People look to the stars and think of them as a random arrangement of balls of gas. Beings in other parts of the galaxy may look upon our star the same way.
The truth is that everything in the universe is in a specific place and moves in a specific way to indicate some specific thing. (yeah its specific all right.)
Where do you think we imagined the idea of the clock from? Random guess? The clock is a design inspired by a deep knowledge of the nature of existence. The very thing that enables existence is spin. It is that motion - even in its tiniest form that sparks and sustains life.
Example - picture a skilled person working a hula hoop. Now imagine the hoop is the string in string theory - the string being the smallest component of matter. Imagine the person is invisible, immeasurable. What do you have? A mysteriously spinning hoop so small you can't see it, you can barely measure it and theorize that it exists. This is the foundation of life. It is light.
From this tiny, spinning base of life to the great spin of the universe itself, all of existence is based on spin and spiral. So, a clock is merely a reflection of this and an affirmation of the way the universe moves. It spins on an invisible, immeasurable axis we call God.
So, what are the stars, planets and other bodies in the universe? They are the numbers on the clock. They are the calendar. The great place in which our history and future is recorded. The position of each star at any given second is tied to an event in the universe and on earth. We have only a rudimentary understanding of this now.
The ancient peoples knew this truth of the universe and were easily able to read and understand it. They lived their lives by it, recognized coming events by it, even planned wars and major moves around it.
Today we can barely see the light of our universal clock, thanks to the brilliant lights of cities and modern civilization. Our society clouds our vision of this just as it clouds everything else...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Today is the First Day...
Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life
This is a saying I once laughed at. I used to think it was obvious and silly, yet here I am pondering it.
The message in this simple saying has several facets. the first, and most obvious, is that no matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day and your life is still ahead of you.
The second is that what you do today sets a course, a stage, for all the days that follow. In the coming days everything is flavored by what happens today.
The third, and in my case the most important, is: What are you waiting for? Today, in this moment, right now, you have the power to change the course of your life. So,
What are you waiting for?
This is a saying I once laughed at. I used to think it was obvious and silly, yet here I am pondering it.
The message in this simple saying has several facets. the first, and most obvious, is that no matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day and your life is still ahead of you.
The second is that what you do today sets a course, a stage, for all the days that follow. In the coming days everything is flavored by what happens today.
The third, and in my case the most important, is: What are you waiting for? Today, in this moment, right now, you have the power to change the course of your life. So,
What are you waiting for?
Monday, September 14, 2009
I made a previous post about the "expected" path we have in life and how most humans blindly follow this path simply because they don't know any other way of life. They merely follow example, or worse yet hit some of the steps by accident (accidental pregnancy, for example).
This creates a massive problem because the very life path that we expect we should follow is dangerous both to us and to the planet itself. The damage to the Earth increases exponentially with increases in human life upon the planet. Our population is expanding by about four million per year, our death rates are falling due to medical advances, and soon humans will cover the surface of the Earth like a flood. We do not have the natural resources to maintain such a population, we don't even have the space. Yet, millions upon millions of families have baby after baby after baby. Ideally, each couple should have two children. One to replace the mother and one to replace the father.
I have always been astonished by people who continuously have one child after another, as if they don't know how to stop breeding. This is, however, the first time I've thought of it in the context of the planet in general. Why are we running out of oil and other precious natural resources? Because the more people there are using the resources, the faster they run out. There are housing developments for which acres upon acres of forest is leveled, and upon which rows of 4-5 bedroom houses sit dangerously close to one another. When viewed afar these "fields" of homes look very much like a graveyard full of tombstones. These homes cost more than the families living in them can afford. The homes are often larger than these families need, but because they aquire so much stuff - thats the American way - they need ever larger homes.
Our expansion is three-fold - more humans, each with a bigger footprint than the last, each using greater resources than the last. So even though the actual number of additional humans per year is 4 million, its really about the impact of 12 million because every year each human takes up more and more space and resources. We use more, we consume more, we eat more, we want more we buy more.
What is the American dream? More, more, more.
Well, aparently nature has grown tired of us. We have an infertility epidemic, and science has found it may be linked to evolution in male reproduction. The short story is, men have evolved sperm that are so effective at penetrating a woman's defenses that multiple sperm join the egg and prevent conception in doing so. Of course, we should just let it go and if we can't have children naturally then we should not have children. No, these people have a God-given right to bear children and infect the world with even more people, so we artificially inseminate the egg in a petri dish and stick it in the mother's womb. Our infertility - battling techniques have cause an epidemic of multiple births. Families who wanted one baby suddenly find themselves with two, or three, or five, or ten.
I, for one, am stepping out of this race. I have no desire to bear children, and I refuse to let people make me feel like something is wrong with me because of it. I believe there are many, many others out there who feel just as I do but because of society and spousal pressure, they are going to have children anyway. I almost did, in an attempt to make someone else happy.
I am incredibly thankful that I was forced off of that path before I made a huge mistake.
Please, reconsider what you really want before you try to have children. Put deep, serious thought into WHY you want children and make damn sure your spouse really does want them too, and find out why THEY want children.
We all must consider our every act more deeply. Think about the impact it will have on you, on others, on the world. Don't just do things blindly. Don't be a sheep. You are not a cow in a farmer's field who is breed, fed, and slaughtered by outside forces. It is your life and you have to take control and take the reigns of personal responsibility for yourself. You are the only person responsible for your actions, and to lay blame on others is to give up your life to them. Take control of yourself, and you help change the world.
This creates a massive problem because the very life path that we expect we should follow is dangerous both to us and to the planet itself. The damage to the Earth increases exponentially with increases in human life upon the planet. Our population is expanding by about four million per year, our death rates are falling due to medical advances, and soon humans will cover the surface of the Earth like a flood. We do not have the natural resources to maintain such a population, we don't even have the space. Yet, millions upon millions of families have baby after baby after baby. Ideally, each couple should have two children. One to replace the mother and one to replace the father.
I have always been astonished by people who continuously have one child after another, as if they don't know how to stop breeding. This is, however, the first time I've thought of it in the context of the planet in general. Why are we running out of oil and other precious natural resources? Because the more people there are using the resources, the faster they run out. There are housing developments for which acres upon acres of forest is leveled, and upon which rows of 4-5 bedroom houses sit dangerously close to one another. When viewed afar these "fields" of homes look very much like a graveyard full of tombstones. These homes cost more than the families living in them can afford. The homes are often larger than these families need, but because they aquire so much stuff - thats the American way - they need ever larger homes.
Our expansion is three-fold - more humans, each with a bigger footprint than the last, each using greater resources than the last. So even though the actual number of additional humans per year is 4 million, its really about the impact of 12 million because every year each human takes up more and more space and resources. We use more, we consume more, we eat more, we want more we buy more.
What is the American dream? More, more, more.
Well, aparently nature has grown tired of us. We have an infertility epidemic, and science has found it may be linked to evolution in male reproduction. The short story is, men have evolved sperm that are so effective at penetrating a woman's defenses that multiple sperm join the egg and prevent conception in doing so. Of course, we should just let it go and if we can't have children naturally then we should not have children. No, these people have a God-given right to bear children and infect the world with even more people, so we artificially inseminate the egg in a petri dish and stick it in the mother's womb. Our infertility - battling techniques have cause an epidemic of multiple births. Families who wanted one baby suddenly find themselves with two, or three, or five, or ten.
I, for one, am stepping out of this race. I have no desire to bear children, and I refuse to let people make me feel like something is wrong with me because of it. I believe there are many, many others out there who feel just as I do but because of society and spousal pressure, they are going to have children anyway. I almost did, in an attempt to make someone else happy.
I am incredibly thankful that I was forced off of that path before I made a huge mistake.
Please, reconsider what you really want before you try to have children. Put deep, serious thought into WHY you want children and make damn sure your spouse really does want them too, and find out why THEY want children.
We all must consider our every act more deeply. Think about the impact it will have on you, on others, on the world. Don't just do things blindly. Don't be a sheep. You are not a cow in a farmer's field who is breed, fed, and slaughtered by outside forces. It is your life and you have to take control and take the reigns of personal responsibility for yourself. You are the only person responsible for your actions, and to lay blame on others is to give up your life to them. Take control of yourself, and you help change the world.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Good vs. Evil
Outside of this realm, there is no good or evil, there is only the single emanating force upon which existance hangs.
The concept of evil is purely human, and is used liberally to describe things we fear or are painful. The fact is, events have been set in place and will progress as was written in the stars. The concept of evil is unrealistic, because the "bad" that happens in our lives is just as important and necessary as the "good". And isn't being necessary a characteristic of something that is... good?
The only cosmic bad is holding oneself back from ascension, and that does not really even class as "bad" its just a lack of progress. The main problem with holding oneself back is that it holds us all back, as we all must advance together. Fear is irrelevant, becasue what will happen will happen, and fearing it only holds you back from accepting and preparing for it.
An analogy will better describe what I am trying to explain. Let us say that you are a car. And, if you move forward it is "good" and if you move backward it is "evil" but in reality, evil (backward) does not actually exist. So that means what you perceive to be backward movement is really only slower forward movement. Sure, when you're in third gear it may seem all is good and light because you're moving forward at a good pace, but then you drop down to second and then first gear, and even though you are still moving forward and still in the light, you feel less forward progress and it feels "bad". No one likes to feel like all the other cars are passing them, but there are times in life when you have to slow down and take care of other things before you can get back up to speed.
This analogy fits quite well with the descriptions of yin and yang, as Yin (dark, feminine) is considered passive energy and deep darkness, while Yang (light, masculine) is considered active energy and vibrant bright light. Neither is GOOD or BAD they just ARE. And one without the other could not exist.
Our destiny was written by us, so the choices are still ours. The difference is we have already made the choice and now we are walking through the path we chose.
The univers is like a great spinning clock. Time waits for no one, in fact, it does not exist. Everything is happening now, it is only the mind (the collective unconcious) that puts it in an order we can understand.
Life is an instantaneous series of actions and reactions. We are standing at the pond planning it and simultaneously we are in the pool living it.
Separation is an illusion. There is no separation, no time, no good, no evil. There is just one, one power, one energy, one life.
So you see, the concept of evil was set forth to give man an explanation for the pain of life and the dark side of the wheel of karma (or yin). It is merely action and reaction, there is only light or absense of light. Darkness is an illusion caused by blindness to light.
The concept of evil is purely human, and is used liberally to describe things we fear or are painful. The fact is, events have been set in place and will progress as was written in the stars. The concept of evil is unrealistic, because the "bad" that happens in our lives is just as important and necessary as the "good". And isn't being necessary a characteristic of something that is... good?
The only cosmic bad is holding oneself back from ascension, and that does not really even class as "bad" its just a lack of progress. The main problem with holding oneself back is that it holds us all back, as we all must advance together. Fear is irrelevant, becasue what will happen will happen, and fearing it only holds you back from accepting and preparing for it.
An analogy will better describe what I am trying to explain. Let us say that you are a car. And, if you move forward it is "good" and if you move backward it is "evil" but in reality, evil (backward) does not actually exist. So that means what you perceive to be backward movement is really only slower forward movement. Sure, when you're in third gear it may seem all is good and light because you're moving forward at a good pace, but then you drop down to second and then first gear, and even though you are still moving forward and still in the light, you feel less forward progress and it feels "bad". No one likes to feel like all the other cars are passing them, but there are times in life when you have to slow down and take care of other things before you can get back up to speed.
This analogy fits quite well with the descriptions of yin and yang, as Yin (dark, feminine) is considered passive energy and deep darkness, while Yang (light, masculine) is considered active energy and vibrant bright light. Neither is GOOD or BAD they just ARE. And one without the other could not exist.
Our destiny was written by us, so the choices are still ours. The difference is we have already made the choice and now we are walking through the path we chose.
The univers is like a great spinning clock. Time waits for no one, in fact, it does not exist. Everything is happening now, it is only the mind (the collective unconcious) that puts it in an order we can understand.
Life is an instantaneous series of actions and reactions. We are standing at the pond planning it and simultaneously we are in the pool living it.
Separation is an illusion. There is no separation, no time, no good, no evil. There is just one, one power, one energy, one life.
So you see, the concept of evil was set forth to give man an explanation for the pain of life and the dark side of the wheel of karma (or yin). It is merely action and reaction, there is only light or absense of light. Darkness is an illusion caused by blindness to light.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The American Dream
Recent experiences in my life (in conjunction with my Saturn's Return) have lead me to wonder deeply why we all follow a standard life pattern like sheep?
We are taught from a young age that we are supposed to go to school, go to college, get the highest possible paying job whether we love it or not, find someone to love, move in with them, get married (not necessarily in that order), and then have kids with them.
Then, if we somehow manage to hold the marriage together until the kids are grown, we wind up with feelings of emptiness, often realize we no longer want to be around our spouse, and have no idea what we are going to do with the rest of our lives. If we're lucky, our kids will soon have their own kids and we can throw ourselves into our grandkids, because its all we have left to put hope into.
What is this? Its the American Dream. Its the program of hundreds of years of progress. Its who we think we are supposed to be, because the TV, our parents, and society tells us so. Why then, are so many of us so terribly unhappy with the very things that were supposed to make us happy?
We are living someone else's dream, not our own.
Every day we go about our lives seeking goals that society has told us we should seek. These are not necessarily things we want for ourselves, even though years of teaching has told us we should. I don't want money. I don't want a large house or an expensive car. I don't want kids, I don't want to be married, and I don't want to live the American dream. None of these things matter to me, all that matters to me is art, spirituality, finding the joy in little things, volunteering, giving, helping others, making the world a better place.
Millions of people push harder and faster every single day to try to achieve something they don't really want. They are grasping at a ghost, and they are driving themselves insane chasing it. The end result is that everyone is unhappy, stressed out, pressed for time, and unfulfilled.
Maybe its time to take a step back and think about what you really want from life. Think about what would really make you happy. Then, cast off doubts and fear and go after it.
An it harm none, do what thou wilt.
We are taught from a young age that we are supposed to go to school, go to college, get the highest possible paying job whether we love it or not, find someone to love, move in with them, get married (not necessarily in that order), and then have kids with them.
Then, if we somehow manage to hold the marriage together until the kids are grown, we wind up with feelings of emptiness, often realize we no longer want to be around our spouse, and have no idea what we are going to do with the rest of our lives. If we're lucky, our kids will soon have their own kids and we can throw ourselves into our grandkids, because its all we have left to put hope into.
What is this? Its the American Dream. Its the program of hundreds of years of progress. Its who we think we are supposed to be, because the TV, our parents, and society tells us so. Why then, are so many of us so terribly unhappy with the very things that were supposed to make us happy?
We are living someone else's dream, not our own.
Every day we go about our lives seeking goals that society has told us we should seek. These are not necessarily things we want for ourselves, even though years of teaching has told us we should. I don't want money. I don't want a large house or an expensive car. I don't want kids, I don't want to be married, and I don't want to live the American dream. None of these things matter to me, all that matters to me is art, spirituality, finding the joy in little things, volunteering, giving, helping others, making the world a better place.
Millions of people push harder and faster every single day to try to achieve something they don't really want. They are grasping at a ghost, and they are driving themselves insane chasing it. The end result is that everyone is unhappy, stressed out, pressed for time, and unfulfilled.
Maybe its time to take a step back and think about what you really want from life. Think about what would really make you happy. Then, cast off doubts and fear and go after it.
An it harm none, do what thou wilt.
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