber's Robber Frog
Lee County Cave Isopod
Leeward Island Racer
Legler's Stream Frog
Lehmann's Poison Frog
Lehmann's Rocket Frog
Leiostyla abbreviata
Leishan Spiny Toad
Leith's Softshell Turtle
Leka Keppe
Lemniscia calva
Lemur Leaf Frog
Lemuroid Ringtail Possum
Lentipes whittenorum
Leon Springs Pupfish
Leopard Darter
Leopard Fringe-fingered Lizard
Leopard Shark
Leora's Stream Salamander
Lepidiolamprologus attenuatus
Lepidochrysops badhami
Lepidothelphusa cognetti
Leprous False Brook Salamander
Leprus Chirping Frog
Leptachatina lepida
Leptaxis caldeirarum
Leptobrachium echinatum
Leptocaris stromatolicolus
Leptoglanis wamiensis
Leptogomphus yayeyamensis
Leptolalax arayai
Leptoseris amitoriensis
Leptothorax buschingeri
Leptoxis ampla
Lesser Adjutant
Lesser Antillean Iguana
Lesser Bromeliad Treefrog
Lesser Chameleon
Lesser Dwarf Lemur
Lesser Fish-eagle
Lesser Flamingo
Lesser Florican
Lesser Green Leafbird
Lesser Kestrel
Lesser Kudu
Lesser Leaf-nosed Bat
Lesser Long-nosed Bat
Lesser Marmoset Rat
Lesser Night Gecko
Lesser Nothura
Lesser Prairie-chicken
Lesser Rabbit Bandicoot
Lesser Ranee Mouse
Lesser Stick-nest Rat
Lesser Stream Madagascar Frog
Lesser Tube-nosed Fruit Bat
Lesser White-fronted Goose
Lesser Wooly Horseshoe Bat
Lesser Yellow-shouldered Bat
Lesuer's Rat-kangaroo
Lethrinops macracanthus
Letter-winged Kite
Leuchocharis pancheri
Leucocythere helenae
Lewis' Stubfoot Toad
Leyte Bubble-nest Frog
Liangbei Lazy Toad
Liardetia boninensis
Liberia River Frog
Liberian Greenbul
Liberian Mongoose
Lichen Weevil
Lichuan Bell Toad
Lichuan Lazy Toad
Lifan Sucker Frog
Light Robber Frog
Light-mantled Albatross
Lightfoot's Moss Frog
Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher
Lilac-crowned Amazon
Lilford's Wall Lizard
Lilian's Lovebird
Lily Robber Frog
Lily Shoals Elimia
Limestone Salamander
Limnonectes asperatus
Limon Knobtail
Limon Worm Salamander
Limosa Stubfoot Toad
Lina's Sunbird
Lincoln's Climbing Salamander
Linda's Treefrog
Lindacatalina sumacensis
Line-fronted Canastero
Lined Seahorse
Lined Silverside
Lined Treefrog
Liobagrus nigricauda
Liolaemus huacahuasicus
Lion's Hill Velvet Worm
Lion-tailed Macaque
Liosaccus pachygaster
Liotelphusa gagei
Lipetz's Tropical Night Lizard
Lipochromis sp. nov.
Lister's Gecko
Lithochromis rubripinnis
Lithophyllon ranjithi
Litoria jungguy
Litthabitella elliptica
Little Blue Macaw
Little Brown Bustard
Little Bustard
Little Colorado Spinedace
Little Corn Island Frog
Little Earth Hutia
Little Goblin Bat
Little Golden-mantled Flying Fox
Little Hairy-footed Gerbil
Little Henty Freshwater Snail
Little Inca-finch
Little Mariana Fruit Bat
Little Pied Bat
Little Planigale
Little Slaty Flycatcher
Little Spotted Cat
Little Spotted Kiwi
Little Sumba Hawk-owl
Little Tennessee Crayfish
Little White Whiptail
Little Wood Elf
Little Woodstar
Little Woolly Mouse Opossum
Littlewing Pearlymussel
Liver-oil Shark
Lizard Catshark
Loach Minnow
Loango Slender-billed Weaver
Lobaunia danubialis
Lobophyllia dentatus
Lobster Claw Crab
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Loja Rocket Frog
Loja Water Frog
Loka Flying Frog
Lokia coryndoni
Lolokou Sucker Frog
Lombok Cross Frog
Lomi's Blind Legless Skink
Lompobatang Flycatcher
Lompoc Grasshopper
Lonchophylla concava
Long-bearded Melidectes
Long-billed Apalis
Long-billed Black Cockatoo
Long-billed Bush-warbler
Long-billed Murrelet
Long-billed Partridge
Long-clawed Mole Vole
Long-fingered Bat
Long-fingered Frog
Long-fingered Stream Toad
Long-footed Potoroo
Long-haired Spider Monkey
Long-headed Hill Rat
Long-horned Beetle
Long-legged Brown Frog
Long-legged Cave Amphipod
Long-Legged Warbler
Long-legged Worm-skink
Long-nosed Climbing Salamander
Long-nosed Skate
Long-snouted Bat
Long-tailed Big-footed Mouse
Long-tailed Chinchilla
Long-tailed Cinclodes
Long-tailed Fantail
Long-tailed Fat-tailed Opossum
Long-tailed Forest Shrew
Long-tailed Goral
Long-tailed Ground Roller
Long-tailed Marsupial-mouse
Long-tailed Otter
Long-tailed Paradigalla
Long-tailed Parakeet
Long-tailed Sabrewing
Long-tailed Talaud Mosaic-tailed Rat
Long-tailed Woodnymph
Long-tailed Wren-babbler
Long-wattled Umbrellabird
Long-whiskered Owlet
Longdong Stream Salamander
Longest Climbing Salamander
Longfin Mako
Longfin Svetovidov's Char
Longfoot Robber Frog
Longheaded Eagle Ray
Longhorn Fairy Shrimp
Longnose Bromeliad Salamander
Longnose Eagle Ray
Longtail Butterfly Ray
Longtail False Brook Salamander
Longtail Rattlesnake
Longtail Suckermouth
Lonnbergs Toad
Lonoke Crayfish
Lord Howe Island Skink
Lord Howe Island Southern Gecko
Lord Howe Island Stick-insect
Lord Howe Long-eared Bat
Lord Howe Wood Rail
Los Bracitos Treefrog
Los Chalchaleros' Vizcacha Rat
Los Diamantes Worm Salamander
Los Queules Ground Frog
Lost River Sucker
Lotis Blue Butterfly
Loud Big-eyed Treefrog
Louisea balssi
Louisiana Pearl Shell
Louisiana Pine Snake
Lovenula excellens
Lovenula simplex
Loveridge's Forest Frog
Loveridge's Frog
Loveridge's Sunbird
Lower Cerro Minute Salamander
Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit
Lowland Anoa
Lowland Grainy Frog
Lowland Long-nosed Squirrel
Lowland Red Forest Rat
Lowland Sulawesi Haeromys
Lowveld Largemouth
Loyalty Bent-winged Bat
Lubok Antu Bubble-nest Frog
Lucifuga simile
Lucina's Shrew
Luciobarbus brachycephalus
Ludlow's Bhutan Swallowtail
Lugbe River Crab
Luidan Stream Toad
Lulu's Tody-tyrant
Lund's Atlantic Tree Rat
Lungshen Odorous Frog
Luschan's Salamander
Lutilodix imitratrix
Lutz's River Frog
Luvubu Reed Frog
Luzon Bleeding-heart
Luzon Fanged Frog
Luzon Frog
Luzon Hairy-tailed Rat
Luzon Narrow-mouthed Frog
Luzon Peacock Swallowtail
Luzon Racquet-tail
Luzon Scops-owl
Luzon Striped-babbler
Luzon Water-redstart
Luzon Wrinkled Ground Frog
Lycaena ottomanus
Lyle's Flying Fox
Lynch's Colombian Treefrog
Lynch's Giant Glass Frog
Lynch's Stubfoot Toad
Lynn's Robber Frog
Lyrate Grappletail
Mable's Robber Frog
Macaroni Penguin
Macaya Burrowing Frog
Macaya Dusky Frog
Maccoa Duck
MacConnell's Bush Toad
MacDougall's Minute Salamanders
Macgregor's Skink
Mackenzie's Cave Amphipod
Maclaud's Horseshoe Bat
Macmillan's Shrew
Macromia flinti
Macroperipatus insularis
Macropleurodus bicolor
Madagapotamon humberti
Madagascan Flying Fox
Madagascan Friar
Madagascan Fruit Bat
Madagascan Mantella
Madagascan Rousette
Madagascar Big-headed Turtle
Madagascar Boa
Madagascar Climbing Frog
Madagascar Crested Ibis
Madagascar Day Gecko
Madagascar Forest Chameleon
Madagascar Frog
Madagascar Giant Treefrog
Madagascar Harrier
Madagascar Heron
Madagascar Jumping Frog
Madagascar Kob
Madagascar Little Grebe
Madagascar Plover
Madagascar Pochard
Madagascar Pond-heron
Madagascar Pratincole
Madagascar Radiated Tortoise
Madagascar Rail
Madagascar Rain Frog
Madagascar Red Owl
Madagascar Sacred Ibis
Madagascar Sea Eagle
Madagascar Serpent Eagle
Madagascar Skate
Madagascar Snipe
Madagascar Sparrowhawk
Madagascar Teal
Madagascar Tree Boa
Madagascar Yellowbrow
Madame Berthe's Mouse Lemur
Madeira Brimstone (Butterfly)
Madeira Laurel Pigeon
Madeira Pipistrelle
Madeiran Large White
Madison Cave Isopod
Madla's Cave Meshweaver
Madura Horseshoe Bat
Magazine Mountain Middle-toothed Snail
Magdalena Giant Glass Frog
Magdalena Wood Rat
Magellanic Penguin
Magellanic Plover
Magellanic Tuco-tuco
Magenta Petrel
Magnificent Broodfrog
Magnificent Ramshorn
Magnificent Web-footed Salamander
Mahajanga Reed Frog
Maharira Madagascar Frog
Mahatha helaya
Mahe Caecilian
Mahogany Glider
Mahogany Presba
Mainitia mainitensis
Mainstream River Snail
Maisi Frog
Major Black Millipede
Makatea Fruit-dove
Makira Flycatcher
Makira Flying Fox
Makira Leaf-nosed Bat
Makira Moorhen
Makira Thrush
Malabar Black Narrow-mouthed Frog
Malabar Dot Frog
Malabar Grouper
Malabar Indian Frog
Malabar Large-spotted Civet
Malabar Pied Hornbill
Malabar Spiny Dormouse
Malabar Tropical Frog
Malagasy Civet
Malagasy Giant Jumping Rat
Malagasy Mongoose
Malagasy Narrow-striped Mongoose
Malaita Fantail
Malayan Flat-shelled Turtle
Malayan Free-tailed Bat
Malayan Peacock-pheasant
Malayan Slit-faced Bat
Malayan Snail-eating Turtle
Malayan Sun Bear
Malayan Tailless Leaf-nosed Bat
Malayan Water Shrew
Malayopotamon granulatum
Malaysian Blue-flycatcher
Malaysian Borneo Frog
Malaysian Bubble-nest Frog
Malaysian Flying Frog
Malaysian Grainy Frog
Malaysian Honeyguide
Malaysian Plover
Malaysian Rail-babbler
Malcolm's Ethiopia Toad
Maldonado Redbelly Toad
Maleo Megapode
Malesian Frog
Malherbe's Parakeet
Malheur Cave Amphipod
Malindi Pipit
Mallee Emuwren
Mallee Worm-lizard
Mallorcan Midwife Toad
Maloti Minnow
Maltese Ray
Malvasa Stubfoot Toad
Manado Rousette
Manchurian Reed-warbler
Mandarin Shark
Mandelli's Mouse-eared Myotis
Mandibularca resinus
Mandras Shemaya
Maned Wolf
Manenguba Shrew
Mangaia Kingfisher
Mangrove Finch
Mangrove Frog
Mangrove Hummingbird
Mangrove Pitta
Mangshan Horned Toad
Manica parasitica
Manipur Bush-quail
Mannophryne caquetio
Mantanani Scops-owl
Mantidactylus delormei
Mantiqueira Atlantic Tree Rat
Mantled Hawk
Mantled Howler Monkey
Manuel's Skink
Manus Fantail
Manus Island Mosaic-tailed Rat
Manus Island Tree Snail
Manus Masked-owl
Manus Monarch
Manusela Mosaic-tailed Rat
Maquis Canastero
Maracaibo Tody-flycatcher
Maranon Crescentchest
Maranon Poison Frog
Maranon Spinetail
Marbled Cat
Marbled Disc
Marbled Dot Frog
Marbled Freshwater Stingray
Marbled Malachite
Marbled Murrelet
Marbled Rain Frog
Marbled Robber Frog
Marbled Streamlined Frog
Marbled Teal
Marbled Water Frog
Marcella's Graceful Brown Snake
Marcusenius sp. nov.
Marcusenius victoriae
Margarita Island Kangaroo Rat
Maria Island Ground Lizard
Maria Island Snake
Maria's Giant Glass Frog
Mariana Crow
Mariana Fruit-dove
Mariana Gray Swiftlet
Marianas Flying Fox
Marine Otter
Marinkelle's Sword-nosed Bat
Maritime Worm Salamander
Marley's Butterflyfish
Marley's Golden Mole
Marmaris Salamander
Maroon Pigeon
Maroon-breasted Philentoma
Maroon-chinned Fruit-dove
Maroon-faced Parakeet
Maroon-fronted Parrot
Marquesan Ground-dove
Marquesan Imperial Pigeon
Marquesan Kingfisher
Marquesan Monarch
Marsh Babbler
Marsh Deer
Marsh Grassbird
Marsh Seedeater
Marsh Tapaculo
Martelia tanganyicensis
Martenstyn's Barb
Martinique Oriole
Martinique Robber Frog
Martinique Trembler
Marungu Sunbird
Marvellous Spatuletail
Mary River Turtle
Maryland Darter
Masafuera Rayadito
Masarang Frog
Mascarene Black Petrel
Mascarene Crow
Mascarene Swiftlet
Masked Antpitta
Masked Finfoot
Masked Hamlet
Masked Mountain-tanager
Masked Saltator
Masked Shining-parrot
Mastigodiaptomus purpureus
Matalote Cahita
Matalote Conchos
Matalote Del Bavispe
Matalote Opata
Matang Asian Toad
Matang Stream Toad
Matheran Indian Frog
Mathewsoconcha belli
Matinan Flycatcher
Matouba Robber Frog
Matthias Fantail
Matuda's Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Matuda's Spikethumb Frog
Maud Island Frog
Maugean Skate
Maui Alauahio
Maui Parrotbill
Mauritian Friar
Mauritius Cuckoo-shrike
Mauritius Fody
Mauritius Kestrel
Mauritius Olivaceous Bulbul
Mauritius Olive White-eye
Mauritius Parakeet
Mauroa White-lipped Frog
Mautodontha boraborensis
Mautodontha ceuthma
Mauve Bluet
Mavomavo Giant Treefrog
Mawblang Toad
Maya Knobtail
Maya Mountains Frog
Maya Pupfish
Mayan Deer Mouse
Maydelliathelphusa edentula
Maylandia aurora
Mayor's Mouse
Mayotte Drongo
Mbipia lutea
Mbozi Suckermouth
McCord's Box Turtle
McDiarmid Minute Salamander
Mcdonald's Frog
Mcgregor's Cuckooshrike
McGregor's Stream Toad
Mckay's Bunting
Mclachlan's Girdled Lizard
Meadow Viper
Mearns's Squirrel
Mecistogaster asticta
Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat
Mediterranean Monk Seal
Mediterranean Trout
Medium Tree-finch
Medium-tailed Brush-furred Rat
Meek's Lorikeet
Megalobulimus fragilion
Mehely's Horseshoe Bat
Mekhongthelphusa kengsaphu
Mekong Freshwater Stingray
Mekong Wagtail
Meladema imbricata
Meladema lanio
Melanochromis baliodigma
Melanoides admirabilis
Melanophryniscus admirabilis
Melanopsis etrusca
Meliana Climbing Salamander
Melissa's Yellow-eared Bat
Meller's Duck
Melodious Babbler
Melodious Lark
Melones Cave Harvestman
Mendolong Bubble-nest Frog
Menglun Eastern Frog
Mentawai Archipelago Rat
Mentawai Langur
Mentawai Long-tailed Giant Rat
Mentawai Scops-owl
Mentawai Squirrel
Mentawai Three-striped Squirrel
Mentawi Flying Squirrel
Menzbier's Marmot
Merida Andes Treefrog
Merida Brocket
Merida Tree Frog
Meridolum benneti
Merriam's Montezuma Quail
Merry Shadowdamsel
Mertens' Egg Frog
Mertens' Smalltongue Toad
Mesa Shoulderband
Mesagrion leucorrhinum
Mesocyclops insulensis
Mesonerilla prospera
Mesopotamia Beaked Toad
Metacyclops gasparoi
Metadiaptomus capensis
Metaphryniscus sosai
Metatrichoniscoides celticus
Methuen's Dwarf Gecko
Metrioptera domogledi
Metropolitan Redspot
Mexican Agouti
Mexican Big-eared Bat
Mexican Black-tailed Pit Viper
Mexican Blindcat
Mexican Bobcat
Mexican Caecilian
Mexican Darter
Mexican Golden Trout
Mexican Horned Pitviper
Mexican Long-nosed Bat
Mexican Long-tongued Bat
Mexican Pine Woods Treefrog
Mexican Prairie Dog
Mexican Sheartail
Mexican Spotted Terrapin
Mexican Water Mouse
Mexican Woodnymph
Mexican Yellow-bellied Brown Snake
Mexilana saluposi
Mexistenasellus nulemex
Miahuatlan Cotton Rat
Miami Cave Crayfish
Michael Rainforest Frog
Michigan Bog Grasshopper
Michoacan Pocket Gopher
Michoacan Stream Salamander
Microhylid Frog
Micromacromia miraculosa
Micromussa-Super Red
Micronesian Imperial-pigeon
Micronesian Megapode
Microstrophia modesta
Microstrophia nana
Microthelphusa forcarti
Middlekauf's Shieldback Katydid
Midongy Madagascar Frog
Migmathelphusa olivacea
Miguel's Ground Frog
Mikado Pheasant
Milagros' Tiger
Miles Wall Lizard
Military Macaw
Milky Stork
Millepora boschmai
Miller's Nicobar Rat
Miller's Snail
Milne Bay Frog
Milne Mehely Frog
Milne-Edward's Sifaka
Milne-edwards' Macaque
Milne-Edwards's Sportive Lemur
Mimic Cavesnail
Minas Gerais Tyrannulet
Mindanao Bleeding-heart
Mindanao Broadbill
Mindanao Brown-dove
Mindanao Flathead Toad
Mindanao Flying Frog
Mindanao Horned Frog
Mindanao Lorikeet
Mindanao Montane Forest Apomys
Mindanao Pygmy-babbler
Mindanao Racquet-tail
Mindanao Scops-owl
Mindanao Shrew Mouse
Mindanao Spiny Rat
Mindo Cochran Frog
Mindo Robber Frog
Mindo Stubfoot Toad
Mindoro Bleeding-heart
Mindoro Hornbill
Mindoro Imperial-pigeon
Mindoro Scops-owl
Mindoro Striped Rat
Miniature Robber Frog
Minor Black Millipede
Minor Red Bat
Minute Cave Amphipod
Minute Pearlfish
Miramella irena
Miranda Robber Frog
Miratesta celebensis
Mishana Tyrannulet
Mission Creek Oregonian
Mississippi Flatwoods Crayfish
Mitchell's Rainforest Snail
Mitchell's Satyr Butterfly
Mitred Leaf Monkey
Mittendorf's Striped Grass Mouse
Mittermeier's Bubble-nest Frog
Mittermeier's Mouse Lemur
Mittermeier's Stubfoot Toad
Mixe Treefrog
Mixtecan Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Miyako Tango
Miyazaki's Crab
Moapa Dace
Moapa Pebblesnail
Mocha Island Ground Frog
Modoc Sucker
Moerner's Swallowtail Butterfly
Mohave Ground Squirrel
Mohave Tui Chub
Moheli Scops-owl
Moitessieria corsica
Molly Del Tamesi
Molly Del Teapa
Molokai Creeper
Molokai Damselfly
Molokai Thrush
Moluccan Cuckoo
Moluccan Flying Fox
Moluccan Megapode
Moluccan Woodcock
Mombacho Salamander
Mona Blind Snake
Mona Cave Shrimp
Mona Coqui
Mongolian Beaver
Mongolian Marmot
Mongoose Lemur
Monito Del Monte
Monito Gecko
Monolistra bolei
Monomorium effractor
Monster Rice Rat
Montagne d'Ambre Madagascar Frog
Montane Cricket Frog
Montane Dancing-jewel
Montane Demoiselle
Montane Monkey-faced Bat
Montane Mouse Shrew
Montane Shaggy Rat
Montastraea annularis
Monte Albo Cave Salamander
Monte Cristo Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Monte Escondido Salamander
Monte Iberia Dwarf Frog
Monte Verde Golden Toad
Monterissa gowerensis
Monterrey Platyfish
Monterrey Spanish Mackerel
Monteverde Moss Salamander
Montevideo Redbelly Toad
Montipora altasepta
Montseny Brook Newt
Montserrat Galliwasp
Montserrat Oriole
Monzon's Moss Salamander
Moojen's Atlantic Spiny-rat
Moom Pebblesnail
Moon Coral
Moon Forest Shrew
Moon Striped Mouse
Moon-toothed Degu
Moor Macaque
Moore's Frog
Moorish Viper
Moray Bubble-nest Frog
Morden's Owlet
Moreau's Sunbird
Morelet's Crocodile
Morelet's Treefrog
Morelos False Brook Salamander
Morere's Banana Frog
Morimus funereus
Morishita's Tiger
Moritschus altaquerensis
Morne Macay Robber Frog
Morningside Bubble-nest Frog
Moroccan Midwife Toad
Moroccan Three-toed Skink
Morona-Santiago Stubfoot Toad
Morrison's Cave Amphipod
Morro Bay Kangaroo Rat
Morro Shoulderband Snail
Moserius percoi
Mosor Rock Lizard
Moss-backed Turtle
Moss-forest Blossom Bat
Mottled Bubble-nest Frog
Mottled Eagle Ray
Mottled Petrel
Mottled Piculet
Mottled Tuco-tuco
Mouldingia occidentalis
Mouldingia orientalis
Mount Bulgar Viper
Mount Cameroon Francolin
Mount Cameroon Speirops
Mount Cooper Striped Lerista
Mount Data Forest Frog
Mount Donna Buang Wingless Stonefly
Mount Graham Red Squirrel
Mount Kahuzi African Climbing Mouse
Mount Karthala White-eye
Mount Kosciusko Wingless Stonefly
Mount Kupe Bush-shrike
Mount Lumaku Bubble-nest Frog
Mount Meru Stream Frog
Mount Omoto-dake Frog
Mount St. Helens' Grylloblattid
Mount Talamau Bubble-nest Frog
Mount Tucutche Treefrog
Mount Wuliang Sucker Frog
Mount Zempoaltepec Alligator Lizard
Mountain Alcon Blue
Mountain Anoa
Mountain Blackside Dace
Mountain Borneo Frog
Mountain Cave Amphipod
Mountain Climbing Frog
Mountain Dot Frog
Mountain Dwarf Galago
Mountain Egg Frog
Mountain Mistfrog
Mountain Night Frog
Mountain Nyala
Mountain Paca
Mountain Pademelon
Mountain Peacock-pheasant
Mountain Plover
Mountain Pygmy Possum
Mountain Serpent-eagle
Mountain Shrew Tenrec
Mountain Shrike
Mountain Skink
Mountain Tapir
Mountain Toad
Mountain Viper
Mountain Wrinkled Ground Frog
Mountain Yellow-legged Frog
Mountain Zebra
Mountain-top Nursery-frog
Mourning Treefrog
Moustached Antpitta
Moustached Hawk-cuckoo
Moustached Kingfisher
Moustached Woodcreeper
Mout Okou Wolterstorff Toad
Mozart's Frog
Mrora Forest Toad
Mrs. Moreau's Warbler
Mt. Hermon June Beetle
Mt. Isarog Striped Rat
Mt. Kenya Mole Shrew
Mt. Lefo Brush-furred Rat
Mt. Okou Long-fingered Frog
Mt. Oku Kylomyscus
Mt. Oku Rat
Muckalee Crayfish
Mucubaji Stubfoot Toad
Mud Elimia
Muddy Rocksnail
Mueller's Bornean Gibbon
Mugger Crocodile
Mugilogobius adeia
Mugilogobius latifrons
Muller's Climbing Salamander
Muller's Stream Toad
Multicolored Tanager
Multispine Skate
Mulu Flying Frog
Munchique Wood-wren
Munchkin Skate
Munk's Devil Ray
Munnar Bubble-nest Frog
Murphy's Crow
Murphy's Petrel
Murray Cod
Murray Hardyhead
Murud Bubble-nest Frog
Muruk Mio Bubble-nest Frog
Muscular Salamander
Musso's Fish-eating Rat
Mussonena campbelli
Mustache False Brook Salamander
Mutela alata
Mutton Snapper
Myaka Myaka
Mycedium steeni
Myers' Surinam Toad
Myrmecia inquilina
Myrmica bibikoffi
Myrmoxenus gordiagini
Mysore Ornamental
Naegele Springsnail
Nahampoana Bright-eyed Frog
Nahan's Francolin
Nahuelbuta Ground Frog
Naked Characin
Naked Tropical Frog
Namaqua Dwarf Adder
Namaqua Stream Frog
Namdapha Flying Squirrel
Namoi River Snapping Turtle
Namuli Apalis
Nankiang Horned Toad
Nanocochlea monticola
Nanocopia minuta
Nanodectes bulbicercus
Naomi's Forest Frog
Napaeus isletae
Napo Giant Glass Frog
Napo Plump Toad
Napo Sabrewing
Napo Stubfoot Toad
Narcine leoparda
Narcondam Hornbill
Narrow Pigtoe
Narrow-billed Antwren
Narrow-bridged Mud Turtle
Narrow-footed Worm Salamander
Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle
Narrow-lined Treefrog
Narrow-mouthed Toad
Narrow-nosed Harvest Mouse
Narrownose Smoothhound
Narrowsnout Sawfish
Nasolo's Shrew Tenrec
Nassau Grouper
Natal Banana Frog
Natal Black Millipede
Natal Free-tailed Bat
Natterer's Longwing
Natuna Island Surili
Nauru Reed-warbler
Nautilothelphusa zimmeri
Nava's Wren
Navajo Jerusalem Cricket
Nayarit Deer Mouse
Neatly-spotted Bubble-nest Frog
Neblina Metaltail
Neblina Uakari
Neches Crayfish
Nechisar Nightjar
Needle Dogfish
Neergaard's Sunbird
Negev Tortoise
Neglected Frog
Negros Bleeding-heart
Negros Fruit-dove
Negros Naked-backed Fruit Bat
Negros Shrew
Negros Striped-babbler
Negros Wrinkled Ground Frog
Nehalennia speciosa
Nekogigi Catfish
Nelson's Antelope Squirrel
Nelson's Giant Deer Mouse
Nelson's Small Eared Shrew
Nelson's Spiny Pocket Mouse
Nelson's Woodrat
Nemacheilus dori
Nemenzophyllia Fox Coral
Nemoron nomas
Neochromis gigas
Neodiaptomus intermedius
Neolamprologus christyi
Neolissochilus theinemanni
Neoplanorbis tantillus
Neopseudothelphusa fossor
Neosho Mucket
Neostrengeria perijaensis
Nepal Paa Frog
Nepogomphoides stuhlmanni
Neritina tiassalensis
Nesopupa madgei
Neurergus kaiseri
Neuse River Waterdog
Nevada Pupfish
Nevado de Colima Chirping Frog
New Britain Bronzewing
New Britain Goshawk
New Britain Kingfisher
New Britain Land Frog
New Britain Rail
New Britain Sparrowhawk
New Britain Thrush
New Caledonia Blossom Bat
New Caledonia Catshark
New Caledonia Flying Fox
New Caledonia Long-eared Bat
New Caledonia Wattled Bat
New Caledonian Grassbird
New Caledonian Imperial-pigeon
New Caledonian Lorikeet
New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar
New Caledonian Parakeet
New Caledonian Wood Rail
New England Cottontail
New Georgia Monkey-faced Bat
New Guinea Eagle
New Guinea Flightless Rail
New Guinea Pademelon
New Guinea Quoll
New Guinea River Shark
New Holland Mouse
New Ireland Yellow Tiger
New Mexico Hotspring Snail
New Zealand Bushwren
New Zealand Falcon
New Zealand Greater Short-tailed Bat
New Zealand Grebe
New Zealand Kaka
New Zealand King Shag
New Zealand Lesser Short-tailed Bat
New Zealand Long-tailed Bat
New Zealand Pigeon
New Zealand Sea Lion
New Zealand Shore Plover
New Zealand Snipe
New Zealand Storm-petrel
New Zealand Thrush
Newcomb's Snail
Newcomb's Tree Snail
Newell's Shearwater
Newman's Knob-Scaled Lizard
Newnhamia fuscata
Newnhamia insolita
Newton's Grassland Frog
Ngezi Reed Frog
Ngoni Moss Frog
Niangua Darter
Niceforo's Stubfoot Toad
Niceforo's Wren
Niceforonia adenobrachia
Nickajack Cave Isopod
Nicklin's Pearlymussel
Nicobar Bulbul
Nicobar Crow
Nicobar Flying Fox
Nicobar Megapode
Nicobar Parakeet
Nicobar Pigeon
Nicobar Sparrowhawk
Nicobar Treeshrew
Nicobar White-tailed Shrew
Nicobarese Whipping Frog
Nicobars Wart Frog
Nienokoue Reed Frog
Nietner's Grappletail
Niger Stingray
Nigeria Banana Frog
Night Parrot
Night Shark
Nightingale Reed Warbler
Nihoa Banza Conehead Katydid
Nihoa Finch
Nihoa Millerbird
Nike's Squeaker
Nile Lechwe
Nilgiri Black Langur
Nilgiri Bubble-nest Frog
Nilgiri Flycatcher
Nilgiri Long-tailed Climbing Mouse
Nilgiri Marten
Nilgiri Pipit
Nilgiri Tahr
Nilgiri Tropical Frog
Nilgiri Wood-pigeon
Nilgiris Wart Frog
Nimba Banana Frog
Nimba Flycatcher
Nimba Otter Shrew
Nimba Reed Frog
Nimba Shrew
Nimba Stream Crab
Nimbaphrynoides liberiensis
Nimble Long-limbed Salamander
Ninglang Paa Frog
Niobe's Shrew
Niphargobates lefkodemonaki
Niphargus aberrans
Nirodia belphegor
Nitocrella slovenica
Nkongsamba Frog
Nkongsamba River Frog
Noel's Amphipod
Noellert's Toad
Noisy Scrub-bird
Nomorhamphus towoeti
Non-parasitic Lamprey
Norbert Bright-eyed Frog
Nordmann's Greenshank
Norfolcioconch iota
Norfolcioconch norfolkensis
Norfolk Island Gerygone
Norfolk Island Parakeet
Norfolk Island White-eye
Nornalup Frog
Noronha Elaenia
Noronha Vireo
North African Fire Salamander
North Andean Huemul
North Atlantic Right Whale
North Borneo Stream Toad
North Island Brown Kiwi
North Moluccan Flying Fox
North Pacific Right Whale
North Shore Marsupial Frog
Northeastern Xanthurus Rat
Northern Abalone
Northern Aplomado Falcon
Northern Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Northern Bahamian Rock Iguana
Northern Bald Ibis
Northern Black Millipede
Northern Bobwhite
Northern Brush-tailed Phascogale
Northern Cassowary
Northern Cavefish
Northern Chiapas Anole
Northern Chinese Flying Squirrel
Northern Corroboree Frog
Northern Draughtboard Shark
Northern Flying Squirrel
Northern Free-tailed Bat
Northern Frog
Northern Fur Seal
Northern Giant-petrel
Northern Glider
Northern Guitarfish
Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat
Northern Hammer Frog
Northern Helmeted Curassow
Northern Hopping-mouse
Northern Luzon Rhynchomys
Northern Minute Salamander
Northern Muriqui
Northern Pig-tailed Macaque
Northern Pudu
Northern Quoll
Northern Rockhopper Penguin
Northern Roundgland Toad
Northern Royal Albatross
Northern Rufous Mouse Lemur
Northern Screamer
Northern Shrew Tenrec
Northern Sportive Lemur
Northern Swift Fox
Northern Tinker Frog
Northern Water Rat
Northwestern Climbing Salamander
Norton Plains Bubble-nest Frog
Norton's Cave Amphipod
Norton's Robber Frog
Nosy Be Burrowing Frog
Nosy Be Giant Treefrog
Notable Large Burrowing Spider
Nothobranchius aff. taeniopygus
Notodiaptomus dubius
Notogomphus cottarellii
Notopala sublineata
Nsoung Long-fingered Frog
Nubian Bustard
Nubian Ibex
Nueces Crayfish
Nuevo Leon Graceful Brown Snake
Numfor Paradise-kingfisher
Nyika Dwarf Toad
O'ahu Creeper
O'ahu Tree Snail
O'donnell's Climbing Salamander
Oahu Amakihi
Oahu Damselfly
Oahu Deceptor Bush Cricket
Oak Forest Salamander
Oaxaca Sparrow
Oaxaca Toad
Oaxacan Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Oaxacan Climbing Salamander
Oaxacan Coral Snake
Oaxacan Dwarf Boa
Oaxacan False Brook Salamander
Oaxacan Fringe-limbed Treefrog
Oaxacan Giant Deer Mouse
Oaxacan Giant Salamander
Oaxacan Minute Salamander
Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana
Oaxacan Yellow Treefrog
Obelus despreauxii
Obey Crayfish
Obi Island Birdwing
Occirhenea georgiana
Oceanic Hawaiian Damselfly
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Ocellated Bubble-nest Frog
Ocellated Coral
Ocellated Lizard
Ocellated Quail
Ocellated Turkey
Ochlockonee Moccasinshell
Ochraceous Attila
Ochraceous Piculet
Ochre-bellied Dove
Ochre-bellied Hawk-owl
Ochre-breasted Pipit
Ochre-fronted Antpitta
Ochre-rumped Antbird
Ochre-rumped Bunting
Ochre-winged Honeyeater
Ochthephila spirulina
Ocmulgee Marstonia
Oconee Burrowing Crayfish
Oconee Stream Crayfish
Octopus Coral
Odaigahara Salamander
Odontopodisma montana
Offachloritis dryanderensis
Ogasawarana chichijimana
Ogea Monarch
Ogilby's Ghostshark
Ohiya Rat
Ohlone Tiger Beetle
Ohrid Gudgeon
Ohrid Spirlin
Oita Salamander
Okaloosa Darter
Oki Salamander
Okinawa Rail
Okinawa Spiny Rat
Okinawa Wart Frog
Okinawa Woodpecker
Okinawan Terrestrial Crab
Oklahoma Cave Amphipod
Oklahoma Cave Crayfish
Oklahoma Salamander
Oktedi Rainbowfish
Oktibbeha Riverlet Crayfish
Oku Mouse Shrew
Olalla Brothers' Titi Monkey
Oldfield White-bellied Rat
Oligoaeschna kunigamiensis
Olive Colobus
Olive Grouper
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
Olive-backed Woodpecker
Olive-headed Weaver
Olive-shouldered Parrot
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Olive-yellow Robin
Oliver's Warty Pig
Olongburra Frog
Olrog's Gull
Olympic Torrent Salamander
Omei Horned Toad
Omei Lazy Toad
Omei Shan Liocichla
Omilteme Cottontail
Omiltemi Minute Salamander
Omphalotropis hieroglyphica
Onchotelson brevicaudatus
Onconotus servillei
Oncorhynchus formosanus
One-finned Shark
One-toed Amphiuma
Onefin Skate
Onondaga Cave Amphipod
Onychogomphus assimilis
Onychostoma alticorpus
Opal Goodeid
Opalescent Pearlfish
Opanara altiapica
Opaque Pebblesnail
Open Brain Coral
Opisthostoma bihamulatum
Opossum Shrimp
Opsaridium microcephalum
Orange Button Coral
Orange Lake Cave Crayfish
Orange Long-nosed Frog
Orange-banded Flycatcher
Orange-banded Thrush
Orange-bellied Antwren
Orange-bellied Flying Frog
Orange-bellied Frog
Orange-bellied Parakeet
Orange-billed Babbler
Orange-breasted Bush-shrike
Orange-fringed River Bream
Orange-fronted Barbet
Orange-necked Partridge
Orange-spotted Emerald
Orange-throated Tanager
Orangeblack Hawaiian Damselfly
Orangefin Madtom
Orangefoot Pimpleback Pearlymussel
Orangia cookei
Orangia maituatensis
Orangia sporadica
Orbiculus Leaf-nosed Bat
Orchid Island Crab
Orconectes bisectus
Ordtrachia elegans
Oregon Chub
Oregon Giant Earthworm
Oregon Slender Salamander
Oregon Spotted Frog
Orejas-Miranda Redbelly Toad
Oreobates pereger
Oreochromis alcalicus
Oreocnemis phoenix
Oreoglanis siamensis
Oreonectes anophthalmus
Oreophrynella cryptica
Oreophrynella vasquezi
Orestias chungarensis
Organ Pipe Coral
Oriental Darter
Oriental Shrew
Oriental White Stork
Oriente Coastal Frog
Oriente Greenish-yellow Frog
Oriente Mottled Frog
Orinoco Agouti
Orinoco Crocodile
Orinoco Goose
Orinoco Softtail
Orinoco Sword-nosed Bat
Orizaba Minute Salamander
Orlando Cave Crayfish
Ornamental Snake
Ornate Eagle Ray
Ornate Egg Frog
Ornate Flying Fox
Ornate Horned Frog
Ornate Slider
Ornate Spiny Lizard
Ornate Titi Monkey
Ornithoptera meridionalis
Oro Phantasmal Poison Frog
Orphan Salamander
Orthetrum poecilops
Orthochromis kasuluensis
Orthrias tschaiyssuensis
Oryzias celebensis
Osgood's Ethiopian Toad
Osornophryne sumacoensis
Ospatulus palaemophagus
Otago Skink
Otopharynx lithobates
Otter Civet
Otway Black Snail
Otway Range Black Snail
Ouachita Burrowing Crayfish
Ouachita Madtom
Ouachita Mountain Shiner
Ouachita Rock Pocketbook
Oulophyllia bennettae
Oulophyllia crispa
Oustalet's Tyrannulet
Oval Pigtoe
Ovate Clubshell
Ovate Pebblesnail
Owens Pupfish
Owens Tui Chub
Owl-faced Monkey
Owston's Banded Palm Civet
Oxapampa Frog
Oxapampa Poison Frog
Oxleyan Pygmy Perch
Oxychilus agostinhoi
Oxyepoecus bruchi
Oxynoemacheilus pindus
Oyster Mussel
Ozark Cave Amphipod
Ozark Cavefish
Ozark Emerald
Oziothelphusa bilobaPacarana
Pachyhynobius yunanicus
Pachypanchax sakaramyi
Pachysaga munggai
Pachysaga strobila
Pachyseris gemmae
Pacific Degu
Pacific Giant Glass Frog
Pacific Hawaiian Damselfly
Pacific Horned Frog
Pacific Marsupial Frog
Pacific Pocket Mouse
Pacific Pond Turtle
Pacific Royal Flycatcher
Pacific Seahorse
Pacific Sheath-tailed Bat
Pacific Spiny Rat
Pagai Island Macaque
Pagai Spiny Rat
Pagi Island Langur
Pahang Frog
Pahranagat Roundtail Chub
Pahrump Poolfish
Painted Asian Toad
Painted Batagur
Painted Bunting
Painted Clubshell
Painted Honeyeater
Painted Indonesian Treefrog
Painted Robber Frog
Painted Rocksnail
Painted Stork
Painted Tree Rat
Paka Bubble-nest Frog
Pakenham's River Frog
Palacanthilhiopsis vervierii
Paladilhia pleurotoma
Palanda Rocket Frog
Palau Flying Fox
Palau Ground-dove
Palauastrea ramosa
Palawan Bearded Pig
Palawan Binturong
Palawan Blue-flycatcher
Palawan Bubble-nest Frog
Palawan Flycatcher
Palawan Flying Fox
Palawan Flying Squirrel
Palawan Hornbill
Palawan Horned Frog
Palawan Peacock Pheasant
Palawan Scops-owl
Palawan Striped-babbler
Palawan Tit
Pale Dottyback
Pale Giant Squirrel
Pale Lilliput Pearlymussel
Pale-backed Pigeon
Pale-billed Sicklebill
Pale-browed Tinamou
Pale-capped Pigeon
Pale-edged Stingray
Pale-footed Bubble-nest Frog
Pale-headed Brush-finch
Pale-throated Pampa-finch
Paleback Darter
Palezone Shiner
Pallas's Cat
Pallas's Fish-eagle
Pallid Harrier
Pallid Large-footed Myotis
Pallid Sturgeon
Palm Borneo Frog
Palm Crow
Palm Forest Treefrog
Palm Lorikeet
Palmer's Chipmunk
Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly
Paludiscala De Oro Snail
Paludomus ajanensis
Pampas Cat
Pampas Deer
Pampas Giant Glass Frog
Pampas Meadowlark
Pan's Box Turtle
Panaeati Bare-backed Fruit Bat
Panama City Crayfish
Panamanian Golden Frog
Panamint Alligator Lizard
Panay Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat
Panay Striped-babbler
Panay Wrinkled Ground Frog
Pandi Climbing Salamander
Panhandle Pebblesnail
Pantanodon sp. nov. 'Manombo'
Panton's Robber Frog
Papallacta Marsupial Frog
Papallacta Treefrog
Papalo Minute Salamander
Papilio aristophontes
Papillon La Pature
Papuan Epaulette Shark
Papyrus Gonolek
Papyrus Yellow Warbler
Parachondrostoma arrigonis
Paraclavarina triangularis
Paracyclopia naessi
Paradiaptomus natalensis
Paradise Parakeet
Paraguana Mustached Bat
Paraguana Spiny Pocket Mouse
Paraguanan Ground Gecko
Paraguay Horned Frog
Parakneria tanzaniae
Paralabidochromis victoriae
Parambikulam Large Burrowing Spider
Paramelita barnardi
Paramelita flexa
Paramo Frontino Salamander
Paramorariopsis anae
Parana Antwren
Parapotamon spinescens
Parasimplastrea sheppardi
Parathelphusa balabac
Paratherina cyanea
Paratilapia polleni
Paretroplus dambabe
Paria Redstart
Paria Wood Elf
Parjacti Treefrog
Parker's Andes Frog
Parker's Dot Frog
Parker's Snake-necked Turtle
Parker's Tree Frog
Parker's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Parkhill Prairie Crayfish
Parkinson's Petrel
Parma Wallaby
Parmacella tenerifensis
Parnassius autocrator
Parosphromenus harveyi
Partridge Pigeon
Partula Snail
Partulina confusa
Parzefall's Stenasellid
Pasco White-lipped Frog
Pass Stubfoot Toad
Pastilla dacuna
Patagonian Cavy
Patagonian Skate
Patricia's Robber Frog
Pattipola Caecilian
Patzcuaro Frog
Patzcuaro Stream Frog
Paula's Long-nosed Rat
Paulian's Madagascar Frog
Paulson's Knobtail
Paulson's Robber Frog
Pavona bipartita
Peacock Soft-shelled Turtle
Peacock Softshell Turtle
Peaked Redspot
Peaks Of Otter Salamander
Pearl Bubble Coral
Pearl Riverlet Crayfish
Pearl-bellied White-eye
Pearly Parakeet
Pearson's Long-clawed Mouse
Pearson's Long-clawed Shrew
Pearson's Tuco-tuco
Pebas Stubfoot Toad
Pebble Toad
Peck's Cave Amphipod
Pecos Amphipod
Pecos Assiminea Snail
Pecos Gambusia
Pecos River Pupfish
Pectinia africanus
Pectoral Antwren
Pedder Galaxias
Pedra Branca Skink
Pelado Mountains False Toad
Pelagos Trout
Pelasgus epiroticus
Pelechuco Andes Frog
Peleng Island Tarsier
Peleng Leaf-nosed Bat
Pelophryne rhopophilia
Pelophylax grafi
Peloponnese Slow Worm
Pemba Flying Fox
Pemba Green-pigeon
Pemba Scops-owl
Pena de Francia Rock Lizard
Pena Verde Salamander
Penang Stream Toad
Pene galilaea
Penescosta mathewsi
Penescosta sororcula
Penguin Freshwater Snail
Peninsular Horseshoe Bat
Peninsular Myotis
Pennant's Red Colobus
Pennington's Protea
Pennsylvania Cave Amphipod
Peppered Tree Frog
Peracca's Plump Toad
Perbrinckia cracens
Percarina demidoffi
Perdicella helena
Pere David's Deer
Perija Metaltail
Perija Thistletail
Peripatoides indigo
Peripatoides suteri
Perkins' Treefrog
Pernagera gatliffi
Pernambuco Pygmy-owl
Pernatty Knob-tail
Perote Deer Mouse
Perote Ground Squirrel
Perret's Egg Frog
Perret's Night Frog
Perret's Toad
Perret's Water Frog
Perrier's Sifaka
Persian Fallow Deer
Persian Mountain Salamander
Persian Sturgeon
Peru Andes Frog
Peru Stubfoot Toad
Peru Water Frog
Peruvian Antpitta
Peruvian Climbing Mouse
Peruvian Diving-petrel
Peruvian Martin
Peruvian Pelican
Peruvian Piedtail
Peruvian Pigeon
Peruvian Plantcutter
Peruvian Recurvebill
Peruvian Tern
Pesquet's Parrot
Peters' Smooth Horned Frog
Peterson's Free-tailed Bat
Petropolis River Frog
Petrotilapia chrysos
Petrotilapia nigra
Petter's Tuft-tailed Rat
Pfeffer's Reed Frog
Pfeiffer's Red Bat
Pfrimer's Parakeet
Phallodrilus macmasterae
Phallostethus dunckeri
Phantasmal Poison Frog
Phantom Cave Crayfish
Phantom Cave Snail
Phasis pringlei
Phasmodes jeeba
Phayre's Leaf-monkey
Pheidole acutidens
Philautus decoris
Philippine Brown Deer
Philippine Bubble-nest Frog
Philippine Cockatoo
Philippine Crocodile
Philippine Dawn Bat
Philippine Duck
Philippine Dwarf-kingfisher
Philippine Eagle
Philippine Eagle-owl
Philippine Flat-headed Frog
Philippine Hawk-eagle
Philippine Leafbird
Philippine Needletail
Philippine Pangolin
Philippine Pond Turtle
Philippine Tarsier
Philippine Tube-nosed Fruit Bat
Philippine Wart Frog
Philippine Warty Pig
Phillip's Small-eared Shrew
Phillipine Porcupine
Philochortus zolii
Philonesia filiceti
Phoenix Petrel
Phongsaly Flying Frog
Phou Khao Khouay Leaf-nosed Bat
Phoxinellus alepidotus
Phrantela annamurrayae
Phricotelphusa callianira
Phrygiopilus acanthophallus
Phrynopus barthlenae
Phyllodiaptomus wellekensae
Pichincha Giant Glass Frog
Pichincha Poison Frog
Pichincha Rocket Frog
Pickersgill's Reed Frog
Pickle Springs Amphipod
Pico Blanco Toad
Pico Blanco Treefrog
Pico Turquino Robber Frog
Piebald Paa Frog
Pied Cuckoo-dove
Pied Cuckooshrike
Pied Tamarin
Piedmont Anomalous Blue
Piedmont Blue Burrower
Pig-footed Bandicoot
Pig-tailed Langur
Pigeon Mountain Salamander
Pigmy Splayfoot Salamander
Pijol Salamander
Pike Asp
Pila speciosa
Pilalo Treefrog
Pilar Tuco-tuco
Pileated Flycatcher
Pileated Gibbon
Pillar Coral
Pilsbrycharopa tumida
Pilula praetumida
Pimpled Bubble-nest Frog
Pinaleno Monkey Grasshopper
Pincushion Ray
Pine Barrens Treefrog
Pine Forest Stream Frog
Pingtung Crab
Pink Fairy Armadillo
Pink Mucket Pearlymussel
Pink Pigeon
Pink Ring Mussel
Pink Velvet Worm
Pink-bellied Imperial-pigeon
Pink-billed Parrotfinch
Pink-footed Shearwater
Pink-headed Duck
Pink-headed Imperial-pigeon
Pink-headed Warbler
Pink-legged Graveteiro
Pink-sided Treefrog
Pink-throated Brilliant
Pinos Robber Frog
Pinto's Spinetail
Pinyon Jay
Piping Peeping Frog
Piping Plover
Piraja's Lancehead
Pirre Warbler
Pirri Range Stubfoot Toad
Pisidium artifex
Pitcairn Reed Warbler
Pitt Island Longhorn Beetle
Pitt Island Shag
Pittier's Crab-eating Rat
Pittoconcha concinna
Piura Chat-tyrant
Piura Water Frog
Pizzini's Amphipod
Placostylus ambagiosus
Plagigeyeria conilis
Plagiolepis ampeloni
Plain Cactus Snail
Plain Green Bubble-nest Frog
Plain Mountain Adder
Plain Pigeon
Plain terapon
Plain Wanderer
Plain White-eye
Plain-backed Sunbird
Plain-flanked Rail
Plain-pouched Hornbill
Plain-tailed Nighthawk
Plain-tailed Warbling-finch
Plains Mouse
Plains Viscacha Rat
Plantanillo Gorge Salamander
Plate-billed Mountain-toucan
Platy Cuatro Cienegas
Platy De Muzquiz
Platycnemis agrioides
Platycypha pinheyi
Platygyra acuta
Platyla foliniana
Platymantis cagayanensis
Platyops sterreri
Platyrrhinus ismaeli
Platytaeniodus degeni
Pleasing Poison Frog
Plebejus hesperica
Plectranthias chungchowensis
Plectrohyla calthula
Plegma caelatura
Plesiastrea devantieri
Pleske's Grasshopper-warbler
Pleurocera postelli
Pleuroxia hinsbyi
Plicate Rocksnail
Plumbeous Antvireo
Plumbeous Forest-falcon
Plumbeous Hawk
Plunket's Dogfish
Plush-coated Ringtail
Plymouth Red-bellied Turtle
Podolian Mole Rat
Poecilmitis adonis
Poeppig's Woolly Monkey
Poey's Grouper
Pogonomyrmex anergismus
Pogonomyrmex colei
Pohle's Fruit Bat
Pohnpei Flying Fox
Point Arena Mountain Beaver
Polar Bear
Polillo Wrinkled Ground Frog
Polkadot Cod
Polkadot Poison Frog
Pollen's Vanga
Polyergus lucidus
Polyergus nigerrimus
Polynesian Ground Dove
Polynesian Imperial Pigeon
Polynesian Megapode
Polyommatus dama
Polyphyllia novaehiberniae
Pomace Fly
Pomugu Wrinkled Ground Frog
Ponape Greater White-eye
Ponape Mountain Starling
Poncelet's Giant Rat
Pond Bat
Ponderous Siltsnail
Pondicherry Shark
Pondoland Cannibal Snail
Ponmudi Bubble-nest Frog
Ponmudi Hill Bubble-nest Frog
Ponmudi Hills Bubble-nest Frog
Pontian Shemaya
Poole's Robber Frog
Poor Knights Weta
Pop-eyed Spikethumb Frog
Popta's Buntingi
Porcupine Ray
Porites annae
Poritipora paliformis
Poropuntius tawarensis
Port Conception Jerusalem Cricket
Porteous's Tuco-tuco
Porthole Treefrog
Portland Cave Robber Frog
Portland Parish Robber Frog
Portuguese Dogfish
Poso Bungu
Potamocarcinus hartmanni
Potamon bileki
Potamonautes choloensis
Potosi Centipede Snake
Potosi Pupfish
Powder Blue Damsel
Prairie Sphinx Moth
Precarious Black Millipede
Predatory Bush Cricket
Prehensile-tailed Hutia
Prespa Spirlin
Preuss' Red Colobus Monkey
Preuss's Monkey
Pribilof Island Shrew
Prickly Pear Island Snail
Prickly Shark
Prigogine's Greenbul
Primeval Splayfoot Salamander
Prince Ruspoli's Turaco
Princess Parrot
Principe Speirops
Pristimantis Rain Frog
Pristine Crayfish
Pritchard's Snake-necked Turtle
Pro-Mata Oval Frog
Proasellus parvulus
Proasellus slovenicus
Proboscis Monkey
Probreviceps durirostris
Procambarus latipleurum
Procarid Shrimp
Prognathochromis sp. nov. 'long snout'
Pronged Clubtail
Proserpine Rock Wallaby
Proserpine Shiner
Prostherapis dunni
Protemblemaria punctata
Protocobitis typhlops
Protomelas virgatus
Protomognathus americanus
Prototrachia sedula
Providence Petrel
Przewalski's Gazelle
Przewalski's Horse
Psacadonotus insulanus
Psammocora contigua
Pseudagrion arabicum
Pseudamnicola anteisensis
Pseudoatta argentina
Pseudocandona cavicola
Pseudochazara euxina
Pseudochondrostoma duriense
Pseudoeurycea cephalica
Pseudomoraria triglavensis
Pseudomulleria dalyi
Pseudomyrmex leptosus
Pseudophoxinus anatolicus
Pseudotropheus ater
Psychrophrynella adenopleura
Ptychalaea dedecora
Ptychochromis inornatus
Ptychochromis sp. nov.
Ptychochromoides betsileanus
Ptychodon schuppi
Ptychohyla dendrophasma
Ptychophallus tristani
Ptyochromis sp. nov.
Puebla Deer Mouse
Puebla Frog
Puebla Treefrog
Puerto Cabello Robber Frog
Puerto Rican Boa
Puerto Rican Broad-winged Hawk
Puerto Rican Crested Toad
Puerto Rican Nightjar
Puerto Rican Parrot
Puerto Rican Robber Frog
Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk
Puerto Rican Wetland Frog
Puff-backed Bulbul
Pulitzer's Longbill
Pulmonate Limpet
Pulo Tioman Stream Toad
Puna Flamingo
Puna Mouse
Pundamilia igneopinis
Pundt's Tuco-tuco
Puntius hemictenus
Pupamon phrae
Purcell's Hunter Slug
Puritan Tiger Beetle
Purple Bankclimber
Purple Bean
Purple Dollarbird
Purple Eagle Ray
Purple Ghats Frog
Purple Marsh Crab
Purple Skimmer
Purple Threadtail
Purple-backed Sunbeam
Purple-faced Langur
Purple-naped Lory
Purple-sided Leaf Frog
Purple-winged Ground Dove
Purplish-mantled Tanager
Putnam County Cave Crayfish
Putumayo Robber Frog
Puxiong Lazy Toad
Puyo Giant Glass Frog
Pycroft's Petrel
Pygmy Alligator Lizard
Pygmy Chimpanzee
Pygmy Copperhead
Pygmy Devilray
Pygmy Hippopotamus
Pygmy Hog
Pygmy Hog Sucking Louse
Pygmy Madtom
Pygmy Mouse Lemur
Pygmy Pebblesnail
Pygmy Rabbit
Pygmy Raccoon
Pygmy Sculpin
Pygmy Siltsnail
Pygmy Slow Loris
Pygmy Spotted Skunk
Pygmy Three-toed Sloth
Pygmy White-tailed Rat
Pygmy Wrinkled Ground Frog
Pyrenaearia daanidentata
Pyrenaearia molae
Pyrenean Brook Salamander
Pyrenean Desman
Pyrenean Frog
Pyrenean Ibex
Pyrenean Rock Lizard
Pyxichromis orthostoma
Qinghai Lake Toad
Quadrate Pebblesnail
Quarry Worm Salamander
Quebrada Valverde Salamander
Quechuan Hocicudo
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Butterfly
Queen Malachite
Queen Triggerfish
Queensland Rat-kangaroo
Queretaran Desert Lizard
Quick Step Robber Frog
Quindio Glass Frog
Quino Checkerspot Butterfly
Rabbit Bandicoot
Rabor's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Raddaus mertensi
Radioconus goeldi
Radiodiscus amdenus
Raetzer's Ringlet
Rahm's Brush-furred Rat
Railroad Valley Springfish
Rainbow Goodeid
Rainbow Parrotfish
Rainforest Running Frog
Rajah Spiny Rat
Ramajana Bambootail
Rameshwaram Ornamental
Ramsay's Python
Ramsey Canyon Leopard Frog
Rancho Grande Harlequin Frog
Randrianasoli's Sportive Lemur
Ranjini's Field Rat
Ranongga White-eye
Rapa Fruit-dove
Rapid River Freshwater Snail
Rarotonga Monarch
Rarotonga Starling
Rasbora baliensis
Raso Lark
Rattling Frog
Rattus satarae
Ravelobe Mouse Lemur
Razor-billed Curassow
Razorback Sucker
Reclusive Ringtail
Recurve-billed Bushbird
Red And Yellow Mountain Frog
Red Bird-of-paradise
Red Chaser
Red Deer
Red Fruit Bat
Red Goral
Red Goshawk
Red Grouper
Red Hills Salamander
Red Jungle-skimmer
Red Kite
Red Lark
Red Myotis
Red Panda
Red Peeping Frog
Red Porgy
Red Rain Frog
Red Rainbowfish
Red Ruffed Lemur
Red Serow
Red Siskin
Red Slate Ornamental
Red Slender Loris
Red Spotted Argentina Frog
Red Stingray
Red Tree Vole
Red Wolf
Red-and-black Thrush
Red-and-blue Lory
Red-and-gray Mouse Lemur
Red-backed Squirrel Monkey
Red-backed Thrush
Red-bellied Earth Runner
Red-bellied Grackle
Red-bellied Lemur
Red-bellied Myzomela
Red-bellied Racer
Red-billed Curassow
Red-billed Hanging-parrot
Red-black Crayfish
Red-breasted Goose
Red-breasted Plover
Red-browed Parrot
Red-capped Parrot
Red-cheeked Salamander
Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Red-collared Mountain-babbler
Red-collared Woodpecker
Red-crowned Barbet
Red-crowned Parrot
Red-crowned Toadlet
Red-eared Nose-spotted Monkey
Red-eared Parrotfinch
Red-faced Barbet
Red-faced Malkoha
Red-faced Parrot
Red-finned Blue-eye
Red-footed Climbing Salamander
Red-footed Falcon
Red-fronted Antpecker
Red-fronted Brown Lemur
Red-fronted Gazelle
Red-fronted Macaw
Red-fronted Parakeet
Red-fronted Parrotlet
Red-handed Howler Monkey
Red-handed Howling Monkey
Red-headed Amazon River Turtle
Red-headed Flying Frog
Red-headed Vulture
Red-headed Water Frog
Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-knobbed Imperial-pigeon
Red-legged Cormorant
Red-legged Horn Frog
Red-legged Kittiwake
Red-legged Robber Frog
Red-legged Salamander
Red-legged Threadtail
Red-lored Whistler
Red-masked Parakeet
Red-naped Fruit-dove
Red-naped Trogon
Red-necked Parrot
Red-necked Pond Turtle
Red-nosed Tree Rat
Red-shouldered Spinetail
Red-shouldered Vanga
Red-spectacled Parrot
Red-spotted Chirping Frog
Red-spotted Lazy Toad
Red-spotted Toad
Red-tailed Knobby Newt
Red-tailed Newtonia
Red-tailed Parrot
Red-tailed Phascogale
Red-tailed Sharkminnow
Red-tailed Sportive Lemur
Red-throated Barbet
Red-throated Lorikeet
Red-throated Sunbird
Redback Bright-eyed Frog
Redbelly Egg Frog
Redclaw Crayfish
Reddell's Cave Amphipod
Reddish Scops-owl
Rednose Robber Frog
Rednose Stubfoot Toad
Reed Frog
Reed Parrotbill
Reeves's Pheasant
Regent Honeyeater
Reiche's Squeaker
Reig's Aepeomys
Reig's Opossum
Reig's Tuco-tuco
Relict Dace
Relict Darter
Relict Gull
Relict Himalayan Dragonfly
Relict Leopard Frog
Remote Conehead Katydid
Renea bourguignatiana
Rennell Flying Fox
Resowska Shemaja
Resplendent Pygmy Angelfish
Resplendent Quetzal
Restinga Antwren
Restinga Tyrannulet
Reticulate Bubble-nest Frog
Reticulate Collared Lizard
Reticulate Leaf Frog
Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander
Reticulated Toadfish
Retinella stabilei
Reunion Cuckoo-shrike
Reunion Harrier
Reventazon Shadowdamsel
Reymondia tanganyicensis
Rhabdalestes leleupi
Rhacophorus zhaojuensis
Rhadinaea fulvivittis
Rhaebo caeruleostictus
Rhagada gibbensis
Rhamdia zongolicensis
Rhantus alutaceus
Rheocles alaotrensis
Rhinella amabilis
Rhinobatos jimbaranensis
Rhinoceros Hornbill
Rhinocypha hageni
Rhipidolestes okinawanus
Rhithrodytes agnus
Rhode's Robber Frog
Rhombophryne coronata
Rhoptromyrmex mayri
Rhynchochydorus australiensis
Rhysoconcha atanuiensis
Rhytida clarki
Ribbon-tailed Astrapia
Ribeirao Button Frog
Rich Mountain Salamander
Richard's Moss Salamander
Richmond Range Mountain Frog
Richmond's Robber Frog
Richmond's Squirrel
Rickett's Big-footed Bat
Ricordi's Robber Frog
Ridge Marsupial Frog
Ridgway's Hawk
Ridley's Myotis
Riggenbach's Reed Frog
Rilett's Climbing Salamander
Rim Rock Crowned Snake
Rimatara Reed-warbler
Rimitara Lorikeet
Ring-necked Francolin
Ring-tailed Lemur
Ring-tailed Pigeon
Ringed Boghaunter
Ringed Hornsnail
Ringed River Frog
Ringed Sawback
Ringstraked Guitarfish
Rio Branco Antbird
Rio Calima Marsupial Frog
Rio Calles Robber Frog
Rio Carauta Stubfoot Toad
Rio Chingual Valley Treefrog
Rio Chipillico Frog
Rio De Janeiro Antbird
Rio De Janeiro Antwren
Rio De Janeiro Arboreal Rat
Rio Faisanes Stubfoot Toad
Rio Grande Darter
Rio Grande Monkeyface
Rio Grande Silvery Minnow
Rio Luisito Treefrog
Rio Magdalena River Turtle
Rio Mutum Frog
Rio Pescado Stubfoot Toad
Rio Pitzara Robber Frog
Rio Quiri Salamander
Rio Sananja Spikethumb Frog
Rio Skate
Rio Suno Robber Frog
Rio Viejo Toad
Riobamba Marsupial Frog
Riparian Brush Rabbit
Riparian Woodrat
Ris's Sanddragon
Risiocnemis seidenschwarzi
River Pipefish
River Terrapin
Rivera Redbelly Toad
Riverine Rabbit
Rivero's Cochran Frog
Rivulet Tiger (Dragonfly)
Roach's Mouse-tailed Dormouse
Roanoke Bass
Roanoke Logperch
Roatan Island Agouti
Roatan Spiny-tailed Iguana
Robber Baron Cave Meshweaver
Roberto's Spiny Rat
Roberts' False Brook Salamander
Roberts' Treefrog
Robust Cottontail
Robust Golden Mole
Robust Skink
Rockefeller's Sunbird
Rocky Mountain Capshell
Rocky River Frog
Rodeck's Whiptail
Rodrigues Day Gecko
Rodrigues Fody
Rodrigues Fruit Bat
Rodrigues Warbler
Rodriguezus trujillensis
Roig's Tuco-tuco
Rolling Pebblesnail
Romanian Hamster
Romanian Loach
Romanogobio benacensis
Romer's Treefrog
Ronald's Robber Frog
Rondo Bushbaby
Rondonia Bushbird
Rondonia Marmoset
Roque Chico de Salmor Giant Lizard
Roraima Bush Toad
Roraima Mouse
Rosalia Longicorn
Rose's Mountain Toad
Rose-bellied Bunting
Roseate Tern
Rossomyrmex minuchae
Rossomyrmex proformicarum
Roswell Springsnail
Rosy Ground Frog
Rota Bridled White-eye
Rothschild's Birdwing
Rothschild's Starling
Rothschild's Swift
Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle
Rotuma Myzomela
Rouget's Rail
Rough Cactus Coral
Rough Horned Frog
Rough Hornsnail
Rough Pigtoe
Rough Rabbitsfoot
Rough Rockshell
Rough Sculpin
Rough-haired Golden Mole
Rough-skinned Bubble-nest Frog
Roughneck Alligator Lizard
Roughnose Wedgefish
Roughskin Skate
Round Ebonyshell
Round Island Burrowing Boa
Round Island Casarea Boa
Round Island Day Gecko
Round Island Skink
Round Rocksnail
Round-rib Elimia
Roviana Rail
Roving Coralgrouper
Rovuma Topminnow
Rowley's Palm Pit Viper
Royal Cinclodes
Royal False Brook Salamander
Royal Marstonia Snail
Royal Parrotfinch
Royal Penguin
Royal Sunangel
Royal Yarrow's Spiny Lizard
Royle's Mountain Vole
Ruaha Lampeye
Ruatara koarana
Ruatara oparica
Rubberlip Hap
Rubeho Akalat
Ruby-legged Black Millipede
Rudd's Lark
Rueck's Blue-flycatcher
Rueppel's Big-eyed Treefrog
Rueppell's Vulture
Rufous Coucal
Rufous Fishing-owl
Rufous Flycatcher
Rufous Hornbill
Rufous Scrub-bird
Rufous-backed Bunting
Rufous-bellied Saltator
Rufous-breasted Laughingthrush
Rufous-breasted Warbling-finch
Rufous-browed Hemispingus
Rufous-cheeked Hummingbird
Rufous-chested Flycatcher
Rufous-collared Kingfisher
Rufous-crowned Antpitta
Rufous-crowned Babbler
Rufous-eared Brush-finch
Rufous-faced Crake
Rufous-fronted Antthrush
Rufous-fronted Laughingthrush
Rufous-fronted Parakeet
Rufous-headed Chachalaca
Rufous-headed Ground-roller
Rufous-headed Hornbill
Rufous-headed Robin
Rufous-lored Kingfisher
Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner
Rufous-necked Hornbill
Rufous-rumped Grassbird
Rufous-rumped Seedeater
Rufous-sided Pygmy-tyrant
Rufous-tailed Antbird
Rufous-tailed Hawk
Rufous-tailed Shama
Rufous-throated Dipper
Rufous-throated Flycatcher
Rufous-throated White-eye
Rufous-throated Wren-babbler
Rufous-vented Prinia
Rufous-winged Illadopsis
Rufous-winged Sunbird
Rugegewald River Frog
Rugged Hornsnail
Ruiz's Marsupial Frog
Ruiz's Robber Frog
Ruiz's Rocket Frog
Rumpi Mouse Shrew
Rupirana cardosoi
Rus Bubble-nest Frog
Russet Hawk-owl
Russet-bellied Spinetail
Russet-crowned Quail-dove
Russet-mantled Softtail
Russet-winged Spadebill
Russian Desman
Russian Sturgeon
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Grave Digger
Rusty-barred Owl
Rusty-bellied Shortwing
Rusty-faced Babbler
Rusty-faced Parrot
Rusty-flanked Crake
Rusty-gray Lesser Bamboo Lemur
Rusty-headed Spinetail
Rusty-necked Piculet
Rusty-spotted Cat
Rusty-throated Parrotbill
Rusty-throated Wren-babbler
Rusty-winged Starling
Rutenberg's Reed Frog
Ruth's Robber Frog
Ruthvens Kingsnake
Rutilus meidingeri
Ruwenzori Horseshoe Bat
Ruwenzori Shrew
Rwanda River Frog
Rwenzori Otter Shrew
Rye Cove Cave Isopod
Ryukyu Black-breasted Leaf Turtle
Ryukyu Brown Frog
Ryukyu Flying Fox
Ryukyu Rabbit
Ryukyu Robin
Ryukyu Shrew
Ryukyu Spiny Rat
Ryukyu Tip-nosed Frog
Ryukyu Tube-nosed Bat
Ryukyu Woodcock
Ryukyus Islands Tree Rat
Saavedra Andes Frog
Sabah Rice Frog
Sabahphrynus anotis
Sabino Dancer
Saccogaster melanomycter
Sachs's Stream Crab
Sacramento Anthicid Beetle
Sacramento Splittail
Sacred Swamp Wrinkled Frog
Saddled Galaxias
Sadleriana pannonica
Sado Mole
Saffron Siskin
Saffron Toucanet
Saffron-breasted Redstart
Saffron-cowled Blackbird
Saffron-headed Parrot
Sagalla Caecilian
Sahamalaza Sportive Lemur
Saiga Antelope
Saimaa Ringed Seal
Saint Andrew's Cross Toadlet
Saint Helena Earwig
Saint Lucia Mullet
Sakalava Rail
Saker Falcon
Sakhalin Sturgeon
Sakhalin Vole
Salangathelphusa anophrys
Salaria economidisi
Salgir Gudgeon
Salim Ali's Fruit Bat
Salina Mucket
Salinas Monjita
Saline Burrowing Crayfish
Salmo ohridanus
Salmon River Freshwater Snail
Salmon-crested Cockatoo
Salt Creek Tiger Beetle
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse
Salta Marsupial Frog
Salta Toad
Salta Water Frog
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Saltwater Crocodile
Salvadori's Antwren
Salvadori's Fig-parrot
Salvadori's Nightjar
Salvadori's Pheasant
Salvadori's Serin
Salvadori's Teal
Salvelinus colii
Salvin's Albatross
Salvin's Salamander
Sambar Deer
Sambirano Mouse Lemur
Samoan Flycatcher
Samoan Flying Fox
Samoan Moorhen
Samoan Tree Snail
Samoan Triller
Samoan White-eye
Samwell Cave Cricket
San Andres Vireo
San Bernardino Merriam's Kangaroo Rat
San Bruno Elfin Butterfly
San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike
San Cristobal Mockingbird
San Cristobal Shrew
San Diego Fairy Shrimp
San Esteban Deer Mouse
San Esteban Island Chuckwalla
San Francisco Garter Snake
San Gabriel Springs Salamander
San Isidro Stubfoot Toad
San Joaquin Dune Beetle
San Joaquin Kit Fox
San Jose Brush Rabbit
San Jose Island Kangaroo Rat
San Lorenzo Deer Mouse
San Lucan Leaf-toed Gecko
San Lucas Marsupial Frog
San Marcos Gambusia
San Marcos Salamander
San Martin False Brook Salamander
San Martin Fringe-limbed Treefrog
San Martin Minute Salamander
San Martin Redbelly Toad
San Pedro Martir Side-blotched Lizard
San Pedro Martir Whiptail
San Quintin Kangaroo Rat
Sanborn's Flying Fox
Sanborn's Grass Mouse
Sanborn's Water Frog
Sand Cat
Sand Sturgeon
Sandhill Crane
Sandhills Crayfish
Sandstone Night Lizard
Sandstone Pseudantechinus
Sandy Mole Rat
Sanford's Brown Lemur
Sanford's Sea-eagle
Sanford's White-eye
Sangihe Hanging-parrot
Sangihe Island Tarsier
Sangihe Shrike-thrush
Sangihe White-eye
Sanja Pampa Andes Frog
Sanje Crested Mangabey
Santa Ana Sucker
Santa Barbara Bromeliad Salamander
Santa Barbara Moss Salamander
Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake
Santa Catalina Island Whiptail
Santa Catarina Leaf Frog
Santa Catarina Sabrefin
Santa Catarina's Guinea Pig
Santa Cruz Dwarf Frog
Santa Cruz Ground Dove
Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander
Santa Cruz Mouse
Santa Cruz Shrikebill
Santa Fe Cave Crayfish
Santa Fe White-lipped Frog
Santa Marta Antpitta
Santa Marta Bush-tyrant
Santa Marta Parakeet
Santa Marta Poison Arrow Frog
Santa Marta Sabrewing
Santa Marta Warbler
Santa Marta Wren
Santa Monica Mountains Grasshopper
Santa Monica Shieldback Katydid
Santa Rita Beaked Toad
Santa Rita Rocket Frog
Santander Poison Frog
Santiago Galapagos Mouse
Santiago Rocket Frog
Santo Starling
Sao Francisco Sparrow
Sao Miguel Bullfinch
Sao Paulo Tyrannulet
Sao Tome Collared Fruit Bat
Sao Tome Fiscal Shrike
Sao Tome Free-tailed Bat
Sao Tome Giant Sunbird
Sao Tome Grosbeak
Sao Tome Oriole
Sao Tome Reed Frog
Sao Tome Scops-owl
Sao Tome Short-tail
Sao Tome Shrew
Sao Tome Thrush
Sao Tome White-eye
Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird
Sarasin Bubble-nest Frog
Sarasin's Goby
Sarasins Minnow
Sarawak Grainy Frog
Sardinata Treefrog
Sardinian Brook Salamander
Sardinian Long-eared Bat
Sardinilla Cuatro Cienegas
Sardinita Bocagrande
Sardinita De Rio Verde
Sardinita De Santa Maria
Sardinita De Tepelmene
Sardinita Del Pilon
Sardinita Quijarrona
Sarrabus Cave Salamander
Sarus Crane
Satsukimasu Salmon
Satyr Tragopan
Saunders's Gull
Sauter's Brown Frog
Savage River Freshwater Snail
Savage's Brook Frog
Savage's Cochran Frog
Savigny's Agama
Savigny's Fringe-fingered Lizard
Saw-billed Hermit
Sawback Angelshark
Sawtail Grouper
Say's Spiketail
Sayamia maehongsonensis
Sayamia melanodactylus
Scaled Ground-cuckoo
Scaleshell Mussel
Scallop-breasted Antpitta
Scalloped Antbird
Scaly Ground-roller
Scaly-breasted Bulbul
Scaly-sided Merganser
Scaly-tailed Possum
Scanty Frog
Scarlet Bluet
Scarlet Harlequin Toad
Scarlet-banded Barbet
Scarlet-breasted Dacnis
Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker
Scarlet-breasted Robin
Scarlet-chested Parakeet
Scarlet-collared Flowerpecker
Scarlet-rumped Trogon
Schauinsland's Bush Cricket
Schaus Swallowtail
Schayer's Grasshopper
Schelkovnikov's Pine Vole
Schilf's Madagascar Frog
Schiotz's Reed Frog
Schizothorax lepidothorax
Schlegel's Asity
Schmacker's Bubble-nest Frog
Schmarda Bubble-nest Frog
Schmidly's Deer Mouse
Schmidt's Lazy Toad
Schmidt's Marsupial Frog
Schmidt's Minute Salamander
Schmidt's Mountain Brook Frog
Schmidt's Robber Frog
Schmidt's Spinythumb Frog
Schmidt's Stubfoot Toad
Schneider's Pitta
Schneider's Surprise
Schouteden's Swift
Schreiber's Fringe-fingered Lizard
Schubert's Stefania Treefrog
Schultze's Stream Frog
Schwartz's Myotis
Schwartz's Robber Frog
Scimitar-horned Oryx
Scimitar-winged Piha
Scinax alcatraz
Scioto Madtom
Scissor-tailed Hummingbird
Sclater's Lark
Sclater's Monal Pheasant
Sclater's Monkey
Sclater's Shrew
Sclater's Tiny Mouse Shrew
Scortecci's Toad
Scott's Mouse-eared Bat
Scottbar Salamander
Scottsdale Freshwater Snail
Scree Skink
Sculpin Snail
Sculptiferussacia clausiliaeformis
Scutiger chintingensis
Sea Otter
Sechura Desert Fox
Seed Shrimp
Seep Frog
Seepage Salamander
Sehuencas Water Frog
Sei Whale
Selva Cacique
Semi-collared Flycatcher
Semiaquatic Treefrog
Semicollared Hawk
Seminole Siltsnail
Semirechensk Salamander
Semotrachia euzyga
Semper's Warbler
Sentani Rainbowfish
Seoul Pond Frog
Sepia Stingray
Seram Bandicoot
Seram Flying Fox
Seram Island Mountain Rat
Seram Thrush
Serasan Borneo Frog
Serendib Scops-owl
Seri's Tree Kangaroo
Seriatopora aculeata
Serpent Island Centipede
Serpent Island Gecko
Serra Do Mar Tyrannulet
Serrastruma inquilina
Setaro's Dwarf Chameleon
Seven-colored Tanager
Seychelles Crow
Seychelles Fineliner
Seychelles Fody
Seychelles Frog
Seychelles House Snake
Seychelles Kestrel
Seychelles Lesser Vasa Parrot
Seychelles Magpie-robin
Seychelles Palm Frog
Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher
Seychelles Scops Owl
Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat
Seychelles Swiftlet
Seychelles Turtle Dove
Seychelles Warbler
Seychelles White-eye
Seychelles Wolf Snake
Shadowy Web-footed Salamander
Shangcheng Stout Salamander
Shanghai Soft-shell Turtle
Shark Bay Mouse
Sharman's Rock Wallaby
Sharp Bubble-nest Frog
Sharp Snouted Day Frog
Sharp-ribbed Salamander
Sharp-tailed Grass Tyrant
Sharpe's Longclaw
Sharpfin Houndshark
Sharpnose Guitarfish
Sharpnose Stingray
Sharpsnout Reed Frog
Sharpsnout Stingray
Sharptooth Lemon Shark
Shasta Crayfish
Shasta Salamander
Sheldonia puzeyi
Shelley's Crimson-wing
Shelley's Eagle-owl
Shenandoah Mountain Salamander
Shenandoah Salamander
Shield-nosed Leaf-nosed Bat
Shillong Bubble-nest Frog
Shimaakane Dragonfly
Shimba Hills Reed Frog
Shiny Pigtoe
Shinyrayed Pocketbook
Shipton's Mountain Cavy
Shoa Forest Treefrog
Short-billed Black Cockatoo
Short-crested Blue Monarch
Short-crested Coquette
Short-eared Dog
Short-legged Ground-roller
Short-legged Horned Toad
Short-legged Stream Frog
Short-necked Turtle
Short-nosed Green Frog
Short-tailed Albatross
Short-tailed Babbler
Short-tailed Brush-furred Rat
Short-tailed Chinchilla
Short-tailed Frogmouth
Short-tailed Mosaic-tailed Rat
Short-tailed Roundleaf Bat
Short-tailed Scimitar-babbler
Short-tailed Snake
Short-toed Coucal
Shortjaw Cisco
Shortjawed Kokopu
Shortlip Electric Ray
Shortnose Cisco
Shortnose Guitarfish
Shortnose Sturgeon
Shortnose Sucker
Shortridge's Langur
Shortridge's Native Mouse
Shortsnout Water Frog
Shortspine Thornyhead
Shortspire Hornsnail
Shorttail Nurse Shark
Shoshone Sculpin
Shrew-faced Squirrel
Shuicheng Salamander
Shy Albatross
Shy Ground-dove
Siam Narrowmouth Toad
Siamese Crocodile
Siamese Fireback
Siamese Stream Toad
Siamthelphusa holthuisi
Siau Scops-owl
Sibayi Goby
Siberian Grouse
Siberian Musk Deer
Siberian Sturgeon
Siberian White Crane
Siberut Flying Squirrel
Siberut Macaque
Sibree's Dwarf Lemur
Sichuan Gray Jay
Sichuan Lazy Toad
Sichuan Partridge
Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkey
Sichuan Treecreeper
Sickle-winged Nightjar
Sicyopus axilimentus
Sidamo Lark
Siderastrea glynni
Sierra Juarez Alligator Lizard
Sierra Juarez Brook Frog
Sierra Juarez Salamander
Sierra Juarez Treefrog
Sierra Leone Grassland Frog
Sierra Leone Reed Frog
Sierra Leone Water Frog
Sierra Madre Ground Squirrel
Sierra Madre Occidental Frog
Sierra Madre Sparrow
Sierra Madre Wrinkled Ground Frog
Sierra Maestra Blotched Frog
Sierra Nevada Blue
Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog
Sierra Pygmy Grasshopper
Sika Deer
Silent Grass Mouse
Silent Valley Torrent Toad
Silky Sifaka
Silky Snail
Silt Elimia
Silver Glen Springs Cave Crayfish
Silver Marsupial Frog
Silver Oriole
Silver Perch
Silver Pika
Silver Rice Rat
Silver Shark
Silver-eyed Barred Frog
Silverstone's Climbing Salamander
Silvery Gibbon
Silvery Kingfisher
Silvery Lutung
Silvery White Fish
Silvery Wood-pigeon
Silvery-brown Bare-face Tamarin
Simalur Archipelago Rat
Simba Bubble-nest Frog
Simeulue Scops-owl
Similar Frog
Simmon's Mouse Lemur
Simmons' Treefrog
Simochromis margaretae
Sinai Hooktail
Singapore Roundleaf Horseshoe Bat
Sinhalestes orientalis
Sinogastromyzon puliensis
Sinopotamon ebianense
Sinployea pitcairnensis
Sipora Flying Squirrel
Sir David's Long-beaked Echidna
Sira Poison Frog
Sira Tanager
Siraz Baligi
Siraz Baliginin Capoeta
Siskiyou Chloealtis Grasshopper
Siskiyou Mountains Salamander
Six-tubercled Amazon River Turtle
Sixgill Sawshark
Skadar Gudgeon
Skadar Shad
Skirted Hornsnail
Skistodiaptomus carolinensis
Sky-blue Poison Frog
Skyros Wall Lizard
Slackwater Darter
Slaty Becard
Slaty Bristlefront
Slaty Cuckoo-dove
Slaty Egret
Slaty-backed Hemispingus
Slaty-backed Jungle-flycatcher
Slaty-backed Thrush
Slaty-mantled Sparrowhawk
Slave Raiding Ant
Slender Antbird
Slender Campeloma
Slender Chub
Slender Hammerhead
Slender Oldfield Mouse
Slender Redfin
Slender Worm Salamander
Slender-billed Babbler
Slender-billed Curlew
Slender-billed Finch
Slender-billed Flufftail
Slender-billed Grackle
Slender-billed Vulture
Slender-billed White-eye
Slender-horned Gazelle
Slender-tailed Deer Mouse
Slenderwrist Burrowing Crayfish
Sloth Bear
Slowwater Elimia
Small Amu-dar Shovelnose Sturgeon
Small Dorcopsis
Small Eye Golden-line Fish
Small Fanwinged Katydid
Small Grainy Frog
Small Iron-gray Dwarf Lemur
Small Kauai Thrush
Small Lappet Moth
Small Red Brocket
Small Sparrowhawk
Small Sulawesi Cuscus
Small Three-toed Skink
Small Woolly Bat
Small Wrinkled Frog
Small-eared Toad
Small-eared Treefrog
Small-headed Frog
Small-scaled Skink
Small-toothed Fruit Bat
Small-toothed Harvest Mouse
Small-toothed Sportive Lemur
Small-webbed Bell Toad
Smalleye Shiner
Smallscale Redfin
Smallscaled Grouper
Smalltooth Sawfish
Smith's Blue Butterfly
Smith's Dwarf Chamaeleon
Smith's False Brook Salamander
Smith's Minute Salamander
Smith's Shrew
Smokey Bat
Smoky Flying Squirrel
Smoky Madtom
Smoky Mouse
Smoky White-toothed Shrew
Smoky-winged Threadtail
Smooth Bum Coral
Smooth Cauliflower Coral
Smooth Rocksnail
Smooth Skate
Smooth-coated Otter
Smoothback Angel Shark
Smoothnose Wedgefish
Smoothtooth Blacktip
Snail Darter
Snake River Physa Snail
Snake Skin Hunter Slug
Snares Crested Penguin
Snoring Rail
Snow Leopard
Snow Mountain Quail
Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush
Snowy-throated Babbler
Sociable Lapwing
Social Sprite
Social Tuco-tuco
Sockeye Salmon
Socorro Dove
Socorro Isopod
Socorro Mockingbird
Socorro Parakeet
Socorro Springsnail
Socorro Wren
Socotra Bunting
Socotra Cormorant
Soemmerring's Gazelle
Sokoke Bushy-tailed Mongoose
Sokoke Pipit
Solenopsis daguerrei
Solitary Black Millipede
Solitary Fruit-eating Bat
Solitary Tinamou
Solo Goodeido
Solomon Island Palm Frog
Solomon Islands Cuckooshrike
Solomons Flying Fox
Somali Grosbeak
Somali Thrush
Somalian Blind Barb
Somalian Cavefish
Somanniathelphusa zanklon
Somatochlora borisi
Sombre Kingfisher
Sombre Leaf-warbler
Somersiella sterreri
Sonan's Salamander
Songpan Slow Frog
Sonora Mud Turtle
Sonora Tiger Salamander
Sonoran Woodrat
Sonson Stubfoot Toad
Sooty Albatross
Sooty Ant-tanager
Sooty Babbler
Sooty Crayfish
Sooty Falcon
Sooty Mangabey
Sooty Shearwater
Sooty-capped Babbler
Sooty-capped Puffbird
Sorata Andes Frog
Sordid Bubble-nest Frog
Sorensen's Leaf-nosed Bat
South American Red-lined Turtle
South American Rocket Frog
South American Tapir
South American True Toad
South Andean Huemul
South Asian Box Turtle
South Australia Crab
South Brazilian Skate
South Georgia Pipit
South Island Wren
South Mountain Gray-cheeked Salamander
South Nicobar Serpent-eagle
South Sierra Nevada Springsnail
Southeast Asian Long-fingered Bat
Southern Acornshell
Southern Bald Ibis
Southern Banded Snake-eagle
Southern Black Millipede
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Southern Bristle-tyrant
Southern Brown Kiwi
Southern Cassowary
Southern Cavefish
Southern Clubshell
Southern Combshell
Southern Crowned-pigeon
Southern Damselfly
Southern Flat-tailed Dwarf Lemur
Southern Giant Clam
Southern Giant-petrel
Southern Highland Treefrog
Southern Hog-nosed Snake
Southern Hutia
Southern Kidneyshell
Southern Long-nosed Armadillo
Southern Luzon Phloeomys
Southern Marbled Newt
Southern Mountain Frog
Southern New Guinea Snapping Turtle
Southern Pig-tailed Macaque
Southern Pigtoe
Southern Planigale
Southern Pudu
Southern Right Whale
Southern River Otter
Southern Rockhopper Penguin
Southern Round-gland Toad
Southern Royal Albatross
Southern Sawtail Catshark
Southern Sierra Madre Treefrog
Southern Snaketail
Southern Three-banded Armadillo
Southern Tuco-tuco
Southern Water Vole
Southern Whipping Frog
Southwestern Toad
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
Sowbug Rice Rat
Spaldings Robber Frog
Spanish Algyroides
Spanish Imperial Eagle
Spanish Lynx
Spanish Painted Frog
Spartan Crow
Spatula-toothed Snake
Spea hammondii
Speartooth Shark
Speckle-chested Piculet
Speckled Burrowing Crayfish
Speckled Dace
Speckled Egg Frog
Speckled Ground Squirrel
Speckled Pocketbook
Speckled Smoothhound
Spectacled Duck
Spectacled Petrel
Spectral Bat
Spectral Tarsier
Speke's Gazelle
Spekia coheni
Spelaeodiscus tatricus
Spelaeoecia bermudensis
Speleoithona bermudensis
Speleophria bivexilla
Spencer's River Tree Frog
Spengler's Freshwater Mussel
Speocirolana thermydromis
Sperm Whale
Sphaerolana affinis
Sphaerophysa dianchiensis
Sphagnum Frog
Spider Tortoise
Spindle Elimia
Spinefinger Treefrog
Spineless Forest Lizard
Spinomantis massi
Spiny Angel Shark
Spiny Crayfish
Spiny Eye-lid Ground Frog
Spiny Frog
Spiny Indonesian Treefrog
Spiny River Snail
Spiny Seram Island Rat
Spiny Terrapin
Spiny-breasted Frog
Spiny-faced Antshrike
Spiny-flanked Frog
Spiny-tail Crayfish
Spinycheek Grouper
Spiral Hornsnail
Spiralothelphusa fernandoi
Spirorbula latens
Spirorbula squalida
Spix's Red-handed Howler Monkey
Splendid Pearlfish
Splendid Poison Frog
Splendid Toadfish
Splendid White-eye
Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Spot-billed Pelican
Spot-breasted Antvireo
Spot-breasted White-eye
Spot-necked Bulbul
Spot-tailed Earless Lizard
Spot-tailed Warty Newt
Spot-winged Parrotlet
Spot-winged Thrush
Spotback Skate
Spotfin Gambusia
Spotted Bamboowren
Spotted Cochran Frog
Spotted Crocias
Spotted Eagle Ray
Spotted Ground-thrush
Spotted Handfish
Spotted Houndshark
Spotted Imperial-pigeon
Spotted Linsang
Spotted Loach
Spotted Minute Salamander
Spotted Owl
Spotted Pond Turtle
Spotted Rocksnail
Spotted Shovelnose Ray
Spotted Snout-burrower
Spotted Spiny Lizard
Spotted Turtle
Spotted Wobbegong
Spotted-tailed Quoll
Sprague's Pipit
Spring Cave Amphipod
Spruce-fir Moss Spider
Squalius anatolicus
Sri Lanka Blue Magpie
Sri Lanka Bush-warbler
Sri Lanka Dot Frog
Sri Lanka Forktail
Sri Lanka Grappletail
Sri Lanka Hill Myna
Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush
Sri Lanka Whistling-thrush
Sri Lanka Wood-pigeon
Sri Lankan Highland Tree Mouse
Sri Lankan Long-tailed Shrew
Sri Lankan Mountain Rat
Sri Lankan Relict Ant
Sri Lankan Rice Frog
Sri Lankan True Toad
St Helena Dragonet
St. Croix Ground Lizard
St. Helena Chromis
St. Helena Plover
St. Lucia Black Finch
St. Lucia Oriole
St. Lucia Parrot
St. Nicholas Robber Frog
St. Patricks River Freshwater Snail
St. Pauls River Freshwater Snail
St. Vincent Blacksnake
St. Vincent Parrot
Stanleya neritinoides
Star Finch
Star Sturgeon
Starlet Sea Anemone
Starrett's Treefrog
Starry Cup Coral
Stegastes sanctaehelenae
Stegastes sanctipauli
Steindachner's River Frog
Steiner's Bubble-nest Frog
Stejneger's Paddy Frog
Stejneger's Petrel
Steller Sea-lion
Steller's Eider
Steller's Sea-eagle
Stellmack's Cave Amphipod
Stelomon erawanense
Stelomon kanchanaburiense
Stenobothrus eurasius
Stephan's Water Frog
Stephen's Island Gecko
Stephen's Kangaroo Rat
Stephens Island Weta
Stevart's Egg Frog
Stewart Island Shag
Stierling's Woodpecker
Stiphodon surrufus
Stocky Pebblesnail
Stoliczia bella
Stone Crayfish
Stone-leaf Coral
Storm's Stork
Strabomantis necopinus
Straight-billed Reedhaunter
Strandzha Minnow
Strange-tailed Tyrant
Strauch's Spotted Newt
Straw-coloured Fruit Bat
Straw-headed Bulbul
Streak-breasted Bulbul
Streaked Bulbul
Streaked Reed-warbler
Streaky-breasted Jungle-flycatcher
Stream Reed Frog
Stream Salamander
Streamside Salamander
Strengeriana antioquensis
Stresemann's Bristlefront
Striated Caracara
Striated Darter
Striated Lorikeet
Striated Softtail
Stripe-faced Fruit Bat
Striped Dogfish
Striped Goodeid
Striped Hyena
Striped Legless Lizard
Striped Mogurnda
Striped Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle
Striped Newt
Striped Rice Rat
Striped Roundleaf Bat
Striped Skink
Striped Tailed Delma
Striped Wren-babbler
Strong Black Millipede
Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse
Strongylognathus afer
Strumigenys xenos
Stuart's Bubble-nest Frog
Stubfoot Toad
Stump-tailed Macaque
Stupidogobius flavipinnis
Sturgeon Chub
Stygicola dentata
Stygodiaptomus kieferi
Stylophora wellsi
Suavocallia splendens
Subdesert Mesite
Suboestophora jeresae
Subtle Cave Amphipod
Subuliniscus arambourgi
Succinea piratarum
Succinea quadrasi
Sucre Water Frog
Sud Robber Frog
Sudeten Ringlet
Sugarfoot Moth Fly
Sula Archipelago Rat
Sula Pitta
Sula Scrubfowl
Sulawesi Babirusa
Sulawesi Bear Cuscus
Sulawesi Coelacanth
Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher
Sulawesi Eared-nightjar
Sulawesi Forest Turtle
Sulawesi Giant Squirrel
Sulawesi Golden Owl
Sulawesi Harpy Fruit Bat
Sulawesi Soft-furred Rat
Sulawesi Spiny Rat
Sulawesi Wart Frog
Sulawesi Warty Pig
Sulawesi Woodcock
Sulu Bleeding-heart
Sulu Hornbill
Sulu Woodpecker
Sumatra Toad
Sumatran Babbler
Sumatran Cochoa
Sumatran Drongo
Sumatran Green-pigeon
Sumatran Ground Cuckoo
Sumatran Laughingthrush
Sumatran Orangutan
Sumatran Rhinoceros
Sumatran Serow
Sumatran Striped Rabbit
Sumba Boobook
Sumba Brown Flycatcher
Sumba Buttonquail
Sumba Green-pigeon
Sumba Hornbill
Sumbawa Tiger
Sumichrast's Wren
Sun Parakeet
Sun-tailed Monkey
Sunda Clouded Leopard
Sunda Coucal
Sunda Fruit Bat
Sunda Nightjar
Sunda Pangolin
Sundathelphusa minahassae
Sundoreonectes tiomanensis
Sunset Frog
Superagui Lion Tamarin
Superb Parrot
Superb Pitta
Superb Spharagemon Grasshopper
Supramonte Cave Salamander
Surge Grouper
Susana's Forest Treefrog
Suwannee Moccasinshell
Svynnerton's Bush Squirrel
Swallow-tailed Cotinga
Swamp Deer
Swamp Francolin
Swan Galaxias
Swan Goose
Swierstra's Francolin
Swift Parrot
Swinhoe's Pheasant
Swinhoe's Rail
Swollen-nosed Side-blotched Lizard
Sword-tailed Newt
Swynnerton's Forest Robin
Sydney Hawk Dragonfly
Symington's Robber Frog
Sympetrum nigrifemur
Symphyllia hassi
Syncarid Shrimp
Synodontis macrops
Syr-darya Shovelnose Sturgeon
Syrian Serin
Tablas Wrinkled Ground Frog
Table Cape Freshwater Snail
Table Mountain Ghost Frog
Tacarcuna Tapaculo
Tacarcuna Wood-quail
Tacheocampylaea tacheoides
Tachira Antpitta
Taczanowski's Tinamou
Tadapi Treefrog
Tagibo Wart Frog
Tahiti Flycatcher
Tahiti Petrel
Tahiti Reed Warbler
Tahiti Swiftlet
Tai Forest Treefrog
Tai River Frog
Taipei Flying Frog
Taita Apalis
Taita Falcon
Taita Shrew
Taita Thrush
Taiwan Bulbul
Taiwan Guitarfish
Taiwan Gulper Shark
Taiwan Hwamei
Taiwan Long-eared Bat
Taiwan Partridge
Taiwan Salamander
Taiwan Vole
Taiwan Waist Crab
Taiwan's South China Sea River Crab
Taiwanese Tube-nosed Bat
Talamancan Small Eared Shrew
Talamancan Yellow-shouldered Bat
Talaud Bear Cuscus
Talaud Black Birdwing
Talaud Bush-hen
Talaud Fruit Bat
Talaud Kingfisher
Talaud Rail
Taliabu Masked-owl
Taliang Knobby Newt
Tam Dao Salamander
Tama Harlequin Frog
Tamarugo Conebill
Tamaulipan Blindcat
Tamaulipan False Brook Salamander
Tamaulipan Montane Garter Snake
Tamaulipan Woodrat
Tampico Pearlymussel
Tana Labeo
Tana River Mangabey
Tana River Red Colobus Monkey
Tanager Finch
Tanah Rata Wart Frog
Tancitaran Dusky Rattlesnake
Tandapi Giant Glass Frog
Tandroka Madagascar Frog
Tandy's Smalltongue Toad
Tanganyicia rufofilosa
Tanganyika Clown
Tanganyika Lates
Tanimbar Bush-warbler
Tanimbar Cockatoo
Tanimbar Megapode
Tanimbar Starling
Tanna Fruit-dove
Tanner's Black Camel Cricket
Tanners' Reed Frog
Tantalophis discolor
Tanzania Screeching Frog
Tanzanian Shrew
Tanzanian Vlei Rat
Tanzanian Woolly Bat
Taosze Spiny Toad
Tapanti Giant Salamander
Tapanti Moss Salamander
Tapping Nursery-frog
Tar River Spinymussel
Tarabundi Vole
Tarahumara Frog
Tarai Gray Langur
Tarella Shrew
Tarndale Bully
Taroko Crab
Tasan Eastern Frog
Tasmanian Anaspid Crustacean
Tasmanian Devil
Tasmanian Forester Kangaroo
Tasmanian Tiger
Tasmanian Torrent Midge
Tasmanipatus anophthalmus
Tasmanoplectron isolatum
Tasselled Wobbegong
Tatama Climbing Salamander
Tate's Triok
Tawau Wart Frog
Tawitawi Brown-dove
Tawny Nurse Shark
Tawny Piculet
Tawny Tit-spinetail
Tawny-breasted Wren-babbler
Tawny-chested Flycatcher
Taylor's Caecilian
Taylor's Minute Salamander
Taylor's Salamander
Taylor's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Tayrona Blenny
Tehachapi Slender Salamander
Tehuana lamothei
Tehuantepec Jackrabbit
Telefomin Cuscus
Telescope Hornsnail
Telescopus hoogstraali
Telestes beoticus
Teleutomyrmex kutteri
Telford's Shrew
Telmatherina abendanoni
Telmatobius carrillae
Temminck's Flying Fox
Temminck's Flying Squirrel
Temminck's Seedeater
Temnick's Ground Pangolin
Temotu Flying Fox
Tenchall's False Brook Salamander
Tenerife Speckled Lizard
Tennessee Cave Salamander
Tennessee Clubshell
Tennessee Clubtail
Tennessee Pebblesnail
Teotepec Salamander
Tepehuan Shiner
Tepui Bannerwing
Teramulus waterloti
Terrathelphusa kuchingensis
Terrestrial Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Terrestrial Splayfoot Salamander
Terrys Creek Freshwater Snail
Tetramorium microgyna
Tetrathemis denticauda
Tevoro Clam
Texas Blind Salamander
Texas Emerald
Texas Heelsplitter
Texas Hornshell
Texas Kangaroo Rat
Texas Salamander
Thailand Giant Catfish
Thailand Leaf-nosed Bat
Thaksinthelphusa yongchindaratae
Thalassoma ascensionis
Thalassothemis marchali
Thamnophis scaliger
Thapsia buraensis
Thapsia snelli
Thaumatodon hystricelloides
The Magou
Theba arinagae
Theloderma rhododiscus
Thermochoria jeanneli
Thermodiaptomus galeboides
Thermosphaeroma cavicauda
Theskelomensor creon
Thessaly Gudgeon
Thestor compassbergae
Thick-billed Parrot
Thick-lipped Spikethumb Frog
Thicklip Pupfish
Thickshell Pondsnail
Thin Leaf Lettuce Coral
Thin-spined Porcupine
Thomas' Robber Frog
Thomas's Big-eared Bat
Thomas's Big-eared Brown Bat
Thomas's Giant Deer Mouse
Thomas's Langur
Thomas's Oldfield Mouse
Thomas's Sac-winged Bat
Thomas's Water Mouse
Thomas's Yellow-shouldered Bat
Thomasset's Seychelles Frog
Thompson's Water Frog
Thomson's Gazelle
Thorn Coral
Thorny Spikethumb Frog
Thousand Palms Desert Snail
Three-banded Butterflyfish
Three-coloured Harlequin Toad
Three-keeled Asian Turtle
Three-striped Roof Turtle
Three-toed Guanabara Frog
Three-toed Jacamar
Three-wattled Bellbird
Throscodectes xederoides
Throscodectes xiphos
Thylacine Darner
Thyolo Alethe
Tibetan Antelope
Tibetan Babax
Tibetan Bubble-nest Frog
Tibetan Bunting
Tibetan Eared-pheasant
Tibetan Gazelle
Tickell's Brown Hornbill
Tico Salamander
Tidewater Goby
Tidewater Interstitial Amphipod
Tidewater Stygonectid Amphipod
Tientai Rough-skinned Frog
Tiger Chameleon
Tiger Cod
Tiger Tail Seahorse
Tight Coin
Tigoni Reed Frog
Tilapia bakossiorum
Timavo Sculpin
Timor Bush-warbler
Timor Green-pigeon
Timor Imperial Pigeon
Timor Sparrow
Timor Yellow Tiger
Tinian Monarch
Tinkling Froglet
Tiny Reed Frog
Tiny Stream Toad
Tiny Yellow Bat
Tirunvelveli's Hill Frog
Titicaca Grebe
Titicaca Water Frog
Tiwaripotamon edostilus
Tlahcuiloh Salamander
Tlaloc's Leopard Frog
Todos Santos Island Kingsnake
Togian Hawk-owl
Togian Islands Babirusa
Togo Slippery Frog
Togo Toad
Tokyo Salamander
Toliara Rain Frog
Tolima Dove
Tolima Poison Frog
Tomas' Worm Salamander
Tomato Frog
Tombigbee Riverlet Crayfish
Tomicha cawstoni
Tominanga aurea
Tominanga sanguicauda
Tondanichthys kottelati
Tongaland Cannibal Snail
Tongan Whistler
Tongue Coral
Tonkean Black Macaque
Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey
Tonkin Toad
Tooth Cave Ground Beetle
Tooth Cave Pseudoscorpion
Tooth Cave Spider
Tooth-billed Pigeon
Toothless Blindcat
Toothy Splayfoot Salamander
Topeka Shiner
Toque Macaque
Tor yunnanensis
Torrent Paa Frog
Torrent Sucker Frog
Torrent Tree Frog
Torres Redbelly Toad
Torres's Crimson-nosed Rat
Torresitrachia thedana
Torreya Pygmy Grasshopper
Torrington Bubble-nest Frog
Totoaba Seatrout
Toucan Barbet
Towne's Clubtail
Townsend's Big-eared Bat
Townsend's Dwarf Salamander
Townsend's Ground Squirrel
Townsend's Shearwater
Toxopeus' Yellow Tiger
Trachycystis clifdeni
Tradou Redfin
Tramlap Flying Frog
Transitional Colilargo
Transverse Grand Pyrg
Transverse Volcanic Leopard Frog
Travancore Flying Squirrel
Travancore Tortoise
Tree Hole Crab
Tree Shrew Tenrec
Tree Toad
Trelawny Parish Robber Frog
Tres Marias Cottontail
Tres Marias Deer Mouse
Triangular Kidneyshell
Tributary Wart Frog
Trichodactylus crassus
Trichomycterus chungarensis
Tricolored Blackbird
Tricula montana
Tridacna rosewateri
Trimeresurus mangshanensis
Trindade Petrel
Trinidad Flathead Frog
Trinidad Groin-spot Frog
Trinidad Heart-tongued Frog
Trinidad White-headed Curassow
Trinity Bristle Snail
Triplophysa xiangxensis
Trispot Darter
Tristam's Woodpecker
Tristan Albatross
Tristan Bunting
Tristan Thrush
Tristram's Storm-petrel
Tristramella sacra
Trithemis nigra
Trochidrobia inflata
Trochochlamys ogasawarana
Trochoidea gharlapsi
Trochomorpha apia
Troglocaris anophthalmus
Tropheops gracilior
Tropheus duboisi
Tropical Forest Snake
Tropical Pocket Gopher
Tropidophora articulata
Tropidophoxinellus spartiaticus
Tropidoptera heliciformis
Tropocyclops federensis
Tropodiaptomus burundensis
Trout Cod
Trueb's Madagascar Treefrog
Trueb's Water Frog
Truncatellina arcyensis
Tsaratanana Bright-eyed Frog
Tsaratanana Giant Treefrog
Tschudi's Yellow-shouldered Bat
Tsingy Madagascar Frog
Tsinpa Salamander
Tuamotu Kingfisher
Tuamotu Sandpiper
Tube Robber Frog
Tubercled Blossom Pearlymussel
Tubuaia fosbergi
Tuco-tuco Of The Dunes
Tucuman Amazon
Tucuman Mountain-finch
Tucuman Water Frog
Tufted Deer
Tufted Gray Langur
Tufted Ground Squirrel
Tufted Jay
Tulotoma Snail
Tumbala Climbing Rat
Tumbes Tyrant
Turbinaria Coral
Turgenitubulus aslini
Turgid Blossom Pearlymussel
Turkana Mud Turtle
Turkish Frog
Turkish Red Damsel
Turner's Eremomela
Turquino Fern Frog
Turquino Red-armed Frog
Turquino Robber Frog
Turquino White-footed Frog
Turquoise Cotinga
Turquoise Dacnis
Turquoise Parakeet
Turquoise-throated Puffleg
Tuscumbia Darter
Tusked Frog
Tuxtla Knobtail
Tuxtla Quail-dove
Tuxtlan Earth Snake
Tweedie's Wart Frog
Twin-spotted Tolucan Ground Snake
Twin-striped Clubtail
Two-fingered Skink
Typhleotris madgascarensis
Typhlopseudothelphusa mocinoi
Tyrrheniellina josephi
Tytler's Leaf-warbler
Tzunantza Giant Glass Frog
Ubatuba Dwarf Frog
Ucucha Thomasomys
Udzungwa Forest-partridge
Udzungwa Red Colobus
Uegitglanis zammaranoi
Ukami Reed Frog
Ultramarine Lorikeet
Uluguru Banana Frog
Uluguru Big-fingered Frog
Uluguru Blue-bellied Frog
Uluguru Bush-shrike
Uluguru Tree Frog
Umma femina
Unarmored Threespine Stickleback
Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly
Unexpected Cotton Rat
Unicolored Oldfield Mouse
Unicolored Tree Rat
Unicoloured Antwren
Unicoloured Thrush
Upland Burrowing Treefrog
Upland Combshell
Upland Hornsnail
Upland Horseshoe Bat
Upper Amazon Stubfoot Toad
Upper Castra Freshwater Snail
Upper Castra River Freshwater Snail
Upper Cerro Minute Salamander
Upper Magdalena Tapaculo
Uramphisopus pearsoni
Urich's Tyrannulet
Uromastyx alfredschmidti
Urosaurus auriculatus
Urothemis thomasi
Urrao Cochran Frog
Ursula's Mouse-coloured Sunbird
Usambara Akalat
Usambara Banana Frog
Usambara Big-fingered Frog
Usambara Blue-bellied Frog
Usambara Eagle-owl
Usambara Forest Toad
Usambara Hyliota
Usambara Shrew
Usambara Torrent Frog
Usambara Weaver
Usangu Lampeye
Utah Physa
Utah Prairie Dog
Utah Valvata Snail
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
Uvea Parakeet
Uzungwe River Frog
Uzungwe Toad
Valdivia Ground Frog
Valencia Toothcarp
Valle del Cauca Rocket Frog
Valle Santiago Beaked Toad
Valley Flame Crayfish
Van Dam's Vanga
Van der Decken's Sifaka
Van Deusen's Rat
Van Gelder's Bat
Van Zyl's Golden Mole
Vanauatu Flying Fox
Vancouver Island Marmot
Vanikoro Flying Fox
Vanikoro Monarch
Vanuatu Imperial-pigeon
Vanuatu Megapode
Varaldi's Spadefoot Toad
Variable Cross Frog
Variagated Pygmy Perch
Varicorhinus leleupanus
Varicose Rocksnail
Variegated Electric Ray
Variegated Mogurnda
Variegated Spider Monkey
Variegated Treefrog
Varna Gudgeon
Vellard's Water Frog
Velvet Worm
Venezuela Round Stingray
Venezuela Skate
Venezuelan Bristle-tyrant
Venezuelan Fish-eating Rat
Venezuelan Flowerpiercer
Venezuelan Herring
Venezuelan Sylph
Venezuelan Wood-quail
Venezuelan Yellow Frog
Ventriloquial Frog
Veracruz False Brook Salamander
Veracruz Green Salamander
Veracruz Minute Salamander
Veracruz Salamander
Vermiculated Tree Frog
Vermilion Darter
Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp
Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp
Verreaux's Coua
Verreaux's Sifaka
Vesey-fitzgerald's Burrowing Skink
Victodrobia burni
Victoria Crowned-pigeon
Victoria Night Frog
Victoria Robber
Vidumelon wattii
Vietnam Crocodile Newt
Vietnam Flying Frog
Vietnam Greenfinch
Vietnam Sucker Frog
Vietnamese Bubble-nest Frog
Vietnamese Cutia
Vietnamese Pheasant
Vilcabamba Brush-finch
Villa's Grey Shrew
Villalba Robber Frog
Vinaceous-breasted Parrot
Vincent's Bush Squirrel
Vinogradov's Jerboa
Violaceous Coucal
Violet-throated Metaltail
Vipera dinniki
Virgin Islands Robber Frog
Virgin Islands Tree Boa
Virgin River Chub
Virginia Fringed Mountain Snail
Virginia Pigtoe
Viridian Dacnis
Visayan Broadbill
Visayan Deer
Visayan Flowerpecker
Visayan Hornbill
Visayan Pygmy Babbler
Visayan Warty Pig
Vissoke River Frog
Vistonis Shemaja
Vitelline Warbler
Vitrea pseudotrolli
Vogelkop Tree Kangaroo
Voiceless Treefrog
Volcan Barba Treefrog
Volcan Cacoa Moss Salamander
Volcan Tacana Toad
Volcan Tajumulco Bromeliad Salamander
Volcano Clawed Frog
Volcano Knobtail
Volcano Rabbit
Volcano Shrew
Volcano Swiftlet
Volcanoes Cave Cricket
Volga Shad
Volvi Bleak
Vordermann's Flying Squirrel
Vortex Banded Mountain Snail
Waccamaw Killifish
Waccamaw Silverside
Wager's Stream Frog
Wagner's Viper
Wahnes's Parotia
Waigeo Spotted Cuscus
Wake's Moss Salamander
Walia Ibex
Walker's Salamander
Walker's Sierra Frog
Walker's Stubfoot Toad
Walker's Treefrog
Wallace's Golden Birdwing Butterfly
Wallace's Hawk-eagle
Wallengren's Copper
Walnut Elimia
Wandering Albatross
Wandering Salamander
Wang's Crab
Wanggao Warty Newt
Ward's Red-backed Vole
Ward's Trogon
Warner Sucker
Warren's Robber Frog
Warsangli Linnet
Warty Asian Tree Toad
Warty Lazy Toad
Washington Ground Squirrel
Water Flea
Water Frog
Watercress Darter
Waterfall Climbing Cave Fish
Waterfall Rocket Frog
Waterfall Swift
Watling Island Iguana
Wattle-necked Softshell Turtle
Wattled Crane
Wattled Curassow
Wattled Guan
Watts's Spiny Rat
Waved Albatross
Wayanad Bubble-nest Frog
Weasel Lemur
Webb's Madagascar Frog
Wedge-tailed Hillstar
Wedge-tailed Jery
Weining Groove-toed Frog
Wekiwa Hydrobe
Wekiwa Siltsnail
Weller's Salamander
Wellington's Solitary Coral
Wengeror's Cave Amphipod
Wenxian Knobby Newt
Werler's False Brook Salamander
Wermuth's Reed Frog
Werneria iboundji
West African Manatee
West African Red Colobus
West Caucasian Tur
West Gawler Freshwater Snail
West Indian Manatee
West Indian Whistling-duck
West Virginia Spring Salamander
Western Barbastelle
Western Bearded Pig
Western Bristlebird
Western Cochran Frog
Western Crowned-pigeon
Western False Pipistrelle
Western Fanshell Mussel
Western Gerbil
Western Giant Eland
Western Hare Wallaby
Western Leopard Toad
Western Lesser Bamboo Lemur
Western Long-beaked Echidna
Western Lowland Gorilla
Western Mouse
Western Nectar Bat
Western Nimba Toad
Western Quoll
Western Ringtail Possum
Western Rufous Bristlebird
Western Spadefoot
Western Tragopan Pheasant
Western Vlei Rat
Western Wattled Cuckooshrike
Western Whipbird
Western Woolly Lemur
Westfall's Clubtail
Westfall's Knobtail
Westland Black Petrel
Westraltrachia alterna
Westralunio carteri
Wet Rock Physa
Wetar Figbird
Wetar Ground Dove
Wetmore's Robber Frog
Wettstein's Andes Frog
Weygoldt's Treefrog
Weza Forest Treefrog
Whale Shark
Whisker Coral
Whiskered Flowerpecker
Whiskered Flying Squirrel
Whiskered Pitta
Whistling Fruit Dove
Whistling Green-pigeon
Whistling Warbler
Whitaker's Skink
White Abalone
White Cave Velvet Worm
White Cockatoo
White Desert Snail
White Grouper
White Madagascar Frog
White Rhinoceros
White River Spinedace
White Saki
White Sands Pupfish
White Spotted Sapphire
White Sturgeon
White Wartyback Pearlymussel
White-backed Vulture
White-banded Tanager
White-bearded Antshrike
White-bellied Bushchat
White-bellied Cinclodes
White-bellied Frog
White-bellied Goshawk
White-bellied Heron
White-bellied Pitohui
White-bellied Shortwing
White-black Treefrog
White-breasted Babbler
White-breasted Guineafowl
White-breasted Mesite
White-breasted Monarch
White-breasted Tapaculo
White-breasted Thrasher
White-browed Antpitta
White-browed Bushchat
White-browed Foliage-gleaner
White-browed Guan
White-browed Jungle-flycatcher
White-browed Nuthatch
White-browed Tit-spinetail
White-browed Woodpecker
White-capped Albatross
White-cheeked Cotinga
White-cheeked Crested Gibbon
White-cheeked Partridge
White-cheeked Spider Monkey
White-chested Babbler
White-chinned Petrel
White-clawed Crayfish
White-collared Brown Lemur
White-collared Fruit Bat
White-collared Kite
White-collared Mangabey
White-crested Guan
White-crowned Hornbill
White-crowned Pigeon
White-eared Marmoset
White-eared Night-heron
White-eared Pheasant
White-eared Pocket Mouse
White-edge Freshwater Whipray
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Prinia
White-eyed River-martin
White-eyed Starling
White-faced Partridge
White-faced Starling
White-footed Dunnart
White-footed Sportive Lemur
White-fronted Brown Lemur
White-fronted Falconet
White-fronted Langur
White-fronted Redstart
White-fronted Scops-owl
White-fronted Tit
White-fronted Wattle-eye
White-headed Duck
White-headed Fruit-dove
White-headed Langur
White-headed Robin-chat
White-headed Steamerduck
White-headed Vulture
White-lipped Deer
White-lipped Peccary
White-lipped Peeping Frog
White-lored Warbler
White-mantled Barbet
White-masked Antbird
White-naped Crane
White-naped Lory
White-naped Pigeon
White-naped Tit
White-necked Babbler
White-necked Crow
White-necked Hawk
White-necked Parakeet
White-necked Petrel
White-necked Rockfowl
White-necklaced Partridge
White-nosed Saki
White-rumped Falconet
White-rumped Vulture
White-shouldered Ibis
White-sided Jackrabbit
White-speckled Laughingthrush
White-spotted Dogfish
White-spotted Guitarfish
White-spotted Madagascar Frog
White-spotted Salamander
White-striped Flathead Toad
White-striped Forest-rail
White-striped Reed Frog
White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Hummingbird
White-tailed Laurel Pigeon
White-tailed Monarch
White-tailed Mouse
White-tailed Sabrewing
White-tailed Shrike-tyrant
White-tailed Swallow
White-tailed Warbler
White-tailed Wattled Pheasant
White-thighed Colobus
White-thighed Surili
White-throated Barbtail
White-throated Bushchat
White-throated Flowerpecker
White-throated Grasswren
White-throated Ground-dove
White-throated Guenon
White-throated Jay
White-throated Jungle Flycatcher
White-throated Mountain-babbler
White-throated Storm-petrel
White-tipped Monarch
White-tipped Tuft-tailed Rat
White-winged Apalis
White-winged Collared-dove
White-winged Cotinga
White-winged Cuckooshrike
White-winged Fantail
White-winged Flufftail
White-winged Guan
White-winged Nightjar
White-winged Warbler
White-winged Wood Duck
Whitebelly Egg Frog
Whitebelly Stream Toad
Whitecheek Shark
Whitedotted Skate
Whitefin Tope Shark
Whitehead's Borneo Frog
Whitehead's Spiny Rat
Whitehead's Trogon
Whitelined Toadfish
Whitespotted Toadfish
Whitish Catshark
Whooping Crane
Widemouth Blindcat
Widenose Guitarfish
Wied's Black-tufted-ear Marmoset
Wied's Tyrant-manakin
Wiegmann's Tree Lizard
Wiens' Water Frog
Wightman's Robber Frog
Wijaya's Scissortail Clubtail
Wild Asian Buffalo
Wild Common Carp
Wild Goat
Wild Yak
Wild's Egg Frog
Wilken's Stenasellid
Williams Bright-eyed Frog
Williamson Creek Freshwater Snail
Wilmot Freshwater Snail
Wilson's Bird-of-paradise
Wimmer's Shrew
Windbalea viride
Winged Mapleleaf
Winter Climbing Salamander
Wisconsin Well Amphipod
Wissel Lakes Treefrog
Wolterstorffina chirioi
Wondiwoi Tree-kangaroo
Wood River Sculpin
Wood Snipe
Wood Sprite Gracile Mouse Opossum
Wood Stork
Wood Turtle
Woodbush Legless Skink
Woodford's Rail
Woodland Caribou
Woodland Oldfield Mouse
Woodlark Cuscus
Woodville Cave Crayfish
Woolly Spider Monkey
Worcester's Bubble-nest Frog
Worthen's Sparrow
Wreathed Cactus Snail
Wright's Skink
Wrinkle Coral
Wrinkled Hornbill
Wrinkled Madagascar Frog
Writhed Hornbill
Wuchuan Odorous Frog
Wushan Salamander
Wutai Crab
Wuzhi Shan Odorous Frog
Wynaad Bubble-nest Frog
Wyoming Toad
Xantus's Murrelet
Xenosaurus grandis
Xenotilapia burtoni
Xerosecta giustii
Xinjiang Ground-jay
Xolocalca Bromeliad Salamander
Xyrichtys virens
Xystichromis sp. nov. 'Kyoga flameback'
Yalden's Desmomys
Yalobusha Riverlet Crayfish
Yamur Lake Grunter
Yanachaga Toad
Yanbaru Whiskered Bat
Yang's Salamander
Yangmingshan Crab
Yaoshan Flying Frog
Yaounde Reed Frog
Yap Flying Fox
Yap Monarch
Yap Olive White-eye
Yapen Rat
Yapo River Frog
Yaqui Chub
Yaqui Slider
Yaqui Sucker
Yarey Robber Frog
Yarkand Hare
Yarra Pygmy Perch
Yarrow's Blue-spotted Spiny Lizard
Yelkouan Shearwater
Yellow Blossom Pearlymussel
Yellow Blotched Sawback
Yellow Bromeliad Frog
Yellow Cardinal
Yellow Cave Frog
Yellow Isthmus Rat
Yellow Kite Swallowtail
Yellow Lampmussel
Yellow Mantella
Yellow Monitor
Yellow Presba
Yellow River Frog
Yellow Spotted Newt
Yellow Tit
Yellow Weaver
Yellow-bearded Greenbul
Yellow-bellied Sunbird-asity
Yellow-belly Climbing Salamander
Yellow-billed Amazon
Yellow-billed Cotinga
Yellow-billed Nuthatch
Yellow-Blotched Palm Pit Viper
Yellow-breasted Bird-of-paradise
Yellow-breasted Bunting
Yellow-breasted Pipit
Yellow-breasted Tailorbird
Yellow-browed Toucanet
Yellow-casqued Wattled Hornbill
Yellow-cheeked Gibbon
Yellow-crested Cockatoo
Yellow-crested Helmet-shrike
Yellow-crowned Barbet
Yellow-crowned Butterflyfish
Yellow-crowned Parakeet
Yellow-eared Bulbul
Yellow-eared Parrot
Yellow-eyed Penguin
Yellow-eyed Starling
Yellow-faced Amazon
Yellow-faced Parrotlet
Yellow-faced Siskin
Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby
Yellow-green Bush-tanager
Yellow-green Finch
Yellow-headed Box Turtle
Yellow-headed Brush-finch
Yellow-headed Manakin
Yellow-headed Parrot
Yellow-headed Temple Turtle
Yellow-knobbed Curassow
Yellow-legged Climbing Salamander
Yellow-legged Pigeon
Yellow-legged Tinamou
Yellow-legged Weaver
Yellow-Lined Centipede Snake
Yellow-margined Box Turtle
Yellow-rumped Antwren
Yellow-rumped Honeyguide
Yellow-shouldered Amazon
Yellow-shouldered Blackbird
Yellow-sided Clubtail
Yellow-spotted Andes Frog
Yellow-spotted Salamander
Yellow-spotted Tree Frog
Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey
Yellow-throated Apalis
Yellow-throated Bulbul
Yellow-throated Hanging-parrot
Yellow-throated Seedeater
Yellowback Spiny-tailed Iguana
Yellowback Stingaree
Yellowbelly Voiceless Treefrog
Yellowcheek Darter
Yellowfin Grouper
Yellowfin Hind
Yellowfin Madtom
Yellowish Imperial-pigeon
Yellowish-breasted Racquet-tail
Yellowtail Flounder
Yemen Accentor
Yemen Thrush
Yemen Warbler
Yenyuan Stream Salamander
Yetla False Brook Salamander
Yinggeling Flying Frog
Yinnietharra Rock Dragon
Yiwu Salamander
Yonenaga's Atlantic Spiny-rat
Yoro Salamander
Yosemite Toad
Yssichromis sp. nov. 'argens'
Yucatan Brown Brocket Deer
Yucatan Spiny-tailed Iguana
Yucatan Wren
Yuma Robber Frog
Yuman Desert Fringe-toed Lizard
Yunnan Asian Frog
Yunnan Flying Frog
Yunnan Lazy Toad
Yunnan Nuthatch
Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey
Yunnan Spiny Frog
Yunnanfu Frog
Yunnanilus discoloris
Yuruani-tepui Treefrog
Zacate Blanco Treefrog
Zambian Barbet
Zambian Mole Rat
Zamboanga Bulbul
Zanzibar Guitarfish
Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkey
Zanzibar Suni
Zapahuira Water Frog
Zapata Rail
Zapata Wren
Zaprochilus ninae
Zarciadero Web-footed Salamander
Zayante Band-winged Grasshopper
Ze Concept Of Crab
Zebra Duiker
Zebra Forest Treefrog
Zelebor's Nicobar Rat
Zempoaltepec Vole
Zerene Fritillary
Zerynthia caucasica
Zetek's Treefrog
Zetides Swallowtail
Zeus' Robber Frog
Zhou's Box Turtle
Ziama Horseshoe Bat
Zilchogyra paulistana
Zimbabwe Big-fingered Frog
Zingel asper
Zingis radiolata
Zoe Waterfall Damsel
Zonetail Butterfly Ray
Zonitoides jaccetanicus
Zonocypretta kalimna
Zorro Bubble-nest Frog
Zospeum biscaiense
Zubovskia banatica
Zug's Robber Frog
Zulia Toad Headed Sideneck
Zululand Black Millipede
Zuniga's Dark Rice Rat
It is the sheer numbers of mammals, fish, birds, lizards, insects and mollusks on this planet who are threatened and endangered.
It is easy to think of just panda's, tigers, turtles, some fish and butterflies and maybe an ibex when we think of endangered species. It's easy to assume the list isn't that bad and could be printed on a couple of sheets of paper. Well, it can, but in several columns and fairly small print.
I wanted to draw an illustration of as many endangered species as I can, donating a chunk of the profits from selling the original artwork to various organizations working to preserve the species. Then, I saw the list. I realized that it would take the rest of my life to illustrate every one of these species, especially to do so in a 9x12 detailed format as I had originally planned. Even then it is likely I could not finish, especially if more species are added to the list.
Instead, I will be making selections from the list to illustrate and I will attempt to focus on species that are not as well known. Some endangered creatures are quite well known and most dwindle in obscurity. I would like to shed some light on these creatures through visual representation, but also bring a little more awareness of just how many creatures and how much of the variety on earth is endangered. Further information will be posted here as the project develops.
I should not waste any more time and get to the list - it is shockingly long. Please at least scroll through the entire list so that you know just how much we stand to lose.
Endangered/Threatened Creatures of Earth:
Abbott's Booby
Abbott's Duiker
Abbott's Starling
Abdulali's Wrinkled Frog
Abe's Salamander
Aberdare Cisticola
Aberdare Mole Shrew
Abolokopatrika Madagascar Frog
Abor Bug-eyed Frog
Abra Acanacu Marsupial Frog
Abra Malaga Toad
Abronia deppii
Abronia martindelcampoi
Abyssinian Longclaw
Acadian Whitefish
Acancocha Water Frog
Acanthobrama centisquama
Acanthobrama telavivensis
Acanthocyclops hypogeus
Acanthodactylus ahmaddisii
Acanthodactylus mechriguensis
Acanthomyops latipes
Acanthomyops murphyi
Aceh Pheasant
Acha Tugi Long-fingered Frog
Achalas Four-eyed Frog
Achondrostoma arcasii
Achondrostoma occidentale
Acicula norrisi
Acicula palaestinensis
Acilius duvergeri
Ackawaio Stefania Treefrog
Acropora Coral
Actinella anaglyptica
Acultzingo Minute Salamander
Acuminate Snaketail
Acute Elimia
Adam's Shadowdamsel
Adamson's Grunter
Adelaide Pigmy Blue-tongue Skink
Adeleana forcarti
Adelophryne baturitensis
Adelopoma stolli
Adelos Salamander
Aden Gulf Torpedo
Aders' Duiker
Adler's Mottled Treefrog
Admirable False Brook Salamander
Admiralty Cuscus
Adriatic Salmon
Adriatic Sturgeon
Advena charon
Aegean Minnow
Aellen's Roundleaf Bat
Aeolian Wall Lizard
Aeshna yemenensis
Afghan Tortoise
Afghani Mountain Salamander
Africallagma cuneistigma
African Black Oystercatcher
African Blind Barb Fish
African Butter Catfish
African Egg Frog
African Elephant
African Golden Cat
African Gray Parrot
African Green Broadbill
African Lion
African Painted Frog
African Penguin
African Skimmer
African Slender-snouted Crocodile
African Spurred Tortoise
African True Toad
African Viviparous Toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis)
African Wedgefish
African White-bellied Pangolin
African Wild Ass
African Wild Dog
Afrixalus clarkei
Afrixalus lacteus
Afrogyrus rodriguezensis
Afrogyrus starmuehlneri
Agabus clypealis
Agabus discicollis
Agabus hozgargantae
Agassiz's Coral
Agile Gibbon
Agkistrodon bilineatus
Aglaodiaptomus kingsburyae
Aglaodiaptomus marshianus
Agra Bubble-nest Frog
Agriades zullichi
Agriocnemis palaeforma
Agua Rica Leaf Frog
Agulhas Long-billed Lark
Ahl's Reed Frog
Ahuitzotl Salamander
Ailao Spiny Toad
Airsac Catfish
Ala Balik
Ala Shan Redstart
Alabama Cave Shrimp
Alabama Cavefish
Alabama Heelsplitter
Alabama Lampmussel
Alabama Moccasinshell
Alabama Pearl Shell
Alabama Red-belly Turtle
Alabama Shad
Alabama Sturgeon
Alabama Waterdog
Alabama Well Amphipod
Alaena margaritacea
Alagoas Antwren
Alagoas Curassow
Alagoas Foliage-gleaner
Alagoas Tyrannulet
Alajuela Knobtail
Alamosa Springsnail
Alaotra Grebe
Alaotran Gentle Lemur
Alban Cochran Frog
Albanian Water Frog
Alberca Silverside
Albert Lates
Albert's Lyrebird
Albertine Owlet
Alburnus belvica
Alburnus orontis
Alburnus qalilus
Alcatrazes Lancehead
Alcorn's Pocket Gopher
Aldabra Brush Warbler
Aldabra Drongo
Aldabra Flying-fox
Aldabra Giant Tortoise
Alexteroon jynx
Algerian Clubtail
Algerian Nuthatch
Algerian Ribbed Newt
Alicia's Wrinkled Frog
Allacanthos pittieri
Allan's Lerista
Allegheny Woodrat
Allen's Cotton Rat
Allen's River Frog
Allen's Slippery Frog
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Allobates chalcopis
Allocharopa erskinensis
Allodiaptomus satanas
Allpahuayo Antbird
Allyn Smith's Banded Snail
Almirante Trail Toad
Aloeides caledoni
Alona hercegovinae
Alona sketi
Alona smirnovi
Alosa vistonica
Alpine Asian Toad
Alpine Shrew
Alpine Stream Salamander
Alpine Wallaby
Alpine Woolly Rat
Alsodes barrioi
Alsodes montanus
Alsodes nodosus
Alsodes tumultuosus
Alsodes vanzolinii
Alta Verapaz Spikethumb Frog
Altai Weasel
Altamaha Arcmussel
Altamaha Pocketbook
Altamaha Spinymussel
Altamira Yellowthroat
Alto de Buey Poison Frog
Alvarado's Salamander
Alvarez del Toro's Salamander
Alveopora allingi
Alvord Chub
Alzoniella hartwigschuetti
Amami Jay
Amami Spiny Rat
Amami Takachiho Snake
Amami Tip-nosed Frog
Amani Flatwing
Amani Forest Frog
Amani Sunbird
Amargosa Toad
Amargosa Vole
Amarkantak Bubble-nest Frog
Amastrid Land Snail
Amatola Malachite
Amatola Toad
Amazon Climbing Salamander
Amazon Giant Glass Frog
Amazonian Manatee
Amazonian Parrotlet
Amber Darter
Amber Mountain Rock-thrush
Amber-coloured Salamander
Ambohimitombo Bright-eyed Frog
Ambohitantely Stump-toed Frog
Ambon Yellow White-eye
Ambrosi's Cave Salamander
Ambystoma altamirani
Ambystoma bombypellum
Ambystoma mexicanum
Ameerega ingeri
American Bison
American Burying Beetle
American Cinchona Plantation Treefrog
American Crocodile
Amicorum Tree Toad
Amiet's Long-fingered Frog
Amietophrynus djohongensis
Amietophrynus villiersi
Amji Oriental Salamander
Ammersee Kilch
Ampelita fulgurata
Ampelita julii
Ampelita soulaiana
Amphicyclotulus liratus
Amphicyclotulus perplexus
Amphorella iridescens
Amphorella melampoides
Amphorella producta
Amplirhagada astuta
Amplirhagada questroana
Amsterdam Albatross
Amur Sturgeon
Anaecypris hispanica
Anaimalai Flying Frog
Analabe Giant Treefrog
Anamallais Indian Frog
Anambra Waxbill
Anatipes Robber Frog
Anatolia Lycian Salamander
Ancash Water Frog
Anceya terebriformis
Ancient Antwren
Ancient Greenling
Ancylus ashangiensis
Andalgala Water Frog
Andaman Crake
Andaman Crow
Andaman Cuckoo-dove
Andaman Drongo
Andaman Hawk-owl
Andaman Horseshoe Bat
Andaman Rat
Andaman Scops-owl
Andaman Serpent-eagle
Andaman Spiny Shrew
Andaman Treepie
Andaman White-toothed Shrew
Andaman Wood-pigeon
Andaman Woodpecker
Andean Bear
Andean Caenolestid
Andean Cat
Andean Catfish
Andean Condor
Andean Flamingo
Andean Hairy Armadillo
Andean Night Monkey
Andean Poison Frog
Andean Titi Monkey
Anderson's Crocodile Newt
Anderson's Salamander
Anderson's Squirrel
Andes Marsupial Frog
Andes Stubfoot Toad
Andoany Stump-toed Frog
Andrews' Robber Frog
Andringitra Madagascar Frog
Anegada Ground Iguana
Angel Island Mouse
Angel Shark
Angel's Madagascar Frog
Angled Tiger
Angola Cave-chat
Angolan Epauletted Fruit Bat
Angrobia anodonta
Angrobia dyeriana
Angrobia grampianensis
Angrobia petterdi
Anguila Ciega
Angular Angelshark
Angular Dwarf Crayfish
Angular Pebblesnail
Angular Rough Shark
Angulated Tortoise
Anhui Musk Deer
Anisogomphus solitaris
Anita's False Brook Salamander
Anjouan Island Sparrowhawk
Anjouan Scops Owl
Ankarana Sportive Lemur
Ankober Serin
Annam Flying Frog
Annam Leaf Turtle
Annam Spadefoot Toad
Annandale's Paa Frog
Annobon White-eye
Annual Tropical Killifish
Anomaloglossus beebei
Anoplolepis nuptialis
Ansell's Shrew
Ansonia guibei
Ansonia latidisca
Antado Stubfoot Toad
Antafia Sportive Lemur
Anthias regalis
Anthias salmopunctatus
Anthony's Riversnail
Antichthonidris bidentatus
Antiguan Racer
Antioquia Bristle-tyrant
Antioquia Giant Glass Frog
Antioquia Marsupial Frog
Antipodean Albatross
Antipodes Green Parakeet
Antiponemertes allisonae
Antrisocopia prehensilis
Antrobia breweri
Antrobia culveri
Antsingy Leaf Chameleon
Apache Trout
Apalachicola Cave Crayfish
Apaporis River Caiman
Apeco Oldfield Mouse
Apennine Chamois
Aphaenogaster bidentatus
Aphanius almiriensis
Api Dwarf Toad
Aplastodiscus eugenioi
Apo Myna
Apo Sunbird
Apolinar's Marsh-wren
Apollo Butterfly
Apostates Robber Frog
Appalachian Cottontail
Appalachian Elktoe
Appalachian Monkeyface Pearlymussel
Appalachian Snaketail
Appert's Tetraka
Aprada Stefania Treefrog
Apron Ray
Apurimac Spinetail
Aquadulcaris pheronyx
Aquatic Box Turtle
Aquatic False Brook Salamander
Aquatic Rat
Aquatic Tenrec
Aquatic Treefrog
Aquatic Warbler
Arabian Gazelle
Arabian Grosbeak
Arabian Oryx
Arabian Tahr
Arabian Woodpecker
Arachnothelphusa melanippe
Aragua Glass Frog
Arakan Forest Turtle
Aran Rock Lizard
Araripe Manakin
Aratathomas's Yellow Shouldered Bat
Araucaria Tit-spinetail
Arawacus aethesa
Arboreal Minute Salamander
Arboreal Splayfoot Salamander
Arcane Spikethumb Frog
Archachatina bicarinata
Archbold's Bowerbird
Archer's Lark
Archey's Frog
Arctodiaptomus burduricus
Arend's Golden Mole
Arfak Rainbowfish
Arfak Ringtail
Arganiella exilis
Argentine Angel Shark
Argentine Tortoise
Argentine Tuco-tuco
Argentine Water Frog
Arico Water Frog
Arinia biplicata
Arinia boreoborneensis
Arinia dentifera
Arinia oviformis
Arinia simplex
Arinia streptaxiformis
Arisan Oriental Salamander
Aristochromis Deep
Arius bonillai
Arius festinus
Arius uncinatus
Arizona Cave Amphipod
Arizona Giant Sand Treader Cricket
Arizona Striped Whiptail
Arkansas Fatmucket
Arlequinus krebsi
Armadillo Girdled Lizard
Armenian Birch Mouse
Armenian Myotis
Armigerous River Snail
Armored Snail
Armoured Frog
Armsia petasus
Arnhem Land Rock Rat
Arnhem Leaf-nosed Bat
Arno Goby
Arnold's Paa Frog
Arntully Robber Frog
Arodi Bubble-nest Frog
Aromobates alboguttatus
Arrogant Shrew
Arroyo Southwestern Toad
Arthroleptis francei
Arthur River Freshwater Snail
Arthur's Stubfoot Toad
Arthurs Paragalaxias
Aru Flying Fox
Aruba Island Rattlesnake
Arubolana imula
Arum Reed Frog
Arunachal Macaque
Ascension Frigatebird
Ash Meadows Pebblesnail
Ash's Lark
Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant
Ash-throated Antwren
Ashaninka Oldfield Mouse
Ashy Antwren
Ashy Darter
Ashy Storm-petrel
Ashy Thrush
Ashy-breasted Flycatcher
Ashy-headed Laughingthrush
Asia Minor Ground Squirrel
Asiagomphus yayeyamensis
Asian Bonytongue
Asian Dowitcher
Asian Elephant
Asian Giant Softshell Turtle
Asian Giant Tortoise
Asian Golden Cat
Asian Golden Weaver
Asian Green Broadbill
Asian Leopard Cat
Asian Small-clawed Otter
Asian Tapir
Asian Wild Ass
Asiatic Black Bear
Asiatic Lion
Asiatic Short-tailed Shrew
Asiatic Softshell Turtle
Aslauga australis
Asoka Barb
Aspatharia divaricata
Aspatharia subreniformis
Assam Macaque
Assam Roofed Turtle
Astacoides crosnieri
Astreopora cucullata
Astylosternus fallax
Atacama Myotis
Atelognathus jeinimenensis
Atelopus angelito
Atherton Antechinus
Atif's Lycian Salamander
Atitlan Grebe
Atiu Swiftlet
Atlantasellus cavernicolus
Atlantic Cod
Atlantic Halibut
Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin
Atlantic Petrel
Atlantic Pigtoe
Atlantic Royal Flycatcher
Atlantic Salmon
Atlantic Sawtail Catshark
Atlantic Titi
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross
Atlas Day Gecko
Atlas Dwarf Lizard
Atlas Dwarf Viper
Atlas Goldenring
Atlas Pebblesnail
Atoll Fruit-dove
Atoll Starling
Atopophrynus syntomopus
Atoyac Minute Salamander
Atrophaneura atropos
Atyid Shrimp
Auckland Island Rail
Auckland Islands Shag
Auckland Islands Teal
Audouin's Gull
Aulonocara aquilonium
Aurelio's Rock Lizard
Austen's Brown Hornbill
Austin Blind Salamander
Austin's Shadowdamsel
Austral Rail
Australasian Bittern
Australian Ant
Australian Bustard
Australian Freshwater Limpet
Australian Grayling
Australian Lace-lid
Australian Sea-lion
Australian Snubfin Dolphin
Australogyra zelli
Australomussa rowleyensis
Austroassiminea letha
Austrolebias cinereus
Austrosaga spinifer
Austrothelphusa tigrina
Avalon Hairstreak
Avotrichodactylus oaxensis
Awash Multimammate Mouse
Ayampe Poison Frog
Ayanganna Stefania Treefrog
Aylacostoma chloroticum
Ayres Black Uakari
Azara's Tuco-tuco
Azorean Bat
Azores Bullfinch
Azores Wood Pigeon
Azuay Marsupial Frog
Azuay Stubfoot Toad
Azulita Salamander
Azure Jay
Azure-breasted Pitta
Azure-rumped Tanager
Azure-shouldered Tanager
Babault's Mouse Shrew
Babina subaspera
Bachman's Sparrow
Bachman's Wood Warbler
Back-striped Sportive Lemur
Bactrian Camel
Badplaas Black Millipede
Badwater Snail
Baer's Pochard
Baer's Wood Mouse
Baetica ustulata
Bagre De Rio Verde
Bagre De Yaqui
Bagrecito Andes Frog
Bahama Swallow
Bahaman Lesser Funnel-eared Bat
Bahamas Rock Iguana
Bahamian Hutia
Bahia Antwren
Bahia Spinetail
Bahia Tapaculo
Bahia Tyrannulet
Baikal Teal
Bailey's Shrew
Bailey's Snake
Baird's Trogon
Baja California Legless Lizard
Baja California Rock Squirrel
Baja California Whiptail
Baja Verapaz Salamander
Baker's Robber Frog
Baker's Small Toothed Harvest Mouse
Bakossi Reed Frog
Balabac Mouse Deer
Balbalan Frog
Balcones Cave Amphipod
Balcones Cave Shrimp
Bald Parrot
Bald Uakari
Bale Monkey
Bale Mountains Frog
Bale Mountains Tree Frog
Bale Shrew
Balearic Shearwater
Balkan Blind Mole Rat
Balkan Snow Vole
Ball Bearing Frog
Balloon Frog
Balsas Armed Lizard
Balsas Screech-owl
Balsas Splitfin
Baltic Sturgeon
Balu Flying Frog
Baluchistan Forest Dormouse
Bamboutos Egg Frog
Bamboutos Smalltongue Toad
Bamenda Reed Frog
Bamileke Plateau Frog
Banahao Forest Frog
Banana Bat
Bananal Antbird
Banbury Springs Limpet
Band-bellied Crake
Band-tailed Antwren
Banded Cotinga
Banded Day Gecko
Banded Eagle Ray
Banded Elimia
Banded Flying Frog
Banded Green Sunbird
Banded Ground-cuckoo
Banded Hare Wallaby
Banded Horned Treefrog
Banded Neolebias
Banded Palm Civit
Banded Surili
Banded Toed Gecko
Banded Wattle-eye
Banded White-eye
Banded Wobbegong
Bandula Barb
Banggai Cardinalfish
Banggai Crow
Bangs's Mountain Squirrel
Bangwa Forest Warbler
Bank Cormorant
Banks Flying Fox
Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rat
Bannerman's Turaco
Bannerman's Weaver
Baoruco Burrowing Frog
Baoruco Hammer Frog
Bar-tailed Pheasant
Bar-winged Wood-wren
Barabattoia laddi
Baracoa Dwarf Frog
Barahona Rock Frog
Baramundi Cod
Barau's Petrel
Barbados Racer
Barbados Yellow Warbler
Barbary Macaque
Barbary Serval
Barbary Sheep
Barbatula eregliensis
Barbus acuticeps
Barber's Sheep Frog
Barbour's Forest Treefrog
Barbour's Seahorse
Barbour's Vlei Rat
Barbuda Warbler
Bardick Snake
Bare-backed Rousette
Bare-eyed Myna
Bare-necked Umbrellabird
Bare-throated Bellbird
Bareback Shovelnose Ray
Barker's Anole
Barnard's Rock-catfish
Barndoor Winter Skate
Barr's Cave Amphipod
Barred Bandicoot
Barred Danio
Barred Galaxias
Barrens Topminnow
Barrington Land Iguana
Barrio's Frog
Bartels's Rat
Barton Springs Salamander
Basecamp Giant Glass Frog
Basking Shark
Basra Reed Warbler
Bastard Sturgeon
Bastrop Crayfish
Bat Cave Isopod
Bates's Weaver
Bath County Cave Amphipod
Bathanalia howesi
Bathurst Copper
Batrachophrynus brachydactylus
Batrachuperus cochranae
Batrachus uranoscopus
Baudo Guan
Baudo Oropendola
Bavarian Pine Vole
Baw Baw Frog
Bay Lycian Salamander
Bay-breasted Cuckoo
Bay-capped Wren-spinetail
Bay-ringed Tyrannulet
Bay-vented Cotinga
Bayadera ishigakiana
Be'er Sheva Fringe-fingered Lizard
Beach Mouse
Beach Thick-knee
Beach Vole
Beal's-eyed Turtle
Bear Lake Sculpin
Bearded Black Millipede
Bearded Guan
Bearded Red Crayfish
Bearded Saki
Bearded Screech-owl
Bearded Tachuri
Bearded Wood-partridge
Beaudouin's Snake-eagle
Beautiful Crayfish
Beautiful Jay
Beautiful Mantella
Beautiful Nursery-frog
Beautiful Nuthatch
Beautiful Parachute Spider
Beautiful Petaltail
Beautiful Shiner
Beautiful Treerunner
Beccari's Margareta Rat
Bechstein's Bat
Beck's Petrel
Beck's Treefrog
Beddome's Bubble-nest Frog
Beddome's Toad
Beddomeia hullii
Beddomeia salmonis
Bedford's Paradise-flycatcher
Bedford-russell's Tree-nymph
Bednall's Land Snail
Bedotia geayi
Bedotia madagascariensis
Bedotia marojejy
Bedotia masoala
Bedotia sp. nov. 'Ankavia-Ankavanana'
Bedotia tricolor
Bedriaga's Fringe-fingered Lizard
Bedriaga's Rock Lizard
Bedriaga's Skink
Bee Creek Cave Harvestman
Bee Hummingbird
Beira Antelope
Beisa Oryx
Bekko Tombo
Belding's Yellowthroat
Belgrandiella alticola
Belkin's Dune Tabanid Fly
Bell's False Brook Salamander
Bell's Vireo
Bellamya constricta
Belle's Sanddragon
Belly-spotted Treefrog
Belted Flycatcher
Bemaraha Woolly Lemur
Benavony Bright-eyed Frog
Bendire's Thrasher
Bendrao Digging Frog
Bengal Florican
Bengal Monitor
Bengal Ornamental
Bengal Roof Turtle
Bengal Slow Loris
Beni Titi Monkey
Benkulen Toad
Bennett's Tree Kangaroo
Bentfin Devil Ray
Benton County Cave Crayfish
Berg River Redfin
Berg's Tuco-tuco
Berger's Cape Tortoise
Berlepsch's Canastero
Bermuda Cave Amphipod
Bermuda Rock Lizard
Bernhard's Mantella
Bernier's Vanga
Berry Cave Salamander
Betampona Burrowing Frog
Betic Midwife Toad
Betsileo Bright-eyed Frog
Betsileo Digging Frog
Betta burdigala
Bhutan Giant Flying Squirrel
Biak Bare-backed Fruit Bat
Biak Black Flycatcher
Biak Coucal
Biak Dark Crow
Biak Giant Rat
Biak Megapode
Biak Monarch
Biak Paradise-kingfisher
Biak Scops-owl
Biak Threespot Crow
Biak Tiger
Biak White-eye
Bibron's Toadlet
Bicknell's Thrush
Bicol Narrowmouth Toad
Bicolor Cactus Snail
Bicolored Antpitta
Bicoloured Antvireo
Bicoloured Frog
Bienkotetrix transsylvanicus
Bifurcated Cave Amphipod
Big Bend Gambusia
Big Bend Slider
Big Blue Spring Cave Crayfish
Big Deer Mouse
Big Levels Salamander
Big Mexican Small-eared Shrew
Big Pine Key Conehead Katydid
Big Pocket Gopher
Big Sandy Crayfish
Big South Fork Crayfish
Big White Fish
Big-cheeked Cave Crayfish
Big-eared Chirping Frog
Big-eyed Forest Treefrog
Big-footed Minute Salamander
Big-headed Amazon River Turtle
Big-headed Mole Rat
Big-headed Turtle
Bigeye Lates
Bigeye Tuna
Bigfoot Leopard Frog
Bigfoot Splayfoot Salamander
Bighorn Sheep
Bignose Fanskate
Binchuan Horned Toad
Bioko Forest Shrew
Biomphalaria barthi
Biomphalaria tchadiensis
Birdlike Noctule
Birdsnest Coral
Birdwing Pearlymussel
Bismarck Flying Fox
Bismarck Giant Rat
Bismarck Kingfisher
Bismarck Masked-owl
Bismarck Melidectes
Bismarck Thicketbird
Bizant River Shark
Black Abalone
Black And Rufous Elephant Shrew
Black Caiman
Black Catbird
Black Clubshell
Black Cod
Black Colobus Monkey
Black Creek Crayfish
Black Crested Gibbon
Black Crested Mangabey
Black Crowned-crane
Black Dorcopsis Wallaby
Black False Brook Salamander
Black Finless Porpoise
Black Flathead Toad
Black Giant Squirrel
Black Grouper
Black Guan
Black Harrier
Black Honey-buzzard
Black Hornbill
Black Inca
Black Jackrabbit
Black Jumping Salamander
Black Knobby Newt
Black Lemur
Black Long-fingered Frog
Black Magpie
Black Marsh Turtle
Black Mogurnda
Black Mountain Boulder Frog
Black Mudalia
Black Munia
Black Muntjac
Black Musk Deer
Black Oriole
Black Partridge
Black Racer
Black Rail
Black Rhinoceros
Black Rockfish
Black Salamander
Black Sea Bass
Black Sea Viper
Black Shama
Black Sicklebill
Black Softshell Turtle
Black Solitary Eagle
Black Squirrel Monkey
Black Stilt
Black Tinamou
Black Toad
Black Torrent Toad
Black Wallaroo
Black Water Frog
Black-and-chestnut Eagle
Black-and-gold Cotinga
Black-and-gold Tanager
Black-and-rufous Flycatcher
Black-and-tawny Seedeater
Black-and-white Bulbul
Black-and-white Monarch
Black-and-white Monjita
Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur
Black-and-white Tanager
Black-and-yellow Broadbill
Black-backed Shadowdamsel
Black-backed Tanager
Black-banded Bannerwing
Black-banded Barbet
Black-banded Flycatcher
Black-bearded Flying Fox
Black-bellied Malkoha
Black-bellied Seedeater
Black-bellied Tern
Black-bibbed Cicadabird
Black-billed Amazon
Black-billed Flycatcher
Black-billed Gull
Black-blotched Stingray
Black-bodied Woodpecker
Black-breasted Buttonquail
Black-breasted Hill Turtle
Black-breasted Parrotbill
Black-breasted Puffleg
Black-browed Albatross
Black-capped Petrel
Black-capped Piprites
Black-capped Vireo
Black-cheeked Ant-tanager
Black-cheeked Lovebird
Black-chested Honeyeater
Black-chinned Monarch
Black-clawed Brush-furred Rat
Black-crest Elimia
Black-crowned Barwing
Black-crowned Dwarf Marmoset
Black-eared Mantella
Black-eared Miner
Black-eyed Treefrog
Black-faced Black Spider Monkey
Black-faced Impala
Black-faced Pitta
Black-faced Spoonbill
Black-Finned Goodeid
Black-footed Albatross
Black-footed Cat
Black-footed Ferret
Black-footed Gray Langur
Black-footed Rock Wallaby
Black-footed Tree Rat
Black-fronted Piping-guan
Black-fronted Tern
Black-fronted Titi Monkey
Black-fronted Wood-quail
Black-handed Tamarin
Black-headed Berryeater
Black-headed Ibis
Black-headed Parrotbill
Black-headed Rufous Warbler
Black-headed Uakari
Black-hooded Antwren
Black-hooded Coucal
Black-hooded Laughingthrush
Black-horned Capuchin
Black-legged Dacnis
Black-legged Poison Frog
Black-lored Parrot
Black-masked Finch
Black-necked Crane
Black-necked Stork
Black-polled Yellowthroat
Black-snouted Flying Frog
Black-spectacled Brush-finch
Black-spotted Cuscus
Black-spotted False Brook Salamander
Black-spotted Newt
Black-spotted Pond Frog
Black-striped Squirrel
Black-tailed Antbird
Black-tailed Deer Mouse
Black-tailed Godwit
Black-tailed Hutia
Black-thighed Puffleg
Black-throated Babbler
Black-throated Blue Robin
Black-throated Finch
Black-throated Shrikebill
Black-throated Wren-babbler
Black-vented Shearwater
Black-webbed Treefrog
Black-winged Lory
Black-winged Pratincole
Black-winged Starling
Black-wristed Deer Mouse
Blackbarred Crayfish
Blackbelly Garter Snake
Blackbelted Crayfish
Blackburn's Sphinx Moth
Blackchin Guitarfish
Blackfin Pupfish
Blackish Shrew Opossum
Blackish-blue Seedeater
Blackish-breasted Babbler
Blackish-headed Spinetail
Blackmouth Shiner
Blacksaddled Coral Grouper
Blackspot Shark
Blackspot Skate
Blackspot Tuskfish
Blackspotted Long-fingered Frog
Blakiston's Fish-owl
Blanc's Fringe-toed Lizard
Blanc's Sand Racer
Blastomussa wellsi
Bleeding Toad
Bleher's Rainbowfish
Blick's Grass Rat
Blind Cave Beetle
Blind Cave Fish
Blind Loach
Blind Naked-belly Barbel
Bliss Rapid Snail
Blommers Bright-eyed Frog
Blond Titi Monkey
Blonde Capuchin
Blotched Mogurnda
Blotchside Logperch
Blue Bird-of-paradise
Blue Bustard
Blue Chaffinch
Blue Coral
Blue Crane
Blue Duck
Blue Finch
Blue Giant Glass Frog
Blue Lorikeet
Blue Mountain Vireo
Blue Mountain Water Skink
Blue Paradise-flycatcher
Blue Ridge Gray-cheeked Salamander
Blue Shiner
Blue Skate
Blue Spring Aphaostracon
Blue Swallow
Blue Whale
Blue-and-gold Tanager
Blue-and-orange Threadtail
Blue-banded Kingfisher
Blue-bellied Parrot
Blue-billed Curassow
Blue-billed Duck
Blue-capped Fruit-dove
Blue-capped Hummingbird
Blue-cheeked Amazon
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-eyed Aquatic Treefrog
Blue-eyed Cockatoo
Blue-eyed Cuscus
Blue-eyed Ground Dove
Blue-eyed Spotted Cuscus
Blue-faced Rail
Blue-fronted Lorikeet
Blue-headed Macaw
Blue-headed Pitta
Blue-headed Quail-dove
Blue-headed Racquet-tail
Blue-legged Mantella
Blue-masked Leafbird
Blue-naped Parrot
Blue-rumped Parrot
Blue-sided Treefrog
Blue-spotted Mexican Treefrog
Blue-streaked Lory
Blue-throated Macaw
Blue-throated Parakeet
Blue-whiskered Tanager
Blue-winged Goose
Blue-winged Macaw
Blue-winged Racquet-tail
Bluebarred Pygmy Sunfish
Bluegrass Crayfish
Bluegray Carpetshark
Bluemask Darter
Bluespotted Bamboo Shark
Bluestripe Darter
Bluetail Glass Barb
Blunt-eared Bat
Blunt-headed Salamander
Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard
Blunt-toed Chirping Frog
Bluntnose Shiner
Blyth's Flying Fox
Blyth's Kingfisher
Blyth's River Frog
Blyth's Tragopan Pheasant
Blythe River Freshwater Snail
Bobiri Reed Frog
Boca de Yumuri Frog
Bocaccio Rockfish
Boeckella bispinosa
Boeseman's Rainbowfish
Boettger's Grainy Frog
Boettgeria obesiuscula
Bofilliella subarcuata
Bog Turtle
Bogidiella bermudensis
Bogota Rail
Bogota Treefrog
Boisduval's Blue Butterfly
Bokermann's Bromeliad Frogs
Bokermannohyla izecksohni
Bokermannohyla vulcaniae
Bolano's Woodrat
Bold Characodon
Bolifamba Egg Frog
Bolivar Bush Toad
Bolivian Chinchilla Rat
Bolivian Recurvebill
Bolivian Spinetail
Bolivian Water Frog
Bolson Tortoise
Bombay Bubble-nest Frog
Bone Cave Harvestman
Boneberg's Frog
Bonetto's Tuco-tuco
Bonhote's Mouse
Bonin Flying Fox
Bonin White-eye
Boninagrion ezoin
Boninena callistoderma
Boninosuccinea ogasawarae
Bonthain Tiger
Bonytail Chub
Boophis tampoka
Booroolong Frog
Booted Macaque
Bopatalawa Rice Frog
Boqueron Robber Frog
Boquete Rocket Frog
Borax Lake Chub
Borbour's Montane Pitviper
Bordered Knob-tipped Shadowdamsel
Boreal Toad
Boreas uglowi
Boribory Rain Frog
Bornean Banded Langur
Bornean Bristlehead
Bornean Flat-headed Frog
Bornean Frogmouth
Bornean Ground-cuckoo
Bornean Leaf-nosed Bat
Bornean Orangutan
Bornean Peacock-pheasant
Bornean River Turtle
Bornean Slow Loris
Bornean Water Shrew
Bornean Wren-babbler
Borneo Bay Cat
Borneo Bubble-nest Frog
Borneo Narrowmouth Toad
Borneo Shark
Borneo Splash Frog
Boroda expatria
Bot River Klipfish
Botha's Lark
Bothriembryon bradshaweri
Bottiella cucutensis
Bottiella medemi
Bottlenose Skate
Botucatu Escuerzo
Boucardicus albocinctus
Bougainville Bush-warbler
Bougainville Giant Rat
Bougainville Monkey-faced Bat
Bougainville Thicketbird
Boulder Darter
Boulder Pile Mountain Snail
Boulenger's Backpack Frog
Boulenger's Egg Frog
Boulenger's Indian Frog
Boulenger's Rocket Frog
Boulenger's Small Flying Frog
Boulenger's Spiny Frog
Boulenger's Stubfoot Toad
Bounty Islands Shag
Bourlon's Genet
Bousfield's Amphipod
Bowhead Whale
Bowman's Cave Amphipod
Bowmouth Guitarfish
Bowry Creek Freshwater Snail
Boxer Pupfish
Boyaca Giant Glass Frog
Bracket Coral
Bradytriton silus
Braken Bat Cave Meshweaver
Bramble Cay Mosaic-tailed Rat
Branchinecta belki
Branching Anchor Coral
Branching Frogspawn Coral
Brandt's Hamster
Brash Bubble-nest Frog
Brasilia Lyrefin
Brasilia Tapaculo
Brass's Friarbird
Brauer's Burrowing Skink
Braun's Toad
Brawleys Fork Crayfish
Brazilian Arboreal Mouse
Brazilian Black-tyrant
Brazilian Blind Electric Ray
Brazilian Button Frog
Brazilian Cownose Ray
Brazilian Funnel-eared Bat
Brazilian Giant Tortoise
Brazilian Guitarfish
Brazilian Merganser
Brazilian River Frog
Brazilian Sideneck Turtle
Brazilian Snake-necked Turtle
Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo
Brazilian Three-toed Sloth
Brazoria Crayfish
Brazos River Watersnake
Breasts-of-Julie Frog
Breedlove's Anole
Brenton Blue Butterfly
Breyer's Long-tailed Seps
Brick Seamoth
Bridges's Degu
Bridled Nail-tailed Wallaby
Bridled White-eye
Bridouxia ponsonbyi
Bridouxia praeclara
Brigalow Scaly-foot
Brindle Bass
Brine Shrimp
Bristle-thighed Curlew
Bristle-tipped Sanddargon
Bristled Grassbird
Broad River Spiny Crayfish
Broad Sea Fan
Broad-fingered Crayfish
Broad-headed Snake
Broad-snouted Caiman
Broad-striped Dasyure
Broad-striped Mongoose
Broad-tailed Grassbird
Broad-toothed Mouse
Broadfoot Climbing Salamander
Broadley's Mountain Frog
Broadley's Ridged Frog
Broadnose Wedgefish
Bromeliad Treefrog
Brongersma's Toad
Bronze Quoll
Bronze Tube-nosed Bat
Bronze Whaler
Bronzeback Snake-lizard
Bronzed Frog
Brook Elimia
Brook Snake
Brooks's Dyak Fruit Bat
Broom Hare
Brother's Island Tuatara
Brown Bear
Brown Eared Pheasant
Brown False Brook Salamander
Brown Fulvetta
Brown Hyena
Brown Madagascar Frog
Brown Mesite
Brown Palm Civet
Brown Pelican
Brown Robber Frog
Brown Stingray
Brown Tanager
Brown Teal
Brown Tropical Frog
Brown Wood-rail
Brown's Hutia
Brown-backed Dove
Brown-backed Flowerpecker
Brown-backed Parrotlet
Brown-banded Antpitta
Brown-cheeked Hornbill
Brown-chested Jungle-flycatcher
Brown-headed Crow
Brown-headed Spider Monkey
Brown-marbled Grouper
Brown-reticulate Stingray
Brown-spotted Catshark
Brown-spotted Rockcod
Brown-tailed Mongoose
Brown-winged Kingfisher
Brownband Numbfish
Brownstriped Grunt
Bruijn's Brush-turkey
Bruijn's Pogonomelomys
Brumback's Night Monkey
Bruneau Hot Springsnail
Brush-tailed Phascogale
Brush-tailed Rabbit Rat
Brush-tailed Rat-kangaroo
Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby
Bryant's Woodrat
Bryophryne bustamantei
Bryophryne cophites
Bubble Coral
Bubble-nest Frog
Buckley's Giant Glass Frog
Buea Smalltongue Toad
Buena Vista Lake Ornate Shrew
Buenaventura Robber Frog
Buenos Aires Leaf-eared Mouse
Buettikofer's Shrew
Buff-breasted Buttonquail
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Tody-tyrant
Buff-browed Chachalaca
Buff-headed Capuchin
Buff-necked Woodpecker
Buff-throated Purpletuft
Buff-throated Tody-tyrant
Buff-vented Bulbul
Buffetia retinaculum
Buffy-fronted Seedeater
Buffy-headed Marmoset
Bugun Liocichla
Bulinus camerunensis
Bulinus hightoni
Bulinus mutandensis
Bulinus nyassanus
Bulinus succinoides
Bulinus transversalis
Buller's Albatross
Buller's Chipmunk
Buller's Shearwater
Bullocks Mountains False Toad
Bullseye Electric Ray
Bulmer's Fruit Bat
Bulo Burti Bush-shrike
Bumblebee Bat
Bumphead Parrotfish
Bunawan Wart Frog
Bunn's Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat
Burmagomphus sivalikensis
Burmeister's Armadillo
Burmese Peacock Softshell Turtle
Burmese Peacock Turtle
Burmese Roofed Turtle
Burmese Starred Tortoise
Burnsville Cove Cave Amphipod
Burnup's Hunter Slug
Burnupia crassistriata
Burnupia stuhlmanni
Burrowes' Giant Glass Frog
Burrowing Bog Crayfish
Burrowing Crayfish
Burrowing Grainy Frog
Burrowing Vole
Burt's Deer Mouse
Burton's Vlei Rat
Buru Cuckooshrike
Buru Opalescent Birdwing
Buru Thrush
Bush Blackcap
Bush Dog
Bush Thick-knee
Bushoho Reed Frog
Busuanga Wart Frog
Butler's Dunnart
Buttons Rivulet Freshwater Snail
Buxton's Jird
Buzzing Frog
Bythinella badensis
Bythiospeum acicula
Caalaya Andes Frog
Caatinga Antwren
Cabo Cruz Frog
Cabot's Tragopan Pheasant
Cabrera's Hutia
Cabrera's Vole
Cacao Shadowdamsel
Caddo Madtom
Caddo Mountain Salamander
Caecocypris basimi
Caerulean Paradise Flycatcher
Cagle's Map Turtle
Cahaba Shiner
Cainarachi Poison Frog
Cairns Rainbowfish
Cajamarca Water Frog
Calayan Rail
Calconiscellus gotscheensis
Caldwellia imperfecta
Calf Frog
Calico Grouper
Calientes Water Frog
California Bay Pea Crab
California Condor
California Freshwater Shrimp
California Giant Salamander
California Red Tree Mouse
California Red-legged Frog
California Sheephead
California Tiger Salamander
Callippe Silverspot Butterfly
Callulina kisiwamsitu
Callulops kopsteini
Calopteryx exul
Calvert's Emerald
Cambarus cymatilis
Cambodian Laughingthrush
Cameron Highlands Niviventer
Cameroon Clawless Otter
Cameroon Climbing Mouse
Cameroon Egg Frog
Cameroon Montane Greenbul
Cameroon Range Night Frog
Cameroon Slippery Frog
Cameroon Soft-furred Mouse
Cameroon Toad
Cameroon Water Frog
Cameroon Wolterstorff Toad
Cameroonian Forest Shrew
Cameroonian Shrew
Camiguin Forest Mouse
Camiguin Forest Rat
Camouflage Grouper
Camp Shelby Burrowing Crayfish
Campbell Albatross
Campbell Island Shag
Campbell Island Teal
Campbell's Forest Toad
Campeche Spiny-tailed Iguana
Campo Grande Button Frog
Campo Grande Treefrog
Campo Miner
Camponotus universitatis
CamRiver Freshwater Snail
Camron Climbing Salamander
Canarian Black Oystercatcher
Canarian Shrew
Canary Big-eared Bat
Canary Islands Large White
Canasi Frog
Candidula setubalensis
Canebrake Groundcreeper
Cannatella's Andes Frog
Cannatella's Plump Toad
Cantareus mazzullii
Canterbury Mudfish
Cantharellus noumeae
Canthigaster rapaensis
Canthocamptus dedeckkeri
Cantor's Giant Softshell
Canut's Horseshoe Bat
Cape Caco
Cape Cormorant
Cape Fear Shiner
Cape Flats Frog
Cape Gannet
Cape Melville Treefrog
Cape Platanna
Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow
Cape Seahorse
Cape Shark
Cape Stag Beetle
Cape Thorntail
Cape Verde Shearwater
Cape Verde Warbler
Cape Vulture
Cape York Rock Wallaby
Caper Elimia
Capoeta antalyensis
Capped Langur
Captain Fine
Carabaya Stubfoot Toad
Carabo Beetle
Carabobo Climbing Salamander
Carbonell's Wall Lizard
Carbonera Pupfish
Carchi Andes Frog
Carchi Andes Toad
Carchi Rocket Frog
Cardiocondyla zoserka
Caribbean Coot
Caribbean Electric Ray
Caribbean Monk Seal
Caribbean Reef Shark
Carinotrachia carsoniana
Carinurella paradoxa
Carmen Mountain Shrew
Carolina Heelsplitter
Caroline Islands Ground-dove
Carpentarian False Antechinus
Carpentarian Grasswren
Carpentarian Rock Rat
Carpetane Rock Lizard
Carphish Frog
Carpione Del Garda
Carrizal Seedeater
Carson Wandering Skipper
Cartago Knobtail
Cartago Worm Salamander
Carunculated Fruit-dove
Carvalho's Slider
Carvalhoi Tree Toad
Cascade Cave Amphipod
Cascade Caverns Salamander
Cascade Torrent Salamander
Cascade Tree Frog
Cascades Frog
Caseolus calculus
Caseolus commixtus
Caseolus subcalliferus
Caspian Lamprey
Caspian Seal
Cassin's Finch
Castalia martensi
Castillon Robber Frog
Cat Island Turtle
Cat's Eye Cynarina Coral
Cataglyphis hannae
Catalina Deer Mouse
Catalina Mountain Snail
Catamarca Water Frog
Cataract Gorge Freshwater Snail
Cataract Gorge Snail
Cataract Hooktail
Catspaw Pearlymussel
Cauca Guan
Cauca Poison Frog
Cauca Rocket Frog
Caucasian Birch Mouse
Caucasian Black Grouse
Caucasian Mountain Ground Squirrel
Caucasian Salamander
Caucasian Viper
Caulastrea connata
Cauliflower Coral
Cave Catfish
Cave Physa
Cave Spikethumb Frog
Cave Squeaker Frog
Cave Tropical Night Lizard
Cave Wrinkled Ground Frog
Cayenne Stubfoot Toad
Cayey Robber Frog
Cayman Island Ground Iguana
Cayman Islands Ground Iguana
Cebu Flowerpecker
Cecilioides connollyi
Cecilioides eulima
Cedros Island Mule Deer
Ceiba Stream Frog
Celaque Climbing Salamander
Celebes Crested Macaque
Celebes Cross Frog
Celebes Tortoise
Celestial Monarch
Central American River Turtle
Central American Snapping Turtle
Central American Tapir
Central Coast Stubfoot Toad
Central Humming Frog
Central Kashmir Vole
Central Missouri Cave Amphipod
Central Rock Rat
Central Sulawesi Echiothrix
Centrolene mariaelenae
Centrolene robledoi
Cephalaeschna acutifrons
Cephalakompsus pachycheilus
Cerambyx Longicorn
Ceratophallus socotrensis
Ceres Featherlegs
Cerion nanus
Ceron's Glass Lizard
Cerro de Enmedio Moss Salamander
Cerro Munchique Marsupial Frog
Cerro Pando Salamander
Cerro Pando Worm Salamander
Cerro Pital Salamander
Cerro Pozo de Agua Moss Salamander
Cerro Saslaya Moss Salamander
Cerulean Warbler
Ceuthonectes rouchi
Ceylon Jungle Shrew
Ceylon Pygmy Shrew
Ceylon Spiny Mouse
Ceylon Streamlined Frog
Ceylonthelphusa alpina
Chaceus ibiricensis
Chaco Side-necked Turtle
Chaco Water Frog
Chacoan Naked-tailed Armadillo
Chacoan Peccary
Chacoan Pygmy Opossum
Chaetodon obliquus
Chalazodes Bubble-nest Frog
Chalcides simonyi
Chalepoxenus brunneus
Chamula Mountain Brook Frog
Chaney's Spiny Lizard
Chantaburi Bug-eyed Frog
Chapa Bug-eyed Frog
Chapa Spiny Frog
Chapin's Flycatcher
Chapin's Mountain-babbler
Chapman's Prehensile Tailed Hutia
Charadrahyla nephila
Charal De Alchichica
Charal De La Preciosa
Charal De Quechulac
Charalito Chihuahua
Charalito Saltillo
Charalito Sonorense
Charazani Treefrog
Charles Darwin's Eastern Frog
Charming Thicket Rat
Charta Treefrog
Chat Tanager
Chatham Albatross
Chatham Island Black Robin
Chatham Island Pied Oystercatcher
Chatham Island Pigeon
Chatham Island Snipe
Chatham Islands Shag
Chatham Parakeet
Chatham Petrel
Chathams Galaxias
Chatooga Crayfish
Chattahoochee Crayfish
Chattering Lory
Cheat Mountain Salamander
Checkered Pupfish
Checkered Sengi
Cheer Pheasant
Cheoah Bald Salamander
Cherokee Clubtail
Cherry-throated Tanager
Chestnut Antpitta
Chestnut Seedeater
Chestnut Wood-quail
Chestnut-backed Buttonquail
Chestnut-backed Laughingthrush
Chestnut-backed Owlet
Chestnut-backed Thornbird
Chestnut-backed Thrush
Chestnut-banded Plover
Chestnut-bellied Cotinga
Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer
Chestnut-bellied Guan
Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird
Chestnut-bellied Imperial-pigeon
Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher
Chestnut-bellied Malkoha
Chestnut-breasted Partridge
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface
Chestnut-capped Piha
Chestnut-capped Thrush
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush
Chestnut-headed Partridge
Chestnut-naped Forktail
Chestnut-necklaced Partridge
Chestnut-rumped Babbler
Chestnut-throated Spinetail
Chestnut-winged Whistling-thrush
Chevron Skink
Chevron-breasted Babbler
Chevron-spotted Brown Frog
Chiala Mountain Salamander
Chiapan Climbing Rat
Chiapan Deer Mouse
Chiapan Pigmy Anole
Chickamanga Crayfish
Chignahuapan Splayfoot Salamander
Chihuahuan Deer Mouse
Chihuahuan Fringe-toed Lizard
Chile Darwin's Frog
Chile Mountains False Toad
Chilean Caenolestid
Chilean Dolphin
Chilean Flamingo
Chilean Woodstar
Chili Water Frog
Chiloglanis lufirae
Chiloglanis ruziziensis
Chimalapa Toad
Chimanimani Stream Frog
Chimbo Rocket Frog
Chinamococh Stream Frog
Chinanteco Deer Mouse
Chinese Alligator
Chinese Bahaba
Chinese Broad-headed Pond Turtle
Chinese Crested Tern
Chinese Egret
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese Goral
Chinese Grouse
Chinese Lazy Toad
Chinese Monal Pheasant
Chinese Paddlefish
Chinese Pangolin
Chinese River Dolphin
Chinese Salamander
Chinese Serow
Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle
Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle
Chinese Sturgeon
Chinese Three-keeled Pond Turtle
Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle
Chinese Water Deer
Chinhai Spiny Newt
Chinook Salmon
Chipola Slabshell
Chiricahua Leopard Frog
Chirinda Toad
Chiriquita Shadowdamsel
Chirocephalus croaticus
Chirocephalus pelagonicus
Chirocephalus reiseri
Chisholm Trail Salamander
Chiszar's Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Chitwan Frog
Chlorocnemis abbotti
Chlorocypha bambtoni
Chlorogomphus iriomotensis
Choco Broad-nosed Bat
Choco Poorwill
Choco Stubfoot Toad
Choco Tinamou
Choco Toad
Choco Vireo
Choco Woodpecker
Choctaw Riverlet Crayfish
Chondrina oligodonta
Chondrostoma beysehirense
Chornaya Gudgeon
Chortipphus acroleucus
Christian's Marsupial Frog
Christianoconcha quintalia
Christmas Hawk-owl
Christmas Island Blind Snake
Christmas Island Frigatebird
Christmas Island Goshawk
Christmas Island Imperial Pigeon
Christmas Island Pipistrelle
Christmas Island Shrew
Christmas Island White-eye
Chrysoritis cotrelli
Chuuk Monarch
Cicek Minnow
Cienega Colorado Worm Salamander
Ciervo Scarab Beetle
Ciliellopsis oglasae
Cinderella Waxbill
Cinereous Bunting
Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Warbling-finch
Cinnabar Hawk-owl
Cinnamon-banded Kingfisher
Cinnamon-breasted Tody-tyrant
Cinnamon-headed Green-pigeon
Cinnamon-rumped Trogon
Cinnamon-tailed Fantail
Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow
Cinnamon-vented Piha
Cinquefoil Skipper
Cipo Canastero
Cirolanid Isopod
Clanton's Cave Amphipod
Clanwilliam Rock Catfish
Clanwilliam Sandfish
Clanwilliam Yellowfish
Clapper Rail
Clarence Galaxias
Clarence River Cod
Clarendon Parish Robber Frog
Clariallabes mutsindoziensis
Clarias maclareni
Clarion Island Whip Snake
Clarion Wren
Clarke's Gazelle
Clarke's Weaver
Clavator moreleti
Clawtoed False Brook Salamander
Claytons Rivulet Freshwater Snail
Clear Creek Gambusia
Clear-winged Woolly Bat
Cleft-headed Juliomys
Clench's Middle-toothed Land Snail
Cleopatra cridlandi
Cleopatra exarata
Cliff Robber Frog
Clifton Cave Isopod
Climbing Mantella
Clinothelphusa kakoota
Closed Brain Coral
Cloud Forest Parrot Snake
Cloud Forest Rice Rat
Cloud Forest Salamander
Cloud Forest Stream Frog
Cloud Forest Treefrog
Cloud-forest Pygmy-owl
Cloud-forest Screech-owl
Clouded Leopard
Clouded Salamander
Cloven-feathered Dove
Clubnose Guitarfish
Clupeonella abrau
Coachelia Giant Sand Treader Cricket
Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard
Coachella Valley Jerusalem Cricket
Coahuila Collared Lizard
Coahuila Isopod
Coahuilix De Hubbs Snail
Coal Elimia
Coal-crested Finch
Coalcolman Deer Mouse
Coastal Black-handed Titi
Coastal Ecuador Smoky Jungle Frog
Coastal Flatwoods Crayfish
Coastal Lowland Cave Crayfish
Coastal Sheath-tailed Bat
Coastal Stingaree
Coban Climbing Salamander
Cobb's Wren
Cobitis arachthosensis
Coccusa cristicervix
Cocha Antshrike
Cochabamba Grass Mouse
Cochabamba Mountain-finch
Cochabamba Water Frog
Cochin Forest Cane Turtle
Cochlostoma canestrinii
Cochran Frog
Cochran's False Brook Salamander
Cochran's Running Frog
Cochranella nola
Cock-tailed Tyrant
Cocoharpinia iliffei
Cocos Cuckoo
Cocos Flycatcher
Cocos Island Finch
Coenagriocnemis insularis
Coenagrion syriacum
Coffin Cave Mold Beetle
Cofre de Perote Salamander
Coho Salmon
Coiban Agouti
Coimbra-filho's Titi Monkey
Cokendolpher Cave Harvestman
Colan Water Frog
Colares Stingray
Coldwater Darter
Colima Warbler
Collared Brown Lemur
Collared Crow
Collared Delma
Collared Laughingthrush
Collared Petrel
Collins' Poison Frog
Colombian Backpack Frog
Colombian Beaked Toad
Colombian Black-handed Titi
Colombian Electric Ray
Colombian Giant Toad
Colombian Mountain Grackle
Colombian Night Monkey
Colombian Screech-owl
Colombian Weasel
Colombian Woolly Monkey
Colonia Robber Frog
Colorado Checkered Whiptail
Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard
Colorado Grouper
Colorado Pikeminnow
Colorful Puffleg
Colostethus awa
Colostethus mertensi
Columbia Clubtail
Columbia River Tiger Beetle
Columbia Torrent Salamander
Comal Blind Salamander
Comal Springs Dryopid Beetle
Comal Springs Riffle Beetle
Comanche Springs Pupfish
Comb Grouper
Commerson's Leaf-nosed Bat
Common Bentwing Bat
Common Brown Lemur
Common Guitarfish
Common Hippopotamus
Common Lazy Toad
Common Madagascar Frog
Common Mist Frog
Common Moorhen
Common Sawfish
Common Seadragon
Common Seahorse
Common Shovelnose Ray
Common Splayfoot Salamander
Common Tortoise
Common Tree Frog
Common Woolly Monkey
Common Yabby
Comoro Black Flying Fox
Comoro Friar
Comoro Olive-pigeon
Comoro Rousette
Complex-toothed Flying Squirrel
Conant's False Brook Salamander
Conant's Salamander
Conasauga Logperch
Concave-eared Odorous Frog
Concentrated Snail
Concho Water Snake
Conchos Shiner
Condorir's Andes Frog
Condoto Stubfoot Toad
Cone Shell
Cone-billed Tanager
Confusing Toad
Congo Bay-owl
Congo Blackfin
Congo Peafowl
Congo Shrew
Conservancy Fairy Shrimp
Continental Divide Treefrog
Contulmo Ground Frog
Cooco Andes Frog
Cook Islands Fruit-dove
Cook Islands Reed-warbler
Cook's Hocicudo
Cook's Petrel
Cook's Robber Frog
Cookeconcha contorta
Cooloola Sedgefrog
Cooper's Black Caecilian
Cooper's Cave Amphipod
Coosa Moccasinshell
Coosa Pebblesnail
Coosawattae Crayfish
Copadichromis atripinnis
Copan Brook Frog
Copan Stream Frog
Copan Treefrog
Cope's Brown Treefrog
Cope's Mountain Meadow Snake
Copper Pheasant
Copper Redhorse
Copper-tailed Glossy-starling
Coppercheek Darter
Coppery-bellied Puffleg
Coppery-chested Jacamar
Coquerel's Giant Mouse Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka
Coral Catshark
Coral Trout
Cordelia's Crow
Cordillera Central Salamander
Cordillera Central Treefrog
Cordillera Talamanca Salamander
Cordoba Escuerzo
Cordoba Toad
Corfu Toothcarp
Coronados Deer Mouse
Corpulent Hornsnail
Corroboree Frog
Corrollton Crayfish
Corsican Hare
Corsican Painted Frog
Corsican Swallowtail
Cortes Salamander
Coryphagrion grandis
Coscinaraea hahazimaensis
Costa Rica Brook Frog
Costa Rican Variable Harlequin Toad
Cotton-top Marmoset
Cottus petiti
Cotuero Toadfish
Cousseau's Skate
Cowan's Madagascar Frog
Cowan's Mantella
Cox's Stefania Treefrog
Cozumel Harvest Mouse
Cozumel Thrasher
Crab-eating Rat
Cracking Pearlymussel
Cralopa colliveri
Crater Salamander
Craugastor alfredi
Craveri's Murrelet
Crawfish Frog
Cream-banded Swallowtail
Cream-bellied Fruit-dove
Creamy-bellied Gnatcatcher
Crematogaster atilanica
Crenigomphus abyssinicus
Crepidophryne chompipe
Crescent Nail-tailed Wallaby
Crescent-faced Antpitta
Cresent Dune Scarab Beetle
Crested Argus
Crested Capuchin
Crested Cuckoo-dove
Crested Fireback
Crested Genet
Crested Honeycreeper
Crested Jay
Crested Partridge
Crested Quail-dove
Crested Shelduck
Crested Tailed Deer Mouse
Crestless Fireback
Cretan Frog
Cretan Spotted Darner
Cretan White-toothed Shrew
Crevice Tortoise
Cricket Robber Frog
Crimea Shemaya
Crimean Tatar Goby
Crimson Hawaiian Damselfly
Crimson Shining-parrot
Crimson-hooded Myzomela
Crisp Pillow Coral
Cristilabrum bubulum
Crobett's Gap Bubble-nest Frog
Crocidura hikmiya
Crocker's Sea Snake
Cromwell Chafer Beetle
Cross-backed Bubble-nest Frog
Crossband Rockfish
Crossley's Dwarf Lemur
Crossley's Ground-thrush
Crow Honeyeater
Crow Tiger
Crown Shark
Crowned Cormorant
Crowned Lemur
Crowned River Turtle
Crowned Sifaka
Crowned Solitary Eagle
Crust Coral
Cruz's Treefrog
Cryptazeca elongata
Cryptazeca kobelti
Cryptopotamon anacoluthon
Crystal Darter
Crystal Siltsnail
Ctenella chagius
Ctenochromis aff. pectoralis
Ctenomys rionegrensis
Ctenophila caldwelli
Ctenophila setiliris
Ctenophila vorticella
Cuatro Cienegas Shiner
Cuatro Cienegas Slider
Cuatro Cienegas Softshell Turtle
Cuban Black Hawk
Cuban Bluet
Cuban Cave Shrimp
Cuban Crocodile
Cuban Evening Bat
Cuban Greater Funnel-eared Bat
Cuban High-crested Toad
Cuban Hypolestes
Cuban Kite
Cuban Lesser Funnel-eared Bat
Cuban Long-nosed Toad
Cuban Parakeet
Cuban Parrot
Cuban Pine Toad
Cuban Red-rumped Frog
Cuban Small-eared Toad
Cuban Solenodon
Cuban Solitaire
Cuban Sparrow
Cuban Spotted Toad
Cuban Yellow Bat
Cubera Snapper
Cuchumatanas Bromeliad Salamander
Cucujus cinnaberinus
Culata Climbing Salamander
Culebra Island Giant Anole
Culion Frog
Culion Tree Squirrel
Cumberland Bean Pearlymussel
Cumberland Combshell
Cumberland Dusky Salamander
Cumberland Elktoe
Cumberland Monkeyface Pearlymussel
Cumberland Pigtoe
Cundall's Robber Frog
Cundinamarca Antpitta
Cupedora evandaleana
Cupedora nottensis
Cuphead Skate
Curacaoan Long-nosed Bat
Curassanthura bermudensis
Curry Shark
Cuvier's Gazelle
Cuvier's Hutia
Cuyuja Robber Frog
Cuzco Cochran Frog
Cyanophrys bertha
Cyathopoma randalana
Cyclades Blunt-nosed Viper
Cyclogomphus gynostylus
Cylichnidia ovuliformis
Cylindrical Lioplax Snail
Cynotilapia axelrodi
Cynotilapia zebroides
Cyphastrea hexasepta
Cypress Crayfish
Cyprian Wild Sheep
Cyprus Whip Snake
Cyrano Spurdog
Cyrtopodion amictopholis
D'Abrera's Tiger
D'Albertis's Ringtail
D'entrecasteaux Archipelago Tree Mouse
D'Orbigny's Tuco-tuco
Dabry's Sturgeon
Daggernose Shark
Dahaoping Sucker Frog
Dahl's Jird
Dahl's Toad-headed Turtle
Daiyun Sucker Frog
Dakota Skipper
Daleswanson's Poison Frog
Dalhousie Goby
Dalhousie Hardyhead
Dalmatian Barbel-gudgeon
Dalmatian Pelican
Dalquest's Pocket Mouse
Dama Ciega Blanca
Dama Gazelle
Damar Blue Flycatcher
Damara Tern
Dammerman's Wart Frog
Damochlora millepunctata
Damochlora spina
Dancea rodriguezensis
Dannatt's Tiger
Danube Crested Newt
Danube Salmon
Dapitan Peak Bubble-nest Frog
Dardo De Conchos
Darevsky's Viper
Darien Small Eared Shrew
Darien Stubfoot Toad
Dark Bolo Mouse
Dark Guest Ant
Dark Knob-tipped Shadowdamselfly
Dark Pigtoe
Dark-backed Wood-quail
Dark-brown Serotine
Dark-rumped Swift
Dark-tailed Laurel Pigeon
Dark-tailed Tree Rat
Dark-throated Oriole
Dark-throated Seedeater
Dark-winged Groundling
Darkedged Splitfin
Darling River Hardyhead
Dartford Warbler
Darwin's Fox
Darwin's Frog
Darwin's Rhea
Dary's Burrowing Snake
Dasyatis fluviorum
Davao Cross Frog
David's Spiny Bandicoot
David's Tiger
Davies' Tree Frog
Day's Shrew
Dayak Fruit Bat
Dayang Newt
Dayao Flying Frog
De Filippi's Petrel
De Graaff's Praomys
de l'Isalo Madagascar Frog
De Winton's Golden Mole
Decary's Madagascar Frog
Deccan Wrinkled Frog
Decken's Horseshoe Bat
Deckenia imitatrix
Deckenia mitis
Deepwater Jack
Deepwater Spiny Dogfish
Definitive Leaf-eared Mouse
Degodi Lark
Dekeyser's Nectar Bat
Del Norte Salamander
Delacour's Langur
Delany's Swamp Mouse
Delectable Soft-furred Mouse
Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly
Delicate Deer Mouse
Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel
Delminichthys adspersus
Delta Green Ground Beetle
Delta Smelt
Demonic Poison Frog
Dendropsophus gryllatus
Denham's Bustard
Dennis' Chirping Frog
Dense Hydrobe
Dere Kayasi
Dermogenys weberi
Deroceras tarraceuse
Deronectes aljibensis
Desert Bandicoot
Desert Dace
Desert Monitor
Desert Monkey Grasshopper
Desert Pocket Gopher
Desert Pupfish
Desert Rain Frog
Desert Rat-kangaroo
Desert Slender Salamander
Desert Tortoise
Desert Viper
Desperate Shrew
Devil Fish
Devil's Hole Pupfish
Devil's River Minnow
Devil's Sinkhole Amphipod
Diademed Plover
Diademed Sifaka
Diamond Firetail
Dian's Tarsier
Diana Monkey
Dianchi Bullhead
Dianchi Carp
Diard's Trogon
Diastole tenuistriata
Dickey's Deer Mouse
Dickson's Copper
Dieterlen's Brush-furred Mouse
Dime Forest Treefrog
Diminutive Amphipod
Diminutive Clubtail
Diminutive Forest Frog
Diminutive Wood Rat
Dinagat Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat
Dinagat Gymnure
Dinagat Hairy-tailed Rat
Dinelli's Doradito
Dinotopterus cunningtoni
Dionda dichroma
Dip Falls Freshwater Snail
Diplodon dunkerianus
Diplommatina cacuminulus
Disc-fingered Reed Frog
Discula bicarinata
Discus guerinianus
Distichodus petersii
Distocambarus devexus
Ditropis whitei
Divellomelon hillieri
Dixon's Ground Snake
Dizangue Reed Frog
Dja River Warbler
Djibouti Francolin
Djikoro Wart Frog
Doflein's Salamander
Doimon doichiangdao
Doiran Bleak
Dolapex amiculus
Dolloff Cave Spider
Domed Ancylid
Dominican Myotis
Donkey Fish
Donnelly's Knobtail
Dorcas Gazelle
Doria's Goshawk
Doria's Tree Kangaroo
Dorias Tree-kangaroo
Doris' Poison Frog
Doronomyrmex goesswaldi
Dorymyrmex insanus
Dot-winged Crake
Dotted Grainy Frog
Dotted Lazy Toad
Douc Langur
Doumergue's Fringe-fingered Lizard
Doumergue's Skink
Dracula Ant
Draparnaudia anniae
Draughtboard Shark
Dring's Asian Toad
Dring's Borneo Frog
Dring's Grainy Frog
Dring's Horned Frog
Dromedary Pearlymussel
Dryad Monkey
Dryland Mouse Opossum
Drymaeus acervatus
Du Toit's Torrent Frog
Dubois' Bubble-nest Frog
Dubois' Paa Frog
Duchess Lorikeet
Duck-billed Buntingi
Duck-billed Golden-line Fish
Duckbill Cat
Duckwater Pyrg
Duida Grass-finch
Duke Of Bedford's Vole
Dulit Flying Frog
Dulit Frogmouth
Dull-blue Flycatcher
Dumb Gulper Shark
Dumeril's Boa
Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
Dunmall's Snake
Dunn's Climbing Salamander
Dunn's Mud Turtle
Dupont's Lark
Dupontia levis
Dupucharopa millestriata
Durangonella De Coahuila Snail
Durga Das's Leaf-nosed Bat
Dusky Fantail
Dusky Friarbird
Dusky Gopher Frog
Dusky Grouper
Dusky Hopping Mouse
Dusky Leaf-monkey
Dusky Mosaic-tailed Rat
Dusky Starfrontlet
Dusky Tetraka
Dusky Wallaby
Dusky-headed Brush-finch
Dusky-striped Squirrel
Duskytail Darter
Duskytail Grouper
Dussartius baeticus
Duthie's Golden Mole
Dutton's River Snail
Dwarf Bharal
Dwarf Bigeye Scraper
Dwarf Bronze Gecko
Dwarf Cassowary
Dwarf Climbing Salamander
Dwarf Coqui
Dwarf Crag Lizard
Dwarf Crocodile
Dwarf False Brook Salamander
Dwarf Flying Fox
Dwarf Galaxias
Dwarf Grass Frog
Dwarf Gymnure
Dwarf Honeyguide
Dwarf Hutia
Dwarf Inanga
Dwarf Jay
Dwarf Loach
Dwarf Musk Deer
Dwarf Olive Ibis
Dwarf Pebblesnail
Dwarf Pygmy Goby
Dwarf Red Brocket Deer
Dwarf River Crab
Dwarf Sawfish
Dwarf Splayfoot Salamander
Dwarf Tinamou
Dwarf Wedgemussel
Dytiscus latissimus
Ear-spot Squirrel
Eared Quetzal
Earless Toad
East African Highland Shrew
East African Little Collared Fruit Bat
East Coast Akalat
East-coast Free-tailed Bat
Easter Island Butterflyfish
Eastern Angel Shark
Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Eastern Black Crested Gibbon
Eastern Bristlebird
Eastern Cape Redfin
Eastern Cape Rocky
Eastern Carpathian Golden Loach
Eastern Crested Toad
Eastern Fox Snake
Eastern Gorilla
Eastern Hoolock Gibbon
Eastern Imperial Eagle
Eastern Jerboa Marsupial
Eastern Long-beaked Echidna
Eastern Longnose Spurdog
Eastern Owl Frog
Eastern Puna Mouse
Eastern Quoll
Eastern Rufous Mouse Lemur
Eastern Sand Darter
Eastern Sawshark
Eastern Shovelnose Stingaree
Eastern Squeaker
Eastern Tur
Eaton's Pintail
Ebner's Skink
Echinomorpha nishihirai
Echinophyllia costata
Echinopora ashmorensis
Ecnomiohyla miliaria
Ecnomiohyla phantasmagoria
Ecuador Horned Treefrog
Ecuador Leaf Frog
Ecuadoran Spiny Pocket Mouse
Ecuadorean Grass Mouse
Ecuadorian Blue Glass Frog
Ecuadorian Piedtail
Ecuadorian Sac-winged Bat
Ecuadorian Tapaculo
Edgbaston Goby
Edisto Crayfish
Edmund's Snaketail
Edough Ribbed Newt
Edward's Pheasant
Edwards' Rocket Frog
Efulen Water Frog
Egg-carrying Buntingi
Egyptian Tortoise
Egyptian Vulture
Eileen's Robber Frog
Eisentraut's Mouse Shrew
Eisentraut's Shrew
Eisentraut's Striped Mouse
El Carrizo Deer Mouse
El Chape Toad
El Cusuco Salamander
El Empalme Worm Salamander
El Muerto Side-blotched Lizard
El Oro Parakeet
El Pepino Treefrog
El Rincon Stream Frog
El Segundo Blue Butterfly
El Tambo Stubfoot Toad
El Tovar Glass Frog
Elaphoidella amabilis
Elasmias cernicum
Elattoneura pasquinii
Eld's Browantlered Deer
Electra's Tree-nymph
Elegance Coral
Elegant Madagascar Frog
Elegant Malachite
Elegant Margaretamys
Elegant Scops-owl
Elegant Stubfoot Toad
Elegant Sunbird
Elegant Tern
Eleotris pellegrini
Elevated Spring Amphipod
Elfin-woods Warbler
Elias' Atlantic Spiny-rat
Elimia porrecta
Elizabeth Springs Goby
Elk River File Snail
Elliot's Pheasant
Elliptical Star Coral
Elongate Bitterling
Elongate Shadowdamsel
Elongated Tortoise
Elsalvadoria zurstrasseni
Elusive Antpitta
Elusive Sanddragon
Elvira Rat
Emerald Valvata
Emerald-green Flying Frog
Emily's Tuco-tuco
Emma's Giant Rat
Emperor Bird-of-paradise
Emperor Goose
Emperor Newt
Emperor Rat
Empire Cave Pseudoscorpion
Emu River Freshwater Snail
Enchanted Side-blotched Lizard
Encheloclarias curtisoma
Ender's Small-eared Shrew
Endo's Pipistrelle
Endodonta apiculata
Engaewa similis
Engelhardt's Climbing Salamander
Enggano Scops-owl
Enggano Thrush
Enterprise Siltsnail
Entre Rios Seedeater
Eodiaptomus lumholtzi
Eoleptestheria spinosa
Ephemeral Cave Amphipod
Epilobocera haytensis
Epimyrma adlerzi
Epirus Water Frog
Epischura baikalensis
Equatorial Dog-faced Bat
Equatorial Graytail
Erebia epistgyne
Erebonectes nesioticus
Erect-crested Penguin
Erepta odontina
Erepta stylodon
Erikssonia acraeina
Erlanger's Grassland Frog
Erythrastrea flabellata
Escambia Crayfish
Eskimo Curlew
Esmeraldas Woodstar
Espada's Rocket Frog
Espanola Mockingbird
Estrada's Robber Frog
Estuary Cod
Ethiopian Amphibious Rat
Ethiopian Banana Frog
Ethiopian Bush-crow
Ethiopian Highlander
Ethiopian Thicket Rat
Ethiopian Wolf
Etigo Mole
Etowah Crayfish
Etowah Darter
Eua zebrina
Euchondrus ramonensis
Eucrenonaspides oinotheke
Euler's Flycatcher
Eumeces dugesi
Eungella Day Frog
Eungella Tinker Frog
Euonyma curtissima
Euphrates Jerboa
Euphrates Softshell Turtle
Euphyllia paraglabrescens
Euphyllia yaeyamaensis
Eurasian Curlew
Eurasian Otter
Eurasian Peregrine Falcon
European Bison
European Eel
European Ground Squirrel
European Leaf-toed Gecko
European Marbled Polecat
European Mink
European Mudminnow
European Rabbit
European Roller
Everett's Flying Frog
Everett's Thrush
Everglade Snail Kite
Everglades Sprite
Ewaso Nyiro Labeo
Exerodonta chimalapa
Exerodonta xera
Eye-ringed Tody-tyrant
Eyeless Golden-line Fish
Eyespot Skate
Eyrean Grasswren
Ezell's Cave Amphipod
Fabaeformiscandona aemonae
Fabulous Green Sphinx Moth
Faichuk White-eye
Faint-striped Opossum
Fairy Pitta
Fairy Tern
Fairy Treefrog
Falcated Duck
Falcated Wren-babbler
Falcon Toad
Falkneri camerani
Fallicambarus gilpini
Falls Reed Frog
False Cienega Colorado Worm Salamander
False Flower Coral
False Pillow Coral
False Shovelnose Sturgeon
False Smooth Snake
False Spike
False Water Rat
Fanged River Frog
Far Eastern Myotis
Farmland Green Flying Frog
Faro Island Treefrog
Fastigo Whipping Frog
Fat Pocketbook
Fat Three-ridge Mussel
Fat-nosed Spiny Rat
Fat-whorled Pondsnai
Father Basilio's Striped Mouse
Father Schoenig's Chocolate
Fatuhiva Monarch
Fausto's Button Frog
Fawn Hopping Mouse
Fawn-breasted Thrush
Fazil Lycian Salamander
Fea's Muntjac
Fea's Petrel
Fearful Owl
Fejervarya sahyadris
Felder's Tiger
Felten's Myotis
Fenney Spring Hydrobe
Fenouilia kreitneri
Fernandez's Sword-nosed Bat
Fernandina Galapagos Mouse
Fernandina Island Galapagos Mouse
Fernandina's Flicker
Fernando Po Speirops
Fernando's Giant Glass Frog
Ferruginous Duck
Ferruginous Partridge
Fibreno Trout
Fibulacamptus bisetosus
Field's Mouse
Fiery Minivet
Fiery Redfin
Fiery-throated Fruiteater
Fiji Crested Iguana
Fiji Ground Frog
Fiji Petrel
Fiji Snake
Fiji Tree Frog
Fijian Blossom Bat
Fijian Free-tailed Bat
Fijian Monkey-faced Bat
Fijji Banded Iguana
File-tailed Ground Snake
Finback Whale
Finca Chibigui Salamander
Findley's Myotis
Fine-lined Pocketbook
Fine-rayed Pigtoe Pearlymussel
Finsch's Bulbul
Finsch's Imperial-pigeon
Fiordland Crested Penguin
Fire Blue Hap
Fire Salamander
Fire-maned Bowerbird
Firschein's False Brook Salamander
Fischer's Lovebird
Fischer's Turaco
Fish-eating Bat
Fishing Cat
Fisk's House Snake
Fissuria boui
Fitzroy River Turtle
Fitzroy's Wood Frog
Five-colored Barbet
Five-keeled Spiny-tailed Iguana
Flame Robin
Flame-breasted Fruit-dove
Flame-crowned Flowerpecker
Flame-templed Babbler
Flame-winged Parakeet
Flapnose Houndshark
Flapnose Ray
Flat Pebblesnail
Flat Pigtoe
Flat-faced Seahorse
Flat-headed Cat
Flat-headed Galaxias
Flat-headed Myotis
Flat-headed Water Frog
Flat-tailed Horned Lizard
Flat-tailed Tortoise
Flathead Knob-Scaled Lizard
Flattened Musk Turtle
Flaxen Elimia
Fleay's Barred-frog
Flightless Cormorant
Flint's Knobtail
Floreana Coral
Floreana Mockingbird
Florentino's Cuban Toad
Flores Crow
Flores Giant Tree Rat
Flores Green-pigeon
Flores Hanging-parrot
Flores Hawk-eagle
Flores Monarch
Flores Scops-owl
Flores Shrew
Flores Tiger
Flores Woolly Bat
Florida Bog Frog
Florida Bonneted Bat
Florida Cave Amphipod
Florida Cave Shrimp
Florida Deermouse
Florida Fairy Shrimp
Florida Grasshopper Sparrow
Florida Salt Marsh Vole
Florida Sand Skink
Florida Scrub Lizard
Florida Scrub-jay
Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler
Fluminense Swallowtail
Fluted Pebblesnail
Fly River Grassbird
Fly River Turtle
Flying Earwig Hawaiian Damselfly
Fonscochlea accepta
Foothill Elaenia
Foothill Robber Frog
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
Forbes's Blackbird
Forest Banana Frog
Forest Bittern
Forest Ground-thrush
Forest Madagascar Frog
Forest Owlet
Forest Rain Frog
Forest Spikethumb Frog
Forest Stubfoot Toad
Forest Thicket Rat
Forest Thrush
Forester Freshwater Snail
Fork-crowned Lemur
Fork-tailed Pygmy-tyrant
Forktail Lates
Formica dirksi
Formica talbotae
Formicoxenus chamberlini
Formosan Woolly Horseshoe Bat
Formosan Yellow-throated Marten
Forth River Freshwater Snail
Forty-spotted Pardalote
Fossil Shark
Fossorial Giant Rat
Fountain Darter
Four-digit Toad
Four-eyed Frog
Four-eyed Turtle
Four-horned Antelope
Four-spot Midget
Four-striped Ground Squirrel
Four-toed Jerboa
Fourche Mountain Salamander
Foushee Cavesnail
Fox's Weaver
Fraas' Lizard
Fraggle Reef Alien Eye
Fragile Wart Frog
Francois' Langur
Frankenberg's Bubble-nest Frog
Frankland River Freshwater Snail
Franklin's Bumble Bee
Franklin's Climbing Salamander
Fraternal Hill Rat
Fraternal Snail
Fraternal Squirrel
Freckled Darter
Fredius granulatus
Free-living Stony Coral
Freetown Long-fingered Frog
French Broad Crayfish
French Cave Salamander
Freshwater Pearl Mussel
Freshwater Sawfish
Freycinet's Epaulette Shark
Freycinet's Frog
Frigate Island Giant Tenebrionid Beetle
Frilled Shark
Fringe-backed Fire-eye
Fringe-toed Sand Lizard
Frogspawn Coral
Frome River Freshwater Snail
Frosted Flatwoods Salamander
Frosted Myotis
Fuegian Snipe
Fuerteventura Stonechat
Fuhrmann's Backpack Frog
Fujian Rough-skinned Frog
Fulton's Freshwater Snail
Fulvous-dotted Treerunner
Fungia curvata
Furhstorfer's Jungle Watcher
Furrowed Wood Turtle
Furtive Flycatcher
Furtive Tuco-tuco
Fuzzy Pigtoe
Fynbos Golden Mole
Gabb's Snail
Gabbiella rosea
Gabela Akalat
Gabela Bush-shrike
Gabela Helmet-shrike
Gabon Batis
Gabriella's Grouper
Gadgil's Tropical Frog
Gadow's False Brook Salamander
Gaige's Tropical Night Lizard
Gaimard's Rat-kangaroo
Galapagos Coral
Galapagos Hawk
Galapagos Islands Fur Seal
Galapagos Land Iguana
Galapagos Land Snail
Galapagos Marine Iguana
Galapagos Martin
Galapagos Penguin
Galapagos Petrel
Galapagos Rail
Galapagos Rice Rat
Galapagos Sea Lion
Galapagos Shark
Galapagos Tortoise
Galeana False Brook Salamander
Gallardo's Toad
Gammon's Riffle Beetle
Ganges Shark
Ganges Soft-shelled Turtle
Ganges Stingray
Garden Dormouse
Gardiner's Seychelles Frog
Garnet Pitta
Garo Hills Bubble-nest Frog
Garra barreimiae
Garra dunsirei
Garra ghorensis
Garra longipinnis
Garrido's Hutia
Gastrocopta boninensis
Gastrotheca antomia
Geata Mouse Shrew
Gebe Cuscus
Geelvink Bay Flying Fox
Geelvink Pygmy-parrot
Geithusa pulchra
Gejiu Blind Loach
Gelada Baboon
Geminoropa scindocataracta
Gene's Cave Salamander
Genoways's Yellow Bat
Gentoo Penguin
Geoffroy's Cat
Geoffroy's Peruvian Woolly Monkey
Geoffroy's Spider Monkey
Geometric Tortoise
Geomitra coronata
Georgia Blind Salamander
Georissa laseroni
Geothelphusa levicervix
Geothelphusa miyakoensis
Germain's Peacock-pheasant
Ghana River Frog
Ghats Wart Frog
Ghost Bat
Gia Lia Eastern Spadefoot Toad
Giant Anteater
Giant Antpitta
Giant Armadillo
Giant Asian Pond Turtle
Giant Atlantic Tree Rat
Giant Babax
Giant Bandicoot
Giant Barred River-frog
Giant Blind Mole Rat
Giant Bronze Gecko
Giant Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat
Giant Butterfly Ray
Giant Clam
Giant Conebill
Giant Devilray
Giant Ditch Frog
Giant Freshwater Crayfish
Giant Freshwater Stingray
Giant Garter Snake
Giant Gippsland Earthworm
Giant Girdled Lizard
Giant Golden Mole
Giant Ground Pangolin
Giant Guitarfish
Giant Hispaniolan Galliwasp
Giant Ibis
Giant Kangaroo Rat
Giant Kingbird
Giant Kokopu
Giant Marsupial Frog
Giant Noctule Bat
Giant Nuthatch
Giant Otter
Giant Palouse Earthworm
Giant Panda
Giant Pangasius
Giant Philippine Frog
Giant Pitta
Giant Rain Frog
Giant Sable Antelope
Giant Scops Owl
Giant Spiny Frog
Giant Star Coral
Giant Sturgeon
Giant Thicket Rat
Giant Torrent Midge
Giant White-eye
Giant Wrasse
Giant Wrinkled Frog
Giant-striped Mongoose
Gibbibarbus cyphotergous
Gigante Wrinkled Ground Frog
Gila Chub
Gila Monster
Gila Springsnail
Gila Topminnow
Gila Trout
Gilbert's Potoroo
Gilded Tube-nosed Bat
Ginger Pearlfish
Giuliani's Dune Scarab Beetle
Glacidorbis occidentalis
Glacier Bay Wolf Spider
Glacier Rat
Gladiator Elimia
Glandular Frog
Glass Blue-eye
Glass's Shrew
Glaucous Macaw
Glauerts Seadragon
Globose Dune Beetle
Gloomy Tube-nosed Bat
Glossogobius ankaranensis
Glovers Hardyhead
Glow-throated Hummingbird
Glyptophysa petiti
Glyptorhagada bordaensis
Godman's Treefrog
Goebel's False Brook Salamander
Goeldi's Marmoset
Goeldi's Spiny Rat
Goitered Gazelle
Gola Malimbe
Gold-fronted Fulvetta
Gold-ringed Tanager
Gold-spotted Marsupial Frog
Goldbelly Reed Frog
Golden Bamboo Lemur
Golden Bandicoot
Golden Bell Frog
Golden Cownose Ray
Golden Dancing-jewel
Golden Frog
Golden Grouper
Golden Hamster
Golden Lancehead
Golden Langur
Golden Line Fish
Golden Lion Tamarin
Golden Mantella
Golden Minute Salamander
Golden Palm Civet
Golden Parakeet
Golden Poison Frog
Golden Shrub Frog
Golden Swallow
Golden Treefrog
Golden Vizcacha Rat
Golden White-eye
Golden-backed Mountain Tanager
Golden-backed Squirrel Monkey
Golden-bellied Flyrobin
Golden-bellied Treeshrew
Golden-bellied White-eye
Golden-capped Fruit Bat
Golden-capped Parakeet
Golden-cheeked Wood Warbler
Golden-crowned Babbler
Golden-crowned Manakin
Golden-crowned Sifaka
Golden-headed Lion Tamarin
Golden-mantle Saddleback Tamarin
Golden-mantled Tree-kangaroo
Golden-naped Weaver
Golden-plumed Parakeet
Golden-rumped Elephant Shrew
Golden-rumped Tamarin
Golden-shouldered Parakeet
Golden-striped Salamander
Golden-tailed Parrotlet
Golden-white Bare-ear Marmoset
Golden-winged Laughingthrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Goldie's Bird-of-paradise
Goldline Darter
Goldman's Bunchgrass Lizard
Goldman's Diminutive Woodrat
Goldman's Pocket Mouse
Goledn-line Angle Fish
Golfodulcean Poison Frog
Goliath Frog
Goliath Grouper
Goniastrea columella
Gonidomus sulcatus
Goniopora albiconus
Gonospira cylindrella
Gonyostomus gonyostomus
Gonyostomus insularis
Goodfellow's Tree-kangaroo
Goodman's Mouse Lemur
Gooty Tarantula
Gopher Frog
Gopher Tortoise
Gorgan Mountain Salamander
Gorgas's Rice Rat
Gorgeted Wood-quail
Gorontalo Macaque
Gorzula's Amazon Treefrog
Gotel Mountain Soft-furred Mouse
Gough Bunting
Gough Moorhen
Gould's Frogmouth
Gould's Mouse
Gould's Petrel
Gouldian Finch
Government Canyon Bat Cave Meshweaver
Government Canyon Bat Cave Spider
Graceful Pitta
Graceful Splayfoot Salamander
Grady's Cave Amphipod
Graham's Cichlid
Graham's Robber Frog
Grand Cafe Robber Frog
Grand Cayman Ground Iguana
Grand Comoro Drongo
Grand Comoro Flycatcher
Grand Comoro Scops-owl
Grand Minute Salamander
Grand Skink
Grand Wash Springsnail
Grandbassa River Crab
Grandidier's Trident Bat
Granular Asian Toad
Granular Poison Frog
Granular Salamander
Granulated Snail
Grape Coral
Graphium epaminondas
Graphoderus bilineatus
Graptodytes delectus
Grassland Forest Treefrog
Grauer's Cuckooshrike
Grauer's Swamp Warbler
Gray Bamboo Lemur
Gray Bat
Gray Dorcopsis
Gray Grass Mouse
Gray Imperial-pigeon
Gray Langur
Gray Mouse Lemur
Gray Nurse Shark
Gray Petrel
Gray Whale
Gray Wolf
Gray's Monitor
Gray-backed Hawk
Gray-backed Tachuri
Gray-bellied Comet
Gray-bellied Shrew Opossum
Gray-breasted Flycatcher
Gray-breasted Mountain-toucan
Gray-breasted Parakeet
Gray-capped Hemispingus
Gray-capped Tyrannulet
Gray-checkered Whiptail
Gray-cheeked Parakeet
Gray-chested Jungle-flycatcher
Gray-crested Helmet-shrike
Gray-crowned Crocias
Gray-crowned Palm-tanager
Gray-crowned Prinia
Gray-faced Sengi
Gray-footed Spiny Rat
Gray-handed Night Monkey
Gray-headed Albatross
Gray-headed Antbird
Gray-headed Flying Fox
Gray-headed Quail-dove
Gray-headed Warbler
Gray-hooded Sunbird
Gray-necked Rockfowl
Gray-sided Thrush
Gray-throated Warbler
Gray-winged Cotinga
Graytail Skate
Graziana klagenfurtensis
Great Antpitta
Great Argus
Great Bustard
Great Curassow
Great Desert Skink
Great Green Macaw
Great Hornbill
Great Indian Bustard
Great Indian Rhinoceros
Great Key Island Mosaic-tailed Rat
Great Lake Freshwater Snail
Great Peeping Frog
Great Piebald Horned Toad
Great Raft Spider
Great Snipe
Great Spinetail
Great Spotted Kiwi
Great Stingaree
Great White Shark
Great-billed Seed-finch
Greater Adjutant
Greater Bamboo Lemur
Greater Bromeliad Treefrog
Greater Dwarf Lemur
Greater Fat-tailed Jerboa
Greater Large-headed Shrew
Greater Long-tailed Bat
Greater Marmoset Rat
Greater Mascarene Flying Fox
Greater Monkey-faced Bat
Greater Prairie-chicken
Greater Rhea
Greater Sage-grouse
Greater Scythebill
Greater Slow Loris
Greater Spikethumb Frog
Greater Spiny Madagascar Frog
Greater Spotted Eagle
Greater Stick-nest Rat
Greater Tip-nosed Frog
Greater Wilfred's Mouse
Greek Algyroides
Greek Brook Lamprey
Greek Goldenwing
Greek Red Damsel
Greek Rock Lizard
Green And Gold Frog
Green And Red Venter Harlequin Toad
Green Avadavat
Green Bromeliad Frog
Green Bubble-nest Frog
Green Cave Frog
Green Crab
Green Hammer Coral
Green Iora
Green Labeo
Green Mantella
Green Peafowl
Green Poison Frog
Green Psammodromus
Green Salamander
Green Sea Turtle
Green Sturgeon
Green Torch Coral
Green-backed Kingfisher
Green-billed Coucal
Green-breasted Bush-shrike
Green-capped Tanager
Green-crowned Racket-tailed Parrot
Green-eyed Frog
Green-faced Parrotfinch
Green-fronted Hanging-parrot
Green-naped Tanager
Green-tailed Bristlebill
Green-thighed Frog
Green-throated Euphonia
Greenback Stingaree
Greenbrier Cave Amphipod
Greenbrier Cave Crayfish
Greenbrier Cavesnail
Greenland Shark
Greenland White-tailed Eagle
Greensboro Burrowing Crayfish
Grenada Dove
Gressitt's Paramelomys
Grevy's Zebra
Grey Bamboo Shark
Grey Falcon
Grey's Robber Frog
Grey-banded Munia
Grey-bellied Bulbul
Grey-breasted Babbler
Grey-breasted Laughingthrush
Grey-crowned Tetraka
Grey-headed Fish-eagle
Grey-headed Greenbul
Grey-hooded Parrotbill
Grey-striped Francolin
Grey-winged Inca-finch
Gristle-Headed Splayfoot Salamander
Grizzled Giant Squirrel
Grizzled Mexican Small-eared Shrew
Grizzled Tree Kangaroo
Groove-toothed Trumpet-eared Bat
Grosbeak Bunting
Ground Beetle (Rhadine exilis)
Ground Beetle (Rhadine infernalis)
Ground Parrot
Guacamayo Plump Toad
Guadalcanal Monkey-faced Bat
Guadalcanal Rat
Guadalcanal Thicketbird
Guadalcanal Thrush
Guadalupe Fur Seal
Guadalupe Storm-petrel
Guadeloupe Big Brown Bat
Guadeloupe Big-eyed Bat
Guadeloupe Woodpecker
Guajira Stubfoot Toad
Gualecenita Stubfoot Toad
Guam Micronesian Kingfisher
Guam Rail
Guam Swiftlet
Guanahacabibes Robber Frog
Guanay Cormorant
Guangxi Warty Newt
Guaniguanic Yellow-mottled Frog
Guantanamo Robber Frog
Guanujo Stubfoot Toad
Guaramacal Salamander
Guatamalan Small Eared Shrew
Guatemala Plateau Frog
Guatemala Spikethumb Frog
Guatemala Stream Frog
Guatemalan Black Howler Monkey
Guatemalan Bromeliad Salamander
Guatemalan Knobtail
Guatemalan Rubyspot
Guatemalan Spiny-tailed Iguana
Guatemalan Vole
Guayacon Bocon
Guayacon De Cuatro Cienegas
Guayacon De Hacienda Dolores
Guayacon De San Gregorio
Guayaquil Woodpecker
Guerreran Climbing Salamander
Guerreran Leopard Frog
Guerreran Peeping Frog
Guerreran Stream Frog
Guerrero Stream Frog
Guiana Spider Monkey
Guianan Crested Eagle
Guibe's Bright-eyed Frog
Guibe's Madagascar Frog
Guille's Andes Frog
Guinea Baboon
Guinea River Frog
Guinea Screeching Frog
Guinean Horseshoe Bat
Guizhou Snub-nosed Monkey
Gulella Snail
Gulf Grouper
Gulf Moccasinshell
Gulf Sturgeon
Gulickia alexandri
Gulper Shark
Gundia Indian Frog
Gundlach's Hawk
Gundlach's Robber Frog
Gunning's Golden Mole
Gunnison Sage Grouse
Gunther's Borneo Frog
Gunther's Bubble-nest Frog
Gunther's Caribbean Toad
Gunther's Cylindrical Skink
Gunther's Dwarf Burrowing Skink
Gunther's Flathead Toad
Gunther's Marsupial Frog
Gunther's Whipping Frog
Gunther's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Gunung Bubble-nest Frog
Gunung Mulu Borneo Frog
Gunung Mulu Bubble-nest Frog
Gunung Mulu Stream Toad
Guramba Shrew
Gurney's Eagle
Gurney's Pitta
Gyraulus cockburni
Gyraulus mauritianus
Habana Robber Frog
Hacrochlamys lineolatus
Hadra wilsoni
Hainald's Flores Island Rat
Hainan Flathead Toad
Hainan Frog
Hainan Gymnure
Hainan Hare
Hainan Knobby Newt
Hainan Leaf-warbler
Hainan Partridge
Hainan Spadefoot Toad
Hainan Torrent Frog
Hainan Wart Frog
Hainanpotamon orientale
Hairy Harvest Mouse
Hairy Little Fruit Bat
Hairy Long-nosed Armadillo
Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur
Hairy-nosed Otter
Hairy-tailed Tree Rat
Haitian Slider
Haitian Solenodon
Hajar Wadi Damsel
Hakuba Salamander
Half-stripe Bromeliad Frog
Halliday's Bubble-nest Frog
Halmaheran Blossom Bat
Halomitra clavator
Hamelin Ctenotus
Hamilton's Frog
Hammerhead Shark
Hammond's Rice Rat
Hampala lopezi
Handapan Bubble-nest Frog
Handapan Ell Bubble-nest Frog
Handapan Ella Bubble-nest Frog
Handley's Slender Mouse Opossum
Handley's Tailless Bat
Haplochromis acidens
Hara's Cave Amphipod
Haraldmeier's Mantella
Hard Coral
Hardnose Shark
Hardy's Hooknose Snake
Harenna Shrew
Harlequin Frog
Harmles Serotine
Harmogenanina argentea
Harney Basin Duskysnail
Harpagochromis sp. nov. 'frogmouth'
Harpagoxenus canadensis
Harpy Eagle
Harrisson's Flying Frog
Hartweg's Climbing Salamander
Hartweg's Spikethumb Frog
Hartwig's Soft-furred Mouse
Harvey's Andes Frog
Harwood's Francolin
Hastings River Mouse
Hatchie Burrowing Crayfish
Hauffenia kerschneri
Hauffenia sp. nov.
Hauffenia wienerwaldensis
Hawaii Creeper
Hawaiian Coot
Hawaiian Crow
Hawaiian Dark-rumped Petrel
Hawaiian Duck
Hawaiian Goose
Hawaiian Grouper
Hawaiian Hawk
Hawaiian Hoary Bat
Hawaiian Monk Seal
Hawaiian Petrel
Hawaiian Stilt
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Hay's Spring Amphipod
Haycock Bubble-nest Frog
Haycock Shrub Frog
Hazel's Treefrog
Hazel's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Heathcote Creek Freshwater Snail
Heavenly Hill Rat
Heavy Pigtoe
Heazlewood River Freshwater Snail
Heck's Macaque
Hector's Dolphin
Hedgehog Seahorse
Hedleya macleayi
Hedleyoconcha ailaketoae
Hedrick's Robber Frog
Heermann's Gull
Heinrich's Wart Frog
Heinroth's Shearwater
Hejiang Spiny Frog
Helicarion leopardina
Helicella bierzona
Helicina rostrata
Helicostyla smargadina
Heliodiaptomus kolleruensis
Helix ceratina
Hell Creek Crayfish
Hellmich's Rocket Frog
Helmet Vanga
Helmeted Honeyeater
Helmeted Hornbill
Helmeted Myna
Helmeted Water Toad
Helmeted Woodpecker
Helotes Mold Beetle
Hemiboeckella powellensis
Hemicordulia ogasawarensis
Hemicycla pouchet
Hemigrammocapoeta kemali
Hemimyzon taitungensis
Hemisaga elongata
Hemistoma beaumonti
Henderson Island Crake
Henderson Island Fruit-dove
Henderson Lorikeet
Henderson Petrel
Henderson Reed-warbler
Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner
Henna-tailed Jungle-flycatcher
Henslow's Sparrow
Henst's Goshawk
Herault Sculpin
Herbert's Black Millipede
Heredia Treefrog
Hermes Copper
Hermit Beetle
Hernandez's Stubfoot Toad
Herrera's Alligator Lizard
Herrera's Mud Turtle
Herveo Plump Toad
Hesperodiaptomus augustaensis
Heterocyclus perroquini
Heterothelphusa fatum
Hewitt's Ghost Frog
Hickman's Pygmy Mountain Shrimp
Hidalgo Anole
Hidden Angel Shark
Hidden Pebblesnail
Higgin's Anomalous Blue
Higgins Eye Pearlymussel
Highfin Coral Grouper
Highland Guan
Highland Long-fingered Frog
Highland Splitfin
Highveld Golden Mole
Hildegarde's Tomb Bat
Hill Shrew
Hill's Horseshoe Bat
Himalayan Musk Deer
Himalayan Quail
Himalayan Serow
Himalayan Tahr
Himalayan Wood Mouse
Hinde's Pied-babbler
Hine's Emerald Dragonfly
Hipparchia azorina
Hirasea acutissima
Hirinaba curytibana
Hirthia littorina
Hispaniola Robber Frog
Hispaniolan Amazon
Hispaniolan Crestless Toad
Hispaniolan Crossbill
Hispaniolan Crowned Frog
Hispaniolan Giant Treefrog
Hispaniolan Greater Funnel-eared Bat
Hispaniolan Ground Iguana
Hispaniolan Malachite
Hispaniolan Montane Frog
Hispaniolan Parakeet
Hispaniolan Trogon
Hispaniolan Wheeping Frog
Hispaniolan Yellow Treefrog
Hispid Hare
Hiwassee Crayfish
Hiwassee Headwater Crayfish
Hoary Puffleg
Hoary-throated Spinetail
Hobb's Cave Amphipod
Hobbseus cristatus
Hochstetter's Frog
Hocking's Water Frog
Hodges' Clubtail
Hodgson's Giant Flying Squirrel
Hoffman's Black Millipede
Hoffmann's Bubble-nest Frog
Hoffmann's Pika
Hog Badger
Hog Deer
Hogsback Frog
Hokuriku Salamander
Holst's Frog
Holy-mountain Salamander
Hombron's Kingfisher
Home's Hinge-back Tortoise
Honduran Brook Frog
Honduran Emerald
Honduran Paleate Spiny-tailed Iguana
Honduran White Bat
Honduras Spikethumb Frog
Honduras White-lipped Frog
Honey Blue-eye
Hong Kong Cascade Frog
Hong Kong Grouper
Hong Kong Spiny Frog
Hong Kong Warty Newt
Hood Ancylid
Hood Coral
Hooded Antpitta
Hooded Berryeater
Hooded Carpet Shark
Hooded Crane
Hooded Grebe
Hooded Plover
Hooded Racket-tailed Treepie
Hooded Seal
Hooded Seedeater
Hooded Visorbearer
Hoogerwerf's Sumatran Rat
Hoogstraal's Gerbil
Hook-billed Bulbul
Hook-billed Hermit Hummingbird
Hook-billed Kite
Hoolock Gibbon
Horaglanis krishnai
Horastrea indica
Horned Coot
Horned Curassow
Horned Guan
Horned Knobtail
Horned Marsupial Frog
Horned Parakeet
Horned Wrinkled Ground Frog
Horse-tailed Squirrel
Horsfield's Tarsier
Horvath's Rock Lizard
Hose's Broadbill
Hose's Langur
Hose's Palm Civet
Hosmer's Frog
Hotel Zaracay Salamander
Houbara Bustard
House Wren
Houston Toad
Howarth's Cave Cricket
Howell's Forest Shrew
Huachuca Springsnail
Huahachuco Water Frog
Hualapai Mexican Vole
Huanuco Water Frog
Huila Stubfoot Toad
Humbali Village Toad
Humboldt Penguin
Hume's Pheasant
Hume's Rat
Hummelinck's Vesper Mouse
Humpback Chub
Humpback Smoothhound
Humpback Whale
Humped Knobtail
Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle
Hunter's Antelope
Huon Tree-kangaroo
Hutton's Shearwater
Hyacinth Macaw
Hyacinth Visorbearer
Hyaline Fish
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum
Hydnophora Coral (Hydnophora bonsai)
Hydrobia scamandri
Hydrotarsus compunctus
Hygromia golasi
Hyla bocourti
Hylarana mangyanum
Hyloscirtus jahni
Hypolobocera alata
Hypsiboas cipoensis
Hyrcanian Field Mouse
Ian's Andes Frog
Ibadan Malimbe
Ibanum pilimanus
Iberian Emerald Lizard
Iberian Frog
Iberian Midwife Toad
Iberian Rock Lizard
Iberochondrostoma almacai
Iberocypris alburnoides
Ibiza Wall Lizard
Icacos White-lipped Frog
Ichetucknee Siltsnail
Ichnosomunda sacchii
Idaho Ground Squirrel
Idaho Point-headed Grasshopper
Idaho Springsnail
Ideopsis hewitsonii
Idiomela subplicata
Idomacromia jillianae
Idunella sketi
Iglica kleinzellensis
Ili Pika
Illidge's Ant-blue (Butterfly)
Illiman's Andes Frog
Illinois Cave Amphipod
Imitator Sparrowhawk
Imnadia banatica
Imperial Cave Salamander
Imperial Parrot
Imperial Pheasant
Imperial Snipe
Imperial Woodpecker
Impressed Tortoise
Inaccessible Island Rail
Inagua Island Turtle
Inca Oldfield Mouse
Inca Tern
Incachaca Toad
Incan Little Mastiff Bat
Incilius macrocristatus
Incomati Suckermouth
Independencia Robber Frog
Indian Brown Mongoose
Indian Eyed Turtle
Indian Flying Frog
Indian Giant Squirrel
Indian Pangolin
Indian Python
Indian Sawback Turtle
Indian Skimmer
Indian Softshell Turtle
Indian Spotted Eagle
Indian Toad
Indian Vulture
Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross
Indiana Bat
Indigo Macaw
Indigo-winged Parrot
Indo-pacific Hump-backed Dolphin
Indochinamon bhumibol
Indochinese Box Turtle
Indochinese Lutung
Indolestes boninensis
Indonesian Shovelnose Ray
Indus River Dolphin
Inger's Asian Tree Toad
Inger's Bubble-nest Frog
Inger's Flying Frog
Inger's Robber Frog
Inger's Wart Frog
Ingerophrynus kumquat
Ingolfiella longipes
Inland Hill Rat
Inquisivi Andes Frog
Insulivitrina reticulata
Interior Digging Frog
Interior Robber Frog
Invisible Rail
Inyanga Toad
Inyangani River Frog
Inyo Mountains Salamander
Iodotropheus declivitas
Iomon luangprabangensis
Iowa Pleistocene Snail
Iphis Monarch
Iquitos Gnatcatcher
Irangi River Frog
Iraq Blind Barb
Iredaleoconcha caporaphe
Iringa Ground Robin
Iris Lorikeet
Irishtown Freshwater Snail
Irmengardia didacta
Irrawaddy Dolphin
Isabel Giant Rat
Isabela Oriole
Isaka-Ivondro Madagascar Frog
Isalo Bright-eyed Frog
Isalo Madagascar Frog
Isalo Serotine Bat
Isarog Forest Frog
Isarog Rhynchomys
Isarog Shrew Mouse
Ischnocnema epipeda
Ischnura abyssinica
Ishikawa's Frog
Isla Bonita Treefrog
Island Cisticola
Island Fox
Island Scrub-jay
Isolapotamon bauense
Isophya harzi
Israel Painted Frog
Isthmohyla insolita
Italian Agile Frog
Italian Bleak
Italian Cave Salamander
Italian Goldenring
Itasenpara Bitterling
Itatiaia Highland Frog
Itombwe Nightjar
Ivory Coast Frog
Ivory Coast Running Frog
Ivory Coast Wart Frog
Ivory Gull
Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Ivory-faced Flatwing
Ixalodectes flectocercus
Ixil Spikethumb Frog
Ixtlan Deer Mouse
Izecksohn's Brazilian Treefrog
Izecksohn's Bromeliad Frog
Izecksohn's Guanabara Frog
Izu Leaf-warbler
Izu Stingray
Izu Thrush
Jackson Prarie Crayfish
Jackson's Mongoose
Jackson's Widowbird
Jacobson's Bubble-nest Frog
Jaeger's Bright-eyed Frog
Jagged-shelled Turtle
Jalapan Pine Vole
Jaliscan Spiny Pocket Mouse
Jalpa False Brook Salamander
Jamaica Petrel
Jamaica Robber Frog
Jamaican Blackbird
Jamaican Boa
Jamaican Giant Swallowtail Butterfly
Jamaican Greater Funnel-eared Bat
Jamaican Hypolestes
Jamaican Iguana
Jamaican Kite
Jamaican Pauraque
Jamaican Red Bat
Jamaican Red-eyed Frog
Jamaican Snoring Frog
Jambu Fruit-dove
James Spinymussel
Japanese Ant
Japanese Crane
Japanese Crested Ibis
Japanese Devilray
Japanese Giant Salamander
Japanese Huchen
Japanese Murrelet
Japanese Night-heron
Japanese Noctule
Japanese Paradise-flycatcher
Japanese Short-tailed Bat
Japanese Waxwing
Japanese Wood-pigeon
Japanese Yellow Bunting
Jardinella acuminata
Java Flying Frog
Java Indonesian Treefrog
Java Sparrow
Java Stingaree
Javan Bamboo Rat
Javan Cochoa
Javan Grizzled Langur
Javan Hawk-eagle
Javan Lapwing
Javan Lutung
Javan Pithecheir
Javan Plover
Javan Rhinoceros
Javan Rusa
Javan Scops-owl
Javan Shrew-like Mouse
Javan Slit-faced Bat
Javan Slow Loris
Javan Tailless Fruit Bat
Javan Torrent Frog
Javan Trogon
Javan Warty Pig
Javan White-eye
Javan Woodcock
Jay's River Snail
Jelak Asian Toad
Jemez Mountains Salamander
Jenkin's Andaman Spiny Shrew
Jenkins' Shrew Tenrec
Jentink's Duiker
Jerdon's Babbler
Jerdon's Courser
Jeweled Toad
Jico Deer Mouse
Jin Jiang Sucker Frog
Jingdong Frog
Jingdong Lazy Toad
Jinxiu Bubble-nest Frog
Jiulong Spiny Frog
Jocotoco Antpitta
Johnson's Horned Treefrog
Johnston's Genet
Johnston's River Frog
Johnston's Water Frog
Johora counsilmani
Joiceya praeclarus
Jolly's Mouse Lemur
Jollyville Plateau Salamander
Jondachi Treefrog
Jones' Roundleaf Bat
Jordan's Swallowtail
Jouanin's Petrel
Jozani River Frog
Jozani Running Frog
Juan Fernandez Firecrown
Juan Fernandez Fur Seal
Juan Fernandez Petrel
Juan Fernandez Tit-tyrant
Juanita's Earless Treefrog
Juil Ciego
Jujuy Water Frog
Julia Creek Dunnart
Juliana's Golden Mole
Jullien's Golden Carp
Jumrum Australian Treefrog
Junaluska Salamander
June Sucker
Jungle Threadtail
Junin Andes Frog
Junin Grebe
Junin Rail
Junin Slender Opossum
Junlian Odorous Frog
Ka'apor Capuchin
Kabatangan Frog
Kadamaian Stream Toad
Kadavu Fantail
Kaempfer's Tody-tyrant
Kaempfer's Woodpecker
Kafue Mole Rat
Kahuzi Swamp Shrew
Kai Cicadabird
Kajang Asian Toad
Kakadu Pebble Mouse
Kalakad Wrinkled Frog
Kalakkad Flying Frog
Kalang Wart Frog
Kaliella hongkongensis
Kalinga Narrowmouth Toad
Kalinowski's Oldfield Mouse
Kalombo Suckermouth
Kamboranga Bubble-nest Frog
Kamborangah Borneo Frog
Kampira Falls Frog
Kanab Amber Snail
Kanab Ambersnail
Kanawha Minnow
Kandy Bubble-nest Frog
Kangaroo Bubble-nest Frog
Kangaroo Island Dunnart
Kangaroo Rat
Kangting Sucker Frog
Kanneliya Dot Frog
Kapala Stingaree
Kapcypriodopsis barnardi
Kapit Borneo Frog
Kapit Rice Frog
Kaplan's Garagoa Treefrog
Karamoja Apalis
Karimi's Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum
Karissimbi Forest Treefrog
Karkloof Blue Butterfly
Karl's Robber Frog
Karnataka Bubble-nest Frog
Karnataka Rice Frog
Karner Blue Butterfly
Karpathos Frog
Karpathos Lycian Salamander
Karwar Large Burrowing Spider
Kashmir Flycatcher
Kashmir Gray Langur
Kashmir Musk Deer
Kasner's Dwarf Burrowing Skink
Katechonemertes nightingaleensis
Kauai 'O'o
Kauai Akialoa
Kauai Amakihi
Kauai Cave Amphipod
Kauai Cave Wolf Spider
Kauai Thin-footed Bush Cricket
Kaumana Cave Cricket
Kawanphila pachomai
Kazakhstan Blind Mole Rat
Kazbeg Birch Mouse
Keast's Tube-nosed Fruit Bat
Keel-billed Motmot
Keeled Sideband
Keeled Snail
Keelsnout Treefrog
Keith's Striped Frog
Kelaart's Dwarf Toad
Kelaart's Long-clawed Shrew
Kelp Grouper
Kelso Giant Sand Treader Cricket
Kelso Jerusalem Cricket
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle
Kemp's Thicket Rat
Kentucky Cave Shrimp
Kerala Indian Frog
Kerangas Bubble-nest Frog
Kerch Black Sea Shad
Kerguelen Tern
Kern Canyon Slender Salamander
Kern Plateau Salamander
Kern Shoulderband
Key Largo Cotton Mouse
Key Largo Woodrat
Keys Scaly Cricket
Keys Short-winged Conehead Katydid
Kezenoi-am Trout
Khaki Bromeliad Frog
Khastor Water Frog
Kiau Borneo Frog
Kibiti Lampeye
Kihanga Reed Frog
Kihaule's Mouse Shrew
Kikuzato's Brook Snake
Kilimanjaro Mouse Shrew
Killer Whale
Kilombero Weaver
Kimboraga exanimus
Kina Balu Flying Frog
Kina Balu Stream Toad
Kinabalu Asian Toad
Kinabalu Horned Frog
Kinabalu Shrew
Kinabalu Spadefoot Toad
King Colobus
King Rat
King's Bullhead
Kinglet Calyptura
Kings River Slender Salamander
Kipengere Seedeater
Kirtland's Snake
Kirtland's Wood Warbler
Kite Ray
Kittlitz's Murrelet
Kitumbeine Stream Frog
Kivu Banana Frog
Kivu Ground-thrush
Kivu Long-haired Shrew
Kivu Screeching Frog
Kivu Shrew
Kivu Tree Frog
Klages's Antwren
Klemmer's Madagascar Frog
Klinikowski's Robber Frog
Kloss's Gibbon
Kluchor Birch Mouse
Kneria ruaha
Kneria sp. nov. 'South Africa'
Kneria uluguru
Knifetooth Sawfish
Knipowitschia cameliae
Knob Coral
Knob Mudalia
Knotty Elimia
Knysna Banana Frog
Knysna Velvet Worm
Knysna Warbler
Knysna Woodpecker
Kobayashi's Horned Frog
Kocevje Subterranean Spider
Koepcke's Hermit
Kogelberg Reserve Frog
Koh Chang Island Frog
Kokagala Streamlined Frog
Kokoe Poison Frog
Kolar Leaf-nosed Bat
Kolombangara Monarch
Komodo Cross Frog
Komodo Island Monitor
Komodo Rat
Kondana Soft-furred Rat
Kondoconcha othnius
Koopman's Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse
Koskulana Bubble-nest Frog
Kosrae Flying Fox
Koster's Springsnail
Kotagama's Dwarf Toad
Kottawa Bubble-nest Frog
Kottigehar Tropical Frog
Kozlov's Pika
Krefft's River Frog
Kretschmarr Cave Mold Beetle
Kroombit Tinker Frog
Krueper's Nuthatch
Kuang-wu Shan Frog
Kubusi Featherlegs
Kuekenthal's Yellow Tiger
Kungwe Apalis
Kunming Nase
Kunming Snout Trout
Kunming-lake Catfish
Kurdistan Spotted Newt
Kurintji Flying Frog
Kuroiwa's Ground Gecko
Kutubu Hardyhead
Kutubu Tandan
Kwang-yang Asian Frog
Kyidris media
Kyidris yaleogyna
L'hoest's Monkey
La Arboleda Stubfoot Toad
La Banderita Marsupial Frog
La Estrella Salamander
La Fortuna Worm Salamander
La Gomera Giant Lizard
La Guitarra Stubfoot Toad
La Horma Robber Frog
La Hotte Glanded Frog
La Hotte Whistling Frog
La Hoya Minute Salamander
La Loma Tree Frog
La Maya Robber Frog
La Palma Giant Lizard
La Palma Pupfish
La Palma Salamander
La Plata River Dolphin
La Plata Skate
La Rioja Water Frog
La Selle Grass Frog
La Selle Long-legged Frog
La Selle Red-legged Frog
La Selle Thrush
La Siberia Marsupial Frog
Labang Rice Frog
Labeo lankae
Labeo sp. nov. 'Baomo'
Labeo trigliceps
Labidochromis chisumluae
Labord's Chameleon
Lacepede's Ground Snake
Lacerta clarkorum
Lacerta kulzeri
Lacy Elimia
Laevicaulis haroldi
Lagden's Bush-shrike
Laggala Bubble-nest Frog
Laggar Falcon
Lagniappe Crayfish
Laguna del Bay Frog
Laguna Mountains Skipper
Laguna Toad
Lake Cronin Snake
Lake Eacham Rainbowfish
Lake Kurumoi Rainbowfish
Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish
Lake Lerma Salamander
Lake Magadi Tilapia
Lake Oku Clawed Frog
Lake Patzcuaro Salamander
Lake Placid Funnel Wolf Spider
Lake River Freshwater Snail
Lake Rukwa Sardine
Lake Rukwa Suckermouth
Lake Victoria Deepwater Catfish
Lake Wanam Rainbowfish
Lamarck's Sheet Coral
Lamellidea biplicata
Lami Tuco-tuco
Laminella sanguinea
Lamnifera pauli
Lamotte's Roundleaf Bat
Lampadia webbiana
Lampedusa imitratix
Lampobatang Sulawesi Rat
Lamprocystis hahajimana
Lamprologus kungweensis
Lancelin Island Skink
Landdros Moss Frog
Lange's Metalmark Butterfly
Lanistes alexandri
Lantzia carinata
Lanza's Alpine Salamander
Lanza's Frog
Lanza's Skink
Laos Sucker Frog
Laotian Black Langur
Laotian Rock Rat
Laotian Shad
Lappet-faced Vulture
Lar Gibbon
Lar Valley Viper
Larch Mountain Salamander
Large Asian Leaf-nosed Bat
Large Blue Lake Mayfly
Large Desert Marsupial-mouse
Large False Serotine
Large Flying-fox
Large Frogmouth
Large Green-pigeon
Large Indian Civet
Large Iron-gray Dwarf Lemur
Large Ivory Coral
Large Kauai Thrush
Large Long-clawed Mouse
Large Rufous Horseshoe Bat
Large Wren-babbler
Large Wrinkled Frog
Large-antlered Muntjac
Large-billed Blue-flycatcher
Large-crested Toad
Large-eared Free-tailed Bat
Large-eared Hutia
Large-eared Oldfield Mouse
Large-eared Pied Bat
Large-eyed Rabbitfish
Large-headed Forest Shrew
Large-headed Rice Rat
Large-headed Water Snake
Large-spined Bell Toad
Large-spotted Civet
Large-toothed Shrew
Largemouth Yellowfish
Largescale Pupfish
Largescale Spiny Lizard
Largetooth Sawfish
Laricis Tree Cricket
Las Minas Frog
Las Palmas Spikethumb Frog
Lasius reginae
Lataste's Viper
Laurent's Night Frog
Lauria fanalensis
Lava Gull
Lava Rock Mountain Snail
Lavigera coronata
Lawton's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Layard's Palm Squirrel
Laysan Albatross
Laysan Duck
Laysan Finch
Lazuli Kingfisher
Leadbeater's Possum
Leaf-nosed Lizard
Leaping False Brook Salamander
Least Big-eared Bat
Least Chub
Least Crayfish
Least Pauraque
Least Tern
Least Valley Coral
Least Woolly Bat
Least Yellow Bat
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Lebanon Viper
Leber's Robber Frog
Lee County Cave Isopod
Leeward Island Racer
Legler's Stream Frog
Lehmann's Poison Frog
Lehmann's Rocket Frog
Leiostyla abbreviata
Leishan Spiny Toad
Leith's Softshell Turtle
Leka Keppe
Lemniscia calva
Lemur Leaf Frog
Lemuroid Ringtail Possum
Lentipes whittenorum
Leon Springs Pupfish
Leopard Darter
Leopard Fringe-fingered Lizard
Leopard Shark
Leora's Stream Salamander
Lepidiolamprologus attenuatus
Lepidochrysops badhami
Lepidothelphusa cognetti
Leprous False Brook Salamander
Leprus Chirping Frog
Leptachatina lepida
Leptaxis caldeirarum
Leptobrachium echinatum
Leptocaris stromatolicolus
Leptoglanis wamiensis
Leptogomphus yayeyamensis
Leptolalax arayai
Leptoseris amitoriensis
Leptothorax buschingeri
Leptoxis ampla
Lesser Adjutant
Lesser Antillean Iguana
Lesser Bromeliad Treefrog
Lesser Chameleon
Lesser Dwarf Lemur
Lesser Fish-eagle
Lesser Flamingo
Lesser Florican
Lesser Green Leafbird
Lesser Kestrel
Lesser Kudu
Lesser Leaf-nosed Bat
Lesser Long-nosed Bat
Lesser Marmoset Rat
Lesser Night Gecko
Lesser Nothura
Lesser Prairie-chicken
Lesser Rabbit Bandicoot
Lesser Ranee Mouse
Lesser Stick-nest Rat
Lesser Stream Madagascar Frog
Lesser Tube-nosed Fruit Bat
Lesser White-fronted Goose
Lesser Wooly Horseshoe Bat
Lesser Yellow-shouldered Bat
Lesuer's Rat-kangaroo
Lethrinops macracanthus
Letter-winged Kite
Leuchocharis pancheri
Leucocythere helenae
Lewis' Stubfoot Toad
Leyte Bubble-nest Frog
Liangbei Lazy Toad
Liardetia boninensis
Liberia River Frog
Liberian Greenbul
Liberian Mongoose
Lichen Weevil
Lichuan Bell Toad
Lichuan Lazy Toad
Lifan Sucker Frog
Light Robber Frog
Light-mantled Albatross
Lightfoot's Moss Frog
Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher
Lilac-crowned Amazon
Lilford's Wall Lizard
Lilian's Lovebird
Lily Robber Frog
Lily Shoals Elimia
Limestone Salamander
Limnonectes asperatus
Limon Knobtail
Limon Worm Salamander
Limosa Stubfoot Toad
Lina's Sunbird
Lincoln's Climbing Salamander
Linda's Treefrog
Lindacatalina sumacensis
Line-fronted Canastero
Lined Seahorse
Lined Silverside
Lined Treefrog
Liobagrus nigricauda
Liolaemus huacahuasicus
Lion's Hill Velvet Worm
Lion-tailed Macaque
Liosaccus pachygaster
Liotelphusa gagei
Lipetz's Tropical Night Lizard
Lipochromis sp. nov.
Lister's Gecko
Lithochromis rubripinnis
Lithophyllon ranjithi
Litoria jungguy
Litthabitella elliptica
Little Blue Macaw
Little Brown Bustard
Little Bustard
Little Colorado Spinedace
Little Corn Island Frog
Little Earth Hutia
Little Goblin Bat
Little Golden-mantled Flying Fox
Little Hairy-footed Gerbil
Little Henty Freshwater Snail
Little Inca-finch
Little Mariana Fruit Bat
Little Pied Bat
Little Planigale
Little Slaty Flycatcher
Little Spotted Cat
Little Spotted Kiwi
Little Sumba Hawk-owl
Little Tennessee Crayfish
Little White Whiptail
Little Wood Elf
Little Woodstar
Little Woolly Mouse Opossum
Littlewing Pearlymussel
Liver-oil Shark
Lizard Catshark
Loach Minnow
Loango Slender-billed Weaver
Lobaunia danubialis
Lobophyllia dentatus
Lobster Claw Crab
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Loja Rocket Frog
Loja Water Frog
Loka Flying Frog
Lokia coryndoni
Lolokou Sucker Frog
Lombok Cross Frog
Lomi's Blind Legless Skink
Lompobatang Flycatcher
Lompoc Grasshopper
Lonchophylla concava
Long-bearded Melidectes
Long-billed Apalis
Long-billed Black Cockatoo
Long-billed Bush-warbler
Long-billed Murrelet
Long-billed Partridge
Long-clawed Mole Vole
Long-fingered Bat
Long-fingered Frog
Long-fingered Stream Toad
Long-footed Potoroo
Long-haired Spider Monkey
Long-headed Hill Rat
Long-horned Beetle
Long-legged Brown Frog
Long-legged Cave Amphipod
Long-Legged Warbler
Long-legged Worm-skink
Long-nosed Climbing Salamander
Long-nosed Skate
Long-snouted Bat
Long-tailed Big-footed Mouse
Long-tailed Chinchilla
Long-tailed Cinclodes
Long-tailed Fantail
Long-tailed Fat-tailed Opossum
Long-tailed Forest Shrew
Long-tailed Goral
Long-tailed Ground Roller
Long-tailed Marsupial-mouse
Long-tailed Otter
Long-tailed Paradigalla
Long-tailed Parakeet
Long-tailed Sabrewing
Long-tailed Talaud Mosaic-tailed Rat
Long-tailed Woodnymph
Long-tailed Wren-babbler
Long-wattled Umbrellabird
Long-whiskered Owlet
Longdong Stream Salamander
Longest Climbing Salamander
Longfin Mako
Longfin Svetovidov's Char
Longfoot Robber Frog
Longheaded Eagle Ray
Longhorn Fairy Shrimp
Longnose Bromeliad Salamander
Longnose Eagle Ray
Longtail Butterfly Ray
Longtail False Brook Salamander
Longtail Rattlesnake
Longtail Suckermouth
Lonnbergs Toad
Lonoke Crayfish
Lord Howe Island Skink
Lord Howe Island Southern Gecko
Lord Howe Island Stick-insect
Lord Howe Long-eared Bat
Lord Howe Wood Rail
Los Bracitos Treefrog
Los Chalchaleros' Vizcacha Rat
Los Diamantes Worm Salamander
Los Queules Ground Frog
Lost River Sucker
Lotis Blue Butterfly
Loud Big-eyed Treefrog
Louisea balssi
Louisiana Pearl Shell
Louisiana Pine Snake
Lovenula excellens
Lovenula simplex
Loveridge's Forest Frog
Loveridge's Frog
Loveridge's Sunbird
Lower Cerro Minute Salamander
Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit
Lowland Anoa
Lowland Grainy Frog
Lowland Long-nosed Squirrel
Lowland Red Forest Rat
Lowland Sulawesi Haeromys
Lowveld Largemouth
Loyalty Bent-winged Bat
Lubok Antu Bubble-nest Frog
Lucifuga simile
Lucina's Shrew
Luciobarbus brachycephalus
Ludlow's Bhutan Swallowtail
Lugbe River Crab
Luidan Stream Toad
Lulu's Tody-tyrant
Lund's Atlantic Tree Rat
Lungshen Odorous Frog
Luschan's Salamander
Lutilodix imitratrix
Lutz's River Frog
Luvubu Reed Frog
Luzon Bleeding-heart
Luzon Fanged Frog
Luzon Frog
Luzon Hairy-tailed Rat
Luzon Narrow-mouthed Frog
Luzon Peacock Swallowtail
Luzon Racquet-tail
Luzon Scops-owl
Luzon Striped-babbler
Luzon Water-redstart
Luzon Wrinkled Ground Frog
Lycaena ottomanus
Lyle's Flying Fox
Lynch's Colombian Treefrog
Lynch's Giant Glass Frog
Lynch's Stubfoot Toad
Lynn's Robber Frog
Lyrate Grappletail
Mable's Robber Frog
Macaroni Penguin
Macaya Burrowing Frog
Macaya Dusky Frog
Maccoa Duck
MacConnell's Bush Toad
MacDougall's Minute Salamanders
Macgregor's Skink
Mackenzie's Cave Amphipod
Maclaud's Horseshoe Bat
Macmillan's Shrew
Macromia flinti
Macroperipatus insularis
Macropleurodus bicolor
Madagapotamon humberti
Madagascan Flying Fox
Madagascan Friar
Madagascan Fruit Bat
Madagascan Mantella
Madagascan Rousette
Madagascar Big-headed Turtle
Madagascar Boa
Madagascar Climbing Frog
Madagascar Crested Ibis
Madagascar Day Gecko
Madagascar Forest Chameleon
Madagascar Frog
Madagascar Giant Treefrog
Madagascar Harrier
Madagascar Heron
Madagascar Jumping Frog
Madagascar Kob
Madagascar Little Grebe
Madagascar Plover
Madagascar Pochard
Madagascar Pond-heron
Madagascar Pratincole
Madagascar Radiated Tortoise
Madagascar Rail
Madagascar Rain Frog
Madagascar Red Owl
Madagascar Sacred Ibis
Madagascar Sea Eagle
Madagascar Serpent Eagle
Madagascar Skate
Madagascar Snipe
Madagascar Sparrowhawk
Madagascar Teal
Madagascar Tree Boa
Madagascar Yellowbrow
Madame Berthe's Mouse Lemur
Madeira Brimstone (Butterfly)
Madeira Laurel Pigeon
Madeira Pipistrelle
Madeiran Large White
Madison Cave Isopod
Madla's Cave Meshweaver
Madura Horseshoe Bat
Magazine Mountain Middle-toothed Snail
Magdalena Giant Glass Frog
Magdalena Wood Rat
Magellanic Penguin
Magellanic Plover
Magellanic Tuco-tuco
Magenta Petrel
Magnificent Broodfrog
Magnificent Ramshorn
Magnificent Web-footed Salamander
Mahajanga Reed Frog
Maharira Madagascar Frog
Mahatha helaya
Mahe Caecilian
Mahogany Glider
Mahogany Presba
Mainitia mainitensis
Mainstream River Snail
Maisi Frog
Major Black Millipede
Makatea Fruit-dove
Makira Flycatcher
Makira Flying Fox
Makira Leaf-nosed Bat
Makira Moorhen
Makira Thrush
Malabar Black Narrow-mouthed Frog
Malabar Dot Frog
Malabar Grouper
Malabar Indian Frog
Malabar Large-spotted Civet
Malabar Pied Hornbill
Malabar Spiny Dormouse
Malabar Tropical Frog
Malagasy Civet
Malagasy Giant Jumping Rat
Malagasy Mongoose
Malagasy Narrow-striped Mongoose
Malaita Fantail
Malayan Flat-shelled Turtle
Malayan Free-tailed Bat
Malayan Peacock-pheasant
Malayan Slit-faced Bat
Malayan Snail-eating Turtle
Malayan Sun Bear
Malayan Tailless Leaf-nosed Bat
Malayan Water Shrew
Malayopotamon granulatum
Malaysian Blue-flycatcher
Malaysian Borneo Frog
Malaysian Bubble-nest Frog
Malaysian Flying Frog
Malaysian Grainy Frog
Malaysian Honeyguide
Malaysian Plover
Malaysian Rail-babbler
Malcolm's Ethiopia Toad
Maldonado Redbelly Toad
Maleo Megapode
Malesian Frog
Malherbe's Parakeet
Malheur Cave Amphipod
Malindi Pipit
Mallee Emuwren
Mallee Worm-lizard
Mallorcan Midwife Toad
Maloti Minnow
Maltese Ray
Malvasa Stubfoot Toad
Manado Rousette
Manchurian Reed-warbler
Mandarin Shark
Mandelli's Mouse-eared Myotis
Mandibularca resinus
Mandras Shemaya
Maned Wolf
Manenguba Shrew
Mangaia Kingfisher
Mangrove Finch
Mangrove Frog
Mangrove Hummingbird
Mangrove Pitta
Mangshan Horned Toad
Manica parasitica
Manipur Bush-quail
Mannophryne caquetio
Mantanani Scops-owl
Mantidactylus delormei
Mantiqueira Atlantic Tree Rat
Mantled Hawk
Mantled Howler Monkey
Manuel's Skink
Manus Fantail
Manus Island Mosaic-tailed Rat
Manus Island Tree Snail
Manus Masked-owl
Manus Monarch
Manusela Mosaic-tailed Rat
Maquis Canastero
Maracaibo Tody-flycatcher
Maranon Crescentchest
Maranon Poison Frog
Maranon Spinetail
Marbled Cat
Marbled Disc
Marbled Dot Frog
Marbled Freshwater Stingray
Marbled Malachite
Marbled Murrelet
Marbled Rain Frog
Marbled Robber Frog
Marbled Streamlined Frog
Marbled Teal
Marbled Water Frog
Marcella's Graceful Brown Snake
Marcusenius sp. nov.
Marcusenius victoriae
Margarita Island Kangaroo Rat
Maria Island Ground Lizard
Maria Island Snake
Maria's Giant Glass Frog
Mariana Crow
Mariana Fruit-dove
Mariana Gray Swiftlet
Marianas Flying Fox
Marine Otter
Marinkelle's Sword-nosed Bat
Maritime Worm Salamander
Marley's Butterflyfish
Marley's Golden Mole
Marmaris Salamander
Maroon Pigeon
Maroon-breasted Philentoma
Maroon-chinned Fruit-dove
Maroon-faced Parakeet
Maroon-fronted Parrot
Marquesan Ground-dove
Marquesan Imperial Pigeon
Marquesan Kingfisher
Marquesan Monarch
Marsh Babbler
Marsh Deer
Marsh Grassbird
Marsh Seedeater
Marsh Tapaculo
Martelia tanganyicensis
Martenstyn's Barb
Martinique Oriole
Martinique Robber Frog
Martinique Trembler
Marungu Sunbird
Marvellous Spatuletail
Mary River Turtle
Maryland Darter
Masafuera Rayadito
Masarang Frog
Mascarene Black Petrel
Mascarene Crow
Mascarene Swiftlet
Masked Antpitta
Masked Finfoot
Masked Hamlet
Masked Mountain-tanager
Masked Saltator
Masked Shining-parrot
Mastigodiaptomus purpureus
Matalote Cahita
Matalote Conchos
Matalote Del Bavispe
Matalote Opata
Matang Asian Toad
Matang Stream Toad
Matheran Indian Frog
Mathewsoconcha belli
Matinan Flycatcher
Matouba Robber Frog
Matthias Fantail
Matuda's Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Matuda's Spikethumb Frog
Maud Island Frog
Maugean Skate
Maui Alauahio
Maui Parrotbill
Mauritian Friar
Mauritius Cuckoo-shrike
Mauritius Fody
Mauritius Kestrel
Mauritius Olivaceous Bulbul
Mauritius Olive White-eye
Mauritius Parakeet
Mauroa White-lipped Frog
Mautodontha boraborensis
Mautodontha ceuthma
Mauve Bluet
Mavomavo Giant Treefrog
Mawblang Toad
Maya Knobtail
Maya Mountains Frog
Maya Pupfish
Mayan Deer Mouse
Maydelliathelphusa edentula
Maylandia aurora
Mayor's Mouse
Mayotte Drongo
Mbipia lutea
Mbozi Suckermouth
McCord's Box Turtle
McDiarmid Minute Salamander
Mcdonald's Frog
Mcgregor's Cuckooshrike
McGregor's Stream Toad
Mckay's Bunting
Mclachlan's Girdled Lizard
Meadow Viper
Mearns's Squirrel
Mecistogaster asticta
Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat
Mediterranean Monk Seal
Mediterranean Trout
Medium Tree-finch
Medium-tailed Brush-furred Rat
Meek's Lorikeet
Megalobulimus fragilion
Mehely's Horseshoe Bat
Mekhongthelphusa kengsaphu
Mekong Freshwater Stingray
Mekong Wagtail
Meladema imbricata
Meladema lanio
Melanochromis baliodigma
Melanoides admirabilis
Melanophryniscus admirabilis
Melanopsis etrusca
Meliana Climbing Salamander
Melissa's Yellow-eared Bat
Meller's Duck
Melodious Babbler
Melodious Lark
Melones Cave Harvestman
Mendolong Bubble-nest Frog
Menglun Eastern Frog
Mentawai Archipelago Rat
Mentawai Langur
Mentawai Long-tailed Giant Rat
Mentawai Scops-owl
Mentawai Squirrel
Mentawai Three-striped Squirrel
Mentawi Flying Squirrel
Menzbier's Marmot
Merida Andes Treefrog
Merida Brocket
Merida Tree Frog
Meridolum benneti
Merriam's Montezuma Quail
Merry Shadowdamsel
Mertens' Egg Frog
Mertens' Smalltongue Toad
Mesa Shoulderband
Mesagrion leucorrhinum
Mesocyclops insulensis
Mesonerilla prospera
Mesopotamia Beaked Toad
Metacyclops gasparoi
Metadiaptomus capensis
Metaphryniscus sosai
Metatrichoniscoides celticus
Methuen's Dwarf Gecko
Metrioptera domogledi
Metropolitan Redspot
Mexican Agouti
Mexican Big-eared Bat
Mexican Black-tailed Pit Viper
Mexican Blindcat
Mexican Bobcat
Mexican Caecilian
Mexican Darter
Mexican Golden Trout
Mexican Horned Pitviper
Mexican Long-nosed Bat
Mexican Long-tongued Bat
Mexican Pine Woods Treefrog
Mexican Prairie Dog
Mexican Sheartail
Mexican Spotted Terrapin
Mexican Water Mouse
Mexican Woodnymph
Mexican Yellow-bellied Brown Snake
Mexilana saluposi
Mexistenasellus nulemex
Miahuatlan Cotton Rat
Miami Cave Crayfish
Michael Rainforest Frog
Michigan Bog Grasshopper
Michoacan Pocket Gopher
Michoacan Stream Salamander
Microhylid Frog
Micromacromia miraculosa
Micromussa-Super Red
Micronesian Imperial-pigeon
Micronesian Megapode
Microstrophia modesta
Microstrophia nana
Microthelphusa forcarti
Middlekauf's Shieldback Katydid
Midongy Madagascar Frog
Migmathelphusa olivacea
Miguel's Ground Frog
Mikado Pheasant
Milagros' Tiger
Miles Wall Lizard
Military Macaw
Milky Stork
Millepora boschmai
Miller's Nicobar Rat
Miller's Snail
Milne Bay Frog
Milne Mehely Frog
Milne-Edward's Sifaka
Milne-edwards' Macaque
Milne-Edwards's Sportive Lemur
Mimic Cavesnail
Minas Gerais Tyrannulet
Mindanao Bleeding-heart
Mindanao Broadbill
Mindanao Brown-dove
Mindanao Flathead Toad
Mindanao Flying Frog
Mindanao Horned Frog
Mindanao Lorikeet
Mindanao Montane Forest Apomys
Mindanao Pygmy-babbler
Mindanao Racquet-tail
Mindanao Scops-owl
Mindanao Shrew Mouse
Mindanao Spiny Rat
Mindo Cochran Frog
Mindo Robber Frog
Mindo Stubfoot Toad
Mindoro Bleeding-heart
Mindoro Hornbill
Mindoro Imperial-pigeon
Mindoro Scops-owl
Mindoro Striped Rat
Miniature Robber Frog
Minor Black Millipede
Minor Red Bat
Minute Cave Amphipod
Minute Pearlfish
Miramella irena
Miranda Robber Frog
Miratesta celebensis
Mishana Tyrannulet
Mission Creek Oregonian
Mississippi Flatwoods Crayfish
Mitchell's Rainforest Snail
Mitchell's Satyr Butterfly
Mitred Leaf Monkey
Mittendorf's Striped Grass Mouse
Mittermeier's Bubble-nest Frog
Mittermeier's Mouse Lemur
Mittermeier's Stubfoot Toad
Mixe Treefrog
Mixtecan Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Miyako Tango
Miyazaki's Crab
Moapa Dace
Moapa Pebblesnail
Mocha Island Ground Frog
Modoc Sucker
Moerner's Swallowtail Butterfly
Mohave Ground Squirrel
Mohave Tui Chub
Moheli Scops-owl
Moitessieria corsica
Molly Del Tamesi
Molly Del Teapa
Molokai Creeper
Molokai Damselfly
Molokai Thrush
Moluccan Cuckoo
Moluccan Flying Fox
Moluccan Megapode
Moluccan Woodcock
Mombacho Salamander
Mona Blind Snake
Mona Cave Shrimp
Mona Coqui
Mongolian Beaver
Mongolian Marmot
Mongoose Lemur
Monito Del Monte
Monito Gecko
Monolistra bolei
Monomorium effractor
Monster Rice Rat
Montagne d'Ambre Madagascar Frog
Montane Cricket Frog
Montane Dancing-jewel
Montane Demoiselle
Montane Monkey-faced Bat
Montane Mouse Shrew
Montane Shaggy Rat
Montastraea annularis
Monte Albo Cave Salamander
Monte Cristo Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Monte Escondido Salamander
Monte Iberia Dwarf Frog
Monte Verde Golden Toad
Monterissa gowerensis
Monterrey Platyfish
Monterrey Spanish Mackerel
Monteverde Moss Salamander
Montevideo Redbelly Toad
Montipora altasepta
Montseny Brook Newt
Montserrat Galliwasp
Montserrat Oriole
Monzon's Moss Salamander
Moojen's Atlantic Spiny-rat
Moom Pebblesnail
Moon Coral
Moon Forest Shrew
Moon Striped Mouse
Moon-toothed Degu
Moor Macaque
Moore's Frog
Moorish Viper
Moray Bubble-nest Frog
Morden's Owlet
Moreau's Sunbird
Morelet's Crocodile
Morelet's Treefrog
Morelos False Brook Salamander
Morere's Banana Frog
Morimus funereus
Morishita's Tiger
Moritschus altaquerensis
Morne Macay Robber Frog
Morningside Bubble-nest Frog
Moroccan Midwife Toad
Moroccan Three-toed Skink
Morona-Santiago Stubfoot Toad
Morrison's Cave Amphipod
Morro Bay Kangaroo Rat
Morro Shoulderband Snail
Moserius percoi
Mosor Rock Lizard
Moss-backed Turtle
Moss-forest Blossom Bat
Mottled Bubble-nest Frog
Mottled Eagle Ray
Mottled Petrel
Mottled Piculet
Mottled Tuco-tuco
Mouldingia occidentalis
Mouldingia orientalis
Mount Bulgar Viper
Mount Cameroon Francolin
Mount Cameroon Speirops
Mount Cooper Striped Lerista
Mount Data Forest Frog
Mount Donna Buang Wingless Stonefly
Mount Graham Red Squirrel
Mount Kahuzi African Climbing Mouse
Mount Karthala White-eye
Mount Kosciusko Wingless Stonefly
Mount Kupe Bush-shrike
Mount Lumaku Bubble-nest Frog
Mount Meru Stream Frog
Mount Omoto-dake Frog
Mount St. Helens' Grylloblattid
Mount Talamau Bubble-nest Frog
Mount Tucutche Treefrog
Mount Wuliang Sucker Frog
Mount Zempoaltepec Alligator Lizard
Mountain Alcon Blue
Mountain Anoa
Mountain Blackside Dace
Mountain Borneo Frog
Mountain Cave Amphipod
Mountain Climbing Frog
Mountain Dot Frog
Mountain Dwarf Galago
Mountain Egg Frog
Mountain Mistfrog
Mountain Night Frog
Mountain Nyala
Mountain Paca
Mountain Pademelon
Mountain Peacock-pheasant
Mountain Plover
Mountain Pygmy Possum
Mountain Serpent-eagle
Mountain Shrew Tenrec
Mountain Shrike
Mountain Skink
Mountain Tapir
Mountain Toad
Mountain Viper
Mountain Wrinkled Ground Frog
Mountain Yellow-legged Frog
Mountain Zebra
Mountain-top Nursery-frog
Mourning Treefrog
Moustached Antpitta
Moustached Hawk-cuckoo
Moustached Kingfisher
Moustached Woodcreeper
Mout Okou Wolterstorff Toad
Mozart's Frog
Mrora Forest Toad
Mrs. Moreau's Warbler
Mt. Hermon June Beetle
Mt. Isarog Striped Rat
Mt. Kenya Mole Shrew
Mt. Lefo Brush-furred Rat
Mt. Okou Long-fingered Frog
Mt. Oku Kylomyscus
Mt. Oku Rat
Muckalee Crayfish
Mucubaji Stubfoot Toad
Mud Elimia
Muddy Rocksnail
Mueller's Bornean Gibbon
Mugger Crocodile
Mugilogobius adeia
Mugilogobius latifrons
Muller's Climbing Salamander
Muller's Stream Toad
Multicolored Tanager
Multispine Skate
Mulu Flying Frog
Munchique Wood-wren
Munchkin Skate
Munk's Devil Ray
Munnar Bubble-nest Frog
Murphy's Crow
Murphy's Petrel
Murray Cod
Murray Hardyhead
Murud Bubble-nest Frog
Muruk Mio Bubble-nest Frog
Muscular Salamander
Musso's Fish-eating Rat
Mussonena campbelli
Mustache False Brook Salamander
Mutela alata
Mutton Snapper
Myaka Myaka
Mycedium steeni
Myers' Surinam Toad
Myrmecia inquilina
Myrmica bibikoffi
Myrmoxenus gordiagini
Mysore Ornamental
Naegele Springsnail
Nahampoana Bright-eyed Frog
Nahan's Francolin
Nahuelbuta Ground Frog
Naked Characin
Naked Tropical Frog
Namaqua Dwarf Adder
Namaqua Stream Frog
Namdapha Flying Squirrel
Namoi River Snapping Turtle
Namuli Apalis
Nankiang Horned Toad
Nanocochlea monticola
Nanocopia minuta
Nanodectes bulbicercus
Naomi's Forest Frog
Napaeus isletae
Napo Giant Glass Frog
Napo Plump Toad
Napo Sabrewing
Napo Stubfoot Toad
Narcine leoparda
Narcondam Hornbill
Narrow Pigtoe
Narrow-billed Antwren
Narrow-bridged Mud Turtle
Narrow-footed Worm Salamander
Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle
Narrow-lined Treefrog
Narrow-mouthed Toad
Narrow-nosed Harvest Mouse
Narrownose Smoothhound
Narrowsnout Sawfish
Nasolo's Shrew Tenrec
Nassau Grouper
Natal Banana Frog
Natal Black Millipede
Natal Free-tailed Bat
Natterer's Longwing
Natuna Island Surili
Nauru Reed-warbler
Nautilothelphusa zimmeri
Nava's Wren
Navajo Jerusalem Cricket
Nayarit Deer Mouse
Neatly-spotted Bubble-nest Frog
Neblina Metaltail
Neblina Uakari
Neches Crayfish
Nechisar Nightjar
Needle Dogfish
Neergaard's Sunbird
Negev Tortoise
Neglected Frog
Negros Bleeding-heart
Negros Fruit-dove
Negros Naked-backed Fruit Bat
Negros Shrew
Negros Striped-babbler
Negros Wrinkled Ground Frog
Nehalennia speciosa
Nekogigi Catfish
Nelson's Antelope Squirrel
Nelson's Giant Deer Mouse
Nelson's Small Eared Shrew
Nelson's Spiny Pocket Mouse
Nelson's Woodrat
Nemacheilus dori
Nemenzophyllia Fox Coral
Nemoron nomas
Neochromis gigas
Neodiaptomus intermedius
Neolamprologus christyi
Neolissochilus theinemanni
Neoplanorbis tantillus
Neopseudothelphusa fossor
Neosho Mucket
Neostrengeria perijaensis
Nepal Paa Frog
Nepogomphoides stuhlmanni
Neritina tiassalensis
Nesopupa madgei
Neurergus kaiseri
Neuse River Waterdog
Nevada Pupfish
Nevado de Colima Chirping Frog
New Britain Bronzewing
New Britain Goshawk
New Britain Kingfisher
New Britain Land Frog
New Britain Rail
New Britain Sparrowhawk
New Britain Thrush
New Caledonia Blossom Bat
New Caledonia Catshark
New Caledonia Flying Fox
New Caledonia Long-eared Bat
New Caledonia Wattled Bat
New Caledonian Grassbird
New Caledonian Imperial-pigeon
New Caledonian Lorikeet
New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar
New Caledonian Parakeet
New Caledonian Wood Rail
New England Cottontail
New Georgia Monkey-faced Bat
New Guinea Eagle
New Guinea Flightless Rail
New Guinea Pademelon
New Guinea Quoll
New Guinea River Shark
New Holland Mouse
New Ireland Yellow Tiger
New Mexico Hotspring Snail
New Zealand Bushwren
New Zealand Falcon
New Zealand Greater Short-tailed Bat
New Zealand Grebe
New Zealand Kaka
New Zealand King Shag
New Zealand Lesser Short-tailed Bat
New Zealand Long-tailed Bat
New Zealand Pigeon
New Zealand Sea Lion
New Zealand Shore Plover
New Zealand Snipe
New Zealand Storm-petrel
New Zealand Thrush
Newcomb's Snail
Newcomb's Tree Snail
Newell's Shearwater
Newman's Knob-Scaled Lizard
Newnhamia fuscata
Newnhamia insolita
Newton's Grassland Frog
Ngezi Reed Frog
Ngoni Moss Frog
Niangua Darter
Niceforo's Stubfoot Toad
Niceforo's Wren
Niceforonia adenobrachia
Nickajack Cave Isopod
Nicklin's Pearlymussel
Nicobar Bulbul
Nicobar Crow
Nicobar Flying Fox
Nicobar Megapode
Nicobar Parakeet
Nicobar Pigeon
Nicobar Sparrowhawk
Nicobar Treeshrew
Nicobar White-tailed Shrew
Nicobarese Whipping Frog
Nicobars Wart Frog
Nienokoue Reed Frog
Nietner's Grappletail
Niger Stingray
Nigeria Banana Frog
Night Parrot
Night Shark
Nightingale Reed Warbler
Nihoa Banza Conehead Katydid
Nihoa Finch
Nihoa Millerbird
Nike's Squeaker
Nile Lechwe
Nilgiri Black Langur
Nilgiri Bubble-nest Frog
Nilgiri Flycatcher
Nilgiri Long-tailed Climbing Mouse
Nilgiri Marten
Nilgiri Pipit
Nilgiri Tahr
Nilgiri Tropical Frog
Nilgiri Wood-pigeon
Nilgiris Wart Frog
Nimba Banana Frog
Nimba Flycatcher
Nimba Otter Shrew
Nimba Reed Frog
Nimba Shrew
Nimba Stream Crab
Nimbaphrynoides liberiensis
Nimble Long-limbed Salamander
Ninglang Paa Frog
Niobe's Shrew
Niphargobates lefkodemonaki
Niphargus aberrans
Nirodia belphegor
Nitocrella slovenica
Nkongsamba Frog
Nkongsamba River Frog
Noel's Amphipod
Noellert's Toad
Noisy Scrub-bird
Nomorhamphus towoeti
Non-parasitic Lamprey
Norbert Bright-eyed Frog
Nordmann's Greenshank
Norfolcioconch iota
Norfolcioconch norfolkensis
Norfolk Island Gerygone
Norfolk Island Parakeet
Norfolk Island White-eye
Nornalup Frog
Noronha Elaenia
Noronha Vireo
North African Fire Salamander
North Andean Huemul
North Atlantic Right Whale
North Borneo Stream Toad
North Island Brown Kiwi
North Moluccan Flying Fox
North Pacific Right Whale
North Shore Marsupial Frog
Northeastern Xanthurus Rat
Northern Abalone
Northern Aplomado Falcon
Northern Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Northern Bahamian Rock Iguana
Northern Bald Ibis
Northern Black Millipede
Northern Bobwhite
Northern Brush-tailed Phascogale
Northern Cassowary
Northern Cavefish
Northern Chiapas Anole
Northern Chinese Flying Squirrel
Northern Corroboree Frog
Northern Draughtboard Shark
Northern Flying Squirrel
Northern Free-tailed Bat
Northern Frog
Northern Fur Seal
Northern Giant-petrel
Northern Glider
Northern Guitarfish
Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat
Northern Hammer Frog
Northern Helmeted Curassow
Northern Hopping-mouse
Northern Luzon Rhynchomys
Northern Minute Salamander
Northern Muriqui
Northern Pig-tailed Macaque
Northern Pudu
Northern Quoll
Northern Rockhopper Penguin
Northern Roundgland Toad
Northern Royal Albatross
Northern Rufous Mouse Lemur
Northern Screamer
Northern Shrew Tenrec
Northern Sportive Lemur
Northern Swift Fox
Northern Tinker Frog
Northern Water Rat
Northwestern Climbing Salamander
Norton Plains Bubble-nest Frog
Norton's Cave Amphipod
Norton's Robber Frog
Nosy Be Burrowing Frog
Nosy Be Giant Treefrog
Notable Large Burrowing Spider
Nothobranchius aff. taeniopygus
Notodiaptomus dubius
Notogomphus cottarellii
Notopala sublineata
Nsoung Long-fingered Frog
Nubian Bustard
Nubian Ibex
Nueces Crayfish
Nuevo Leon Graceful Brown Snake
Numfor Paradise-kingfisher
Nyika Dwarf Toad
O'ahu Creeper
O'ahu Tree Snail
O'donnell's Climbing Salamander
Oahu Amakihi
Oahu Damselfly
Oahu Deceptor Bush Cricket
Oak Forest Salamander
Oaxaca Sparrow
Oaxaca Toad
Oaxacan Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Oaxacan Climbing Salamander
Oaxacan Coral Snake
Oaxacan Dwarf Boa
Oaxacan False Brook Salamander
Oaxacan Fringe-limbed Treefrog
Oaxacan Giant Deer Mouse
Oaxacan Giant Salamander
Oaxacan Minute Salamander
Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana
Oaxacan Yellow Treefrog
Obelus despreauxii
Obey Crayfish
Obi Island Birdwing
Occirhenea georgiana
Oceanic Hawaiian Damselfly
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Ocellated Bubble-nest Frog
Ocellated Coral
Ocellated Lizard
Ocellated Quail
Ocellated Turkey
Ochlockonee Moccasinshell
Ochraceous Attila
Ochraceous Piculet
Ochre-bellied Dove
Ochre-bellied Hawk-owl
Ochre-breasted Pipit
Ochre-fronted Antpitta
Ochre-rumped Antbird
Ochre-rumped Bunting
Ochre-winged Honeyeater
Ochthephila spirulina
Ocmulgee Marstonia
Oconee Burrowing Crayfish
Oconee Stream Crayfish
Octopus Coral
Odaigahara Salamander
Odontopodisma montana
Offachloritis dryanderensis
Ogasawarana chichijimana
Ogea Monarch
Ogilby's Ghostshark
Ohiya Rat
Ohlone Tiger Beetle
Ohrid Gudgeon
Ohrid Spirlin
Oita Salamander
Okaloosa Darter
Oki Salamander
Okinawa Rail
Okinawa Spiny Rat
Okinawa Wart Frog
Okinawa Woodpecker
Okinawan Terrestrial Crab
Oklahoma Cave Amphipod
Oklahoma Cave Crayfish
Oklahoma Salamander
Oktedi Rainbowfish
Oktibbeha Riverlet Crayfish
Oku Mouse Shrew
Olalla Brothers' Titi Monkey
Oldfield White-bellied Rat
Oligoaeschna kunigamiensis
Olive Colobus
Olive Grouper
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
Olive-backed Woodpecker
Olive-headed Weaver
Olive-shouldered Parrot
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Olive-yellow Robin
Oliver's Warty Pig
Olongburra Frog
Olrog's Gull
Olympic Torrent Salamander
Omei Horned Toad
Omei Lazy Toad
Omei Shan Liocichla
Omilteme Cottontail
Omiltemi Minute Salamander
Omphalotropis hieroglyphica
Onchotelson brevicaudatus
Onconotus servillei
Oncorhynchus formosanus
One-finned Shark
One-toed Amphiuma
Onefin Skate
Onondaga Cave Amphipod
Onychogomphus assimilis
Onychostoma alticorpus
Opal Goodeid
Opalescent Pearlfish
Opanara altiapica
Opaque Pebblesnail
Open Brain Coral
Opisthostoma bihamulatum
Opossum Shrimp
Opsaridium microcephalum
Orange Button Coral
Orange Lake Cave Crayfish
Orange Long-nosed Frog
Orange-banded Flycatcher
Orange-banded Thrush
Orange-bellied Antwren
Orange-bellied Flying Frog
Orange-bellied Frog
Orange-bellied Parakeet
Orange-billed Babbler
Orange-breasted Bush-shrike
Orange-fringed River Bream
Orange-fronted Barbet
Orange-necked Partridge
Orange-spotted Emerald
Orange-throated Tanager
Orangeblack Hawaiian Damselfly
Orangefin Madtom
Orangefoot Pimpleback Pearlymussel
Orangia cookei
Orangia maituatensis
Orangia sporadica
Orbiculus Leaf-nosed Bat
Orchid Island Crab
Orconectes bisectus
Ordtrachia elegans
Oregon Chub
Oregon Giant Earthworm
Oregon Slender Salamander
Oregon Spotted Frog
Orejas-Miranda Redbelly Toad
Oreobates pereger
Oreochromis alcalicus
Oreocnemis phoenix
Oreoglanis siamensis
Oreonectes anophthalmus
Oreophrynella cryptica
Oreophrynella vasquezi
Orestias chungarensis
Organ Pipe Coral
Oriental Darter
Oriental Shrew
Oriental White Stork
Oriente Coastal Frog
Oriente Greenish-yellow Frog
Oriente Mottled Frog
Orinoco Agouti
Orinoco Crocodile
Orinoco Goose
Orinoco Softtail
Orinoco Sword-nosed Bat
Orizaba Minute Salamander
Orlando Cave Crayfish
Ornamental Snake
Ornate Eagle Ray
Ornate Egg Frog
Ornate Flying Fox
Ornate Horned Frog
Ornate Slider
Ornate Spiny Lizard
Ornate Titi Monkey
Ornithoptera meridionalis
Oro Phantasmal Poison Frog
Orphan Salamander
Orthetrum poecilops
Orthochromis kasuluensis
Orthrias tschaiyssuensis
Oryzias celebensis
Osgood's Ethiopian Toad
Osornophryne sumacoensis
Ospatulus palaemophagus
Otago Skink
Otopharynx lithobates
Otter Civet
Otway Black Snail
Otway Range Black Snail
Ouachita Burrowing Crayfish
Ouachita Madtom
Ouachita Mountain Shiner
Ouachita Rock Pocketbook
Oulophyllia bennettae
Oulophyllia crispa
Oustalet's Tyrannulet
Oval Pigtoe
Ovate Clubshell
Ovate Pebblesnail
Owens Pupfish
Owens Tui Chub
Owl-faced Monkey
Owston's Banded Palm Civet
Oxapampa Frog
Oxapampa Poison Frog
Oxleyan Pygmy Perch
Oxychilus agostinhoi
Oxyepoecus bruchi
Oxynoemacheilus pindus
Oyster Mussel
Ozark Cave Amphipod
Ozark Cavefish
Ozark Emerald
Oziothelphusa bilobaPacarana
Pachyhynobius yunanicus
Pachypanchax sakaramyi
Pachysaga munggai
Pachysaga strobila
Pachyseris gemmae
Pacific Degu
Pacific Giant Glass Frog
Pacific Hawaiian Damselfly
Pacific Horned Frog
Pacific Marsupial Frog
Pacific Pocket Mouse
Pacific Pond Turtle
Pacific Royal Flycatcher
Pacific Seahorse
Pacific Sheath-tailed Bat
Pacific Spiny Rat
Pagai Island Macaque
Pagai Spiny Rat
Pagi Island Langur
Pahang Frog
Pahranagat Roundtail Chub
Pahrump Poolfish
Painted Asian Toad
Painted Batagur
Painted Bunting
Painted Clubshell
Painted Honeyeater
Painted Indonesian Treefrog
Painted Robber Frog
Painted Rocksnail
Painted Stork
Painted Tree Rat
Paka Bubble-nest Frog
Pakenham's River Frog
Palacanthilhiopsis vervierii
Paladilhia pleurotoma
Palanda Rocket Frog
Palau Flying Fox
Palau Ground-dove
Palauastrea ramosa
Palawan Bearded Pig
Palawan Binturong
Palawan Blue-flycatcher
Palawan Bubble-nest Frog
Palawan Flycatcher
Palawan Flying Fox
Palawan Flying Squirrel
Palawan Hornbill
Palawan Horned Frog
Palawan Peacock Pheasant
Palawan Scops-owl
Palawan Striped-babbler
Palawan Tit
Pale Dottyback
Pale Giant Squirrel
Pale Lilliput Pearlymussel
Pale-backed Pigeon
Pale-billed Sicklebill
Pale-browed Tinamou
Pale-capped Pigeon
Pale-edged Stingray
Pale-footed Bubble-nest Frog
Pale-headed Brush-finch
Pale-throated Pampa-finch
Paleback Darter
Palezone Shiner
Pallas's Cat
Pallas's Fish-eagle
Pallid Harrier
Pallid Large-footed Myotis
Pallid Sturgeon
Palm Borneo Frog
Palm Crow
Palm Forest Treefrog
Palm Lorikeet
Palmer's Chipmunk
Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly
Paludiscala De Oro Snail
Paludomus ajanensis
Pampas Cat
Pampas Deer
Pampas Giant Glass Frog
Pampas Meadowlark
Pan's Box Turtle
Panaeati Bare-backed Fruit Bat
Panama City Crayfish
Panamanian Golden Frog
Panamint Alligator Lizard
Panay Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat
Panay Striped-babbler
Panay Wrinkled Ground Frog
Pandi Climbing Salamander
Panhandle Pebblesnail
Pantanodon sp. nov. 'Manombo'
Panton's Robber Frog
Papallacta Marsupial Frog
Papallacta Treefrog
Papalo Minute Salamander
Papilio aristophontes
Papillon La Pature
Papuan Epaulette Shark
Papyrus Gonolek
Papyrus Yellow Warbler
Parachondrostoma arrigonis
Paraclavarina triangularis
Paracyclopia naessi
Paradiaptomus natalensis
Paradise Parakeet
Paraguana Mustached Bat
Paraguana Spiny Pocket Mouse
Paraguanan Ground Gecko
Paraguay Horned Frog
Parakneria tanzaniae
Paralabidochromis victoriae
Parambikulam Large Burrowing Spider
Paramelita barnardi
Paramelita flexa
Paramo Frontino Salamander
Paramorariopsis anae
Parana Antwren
Parapotamon spinescens
Parasimplastrea sheppardi
Parathelphusa balabac
Paratherina cyanea
Paratilapia polleni
Paretroplus dambabe
Paria Redstart
Paria Wood Elf
Parjacti Treefrog
Parker's Andes Frog
Parker's Dot Frog
Parker's Snake-necked Turtle
Parker's Tree Frog
Parker's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Parkhill Prairie Crayfish
Parkinson's Petrel
Parma Wallaby
Parmacella tenerifensis
Parnassius autocrator
Parosphromenus harveyi
Partridge Pigeon
Partula Snail
Partulina confusa
Parzefall's Stenasellid
Pasco White-lipped Frog
Pass Stubfoot Toad
Pastilla dacuna
Patagonian Cavy
Patagonian Skate
Patricia's Robber Frog
Pattipola Caecilian
Patzcuaro Frog
Patzcuaro Stream Frog
Paula's Long-nosed Rat
Paulian's Madagascar Frog
Paulson's Knobtail
Paulson's Robber Frog
Pavona bipartita
Peacock Soft-shelled Turtle
Peacock Softshell Turtle
Peaked Redspot
Peaks Of Otter Salamander
Pearl Bubble Coral
Pearl Riverlet Crayfish
Pearl-bellied White-eye
Pearly Parakeet
Pearson's Long-clawed Mouse
Pearson's Long-clawed Shrew
Pearson's Tuco-tuco
Pebas Stubfoot Toad
Pebble Toad
Peck's Cave Amphipod
Pecos Amphipod
Pecos Assiminea Snail
Pecos Gambusia
Pecos River Pupfish
Pectinia africanus
Pectoral Antwren
Pedder Galaxias
Pedra Branca Skink
Pelado Mountains False Toad
Pelagos Trout
Pelasgus epiroticus
Pelechuco Andes Frog
Peleng Island Tarsier
Peleng Leaf-nosed Bat
Pelophryne rhopophilia
Pelophylax grafi
Peloponnese Slow Worm
Pemba Flying Fox
Pemba Green-pigeon
Pemba Scops-owl
Pena de Francia Rock Lizard
Pena Verde Salamander
Penang Stream Toad
Pene galilaea
Penescosta mathewsi
Penescosta sororcula
Penguin Freshwater Snail
Peninsular Horseshoe Bat
Peninsular Myotis
Pennant's Red Colobus
Pennington's Protea
Pennsylvania Cave Amphipod
Peppered Tree Frog
Peracca's Plump Toad
Perbrinckia cracens
Percarina demidoffi
Perdicella helena
Pere David's Deer
Perija Metaltail
Perija Thistletail
Peripatoides indigo
Peripatoides suteri
Perkins' Treefrog
Pernagera gatliffi
Pernambuco Pygmy-owl
Pernatty Knob-tail
Perote Deer Mouse
Perote Ground Squirrel
Perret's Egg Frog
Perret's Night Frog
Perret's Toad
Perret's Water Frog
Perrier's Sifaka
Persian Fallow Deer
Persian Mountain Salamander
Persian Sturgeon
Peru Andes Frog
Peru Stubfoot Toad
Peru Water Frog
Peruvian Antpitta
Peruvian Climbing Mouse
Peruvian Diving-petrel
Peruvian Martin
Peruvian Pelican
Peruvian Piedtail
Peruvian Pigeon
Peruvian Plantcutter
Peruvian Recurvebill
Peruvian Tern
Pesquet's Parrot
Peters' Smooth Horned Frog
Peterson's Free-tailed Bat
Petropolis River Frog
Petrotilapia chrysos
Petrotilapia nigra
Petter's Tuft-tailed Rat
Pfeffer's Reed Frog
Pfeiffer's Red Bat
Pfrimer's Parakeet
Phallodrilus macmasterae
Phallostethus dunckeri
Phantasmal Poison Frog
Phantom Cave Crayfish
Phantom Cave Snail
Phasis pringlei
Phasmodes jeeba
Phayre's Leaf-monkey
Pheidole acutidens
Philautus decoris
Philippine Brown Deer
Philippine Bubble-nest Frog
Philippine Cockatoo
Philippine Crocodile
Philippine Dawn Bat
Philippine Duck
Philippine Dwarf-kingfisher
Philippine Eagle
Philippine Eagle-owl
Philippine Flat-headed Frog
Philippine Hawk-eagle
Philippine Leafbird
Philippine Needletail
Philippine Pangolin
Philippine Pond Turtle
Philippine Tarsier
Philippine Tube-nosed Fruit Bat
Philippine Wart Frog
Philippine Warty Pig
Phillip's Small-eared Shrew
Phillipine Porcupine
Philochortus zolii
Philonesia filiceti
Phoenix Petrel
Phongsaly Flying Frog
Phou Khao Khouay Leaf-nosed Bat
Phoxinellus alepidotus
Phrantela annamurrayae
Phricotelphusa callianira
Phrygiopilus acanthophallus
Phrynopus barthlenae
Phyllodiaptomus wellekensae
Pichincha Giant Glass Frog
Pichincha Poison Frog
Pichincha Rocket Frog
Pickersgill's Reed Frog
Pickle Springs Amphipod
Pico Blanco Toad
Pico Blanco Treefrog
Pico Turquino Robber Frog
Piebald Paa Frog
Pied Cuckoo-dove
Pied Cuckooshrike
Pied Tamarin
Piedmont Anomalous Blue
Piedmont Blue Burrower
Pig-footed Bandicoot
Pig-tailed Langur
Pigeon Mountain Salamander
Pigmy Splayfoot Salamander
Pijol Salamander
Pike Asp
Pila speciosa
Pilalo Treefrog
Pilar Tuco-tuco
Pileated Flycatcher
Pileated Gibbon
Pillar Coral
Pilsbrycharopa tumida
Pilula praetumida
Pimpled Bubble-nest Frog
Pinaleno Monkey Grasshopper
Pincushion Ray
Pine Barrens Treefrog
Pine Forest Stream Frog
Pingtung Crab
Pink Fairy Armadillo
Pink Mucket Pearlymussel
Pink Pigeon
Pink Ring Mussel
Pink Velvet Worm
Pink-bellied Imperial-pigeon
Pink-billed Parrotfinch
Pink-footed Shearwater
Pink-headed Duck
Pink-headed Imperial-pigeon
Pink-headed Warbler
Pink-legged Graveteiro
Pink-sided Treefrog
Pink-throated Brilliant
Pinos Robber Frog
Pinto's Spinetail
Pinyon Jay
Piping Peeping Frog
Piping Plover
Piraja's Lancehead
Pirre Warbler
Pirri Range Stubfoot Toad
Pisidium artifex
Pitcairn Reed Warbler
Pitt Island Longhorn Beetle
Pitt Island Shag
Pittier's Crab-eating Rat
Pittoconcha concinna
Piura Chat-tyrant
Piura Water Frog
Pizzini's Amphipod
Placostylus ambagiosus
Plagigeyeria conilis
Plagiolepis ampeloni
Plain Cactus Snail
Plain Green Bubble-nest Frog
Plain Mountain Adder
Plain Pigeon
Plain terapon
Plain Wanderer
Plain White-eye
Plain-backed Sunbird
Plain-flanked Rail
Plain-pouched Hornbill
Plain-tailed Nighthawk
Plain-tailed Warbling-finch
Plains Mouse
Plains Viscacha Rat
Plantanillo Gorge Salamander
Plate-billed Mountain-toucan
Platy Cuatro Cienegas
Platy De Muzquiz
Platycnemis agrioides
Platycypha pinheyi
Platygyra acuta
Platyla foliniana
Platymantis cagayanensis
Platyops sterreri
Platyrrhinus ismaeli
Platytaeniodus degeni
Pleasing Poison Frog
Plebejus hesperica
Plectranthias chungchowensis
Plectrohyla calthula
Plegma caelatura
Plesiastrea devantieri
Pleske's Grasshopper-warbler
Pleurocera postelli
Pleuroxia hinsbyi
Plicate Rocksnail
Plumbeous Antvireo
Plumbeous Forest-falcon
Plumbeous Hawk
Plunket's Dogfish
Plush-coated Ringtail
Plymouth Red-bellied Turtle
Podolian Mole Rat
Poecilmitis adonis
Poeppig's Woolly Monkey
Poey's Grouper
Pogonomyrmex anergismus
Pogonomyrmex colei
Pohle's Fruit Bat
Pohnpei Flying Fox
Point Arena Mountain Beaver
Polar Bear
Polillo Wrinkled Ground Frog
Polkadot Cod
Polkadot Poison Frog
Pollen's Vanga
Polyergus lucidus
Polyergus nigerrimus
Polynesian Ground Dove
Polynesian Imperial Pigeon
Polynesian Megapode
Polyommatus dama
Polyphyllia novaehiberniae
Pomace Fly
Pomugu Wrinkled Ground Frog
Ponape Greater White-eye
Ponape Mountain Starling
Poncelet's Giant Rat
Pond Bat
Ponderous Siltsnail
Pondicherry Shark
Pondoland Cannibal Snail
Ponmudi Bubble-nest Frog
Ponmudi Hill Bubble-nest Frog
Ponmudi Hills Bubble-nest Frog
Pontian Shemaya
Poole's Robber Frog
Poor Knights Weta
Pop-eyed Spikethumb Frog
Popta's Buntingi
Porcupine Ray
Porites annae
Poritipora paliformis
Poropuntius tawarensis
Port Conception Jerusalem Cricket
Porteous's Tuco-tuco
Porthole Treefrog
Portland Cave Robber Frog
Portland Parish Robber Frog
Portuguese Dogfish
Poso Bungu
Potamocarcinus hartmanni
Potamon bileki
Potamonautes choloensis
Potosi Centipede Snake
Potosi Pupfish
Powder Blue Damsel
Prairie Sphinx Moth
Precarious Black Millipede
Predatory Bush Cricket
Prehensile-tailed Hutia
Prespa Spirlin
Preuss' Red Colobus Monkey
Preuss's Monkey
Pribilof Island Shrew
Prickly Pear Island Snail
Prickly Shark
Prigogine's Greenbul
Primeval Splayfoot Salamander
Prince Ruspoli's Turaco
Princess Parrot
Principe Speirops
Pristimantis Rain Frog
Pristine Crayfish
Pritchard's Snake-necked Turtle
Pro-Mata Oval Frog
Proasellus parvulus
Proasellus slovenicus
Proboscis Monkey
Probreviceps durirostris
Procambarus latipleurum
Procarid Shrimp
Prognathochromis sp. nov. 'long snout'
Pronged Clubtail
Proserpine Rock Wallaby
Proserpine Shiner
Prostherapis dunni
Protemblemaria punctata
Protocobitis typhlops
Protomelas virgatus
Protomognathus americanus
Prototrachia sedula
Providence Petrel
Przewalski's Gazelle
Przewalski's Horse
Psacadonotus insulanus
Psammocora contigua
Pseudagrion arabicum
Pseudamnicola anteisensis
Pseudoatta argentina
Pseudocandona cavicola
Pseudochazara euxina
Pseudochondrostoma duriense
Pseudoeurycea cephalica
Pseudomoraria triglavensis
Pseudomulleria dalyi
Pseudomyrmex leptosus
Pseudophoxinus anatolicus
Pseudotropheus ater
Psychrophrynella adenopleura
Ptychalaea dedecora
Ptychochromis inornatus
Ptychochromis sp. nov.
Ptychochromoides betsileanus
Ptychodon schuppi
Ptychohyla dendrophasma
Ptychophallus tristani
Ptyochromis sp. nov.
Puebla Deer Mouse
Puebla Frog
Puebla Treefrog
Puerto Cabello Robber Frog
Puerto Rican Boa
Puerto Rican Broad-winged Hawk
Puerto Rican Crested Toad
Puerto Rican Nightjar
Puerto Rican Parrot
Puerto Rican Robber Frog
Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk
Puerto Rican Wetland Frog
Puff-backed Bulbul
Pulitzer's Longbill
Pulmonate Limpet
Pulo Tioman Stream Toad
Puna Flamingo
Puna Mouse
Pundamilia igneopinis
Pundt's Tuco-tuco
Puntius hemictenus
Pupamon phrae
Purcell's Hunter Slug
Puritan Tiger Beetle
Purple Bankclimber
Purple Bean
Purple Dollarbird
Purple Eagle Ray
Purple Ghats Frog
Purple Marsh Crab
Purple Skimmer
Purple Threadtail
Purple-backed Sunbeam
Purple-faced Langur
Purple-naped Lory
Purple-sided Leaf Frog
Purple-winged Ground Dove
Purplish-mantled Tanager
Putnam County Cave Crayfish
Putumayo Robber Frog
Puxiong Lazy Toad
Puyo Giant Glass Frog
Pycroft's Petrel
Pygmy Alligator Lizard
Pygmy Chimpanzee
Pygmy Copperhead
Pygmy Devilray
Pygmy Hippopotamus
Pygmy Hog
Pygmy Hog Sucking Louse
Pygmy Madtom
Pygmy Mouse Lemur
Pygmy Pebblesnail
Pygmy Rabbit
Pygmy Raccoon
Pygmy Sculpin
Pygmy Siltsnail
Pygmy Slow Loris
Pygmy Spotted Skunk
Pygmy Three-toed Sloth
Pygmy White-tailed Rat
Pygmy Wrinkled Ground Frog
Pyrenaearia daanidentata
Pyrenaearia molae
Pyrenean Brook Salamander
Pyrenean Desman
Pyrenean Frog
Pyrenean Ibex
Pyrenean Rock Lizard
Pyxichromis orthostoma
Qinghai Lake Toad
Quadrate Pebblesnail
Quarry Worm Salamander
Quebrada Valverde Salamander
Quechuan Hocicudo
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Butterfly
Queen Malachite
Queen Triggerfish
Queensland Rat-kangaroo
Queretaran Desert Lizard
Quick Step Robber Frog
Quindio Glass Frog
Quino Checkerspot Butterfly
Rabbit Bandicoot
Rabor's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Raddaus mertensi
Radioconus goeldi
Radiodiscus amdenus
Raetzer's Ringlet
Rahm's Brush-furred Rat
Railroad Valley Springfish
Rainbow Goodeid
Rainbow Parrotfish
Rainforest Running Frog
Rajah Spiny Rat
Ramajana Bambootail
Rameshwaram Ornamental
Ramsay's Python
Ramsey Canyon Leopard Frog
Rancho Grande Harlequin Frog
Randrianasoli's Sportive Lemur
Ranjini's Field Rat
Ranongga White-eye
Rapa Fruit-dove
Rapid River Freshwater Snail
Rarotonga Monarch
Rarotonga Starling
Rasbora baliensis
Raso Lark
Rattling Frog
Rattus satarae
Ravelobe Mouse Lemur
Razor-billed Curassow
Razorback Sucker
Reclusive Ringtail
Recurve-billed Bushbird
Red And Yellow Mountain Frog
Red Bird-of-paradise
Red Chaser
Red Deer
Red Fruit Bat
Red Goral
Red Goshawk
Red Grouper
Red Hills Salamander
Red Jungle-skimmer
Red Kite
Red Lark
Red Myotis
Red Panda
Red Peeping Frog
Red Porgy
Red Rain Frog
Red Rainbowfish
Red Ruffed Lemur
Red Serow
Red Siskin
Red Slate Ornamental
Red Slender Loris
Red Spotted Argentina Frog
Red Stingray
Red Tree Vole
Red Wolf
Red-and-black Thrush
Red-and-blue Lory
Red-and-gray Mouse Lemur
Red-backed Squirrel Monkey
Red-backed Thrush
Red-bellied Earth Runner
Red-bellied Grackle
Red-bellied Lemur
Red-bellied Myzomela
Red-bellied Racer
Red-billed Curassow
Red-billed Hanging-parrot
Red-black Crayfish
Red-breasted Goose
Red-breasted Plover
Red-browed Parrot
Red-capped Parrot
Red-cheeked Salamander
Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Red-collared Mountain-babbler
Red-collared Woodpecker
Red-crowned Barbet
Red-crowned Parrot
Red-crowned Toadlet
Red-eared Nose-spotted Monkey
Red-eared Parrotfinch
Red-faced Barbet
Red-faced Malkoha
Red-faced Parrot
Red-finned Blue-eye
Red-footed Climbing Salamander
Red-footed Falcon
Red-fronted Antpecker
Red-fronted Brown Lemur
Red-fronted Gazelle
Red-fronted Macaw
Red-fronted Parakeet
Red-fronted Parrotlet
Red-handed Howler Monkey
Red-handed Howling Monkey
Red-headed Amazon River Turtle
Red-headed Flying Frog
Red-headed Vulture
Red-headed Water Frog
Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-knobbed Imperial-pigeon
Red-legged Cormorant
Red-legged Horn Frog
Red-legged Kittiwake
Red-legged Robber Frog
Red-legged Salamander
Red-legged Threadtail
Red-lored Whistler
Red-masked Parakeet
Red-naped Fruit-dove
Red-naped Trogon
Red-necked Parrot
Red-necked Pond Turtle
Red-nosed Tree Rat
Red-shouldered Spinetail
Red-shouldered Vanga
Red-spectacled Parrot
Red-spotted Chirping Frog
Red-spotted Lazy Toad
Red-spotted Toad
Red-tailed Knobby Newt
Red-tailed Newtonia
Red-tailed Parrot
Red-tailed Phascogale
Red-tailed Sharkminnow
Red-tailed Sportive Lemur
Red-throated Barbet
Red-throated Lorikeet
Red-throated Sunbird
Redback Bright-eyed Frog
Redbelly Egg Frog
Redclaw Crayfish
Reddell's Cave Amphipod
Reddish Scops-owl
Rednose Robber Frog
Rednose Stubfoot Toad
Reed Frog
Reed Parrotbill
Reeves's Pheasant
Regent Honeyeater
Reiche's Squeaker
Reig's Aepeomys
Reig's Opossum
Reig's Tuco-tuco
Relict Dace
Relict Darter
Relict Gull
Relict Himalayan Dragonfly
Relict Leopard Frog
Remote Conehead Katydid
Renea bourguignatiana
Rennell Flying Fox
Resowska Shemaja
Resplendent Pygmy Angelfish
Resplendent Quetzal
Restinga Antwren
Restinga Tyrannulet
Reticulate Bubble-nest Frog
Reticulate Collared Lizard
Reticulate Leaf Frog
Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander
Reticulated Toadfish
Retinella stabilei
Reunion Cuckoo-shrike
Reunion Harrier
Reventazon Shadowdamsel
Reymondia tanganyicensis
Rhabdalestes leleupi
Rhacophorus zhaojuensis
Rhadinaea fulvivittis
Rhaebo caeruleostictus
Rhagada gibbensis
Rhamdia zongolicensis
Rhantus alutaceus
Rheocles alaotrensis
Rhinella amabilis
Rhinobatos jimbaranensis
Rhinoceros Hornbill
Rhinocypha hageni
Rhipidolestes okinawanus
Rhithrodytes agnus
Rhode's Robber Frog
Rhombophryne coronata
Rhoptromyrmex mayri
Rhynchochydorus australiensis
Rhysoconcha atanuiensis
Rhytida clarki
Ribbon-tailed Astrapia
Ribeirao Button Frog
Rich Mountain Salamander
Richard's Moss Salamander
Richmond Range Mountain Frog
Richmond's Robber Frog
Richmond's Squirrel
Rickett's Big-footed Bat
Ricordi's Robber Frog
Ridge Marsupial Frog
Ridgway's Hawk
Ridley's Myotis
Riggenbach's Reed Frog
Rilett's Climbing Salamander
Rim Rock Crowned Snake
Rimatara Reed-warbler
Rimitara Lorikeet
Ring-necked Francolin
Ring-tailed Lemur
Ring-tailed Pigeon
Ringed Boghaunter
Ringed Hornsnail
Ringed River Frog
Ringed Sawback
Ringstraked Guitarfish
Rio Branco Antbird
Rio Calima Marsupial Frog
Rio Calles Robber Frog
Rio Carauta Stubfoot Toad
Rio Chingual Valley Treefrog
Rio Chipillico Frog
Rio De Janeiro Antbird
Rio De Janeiro Antwren
Rio De Janeiro Arboreal Rat
Rio Faisanes Stubfoot Toad
Rio Grande Darter
Rio Grande Monkeyface
Rio Grande Silvery Minnow
Rio Luisito Treefrog
Rio Magdalena River Turtle
Rio Mutum Frog
Rio Pescado Stubfoot Toad
Rio Pitzara Robber Frog
Rio Quiri Salamander
Rio Sananja Spikethumb Frog
Rio Skate
Rio Suno Robber Frog
Rio Viejo Toad
Riobamba Marsupial Frog
Riparian Brush Rabbit
Riparian Woodrat
Ris's Sanddragon
Risiocnemis seidenschwarzi
River Pipefish
River Terrapin
Rivera Redbelly Toad
Riverine Rabbit
Rivero's Cochran Frog
Rivulet Tiger (Dragonfly)
Roach's Mouse-tailed Dormouse
Roanoke Bass
Roanoke Logperch
Roatan Island Agouti
Roatan Spiny-tailed Iguana
Robber Baron Cave Meshweaver
Roberto's Spiny Rat
Roberts' False Brook Salamander
Roberts' Treefrog
Robust Cottontail
Robust Golden Mole
Robust Skink
Rockefeller's Sunbird
Rocky Mountain Capshell
Rocky River Frog
Rodeck's Whiptail
Rodrigues Day Gecko
Rodrigues Fody
Rodrigues Fruit Bat
Rodrigues Warbler
Rodriguezus trujillensis
Roig's Tuco-tuco
Rolling Pebblesnail
Romanian Hamster
Romanian Loach
Romanogobio benacensis
Romer's Treefrog
Ronald's Robber Frog
Rondo Bushbaby
Rondonia Bushbird
Rondonia Marmoset
Roque Chico de Salmor Giant Lizard
Roraima Bush Toad
Roraima Mouse
Rosalia Longicorn
Rose's Mountain Toad
Rose-bellied Bunting
Roseate Tern
Rossomyrmex minuchae
Rossomyrmex proformicarum
Roswell Springsnail
Rosy Ground Frog
Rota Bridled White-eye
Rothschild's Birdwing
Rothschild's Starling
Rothschild's Swift
Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle
Rotuma Myzomela
Rouget's Rail
Rough Cactus Coral
Rough Horned Frog
Rough Hornsnail
Rough Pigtoe
Rough Rabbitsfoot
Rough Rockshell
Rough Sculpin
Rough-haired Golden Mole
Rough-skinned Bubble-nest Frog
Roughneck Alligator Lizard
Roughnose Wedgefish
Roughskin Skate
Round Ebonyshell
Round Island Burrowing Boa
Round Island Casarea Boa
Round Island Day Gecko
Round Island Skink
Round Rocksnail
Round-rib Elimia
Roviana Rail
Roving Coralgrouper
Rovuma Topminnow
Rowley's Palm Pit Viper
Royal Cinclodes
Royal False Brook Salamander
Royal Marstonia Snail
Royal Parrotfinch
Royal Penguin
Royal Sunangel
Royal Yarrow's Spiny Lizard
Royle's Mountain Vole
Ruaha Lampeye
Ruatara koarana
Ruatara oparica
Rubberlip Hap
Rubeho Akalat
Ruby-legged Black Millipede
Rudd's Lark
Rueck's Blue-flycatcher
Rueppel's Big-eyed Treefrog
Rueppell's Vulture
Rufous Coucal
Rufous Fishing-owl
Rufous Flycatcher
Rufous Hornbill
Rufous Scrub-bird
Rufous-backed Bunting
Rufous-bellied Saltator
Rufous-breasted Laughingthrush
Rufous-breasted Warbling-finch
Rufous-browed Hemispingus
Rufous-cheeked Hummingbird
Rufous-chested Flycatcher
Rufous-collared Kingfisher
Rufous-crowned Antpitta
Rufous-crowned Babbler
Rufous-eared Brush-finch
Rufous-faced Crake
Rufous-fronted Antthrush
Rufous-fronted Laughingthrush
Rufous-fronted Parakeet
Rufous-headed Chachalaca
Rufous-headed Ground-roller
Rufous-headed Hornbill
Rufous-headed Robin
Rufous-lored Kingfisher
Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner
Rufous-necked Hornbill
Rufous-rumped Grassbird
Rufous-rumped Seedeater
Rufous-sided Pygmy-tyrant
Rufous-tailed Antbird
Rufous-tailed Hawk
Rufous-tailed Shama
Rufous-throated Dipper
Rufous-throated Flycatcher
Rufous-throated White-eye
Rufous-throated Wren-babbler
Rufous-vented Prinia
Rufous-winged Illadopsis
Rufous-winged Sunbird
Rugegewald River Frog
Rugged Hornsnail
Ruiz's Marsupial Frog
Ruiz's Robber Frog
Ruiz's Rocket Frog
Rumpi Mouse Shrew
Rupirana cardosoi
Rus Bubble-nest Frog
Russet Hawk-owl
Russet-bellied Spinetail
Russet-crowned Quail-dove
Russet-mantled Softtail
Russet-winged Spadebill
Russian Desman
Russian Sturgeon
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Grave Digger
Rusty-barred Owl
Rusty-bellied Shortwing
Rusty-faced Babbler
Rusty-faced Parrot
Rusty-flanked Crake
Rusty-gray Lesser Bamboo Lemur
Rusty-headed Spinetail
Rusty-necked Piculet
Rusty-spotted Cat
Rusty-throated Parrotbill
Rusty-throated Wren-babbler
Rusty-winged Starling
Rutenberg's Reed Frog
Ruth's Robber Frog
Ruthvens Kingsnake
Rutilus meidingeri
Ruwenzori Horseshoe Bat
Ruwenzori Shrew
Rwanda River Frog
Rwenzori Otter Shrew
Rye Cove Cave Isopod
Ryukyu Black-breasted Leaf Turtle
Ryukyu Brown Frog
Ryukyu Flying Fox
Ryukyu Rabbit
Ryukyu Robin
Ryukyu Shrew
Ryukyu Spiny Rat
Ryukyu Tip-nosed Frog
Ryukyu Tube-nosed Bat
Ryukyu Woodcock
Ryukyus Islands Tree Rat
Saavedra Andes Frog
Sabah Rice Frog
Sabahphrynus anotis
Sabino Dancer
Saccogaster melanomycter
Sachs's Stream Crab
Sacramento Anthicid Beetle
Sacramento Splittail
Sacred Swamp Wrinkled Frog
Saddled Galaxias
Sadleriana pannonica
Sado Mole
Saffron Siskin
Saffron Toucanet
Saffron-breasted Redstart
Saffron-cowled Blackbird
Saffron-headed Parrot
Sagalla Caecilian
Sahamalaza Sportive Lemur
Saiga Antelope
Saimaa Ringed Seal
Saint Andrew's Cross Toadlet
Saint Helena Earwig
Saint Lucia Mullet
Sakalava Rail
Saker Falcon
Sakhalin Sturgeon
Sakhalin Vole
Salangathelphusa anophrys
Salaria economidisi
Salgir Gudgeon
Salim Ali's Fruit Bat
Salina Mucket
Salinas Monjita
Saline Burrowing Crayfish
Salmo ohridanus
Salmon River Freshwater Snail
Salmon-crested Cockatoo
Salt Creek Tiger Beetle
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse
Salta Marsupial Frog
Salta Toad
Salta Water Frog
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Saltwater Crocodile
Salvadori's Antwren
Salvadori's Fig-parrot
Salvadori's Nightjar
Salvadori's Pheasant
Salvadori's Serin
Salvadori's Teal
Salvelinus colii
Salvin's Albatross
Salvin's Salamander
Sambar Deer
Sambirano Mouse Lemur
Samoan Flycatcher
Samoan Flying Fox
Samoan Moorhen
Samoan Tree Snail
Samoan Triller
Samoan White-eye
Samwell Cave Cricket
San Andres Vireo
San Bernardino Merriam's Kangaroo Rat
San Bruno Elfin Butterfly
San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike
San Cristobal Mockingbird
San Cristobal Shrew
San Diego Fairy Shrimp
San Esteban Deer Mouse
San Esteban Island Chuckwalla
San Francisco Garter Snake
San Gabriel Springs Salamander
San Isidro Stubfoot Toad
San Joaquin Dune Beetle
San Joaquin Kit Fox
San Jose Brush Rabbit
San Jose Island Kangaroo Rat
San Lorenzo Deer Mouse
San Lucan Leaf-toed Gecko
San Lucas Marsupial Frog
San Marcos Gambusia
San Marcos Salamander
San Martin False Brook Salamander
San Martin Fringe-limbed Treefrog
San Martin Minute Salamander
San Martin Redbelly Toad
San Pedro Martir Side-blotched Lizard
San Pedro Martir Whiptail
San Quintin Kangaroo Rat
Sanborn's Flying Fox
Sanborn's Grass Mouse
Sanborn's Water Frog
Sand Cat
Sand Sturgeon
Sandhill Crane
Sandhills Crayfish
Sandstone Night Lizard
Sandstone Pseudantechinus
Sandy Mole Rat
Sanford's Brown Lemur
Sanford's Sea-eagle
Sanford's White-eye
Sangihe Hanging-parrot
Sangihe Island Tarsier
Sangihe Shrike-thrush
Sangihe White-eye
Sanja Pampa Andes Frog
Sanje Crested Mangabey
Santa Ana Sucker
Santa Barbara Bromeliad Salamander
Santa Barbara Moss Salamander
Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake
Santa Catalina Island Whiptail
Santa Catarina Leaf Frog
Santa Catarina Sabrefin
Santa Catarina's Guinea Pig
Santa Cruz Dwarf Frog
Santa Cruz Ground Dove
Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander
Santa Cruz Mouse
Santa Cruz Shrikebill
Santa Fe Cave Crayfish
Santa Fe White-lipped Frog
Santa Marta Antpitta
Santa Marta Bush-tyrant
Santa Marta Parakeet
Santa Marta Poison Arrow Frog
Santa Marta Sabrewing
Santa Marta Warbler
Santa Marta Wren
Santa Monica Mountains Grasshopper
Santa Monica Shieldback Katydid
Santa Rita Beaked Toad
Santa Rita Rocket Frog
Santander Poison Frog
Santiago Galapagos Mouse
Santiago Rocket Frog
Santo Starling
Sao Francisco Sparrow
Sao Miguel Bullfinch
Sao Paulo Tyrannulet
Sao Tome Collared Fruit Bat
Sao Tome Fiscal Shrike
Sao Tome Free-tailed Bat
Sao Tome Giant Sunbird
Sao Tome Grosbeak
Sao Tome Oriole
Sao Tome Reed Frog
Sao Tome Scops-owl
Sao Tome Short-tail
Sao Tome Shrew
Sao Tome Thrush
Sao Tome White-eye
Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird
Sarasin Bubble-nest Frog
Sarasin's Goby
Sarasins Minnow
Sarawak Grainy Frog
Sardinata Treefrog
Sardinian Brook Salamander
Sardinian Long-eared Bat
Sardinilla Cuatro Cienegas
Sardinita Bocagrande
Sardinita De Rio Verde
Sardinita De Santa Maria
Sardinita De Tepelmene
Sardinita Del Pilon
Sardinita Quijarrona
Sarrabus Cave Salamander
Sarus Crane
Satsukimasu Salmon
Satyr Tragopan
Saunders's Gull
Sauter's Brown Frog
Savage River Freshwater Snail
Savage's Brook Frog
Savage's Cochran Frog
Savigny's Agama
Savigny's Fringe-fingered Lizard
Saw-billed Hermit
Sawback Angelshark
Sawtail Grouper
Say's Spiketail
Sayamia maehongsonensis
Sayamia melanodactylus
Scaled Ground-cuckoo
Scaleshell Mussel
Scallop-breasted Antpitta
Scalloped Antbird
Scaly Ground-roller
Scaly-breasted Bulbul
Scaly-sided Merganser
Scaly-tailed Possum
Scanty Frog
Scarlet Bluet
Scarlet Harlequin Toad
Scarlet-banded Barbet
Scarlet-breasted Dacnis
Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker
Scarlet-breasted Robin
Scarlet-chested Parakeet
Scarlet-collared Flowerpecker
Scarlet-rumped Trogon
Schauinsland's Bush Cricket
Schaus Swallowtail
Schayer's Grasshopper
Schelkovnikov's Pine Vole
Schilf's Madagascar Frog
Schiotz's Reed Frog
Schizothorax lepidothorax
Schlegel's Asity
Schmacker's Bubble-nest Frog
Schmarda Bubble-nest Frog
Schmidly's Deer Mouse
Schmidt's Lazy Toad
Schmidt's Marsupial Frog
Schmidt's Minute Salamander
Schmidt's Mountain Brook Frog
Schmidt's Robber Frog
Schmidt's Spinythumb Frog
Schmidt's Stubfoot Toad
Schneider's Pitta
Schneider's Surprise
Schouteden's Swift
Schreiber's Fringe-fingered Lizard
Schubert's Stefania Treefrog
Schultze's Stream Frog
Schwartz's Myotis
Schwartz's Robber Frog
Scimitar-horned Oryx
Scimitar-winged Piha
Scinax alcatraz
Scioto Madtom
Scissor-tailed Hummingbird
Sclater's Lark
Sclater's Monal Pheasant
Sclater's Monkey
Sclater's Shrew
Sclater's Tiny Mouse Shrew
Scortecci's Toad
Scott's Mouse-eared Bat
Scottbar Salamander
Scottsdale Freshwater Snail
Scree Skink
Sculpin Snail
Sculptiferussacia clausiliaeformis
Scutiger chintingensis
Sea Otter
Sechura Desert Fox
Seed Shrimp
Seep Frog
Seepage Salamander
Sehuencas Water Frog
Sei Whale
Selva Cacique
Semi-collared Flycatcher
Semiaquatic Treefrog
Semicollared Hawk
Seminole Siltsnail
Semirechensk Salamander
Semotrachia euzyga
Semper's Warbler
Sentani Rainbowfish
Seoul Pond Frog
Sepia Stingray
Seram Bandicoot
Seram Flying Fox
Seram Island Mountain Rat
Seram Thrush
Serasan Borneo Frog
Serendib Scops-owl
Seri's Tree Kangaroo
Seriatopora aculeata
Serpent Island Centipede
Serpent Island Gecko
Serra Do Mar Tyrannulet
Serrastruma inquilina
Setaro's Dwarf Chameleon
Seven-colored Tanager
Seychelles Crow
Seychelles Fineliner
Seychelles Fody
Seychelles Frog
Seychelles House Snake
Seychelles Kestrel
Seychelles Lesser Vasa Parrot
Seychelles Magpie-robin
Seychelles Palm Frog
Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher
Seychelles Scops Owl
Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat
Seychelles Swiftlet
Seychelles Turtle Dove
Seychelles Warbler
Seychelles White-eye
Seychelles Wolf Snake
Shadowy Web-footed Salamander
Shangcheng Stout Salamander
Shanghai Soft-shell Turtle
Shark Bay Mouse
Sharman's Rock Wallaby
Sharp Bubble-nest Frog
Sharp Snouted Day Frog
Sharp-ribbed Salamander
Sharp-tailed Grass Tyrant
Sharpe's Longclaw
Sharpfin Houndshark
Sharpnose Guitarfish
Sharpnose Stingray
Sharpsnout Reed Frog
Sharpsnout Stingray
Sharptooth Lemon Shark
Shasta Crayfish
Shasta Salamander
Sheldonia puzeyi
Shelley's Crimson-wing
Shelley's Eagle-owl
Shenandoah Mountain Salamander
Shenandoah Salamander
Shield-nosed Leaf-nosed Bat
Shillong Bubble-nest Frog
Shimaakane Dragonfly
Shimba Hills Reed Frog
Shiny Pigtoe
Shinyrayed Pocketbook
Shipton's Mountain Cavy
Shoa Forest Treefrog
Short-billed Black Cockatoo
Short-crested Blue Monarch
Short-crested Coquette
Short-eared Dog
Short-legged Ground-roller
Short-legged Horned Toad
Short-legged Stream Frog
Short-necked Turtle
Short-nosed Green Frog
Short-tailed Albatross
Short-tailed Babbler
Short-tailed Brush-furred Rat
Short-tailed Chinchilla
Short-tailed Frogmouth
Short-tailed Mosaic-tailed Rat
Short-tailed Roundleaf Bat
Short-tailed Scimitar-babbler
Short-tailed Snake
Short-toed Coucal
Shortjaw Cisco
Shortjawed Kokopu
Shortlip Electric Ray
Shortnose Cisco
Shortnose Guitarfish
Shortnose Sturgeon
Shortnose Sucker
Shortridge's Langur
Shortridge's Native Mouse
Shortsnout Water Frog
Shortspine Thornyhead
Shortspire Hornsnail
Shorttail Nurse Shark
Shoshone Sculpin
Shrew-faced Squirrel
Shuicheng Salamander
Shy Albatross
Shy Ground-dove
Siam Narrowmouth Toad
Siamese Crocodile
Siamese Fireback
Siamese Stream Toad
Siamthelphusa holthuisi
Siau Scops-owl
Sibayi Goby
Siberian Grouse
Siberian Musk Deer
Siberian Sturgeon
Siberian White Crane
Siberut Flying Squirrel
Siberut Macaque
Sibree's Dwarf Lemur
Sichuan Gray Jay
Sichuan Lazy Toad
Sichuan Partridge
Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkey
Sichuan Treecreeper
Sickle-winged Nightjar
Sicyopus axilimentus
Sidamo Lark
Siderastrea glynni
Sierra Juarez Alligator Lizard
Sierra Juarez Brook Frog
Sierra Juarez Salamander
Sierra Juarez Treefrog
Sierra Leone Grassland Frog
Sierra Leone Reed Frog
Sierra Leone Water Frog
Sierra Madre Ground Squirrel
Sierra Madre Occidental Frog
Sierra Madre Sparrow
Sierra Madre Wrinkled Ground Frog
Sierra Maestra Blotched Frog
Sierra Nevada Blue
Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog
Sierra Pygmy Grasshopper
Sika Deer
Silent Grass Mouse
Silent Valley Torrent Toad
Silky Sifaka
Silky Snail
Silt Elimia
Silver Glen Springs Cave Crayfish
Silver Marsupial Frog
Silver Oriole
Silver Perch
Silver Pika
Silver Rice Rat
Silver Shark
Silver-eyed Barred Frog
Silverstone's Climbing Salamander
Silvery Gibbon
Silvery Kingfisher
Silvery Lutung
Silvery White Fish
Silvery Wood-pigeon
Silvery-brown Bare-face Tamarin
Simalur Archipelago Rat
Simba Bubble-nest Frog
Simeulue Scops-owl
Similar Frog
Simmon's Mouse Lemur
Simmons' Treefrog
Simochromis margaretae
Sinai Hooktail
Singapore Roundleaf Horseshoe Bat
Sinhalestes orientalis
Sinogastromyzon puliensis
Sinopotamon ebianense
Sinployea pitcairnensis
Sipora Flying Squirrel
Sir David's Long-beaked Echidna
Sira Poison Frog
Sira Tanager
Siraz Baligi
Siraz Baliginin Capoeta
Siskiyou Chloealtis Grasshopper
Siskiyou Mountains Salamander
Six-tubercled Amazon River Turtle
Sixgill Sawshark
Skadar Gudgeon
Skadar Shad
Skirted Hornsnail
Skistodiaptomus carolinensis
Sky-blue Poison Frog
Skyros Wall Lizard
Slackwater Darter
Slaty Becard
Slaty Bristlefront
Slaty Cuckoo-dove
Slaty Egret
Slaty-backed Hemispingus
Slaty-backed Jungle-flycatcher
Slaty-backed Thrush
Slaty-mantled Sparrowhawk
Slave Raiding Ant
Slender Antbird
Slender Campeloma
Slender Chub
Slender Hammerhead
Slender Oldfield Mouse
Slender Redfin
Slender Worm Salamander
Slender-billed Babbler
Slender-billed Curlew
Slender-billed Finch
Slender-billed Flufftail
Slender-billed Grackle
Slender-billed Vulture
Slender-billed White-eye
Slender-horned Gazelle
Slender-tailed Deer Mouse
Slenderwrist Burrowing Crayfish
Sloth Bear
Slowwater Elimia
Small Amu-dar Shovelnose Sturgeon
Small Dorcopsis
Small Eye Golden-line Fish
Small Fanwinged Katydid
Small Grainy Frog
Small Iron-gray Dwarf Lemur
Small Kauai Thrush
Small Lappet Moth
Small Red Brocket
Small Sparrowhawk
Small Sulawesi Cuscus
Small Three-toed Skink
Small Woolly Bat
Small Wrinkled Frog
Small-eared Toad
Small-eared Treefrog
Small-headed Frog
Small-scaled Skink
Small-toothed Fruit Bat
Small-toothed Harvest Mouse
Small-toothed Sportive Lemur
Small-webbed Bell Toad
Smalleye Shiner
Smallscale Redfin
Smallscaled Grouper
Smalltooth Sawfish
Smith's Blue Butterfly
Smith's Dwarf Chamaeleon
Smith's False Brook Salamander
Smith's Minute Salamander
Smith's Shrew
Smokey Bat
Smoky Flying Squirrel
Smoky Madtom
Smoky Mouse
Smoky White-toothed Shrew
Smoky-winged Threadtail
Smooth Bum Coral
Smooth Cauliflower Coral
Smooth Rocksnail
Smooth Skate
Smooth-coated Otter
Smoothback Angel Shark
Smoothnose Wedgefish
Smoothtooth Blacktip
Snail Darter
Snake River Physa Snail
Snake Skin Hunter Slug
Snares Crested Penguin
Snoring Rail
Snow Leopard
Snow Mountain Quail
Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush
Snowy-throated Babbler
Sociable Lapwing
Social Sprite
Social Tuco-tuco
Sockeye Salmon
Socorro Dove
Socorro Isopod
Socorro Mockingbird
Socorro Parakeet
Socorro Springsnail
Socorro Wren
Socotra Bunting
Socotra Cormorant
Soemmerring's Gazelle
Sokoke Bushy-tailed Mongoose
Sokoke Pipit
Solenopsis daguerrei
Solitary Black Millipede
Solitary Fruit-eating Bat
Solitary Tinamou
Solo Goodeido
Solomon Island Palm Frog
Solomon Islands Cuckooshrike
Solomons Flying Fox
Somali Grosbeak
Somali Thrush
Somalian Blind Barb
Somalian Cavefish
Somanniathelphusa zanklon
Somatochlora borisi
Sombre Kingfisher
Sombre Leaf-warbler
Somersiella sterreri
Sonan's Salamander
Songpan Slow Frog
Sonora Mud Turtle
Sonora Tiger Salamander
Sonoran Woodrat
Sonson Stubfoot Toad
Sooty Albatross
Sooty Ant-tanager
Sooty Babbler
Sooty Crayfish
Sooty Falcon
Sooty Mangabey
Sooty Shearwater
Sooty-capped Babbler
Sooty-capped Puffbird
Sorata Andes Frog
Sordid Bubble-nest Frog
Sorensen's Leaf-nosed Bat
South American Red-lined Turtle
South American Rocket Frog
South American Tapir
South American True Toad
South Andean Huemul
South Asian Box Turtle
South Australia Crab
South Brazilian Skate
South Georgia Pipit
South Island Wren
South Mountain Gray-cheeked Salamander
South Nicobar Serpent-eagle
South Sierra Nevada Springsnail
Southeast Asian Long-fingered Bat
Southern Acornshell
Southern Bald Ibis
Southern Banded Snake-eagle
Southern Black Millipede
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Southern Bristle-tyrant
Southern Brown Kiwi
Southern Cassowary
Southern Cavefish
Southern Clubshell
Southern Combshell
Southern Crowned-pigeon
Southern Damselfly
Southern Flat-tailed Dwarf Lemur
Southern Giant Clam
Southern Giant-petrel
Southern Highland Treefrog
Southern Hog-nosed Snake
Southern Hutia
Southern Kidneyshell
Southern Long-nosed Armadillo
Southern Luzon Phloeomys
Southern Marbled Newt
Southern Mountain Frog
Southern New Guinea Snapping Turtle
Southern Pig-tailed Macaque
Southern Pigtoe
Southern Planigale
Southern Pudu
Southern Right Whale
Southern River Otter
Southern Rockhopper Penguin
Southern Round-gland Toad
Southern Royal Albatross
Southern Sawtail Catshark
Southern Sierra Madre Treefrog
Southern Snaketail
Southern Three-banded Armadillo
Southern Tuco-tuco
Southern Water Vole
Southern Whipping Frog
Southwestern Toad
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
Sowbug Rice Rat
Spaldings Robber Frog
Spanish Algyroides
Spanish Imperial Eagle
Spanish Lynx
Spanish Painted Frog
Spartan Crow
Spatula-toothed Snake
Spea hammondii
Speartooth Shark
Speckle-chested Piculet
Speckled Burrowing Crayfish
Speckled Dace
Speckled Egg Frog
Speckled Ground Squirrel
Speckled Pocketbook
Speckled Smoothhound
Spectacled Duck
Spectacled Petrel
Spectral Bat
Spectral Tarsier
Speke's Gazelle
Spekia coheni
Spelaeodiscus tatricus
Spelaeoecia bermudensis
Speleoithona bermudensis
Speleophria bivexilla
Spencer's River Tree Frog
Spengler's Freshwater Mussel
Speocirolana thermydromis
Sperm Whale
Sphaerolana affinis
Sphaerophysa dianchiensis
Sphagnum Frog
Spider Tortoise
Spindle Elimia
Spinefinger Treefrog
Spineless Forest Lizard
Spinomantis massi
Spiny Angel Shark
Spiny Crayfish
Spiny Eye-lid Ground Frog
Spiny Frog
Spiny Indonesian Treefrog
Spiny River Snail
Spiny Seram Island Rat
Spiny Terrapin
Spiny-breasted Frog
Spiny-faced Antshrike
Spiny-flanked Frog
Spiny-tail Crayfish
Spinycheek Grouper
Spiral Hornsnail
Spiralothelphusa fernandoi
Spirorbula latens
Spirorbula squalida
Spix's Red-handed Howler Monkey
Splendid Pearlfish
Splendid Poison Frog
Splendid Toadfish
Splendid White-eye
Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Spot-billed Pelican
Spot-breasted Antvireo
Spot-breasted White-eye
Spot-necked Bulbul
Spot-tailed Earless Lizard
Spot-tailed Warty Newt
Spot-winged Parrotlet
Spot-winged Thrush
Spotback Skate
Spotfin Gambusia
Spotted Bamboowren
Spotted Cochran Frog
Spotted Crocias
Spotted Eagle Ray
Spotted Ground-thrush
Spotted Handfish
Spotted Houndshark
Spotted Imperial-pigeon
Spotted Linsang
Spotted Loach
Spotted Minute Salamander
Spotted Owl
Spotted Pond Turtle
Spotted Rocksnail
Spotted Shovelnose Ray
Spotted Snout-burrower
Spotted Spiny Lizard
Spotted Turtle
Spotted Wobbegong
Spotted-tailed Quoll
Sprague's Pipit
Spring Cave Amphipod
Spruce-fir Moss Spider
Squalius anatolicus
Sri Lanka Blue Magpie
Sri Lanka Bush-warbler
Sri Lanka Dot Frog
Sri Lanka Forktail
Sri Lanka Grappletail
Sri Lanka Hill Myna
Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush
Sri Lanka Whistling-thrush
Sri Lanka Wood-pigeon
Sri Lankan Highland Tree Mouse
Sri Lankan Long-tailed Shrew
Sri Lankan Mountain Rat
Sri Lankan Relict Ant
Sri Lankan Rice Frog
Sri Lankan True Toad
St Helena Dragonet
St. Croix Ground Lizard
St. Helena Chromis
St. Helena Plover
St. Lucia Black Finch
St. Lucia Oriole
St. Lucia Parrot
St. Nicholas Robber Frog
St. Patricks River Freshwater Snail
St. Pauls River Freshwater Snail
St. Vincent Blacksnake
St. Vincent Parrot
Stanleya neritinoides
Star Finch
Star Sturgeon
Starlet Sea Anemone
Starrett's Treefrog
Starry Cup Coral
Stegastes sanctaehelenae
Stegastes sanctipauli
Steindachner's River Frog
Steiner's Bubble-nest Frog
Stejneger's Paddy Frog
Stejneger's Petrel
Steller Sea-lion
Steller's Eider
Steller's Sea-eagle
Stellmack's Cave Amphipod
Stelomon erawanense
Stelomon kanchanaburiense
Stenobothrus eurasius
Stephan's Water Frog
Stephen's Island Gecko
Stephen's Kangaroo Rat
Stephens Island Weta
Stevart's Egg Frog
Stewart Island Shag
Stierling's Woodpecker
Stiphodon surrufus
Stocky Pebblesnail
Stoliczia bella
Stone Crayfish
Stone-leaf Coral
Storm's Stork
Strabomantis necopinus
Straight-billed Reedhaunter
Strandzha Minnow
Strange-tailed Tyrant
Strauch's Spotted Newt
Straw-coloured Fruit Bat
Straw-headed Bulbul
Streak-breasted Bulbul
Streaked Bulbul
Streaked Reed-warbler
Streaky-breasted Jungle-flycatcher
Stream Reed Frog
Stream Salamander
Streamside Salamander
Strengeriana antioquensis
Stresemann's Bristlefront
Striated Caracara
Striated Darter
Striated Lorikeet
Striated Softtail
Stripe-faced Fruit Bat
Striped Dogfish
Striped Goodeid
Striped Hyena
Striped Legless Lizard
Striped Mogurnda
Striped Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle
Striped Newt
Striped Rice Rat
Striped Roundleaf Bat
Striped Skink
Striped Tailed Delma
Striped Wren-babbler
Strong Black Millipede
Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse
Strongylognathus afer
Strumigenys xenos
Stuart's Bubble-nest Frog
Stubfoot Toad
Stump-tailed Macaque
Stupidogobius flavipinnis
Sturgeon Chub
Stygicola dentata
Stygodiaptomus kieferi
Stylophora wellsi
Suavocallia splendens
Subdesert Mesite
Suboestophora jeresae
Subtle Cave Amphipod
Subuliniscus arambourgi
Succinea piratarum
Succinea quadrasi
Sucre Water Frog
Sud Robber Frog
Sudeten Ringlet
Sugarfoot Moth Fly
Sula Archipelago Rat
Sula Pitta
Sula Scrubfowl
Sulawesi Babirusa
Sulawesi Bear Cuscus
Sulawesi Coelacanth
Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher
Sulawesi Eared-nightjar
Sulawesi Forest Turtle
Sulawesi Giant Squirrel
Sulawesi Golden Owl
Sulawesi Harpy Fruit Bat
Sulawesi Soft-furred Rat
Sulawesi Spiny Rat
Sulawesi Wart Frog
Sulawesi Warty Pig
Sulawesi Woodcock
Sulu Bleeding-heart
Sulu Hornbill
Sulu Woodpecker
Sumatra Toad
Sumatran Babbler
Sumatran Cochoa
Sumatran Drongo
Sumatran Green-pigeon
Sumatran Ground Cuckoo
Sumatran Laughingthrush
Sumatran Orangutan
Sumatran Rhinoceros
Sumatran Serow
Sumatran Striped Rabbit
Sumba Boobook
Sumba Brown Flycatcher
Sumba Buttonquail
Sumba Green-pigeon
Sumba Hornbill
Sumbawa Tiger
Sumichrast's Wren
Sun Parakeet
Sun-tailed Monkey
Sunda Clouded Leopard
Sunda Coucal
Sunda Fruit Bat
Sunda Nightjar
Sunda Pangolin
Sundathelphusa minahassae
Sundoreonectes tiomanensis
Sunset Frog
Superagui Lion Tamarin
Superb Parrot
Superb Pitta
Superb Spharagemon Grasshopper
Supramonte Cave Salamander
Surge Grouper
Susana's Forest Treefrog
Suwannee Moccasinshell
Svynnerton's Bush Squirrel
Swallow-tailed Cotinga
Swamp Deer
Swamp Francolin
Swan Galaxias
Swan Goose
Swierstra's Francolin
Swift Parrot
Swinhoe's Pheasant
Swinhoe's Rail
Swollen-nosed Side-blotched Lizard
Sword-tailed Newt
Swynnerton's Forest Robin
Sydney Hawk Dragonfly
Symington's Robber Frog
Sympetrum nigrifemur
Symphyllia hassi
Syncarid Shrimp
Synodontis macrops
Syr-darya Shovelnose Sturgeon
Syrian Serin
Tablas Wrinkled Ground Frog
Table Cape Freshwater Snail
Table Mountain Ghost Frog
Tacarcuna Tapaculo
Tacarcuna Wood-quail
Tacheocampylaea tacheoides
Tachira Antpitta
Taczanowski's Tinamou
Tadapi Treefrog
Tagibo Wart Frog
Tahiti Flycatcher
Tahiti Petrel
Tahiti Reed Warbler
Tahiti Swiftlet
Tai Forest Treefrog
Tai River Frog
Taipei Flying Frog
Taita Apalis
Taita Falcon
Taita Shrew
Taita Thrush
Taiwan Bulbul
Taiwan Guitarfish
Taiwan Gulper Shark
Taiwan Hwamei
Taiwan Long-eared Bat
Taiwan Partridge
Taiwan Salamander
Taiwan Vole
Taiwan Waist Crab
Taiwan's South China Sea River Crab
Taiwanese Tube-nosed Bat
Talamancan Small Eared Shrew
Talamancan Yellow-shouldered Bat
Talaud Bear Cuscus
Talaud Black Birdwing
Talaud Bush-hen
Talaud Fruit Bat
Talaud Kingfisher
Talaud Rail
Taliabu Masked-owl
Taliang Knobby Newt
Tam Dao Salamander
Tama Harlequin Frog
Tamarugo Conebill
Tamaulipan Blindcat
Tamaulipan False Brook Salamander
Tamaulipan Montane Garter Snake
Tamaulipan Woodrat
Tampico Pearlymussel
Tana Labeo
Tana River Mangabey
Tana River Red Colobus Monkey
Tanager Finch
Tanah Rata Wart Frog
Tancitaran Dusky Rattlesnake
Tandapi Giant Glass Frog
Tandroka Madagascar Frog
Tandy's Smalltongue Toad
Tanganyicia rufofilosa
Tanganyika Clown
Tanganyika Lates
Tanimbar Bush-warbler
Tanimbar Cockatoo
Tanimbar Megapode
Tanimbar Starling
Tanna Fruit-dove
Tanner's Black Camel Cricket
Tanners' Reed Frog
Tantalophis discolor
Tanzania Screeching Frog
Tanzanian Shrew
Tanzanian Vlei Rat
Tanzanian Woolly Bat
Taosze Spiny Toad
Tapanti Giant Salamander
Tapanti Moss Salamander
Tapping Nursery-frog
Tar River Spinymussel
Tarabundi Vole
Tarahumara Frog
Tarai Gray Langur
Tarella Shrew
Tarndale Bully
Taroko Crab
Tasan Eastern Frog
Tasmanian Anaspid Crustacean
Tasmanian Devil
Tasmanian Forester Kangaroo
Tasmanian Tiger
Tasmanian Torrent Midge
Tasmanipatus anophthalmus
Tasmanoplectron isolatum
Tasselled Wobbegong
Tatama Climbing Salamander
Tate's Triok
Tawau Wart Frog
Tawitawi Brown-dove
Tawny Nurse Shark
Tawny Piculet
Tawny Tit-spinetail
Tawny-breasted Wren-babbler
Tawny-chested Flycatcher
Taylor's Caecilian
Taylor's Minute Salamander
Taylor's Salamander
Taylor's Wrinkled Ground Frog
Tayrona Blenny
Tehachapi Slender Salamander
Tehuana lamothei
Tehuantepec Jackrabbit
Telefomin Cuscus
Telescope Hornsnail
Telescopus hoogstraali
Telestes beoticus
Teleutomyrmex kutteri
Telford's Shrew
Telmatherina abendanoni
Telmatobius carrillae
Temminck's Flying Fox
Temminck's Flying Squirrel
Temminck's Seedeater
Temnick's Ground Pangolin
Temotu Flying Fox
Tenchall's False Brook Salamander
Tenerife Speckled Lizard
Tennessee Cave Salamander
Tennessee Clubshell
Tennessee Clubtail
Tennessee Pebblesnail
Teotepec Salamander
Tepehuan Shiner
Tepui Bannerwing
Teramulus waterloti
Terrathelphusa kuchingensis
Terrestrial Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Terrestrial Splayfoot Salamander
Terrys Creek Freshwater Snail
Tetramorium microgyna
Tetrathemis denticauda
Tevoro Clam
Texas Blind Salamander
Texas Emerald
Texas Heelsplitter
Texas Hornshell
Texas Kangaroo Rat
Texas Salamander
Thailand Giant Catfish
Thailand Leaf-nosed Bat
Thaksinthelphusa yongchindaratae
Thalassoma ascensionis
Thalassothemis marchali
Thamnophis scaliger
Thapsia buraensis
Thapsia snelli
Thaumatodon hystricelloides
The Magou
Theba arinagae
Theloderma rhododiscus
Thermochoria jeanneli
Thermodiaptomus galeboides
Thermosphaeroma cavicauda
Theskelomensor creon
Thessaly Gudgeon
Thestor compassbergae
Thick-billed Parrot
Thick-lipped Spikethumb Frog
Thicklip Pupfish
Thickshell Pondsnail
Thin Leaf Lettuce Coral
Thin-spined Porcupine
Thomas' Robber Frog
Thomas's Big-eared Bat
Thomas's Big-eared Brown Bat
Thomas's Giant Deer Mouse
Thomas's Langur
Thomas's Oldfield Mouse
Thomas's Sac-winged Bat
Thomas's Water Mouse
Thomas's Yellow-shouldered Bat
Thomasset's Seychelles Frog
Thompson's Water Frog
Thomson's Gazelle
Thorn Coral
Thorny Spikethumb Frog
Thousand Palms Desert Snail
Three-banded Butterflyfish
Three-coloured Harlequin Toad
Three-keeled Asian Turtle
Three-striped Roof Turtle
Three-toed Guanabara Frog
Three-toed Jacamar
Three-wattled Bellbird
Throscodectes xederoides
Throscodectes xiphos
Thylacine Darner
Thyolo Alethe
Tibetan Antelope
Tibetan Babax
Tibetan Bubble-nest Frog
Tibetan Bunting
Tibetan Eared-pheasant
Tibetan Gazelle
Tickell's Brown Hornbill
Tico Salamander
Tidewater Goby
Tidewater Interstitial Amphipod
Tidewater Stygonectid Amphipod
Tientai Rough-skinned Frog
Tiger Chameleon
Tiger Cod
Tiger Tail Seahorse
Tight Coin
Tigoni Reed Frog
Tilapia bakossiorum
Timavo Sculpin
Timor Bush-warbler
Timor Green-pigeon
Timor Imperial Pigeon
Timor Sparrow
Timor Yellow Tiger
Tinian Monarch
Tinkling Froglet
Tiny Reed Frog
Tiny Stream Toad
Tiny Yellow Bat
Tirunvelveli's Hill Frog
Titicaca Grebe
Titicaca Water Frog
Tiwaripotamon edostilus
Tlahcuiloh Salamander
Tlaloc's Leopard Frog
Todos Santos Island Kingsnake
Togian Hawk-owl
Togian Islands Babirusa
Togo Slippery Frog
Togo Toad
Tokyo Salamander
Toliara Rain Frog
Tolima Dove
Tolima Poison Frog
Tomas' Worm Salamander
Tomato Frog
Tombigbee Riverlet Crayfish
Tomicha cawstoni
Tominanga aurea
Tominanga sanguicauda
Tondanichthys kottelati
Tongaland Cannibal Snail
Tongan Whistler
Tongue Coral
Tonkean Black Macaque
Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey
Tonkin Toad
Tooth Cave Ground Beetle
Tooth Cave Pseudoscorpion
Tooth Cave Spider
Tooth-billed Pigeon
Toothless Blindcat
Toothy Splayfoot Salamander
Topeka Shiner
Toque Macaque
Tor yunnanensis
Torrent Paa Frog
Torrent Sucker Frog
Torrent Tree Frog
Torres Redbelly Toad
Torres's Crimson-nosed Rat
Torresitrachia thedana
Torreya Pygmy Grasshopper
Torrington Bubble-nest Frog
Totoaba Seatrout
Toucan Barbet
Towne's Clubtail
Townsend's Big-eared Bat
Townsend's Dwarf Salamander
Townsend's Ground Squirrel
Townsend's Shearwater
Toxopeus' Yellow Tiger
Trachycystis clifdeni
Tradou Redfin
Tramlap Flying Frog
Transitional Colilargo
Transverse Grand Pyrg
Transverse Volcanic Leopard Frog
Travancore Flying Squirrel
Travancore Tortoise
Tree Hole Crab
Tree Shrew Tenrec
Tree Toad
Trelawny Parish Robber Frog
Tres Marias Cottontail
Tres Marias Deer Mouse
Triangular Kidneyshell
Tributary Wart Frog
Trichodactylus crassus
Trichomycterus chungarensis
Tricolored Blackbird
Tricula montana
Tridacna rosewateri
Trimeresurus mangshanensis
Trindade Petrel
Trinidad Flathead Frog
Trinidad Groin-spot Frog
Trinidad Heart-tongued Frog
Trinidad White-headed Curassow
Trinity Bristle Snail
Triplophysa xiangxensis
Trispot Darter
Tristam's Woodpecker
Tristan Albatross
Tristan Bunting
Tristan Thrush
Tristram's Storm-petrel
Tristramella sacra
Trithemis nigra
Trochidrobia inflata
Trochochlamys ogasawarana
Trochoidea gharlapsi
Trochomorpha apia
Troglocaris anophthalmus
Tropheops gracilior
Tropheus duboisi
Tropical Forest Snake
Tropical Pocket Gopher
Tropidophora articulata
Tropidophoxinellus spartiaticus
Tropidoptera heliciformis
Tropocyclops federensis
Tropodiaptomus burundensis
Trout Cod
Trueb's Madagascar Treefrog
Trueb's Water Frog
Truncatellina arcyensis
Tsaratanana Bright-eyed Frog
Tsaratanana Giant Treefrog
Tschudi's Yellow-shouldered Bat
Tsingy Madagascar Frog
Tsinpa Salamander
Tuamotu Kingfisher
Tuamotu Sandpiper
Tube Robber Frog
Tubercled Blossom Pearlymussel
Tubuaia fosbergi
Tuco-tuco Of The Dunes
Tucuman Amazon
Tucuman Mountain-finch
Tucuman Water Frog
Tufted Deer
Tufted Gray Langur
Tufted Ground Squirrel
Tufted Jay
Tulotoma Snail
Tumbala Climbing Rat
Tumbes Tyrant
Turbinaria Coral
Turgenitubulus aslini
Turgid Blossom Pearlymussel
Turkana Mud Turtle
Turkish Frog
Turkish Red Damsel
Turner's Eremomela
Turquino Fern Frog
Turquino Red-armed Frog
Turquino Robber Frog
Turquino White-footed Frog
Turquoise Cotinga
Turquoise Dacnis
Turquoise Parakeet
Turquoise-throated Puffleg
Tuscumbia Darter
Tusked Frog
Tuxtla Knobtail
Tuxtla Quail-dove
Tuxtlan Earth Snake
Tweedie's Wart Frog
Twin-spotted Tolucan Ground Snake
Twin-striped Clubtail
Two-fingered Skink
Typhleotris madgascarensis
Typhlopseudothelphusa mocinoi
Tyrrheniellina josephi
Tytler's Leaf-warbler
Tzunantza Giant Glass Frog
Ubatuba Dwarf Frog
Ucucha Thomasomys
Udzungwa Forest-partridge
Udzungwa Red Colobus
Uegitglanis zammaranoi
Ukami Reed Frog
Ultramarine Lorikeet
Uluguru Banana Frog
Uluguru Big-fingered Frog
Uluguru Blue-bellied Frog
Uluguru Bush-shrike
Uluguru Tree Frog
Umma femina
Unarmored Threespine Stickleback
Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly
Unexpected Cotton Rat
Unicolored Oldfield Mouse
Unicolored Tree Rat
Unicoloured Antwren
Unicoloured Thrush
Upland Burrowing Treefrog
Upland Combshell
Upland Hornsnail
Upland Horseshoe Bat
Upper Amazon Stubfoot Toad
Upper Castra Freshwater Snail
Upper Castra River Freshwater Snail
Upper Cerro Minute Salamander
Upper Magdalena Tapaculo
Uramphisopus pearsoni
Urich's Tyrannulet
Uromastyx alfredschmidti
Urosaurus auriculatus
Urothemis thomasi
Urrao Cochran Frog
Ursula's Mouse-coloured Sunbird
Usambara Akalat
Usambara Banana Frog
Usambara Big-fingered Frog
Usambara Blue-bellied Frog
Usambara Eagle-owl
Usambara Forest Toad
Usambara Hyliota
Usambara Shrew
Usambara Torrent Frog
Usambara Weaver
Usangu Lampeye
Utah Physa
Utah Prairie Dog
Utah Valvata Snail
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
Uvea Parakeet
Uzungwe River Frog
Uzungwe Toad
Valdivia Ground Frog
Valencia Toothcarp
Valle del Cauca Rocket Frog
Valle Santiago Beaked Toad
Valley Flame Crayfish
Van Dam's Vanga
Van der Decken's Sifaka
Van Deusen's Rat
Van Gelder's Bat
Van Zyl's Golden Mole
Vanauatu Flying Fox
Vancouver Island Marmot
Vanikoro Flying Fox
Vanikoro Monarch
Vanuatu Imperial-pigeon
Vanuatu Megapode
Varaldi's Spadefoot Toad
Variable Cross Frog
Variagated Pygmy Perch
Varicorhinus leleupanus
Varicose Rocksnail
Variegated Electric Ray
Variegated Mogurnda
Variegated Spider Monkey
Variegated Treefrog
Varna Gudgeon
Vellard's Water Frog
Velvet Worm
Venezuela Round Stingray
Venezuela Skate
Venezuelan Bristle-tyrant
Venezuelan Fish-eating Rat
Venezuelan Flowerpiercer
Venezuelan Herring
Venezuelan Sylph
Venezuelan Wood-quail
Venezuelan Yellow Frog
Ventriloquial Frog
Veracruz False Brook Salamander
Veracruz Green Salamander
Veracruz Minute Salamander
Veracruz Salamander
Vermiculated Tree Frog
Vermilion Darter
Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp
Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp
Verreaux's Coua
Verreaux's Sifaka
Vesey-fitzgerald's Burrowing Skink
Victodrobia burni
Victoria Crowned-pigeon
Victoria Night Frog
Victoria Robber
Vidumelon wattii
Vietnam Crocodile Newt
Vietnam Flying Frog
Vietnam Greenfinch
Vietnam Sucker Frog
Vietnamese Bubble-nest Frog
Vietnamese Cutia
Vietnamese Pheasant
Vilcabamba Brush-finch
Villa's Grey Shrew
Villalba Robber Frog
Vinaceous-breasted Parrot
Vincent's Bush Squirrel
Vinogradov's Jerboa
Violaceous Coucal
Violet-throated Metaltail
Vipera dinniki
Virgin Islands Robber Frog
Virgin Islands Tree Boa
Virgin River Chub
Virginia Fringed Mountain Snail
Virginia Pigtoe
Viridian Dacnis
Visayan Broadbill
Visayan Deer
Visayan Flowerpecker
Visayan Hornbill
Visayan Pygmy Babbler
Visayan Warty Pig
Vissoke River Frog
Vistonis Shemaja
Vitelline Warbler
Vitrea pseudotrolli
Vogelkop Tree Kangaroo
Voiceless Treefrog
Volcan Barba Treefrog
Volcan Cacoa Moss Salamander
Volcan Tacana Toad
Volcan Tajumulco Bromeliad Salamander
Volcano Clawed Frog
Volcano Knobtail
Volcano Rabbit
Volcano Shrew
Volcano Swiftlet
Volcanoes Cave Cricket
Volga Shad
Volvi Bleak
Vordermann's Flying Squirrel
Vortex Banded Mountain Snail
Waccamaw Killifish
Waccamaw Silverside
Wager's Stream Frog
Wagner's Viper
Wahnes's Parotia
Waigeo Spotted Cuscus
Wake's Moss Salamander
Walia Ibex
Walker's Salamander
Walker's Sierra Frog
Walker's Stubfoot Toad
Walker's Treefrog
Wallace's Golden Birdwing Butterfly
Wallace's Hawk-eagle
Wallengren's Copper
Walnut Elimia
Wandering Albatross
Wandering Salamander
Wang's Crab
Wanggao Warty Newt
Ward's Red-backed Vole
Ward's Trogon
Warner Sucker
Warren's Robber Frog
Warsangli Linnet
Warty Asian Tree Toad
Warty Lazy Toad
Washington Ground Squirrel
Water Flea
Water Frog
Watercress Darter
Waterfall Climbing Cave Fish
Waterfall Rocket Frog
Waterfall Swift
Watling Island Iguana
Wattle-necked Softshell Turtle
Wattled Crane
Wattled Curassow
Wattled Guan
Watts's Spiny Rat
Waved Albatross
Wayanad Bubble-nest Frog
Weasel Lemur
Webb's Madagascar Frog
Wedge-tailed Hillstar
Wedge-tailed Jery
Weining Groove-toed Frog
Wekiwa Hydrobe
Wekiwa Siltsnail
Weller's Salamander
Wellington's Solitary Coral
Wengeror's Cave Amphipod
Wenxian Knobby Newt
Werler's False Brook Salamander
Wermuth's Reed Frog
Werneria iboundji
West African Manatee
West African Red Colobus
West Caucasian Tur
West Gawler Freshwater Snail
West Indian Manatee
West Indian Whistling-duck
West Virginia Spring Salamander
Western Barbastelle
Western Bearded Pig
Western Bristlebird
Western Cochran Frog
Western Crowned-pigeon
Western False Pipistrelle
Western Fanshell Mussel
Western Gerbil
Western Giant Eland
Western Hare Wallaby
Western Leopard Toad
Western Lesser Bamboo Lemur
Western Long-beaked Echidna
Western Lowland Gorilla
Western Mouse
Western Nectar Bat
Western Nimba Toad
Western Quoll
Western Ringtail Possum
Western Rufous Bristlebird
Western Spadefoot
Western Tragopan Pheasant
Western Vlei Rat
Western Wattled Cuckooshrike
Western Whipbird
Western Woolly Lemur
Westfall's Clubtail
Westfall's Knobtail
Westland Black Petrel
Westraltrachia alterna
Westralunio carteri
Wet Rock Physa
Wetar Figbird
Wetar Ground Dove
Wetmore's Robber Frog
Wettstein's Andes Frog
Weygoldt's Treefrog
Weza Forest Treefrog
Whale Shark
Whisker Coral
Whiskered Flowerpecker
Whiskered Flying Squirrel
Whiskered Pitta
Whistling Fruit Dove
Whistling Green-pigeon
Whistling Warbler
Whitaker's Skink
White Abalone
White Cave Velvet Worm
White Cockatoo
White Desert Snail
White Grouper
White Madagascar Frog
White Rhinoceros
White River Spinedace
White Saki
White Sands Pupfish
White Spotted Sapphire
White Sturgeon
White Wartyback Pearlymussel
White-backed Vulture
White-banded Tanager
White-bearded Antshrike
White-bellied Bushchat
White-bellied Cinclodes
White-bellied Frog
White-bellied Goshawk
White-bellied Heron
White-bellied Pitohui
White-bellied Shortwing
White-black Treefrog
White-breasted Babbler
White-breasted Guineafowl
White-breasted Mesite
White-breasted Monarch
White-breasted Tapaculo
White-breasted Thrasher
White-browed Antpitta
White-browed Bushchat
White-browed Foliage-gleaner
White-browed Guan
White-browed Jungle-flycatcher
White-browed Nuthatch
White-browed Tit-spinetail
White-browed Woodpecker
White-capped Albatross
White-cheeked Cotinga
White-cheeked Crested Gibbon
White-cheeked Partridge
White-cheeked Spider Monkey
White-chested Babbler
White-chinned Petrel
White-clawed Crayfish
White-collared Brown Lemur
White-collared Fruit Bat
White-collared Kite
White-collared Mangabey
White-crested Guan
White-crowned Hornbill
White-crowned Pigeon
White-eared Marmoset
White-eared Night-heron
White-eared Pheasant
White-eared Pocket Mouse
White-edge Freshwater Whipray
White-eyed Gull
White-eyed Prinia
White-eyed River-martin
White-eyed Starling
White-faced Partridge
White-faced Starling
White-footed Dunnart
White-footed Sportive Lemur
White-fronted Brown Lemur
White-fronted Falconet
White-fronted Langur
White-fronted Redstart
White-fronted Scops-owl
White-fronted Tit
White-fronted Wattle-eye
White-headed Duck
White-headed Fruit-dove
White-headed Langur
White-headed Robin-chat
White-headed Steamerduck
White-headed Vulture
White-lipped Deer
White-lipped Peccary
White-lipped Peeping Frog
White-lored Warbler
White-mantled Barbet
White-masked Antbird
White-naped Crane
White-naped Lory
White-naped Pigeon
White-naped Tit
White-necked Babbler
White-necked Crow
White-necked Hawk
White-necked Parakeet
White-necked Petrel
White-necked Rockfowl
White-necklaced Partridge
White-nosed Saki
White-rumped Falconet
White-rumped Vulture
White-shouldered Ibis
White-sided Jackrabbit
White-speckled Laughingthrush
White-spotted Dogfish
White-spotted Guitarfish
White-spotted Madagascar Frog
White-spotted Salamander
White-striped Flathead Toad
White-striped Forest-rail
White-striped Reed Frog
White-tailed Deer
White-tailed Hummingbird
White-tailed Laurel Pigeon
White-tailed Monarch
White-tailed Mouse
White-tailed Sabrewing
White-tailed Shrike-tyrant
White-tailed Swallow
White-tailed Warbler
White-tailed Wattled Pheasant
White-thighed Colobus
White-thighed Surili
White-throated Barbtail
White-throated Bushchat
White-throated Flowerpecker
White-throated Grasswren
White-throated Ground-dove
White-throated Guenon
White-throated Jay
White-throated Jungle Flycatcher
White-throated Mountain-babbler
White-throated Storm-petrel
White-tipped Monarch
White-tipped Tuft-tailed Rat
White-winged Apalis
White-winged Collared-dove
White-winged Cotinga
White-winged Cuckooshrike
White-winged Fantail
White-winged Flufftail
White-winged Guan
White-winged Nightjar
White-winged Warbler
White-winged Wood Duck
Whitebelly Egg Frog
Whitebelly Stream Toad
Whitecheek Shark
Whitedotted Skate
Whitefin Tope Shark
Whitehead's Borneo Frog
Whitehead's Spiny Rat
Whitehead's Trogon
Whitelined Toadfish
Whitespotted Toadfish
Whitish Catshark
Whooping Crane
Widemouth Blindcat
Widenose Guitarfish
Wied's Black-tufted-ear Marmoset
Wied's Tyrant-manakin
Wiegmann's Tree Lizard
Wiens' Water Frog
Wightman's Robber Frog
Wijaya's Scissortail Clubtail
Wild Asian Buffalo
Wild Common Carp
Wild Goat
Wild Yak
Wild's Egg Frog
Wilken's Stenasellid
Williams Bright-eyed Frog
Williamson Creek Freshwater Snail
Wilmot Freshwater Snail
Wilson's Bird-of-paradise
Wimmer's Shrew
Windbalea viride
Winged Mapleleaf
Winter Climbing Salamander
Wisconsin Well Amphipod
Wissel Lakes Treefrog
Wolterstorffina chirioi
Wondiwoi Tree-kangaroo
Wood River Sculpin
Wood Snipe
Wood Sprite Gracile Mouse Opossum
Wood Stork
Wood Turtle
Woodbush Legless Skink
Woodford's Rail
Woodland Caribou
Woodland Oldfield Mouse
Woodlark Cuscus
Woodville Cave Crayfish
Woolly Spider Monkey
Worcester's Bubble-nest Frog
Worthen's Sparrow
Wreathed Cactus Snail
Wright's Skink
Wrinkle Coral
Wrinkled Hornbill
Wrinkled Madagascar Frog
Writhed Hornbill
Wuchuan Odorous Frog
Wushan Salamander
Wutai Crab
Wuzhi Shan Odorous Frog
Wynaad Bubble-nest Frog
Wyoming Toad
Xantus's Murrelet
Xenosaurus grandis
Xenotilapia burtoni
Xerosecta giustii
Xinjiang Ground-jay
Xolocalca Bromeliad Salamander
Xyrichtys virens
Xystichromis sp. nov. 'Kyoga flameback'
Yalden's Desmomys
Yalobusha Riverlet Crayfish
Yamur Lake Grunter
Yanachaga Toad
Yanbaru Whiskered Bat
Yang's Salamander
Yangmingshan Crab
Yaoshan Flying Frog
Yaounde Reed Frog
Yap Flying Fox
Yap Monarch
Yap Olive White-eye
Yapen Rat
Yapo River Frog
Yaqui Chub
Yaqui Slider
Yaqui Sucker
Yarey Robber Frog
Yarkand Hare
Yarra Pygmy Perch
Yarrow's Blue-spotted Spiny Lizard
Yelkouan Shearwater
Yellow Blossom Pearlymussel
Yellow Blotched Sawback
Yellow Bromeliad Frog
Yellow Cardinal
Yellow Cave Frog
Yellow Isthmus Rat
Yellow Kite Swallowtail
Yellow Lampmussel
Yellow Mantella
Yellow Monitor
Yellow Presba
Yellow River Frog
Yellow Spotted Newt
Yellow Tit
Yellow Weaver
Yellow-bearded Greenbul
Yellow-bellied Sunbird-asity
Yellow-belly Climbing Salamander
Yellow-billed Amazon
Yellow-billed Cotinga
Yellow-billed Nuthatch
Yellow-Blotched Palm Pit Viper
Yellow-breasted Bird-of-paradise
Yellow-breasted Bunting
Yellow-breasted Pipit
Yellow-breasted Tailorbird
Yellow-browed Toucanet
Yellow-casqued Wattled Hornbill
Yellow-cheeked Gibbon
Yellow-crested Cockatoo
Yellow-crested Helmet-shrike
Yellow-crowned Barbet
Yellow-crowned Butterflyfish
Yellow-crowned Parakeet
Yellow-eared Bulbul
Yellow-eared Parrot
Yellow-eyed Penguin
Yellow-eyed Starling
Yellow-faced Amazon
Yellow-faced Parrotlet
Yellow-faced Siskin
Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby
Yellow-green Bush-tanager
Yellow-green Finch
Yellow-headed Box Turtle
Yellow-headed Brush-finch
Yellow-headed Manakin
Yellow-headed Parrot
Yellow-headed Temple Turtle
Yellow-knobbed Curassow
Yellow-legged Climbing Salamander
Yellow-legged Pigeon
Yellow-legged Tinamou
Yellow-legged Weaver
Yellow-Lined Centipede Snake
Yellow-margined Box Turtle
Yellow-rumped Antwren
Yellow-rumped Honeyguide
Yellow-shouldered Amazon
Yellow-shouldered Blackbird
Yellow-sided Clubtail
Yellow-spotted Andes Frog
Yellow-spotted Salamander
Yellow-spotted Tree Frog
Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey
Yellow-throated Apalis
Yellow-throated Bulbul
Yellow-throated Hanging-parrot
Yellow-throated Seedeater
Yellowback Spiny-tailed Iguana
Yellowback Stingaree
Yellowbelly Voiceless Treefrog
Yellowcheek Darter
Yellowfin Grouper
Yellowfin Hind
Yellowfin Madtom
Yellowish Imperial-pigeon
Yellowish-breasted Racquet-tail
Yellowtail Flounder
Yemen Accentor
Yemen Thrush
Yemen Warbler
Yenyuan Stream Salamander
Yetla False Brook Salamander
Yinggeling Flying Frog
Yinnietharra Rock Dragon
Yiwu Salamander
Yonenaga's Atlantic Spiny-rat
Yoro Salamander
Yosemite Toad
Yssichromis sp. nov. 'argens'
Yucatan Brown Brocket Deer
Yucatan Spiny-tailed Iguana
Yucatan Wren
Yuma Robber Frog
Yuman Desert Fringe-toed Lizard
Yunnan Asian Frog
Yunnan Flying Frog
Yunnan Lazy Toad
Yunnan Nuthatch
Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey
Yunnan Spiny Frog
Yunnanfu Frog
Yunnanilus discoloris
Yuruani-tepui Treefrog
Zacate Blanco Treefrog
Zambian Barbet
Zambian Mole Rat
Zamboanga Bulbul
Zanzibar Guitarfish
Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkey
Zanzibar Suni
Zapahuira Water Frog
Zapata Rail
Zapata Wren
Zaprochilus ninae
Zarciadero Web-footed Salamander
Zayante Band-winged Grasshopper
Ze Concept Of Crab
Zebra Duiker
Zebra Forest Treefrog
Zelebor's Nicobar Rat
Zempoaltepec Vole
Zerene Fritillary
Zerynthia caucasica
Zetek's Treefrog
Zetides Swallowtail
Zeus' Robber Frog
Zhou's Box Turtle
Ziama Horseshoe Bat
Zilchogyra paulistana
Zimbabwe Big-fingered Frog
Zingel asper
Zingis radiolata
Zoe Waterfall Damsel
Zonetail Butterfly Ray
Zonitoides jaccetanicus
Zonocypretta kalimna
Zorro Bubble-nest Frog
Zospeum biscaiense
Zubovskia banatica
Zug's Robber Frog
Zulia Toad Headed Sideneck
Zululand Black Millipede
Zuniga's Dark Rice Rat
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