Everyone has their own view of time and what it is. One of our oldest methods of keeping time is a perfect example to show you an image that perfectly depicts the true nature of time.
Most of us know what an hourglass is. Many have seen and possibly used one in our lifetimes. Some board games come with them. They are said to have been invented around the middle of the third century, but there is no real record of them until around 1350. Ancient cultures have created art using hourglass imagery and shapes that closely resemble the hourglass, so it would seem the concept existed long before its first appearance in recorded history.
The hourglass has a deep symbology. Its very design describes the nature of time. The first hint is that the time represented by the hourglass is cyclical. It has to be flipped in order to continue counting time. Many have come to believe that our existance is cyclical as well, such as the belief that the universe will eventually collapse upon itself and be reborn just as it was before. Our seasons, our rotation around the sun, the moon's rotation around the Earth, the gentle spiral of the galaxy and of the universe itself are all clues to the cyclic nature of existance. It only makes sense that time itself is also cyclic.
The second hint that the hourglass image provides is about the past, present and future. The bottom of the hourglass fills with sand, each grain representing a moment in history. The futher we march through time, the more history is in the bottom of the glass. The singular grains pouring through the waist of the glass represent the here and now, and just how fleeting it really is. At the top is the well of time from which we draw every moment. This symbology is one of my more important points for you today. Here is another analogy: Not having drunk the water in the jug does not mean it does not exist. It only means you have not drunk it yet.
The future already exists. The time we have not yet experienced is waiting for us in the top of the hourglass. It is there, and from our place in its center we can almost touch it, almost see it. It is there, and we know it, but we are stuck in the present so we cannot clearly see it. It is human nature to doubt something you cannot see and touch for yourself. It is what makes faith and belief such abstract concepts for us.
The hourglass also shows us another type of symbology. Its very shape, that of two triangles pointing towards each other bears many deeper meanings. This shape is the basis of the spiral, which is another important symbol regarding our universe. This shape is also an illustration of the concept of zero point. And, it represents the crossing of two dimensional timelines. We use the hourglass to describe the 'ideal' feminine figure. It also demonstrates the wiccan concept of "as above, so below". The two triangles are pushed together to form the star of David. The hourglass still stares back at us every day, or at least any time our computer is busy processing.
And then, there is the optimist/pessimist description of the glass of water. The age-old question. Is your life half over, or only half begun? The hourglass begs this question just as well as the glass of water, yet another way in which it proves this symbol is ingrained in our lives in far greater ways than we had imagined.
I have a feeling I will be painting this symbol over and over, sometimes not even realizing that its what I'm painting until I'm done and step back to look at my creation. It is among a group of symbols that represent universal truths which none of us can deny. The sight of such a symbol triggers something in the back of our minds, inspires us, draws us, changes us. Perhaps if we continue examining symbols like these we can bring about great changes in mankind.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Placebo Effect: Sign of Awakening
I was stunned today to read an article which described the struggle of pharmaceutical companies fighting the growing Placebo Effect.
The Placebo Effect refers to a measurement of how large the percentage of people in a placebo group of a pharmaceutical trial show improvement, as if they were on the real drug and not a sugar milk pill. This effect has long been under study, and results have shown the Placebo Effect has doubled in size since the 1980's.
This is wonderful news! (for mankind, but not the drug companies) Our impending awakening has brought about many changes in humans in the last few decades, and this is among the more astonishing and - more importantly - well documented phenomena!
Here we have documented proof that the human body has begun to respond more and more to the idea of healing - and in doing so is healing itself. We are unlocking our potential to heal ourselves with nothing more than the belief that we should be healed.
It is one of many trumpet blasts heralding a coming new era of man, an awakening of man, a return of the Christ consciousness, the return of Atlantis and Lemuria. The sixth sun is about to dawn.
Here is a link to the article, it is quite long and has lots more information in addition to what I've relayed:
The Placebo Effect refers to a measurement of how large the percentage of people in a placebo group of a pharmaceutical trial show improvement, as if they were on the real drug and not a sugar milk pill. This effect has long been under study, and results have shown the Placebo Effect has doubled in size since the 1980's.
This is wonderful news! (for mankind, but not the drug companies) Our impending awakening has brought about many changes in humans in the last few decades, and this is among the more astonishing and - more importantly - well documented phenomena!
Here we have documented proof that the human body has begun to respond more and more to the idea of healing - and in doing so is healing itself. We are unlocking our potential to heal ourselves with nothing more than the belief that we should be healed.
It is one of many trumpet blasts heralding a coming new era of man, an awakening of man, a return of the Christ consciousness, the return of Atlantis and Lemuria. The sixth sun is about to dawn.
Here is a link to the article, it is quite long and has lots more information in addition to what I've relayed:
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Bible
It never ceases to amaze me how so many have read this awesome book yet so few have grasped any of its true message.
The Bible is a guide. A manual to life and ascention here on Earth. With in its pages* are the sum total of knowledge that we require to achieve our ultimate goal. One aside to this - there are other books which should have been added to the Bible but were not, because they threaten the very power of the largest of churches. When I refer to the Bible, I am referring to the entirety of it, not just what is sold in your local Christian bookstore.
I had been having thoughts and visions about a ladder, a spiral path, and the chakras, and notating them in my journal as I went. Some of these ideas I found in other seekers, and others seemed to come from within. Nonetheless, I have come to the conclusion that our DNA and the spiral path of the Chakras are in some way one and the same. They are linked, twins, a reflection of each other. Another thought came to me the other day on this subject - ever since I was a child, metal spiral ladders have facinated me. I've always loved their form and felt drawn to climb them. They are a strange, simple thing that has a pull for me. I am realizing that this pull is because I recognized them and realized that they are a reflection of something else...
As I'm pondering the concept of the spiral ladder and ladder of the chakras, as both are the same and a path to enlightenment, a certain thought repeatedly poked its way into my mind. I could not stop thinking that the spiral ladder of the chakras was Jacob's ladder. The interesting part - I had heard of Jacob's ladder and knew it to be a biblical story, but I did not know the story itself. I had never read about the subject, only heard it in passing. When this thought repeatedly announced itself to me, I finally decided to look up what Jacob's ladder was.
You can imagine my astonishment when I learned that Jacob had a vision of a ladder, which reached from Earth to Heaven, and upon which he saw angels ascending and descending. I even saw that someone else had already interpreted this vision as referring to a ladder within us that we must climb to reach enlightenment/heaven/nirvana. This resonated with me and it reinforced that my mental meanderings on the subject were spot on.
This is just one instance where the Bible hands us the keys and waits for us to put them into the lock and open the door. Our mind is as a hallway full of locked doors, millions upon millions of locked doors. These doors are the fabric of the veil that blocks us from seeing who and what we really are. As we unlock each door, we tear a hole in this fabric and we come closer to enlightenment and to Heaven. We climb another step on the spiral ladder, we begin to open a new chakra that we did not previously know that we had. The keys are out there. Many are in the Bible itself, others in works which have sprung spontaneously into the mind of the writer, from whence he knows not. I am one such writer. I am compelled to sit and write but I do not know what I am going to write before I see it on the page.
Continue seeking, loved ones, you will find the keys and together we will tear back the veil.
* I went back to edit my post and found that I had accidentally refered to the Bible as having only one page, and within that page the sum total of all knowledge. It is a message again that there is only one page, one light, one truth.
The Bible is a guide. A manual to life and ascention here on Earth. With in its pages* are the sum total of knowledge that we require to achieve our ultimate goal. One aside to this - there are other books which should have been added to the Bible but were not, because they threaten the very power of the largest of churches. When I refer to the Bible, I am referring to the entirety of it, not just what is sold in your local Christian bookstore.
I had been having thoughts and visions about a ladder, a spiral path, and the chakras, and notating them in my journal as I went. Some of these ideas I found in other seekers, and others seemed to come from within. Nonetheless, I have come to the conclusion that our DNA and the spiral path of the Chakras are in some way one and the same. They are linked, twins, a reflection of each other. Another thought came to me the other day on this subject - ever since I was a child, metal spiral ladders have facinated me. I've always loved their form and felt drawn to climb them. They are a strange, simple thing that has a pull for me. I am realizing that this pull is because I recognized them and realized that they are a reflection of something else...
As I'm pondering the concept of the spiral ladder and ladder of the chakras, as both are the same and a path to enlightenment, a certain thought repeatedly poked its way into my mind. I could not stop thinking that the spiral ladder of the chakras was Jacob's ladder. The interesting part - I had heard of Jacob's ladder and knew it to be a biblical story, but I did not know the story itself. I had never read about the subject, only heard it in passing. When this thought repeatedly announced itself to me, I finally decided to look up what Jacob's ladder was.
You can imagine my astonishment when I learned that Jacob had a vision of a ladder, which reached from Earth to Heaven, and upon which he saw angels ascending and descending. I even saw that someone else had already interpreted this vision as referring to a ladder within us that we must climb to reach enlightenment/heaven/nirvana. This resonated with me and it reinforced that my mental meanderings on the subject were spot on.
This is just one instance where the Bible hands us the keys and waits for us to put them into the lock and open the door. Our mind is as a hallway full of locked doors, millions upon millions of locked doors. These doors are the fabric of the veil that blocks us from seeing who and what we really are. As we unlock each door, we tear a hole in this fabric and we come closer to enlightenment and to Heaven. We climb another step on the spiral ladder, we begin to open a new chakra that we did not previously know that we had. The keys are out there. Many are in the Bible itself, others in works which have sprung spontaneously into the mind of the writer, from whence he knows not. I am one such writer. I am compelled to sit and write but I do not know what I am going to write before I see it on the page.
Continue seeking, loved ones, you will find the keys and together we will tear back the veil.
* I went back to edit my post and found that I had accidentally refered to the Bible as having only one page, and within that page the sum total of all knowledge. It is a message again that there is only one page, one light, one truth.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Religious Branches on the Tree of Spirituality
For millenia, man has struggled with the concept of God.
We have believed or not believed, we have assigned God a sexual polarity, we have addressed God as many gods, we have carried out wars in the name of a God whose face we do not understand. Mankind seems to have no idea who/what/where God really is.
In our struggle to understand this immense and mind boggling concept, we created religions. Ridgid, structured methods to worship a being in manners that make sense to us in some way. The problem with religion is that it limits God. It creates a narrow minded view of just a fragment of the grandure of the whole entity. To immerse yourself in a religion is to become a horse with blinders. You can only see the path that others set before you, and there is so much beauty around you that you will never see. Religion is a prison for the spirit, albiet one which many people really do need.
Many people have not yet attained the inner strength and vision to proceed along a path of spirituality without the guides, restrictions and laws of religion. They do not have a finely tuned moral compass that will keep them straight and steady, keep them from causing undue harm to the world around them. The sad part is most people who follow a religion still do harm to the world around them, imagine how much harm they could cause if they didn't have the religious laws that they "should" be following?
I am going off on a tangent again. The point is that religion is necessary for most people at this time. A day is coming when it will no longer be necessary, as most of mankind will simply know the truth and will no longer need to seek it in false prophets and priest's robes. Then all of us shall be priests and priestesses, we shall follow the one true path, the spiral ladder to heaven.
Until that time, there will be a division. A division of man and of religion. Those who are ready to see the spiral ladder for what it is will climb it, and as they do, they will be more and more able to see the blinders on the people around them. It is a disturbing sight, to see the people around you, who you love, mindlessly roaming through life without purpose or direction or knowledge of the beautiful beings they really are.
So long as man wears the blinders, he will not be able to recognize the truth of religion. There is a singular truth of this Earth, the Universe, and God. This truth was fractured, and artificially made separate. These fractured pieces were handed out to the many religions of the Earth, so that each would have a small piece of truth. To the trained eye this small piece of truth glows brilliantly within the boundaries of the religion, and one who seeks truth will explore that religion until that piece of truth is found and resonates within them. They will then look to another religion, see the glowing piece of truth within it and seek it out. Through this, the seeker will recognize that they are not OF the religion, merely a student of the truth that it contains.
As the seeker retrieves more and more pieces of the truth, they begin to realize that the truth was never fractured at all. Each piece is still attached to all of the others, they are still intertwined in mystical ways. The Kam-Pa which flows through all things is the link, the thin gossamer thread, the net which holds this universe together. It is the pathway upon which truth flows, upon which light flows, and upon which vibrations flow. You can walk the path of Kam-Pa. You can follow where it leads. When you do, you will find more things are connected than you realized before. You begin to see the connection, the similarities, the imagery that humans have been envisioning for thousands of years. We see it all, in our minds eye, every day. The clues are there we need only unravel them. To do so brings enlightenment. When all of the pieces of truth are uncovered, one learns that they were within all along, and seeing them in other places was only because the seeker was looking into a mirror that showed them a piece of their own true nature.
There is only one. There was only ever one. All is one, this is truth. As you journey along the path, you will realize and understand more and more that while the universe has many forms, all forms are complex weavings of the same base energy. This base energy is the one pure truth of the universe. It is waiting for you to uncover it, as soon as you are ready.
We have believed or not believed, we have assigned God a sexual polarity, we have addressed God as many gods, we have carried out wars in the name of a God whose face we do not understand. Mankind seems to have no idea who/what/where God really is.
In our struggle to understand this immense and mind boggling concept, we created religions. Ridgid, structured methods to worship a being in manners that make sense to us in some way. The problem with religion is that it limits God. It creates a narrow minded view of just a fragment of the grandure of the whole entity. To immerse yourself in a religion is to become a horse with blinders. You can only see the path that others set before you, and there is so much beauty around you that you will never see. Religion is a prison for the spirit, albiet one which many people really do need.
Many people have not yet attained the inner strength and vision to proceed along a path of spirituality without the guides, restrictions and laws of religion. They do not have a finely tuned moral compass that will keep them straight and steady, keep them from causing undue harm to the world around them. The sad part is most people who follow a religion still do harm to the world around them, imagine how much harm they could cause if they didn't have the religious laws that they "should" be following?
I am going off on a tangent again. The point is that religion is necessary for most people at this time. A day is coming when it will no longer be necessary, as most of mankind will simply know the truth and will no longer need to seek it in false prophets and priest's robes. Then all of us shall be priests and priestesses, we shall follow the one true path, the spiral ladder to heaven.
Until that time, there will be a division. A division of man and of religion. Those who are ready to see the spiral ladder for what it is will climb it, and as they do, they will be more and more able to see the blinders on the people around them. It is a disturbing sight, to see the people around you, who you love, mindlessly roaming through life without purpose or direction or knowledge of the beautiful beings they really are.
So long as man wears the blinders, he will not be able to recognize the truth of religion. There is a singular truth of this Earth, the Universe, and God. This truth was fractured, and artificially made separate. These fractured pieces were handed out to the many religions of the Earth, so that each would have a small piece of truth. To the trained eye this small piece of truth glows brilliantly within the boundaries of the religion, and one who seeks truth will explore that religion until that piece of truth is found and resonates within them. They will then look to another religion, see the glowing piece of truth within it and seek it out. Through this, the seeker will recognize that they are not OF the religion, merely a student of the truth that it contains.
As the seeker retrieves more and more pieces of the truth, they begin to realize that the truth was never fractured at all. Each piece is still attached to all of the others, they are still intertwined in mystical ways. The Kam-Pa which flows through all things is the link, the thin gossamer thread, the net which holds this universe together. It is the pathway upon which truth flows, upon which light flows, and upon which vibrations flow. You can walk the path of Kam-Pa. You can follow where it leads. When you do, you will find more things are connected than you realized before. You begin to see the connection, the similarities, the imagery that humans have been envisioning for thousands of years. We see it all, in our minds eye, every day. The clues are there we need only unravel them. To do so brings enlightenment. When all of the pieces of truth are uncovered, one learns that they were within all along, and seeing them in other places was only because the seeker was looking into a mirror that showed them a piece of their own true nature.
There is only one. There was only ever one. All is one, this is truth. As you journey along the path, you will realize and understand more and more that while the universe has many forms, all forms are complex weavings of the same base energy. This base energy is the one pure truth of the universe. It is waiting for you to uncover it, as soon as you are ready.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Eve Pandora Connection
We all know the story of Adam and Eve, but do you know its true meaning?
All creatures other than man are still living in Eden, as far as they know. The beings of the Earth live in the moment, the past and the future do not exist for them. They are not even aware of themselves. As Cipher states in The Matrix, "Ignorance is bliss."
So, what really happened in Eden?
Adam and Eve (early/first man) were more intelligent than all of the other beasts of the earth. They walked upright (mostly), had opposable thumbs, and could create and use tools. They had the cleverness to rule over the other creatures, but they lacked something that modern man has. Self realization.
The Fruit of the tree of knowledge (as referred to in the Bible) is the same as the "box" given to Pandora. The serpent is the same as Pandora's curiosity. More so, the serpent represents our DNA, and the spiral ladder of the Chakras.
As Eve sat in the garden, her DNA was activated by a sense of "something". She began to awaken to reality. To the existance of "self". The same thing occured for Pandora. She was "made" and set on Earth, bearing a box containing all human woes.
All the woes mankind experiences are a direct result of being self aware. The box within Pandora was her 4th Chakra (ROOT). The first three were open, the ones that allowed her body to bear life. These three connected early man to the earth in a very base and primal way. They are the primal chakra's, based in instinct and blood and deeply rooted to the Earth. What these chakras do not do is allow the mind to be lit by knowledge. They artifically cloud the mind, causing man to be unable to see even a glimmer of the truth.
Suddenly, Pandora/Eve saw a mysterious glimmer inside her mind. A tiny spark lit, and its glow fell upon the knowledge of self. She learned what the word "I" meant. It's as if a person living in two dimensions suddenly realized they could also look upwards.
The initial result of realization of self is one of absolute joy. A discovery such as this must be shared, and so Eve went to Adam. She showed him what she had learned, and told him he too was a person with thoughts and feelings and intelligence. The glimmer lit Adam's eyes as well and the pair rejoiced.
Then, everything began to fall apart. Pandora/Eve had opened the door to let in not only the joy of self, but also the knowledge of sin.
When an animal takes something for himself, he does not feel guilt or know that it could harm another being. He does so purely out of instinct, the inner pull to fend for himself. Make him self aware, and you introduce knowledge of greed and charity, and then he is making a choice between himself and others. It all comes down to choice. It is the reason we are here and it is what makes us human. Because we are aware that we have a choice, we are exposed to a complex network of emotion and decision. It is from this we derive all of our humanly woes.
To further correlate the two stories, the chakra-box that pandora opened is part of Jacob's ladder, or the double helix spiral path to heaven. This path has been seen in visions by mankind for aeons, depicted as single or twin serpents and references to six around one. Eve was tempted by the "serpent" of the spiral ladder within her. Tempted to climb. Pandora opened a box, releasing her ability to climb the spiral ladder within her. Pandora is just another way of describing how the first woman realized her self, and showed the first man the awesome beauty and crushing reality of the spiral path to heaven.
Thus began our evolution from near animals to our eventual place as pure spirits upon the earth. As we walk the spiral ladder, our bodies evolve to accomodate our soul's growth. This is why and how man has evolved.
Prehistoric man, those who came before and after him all have seen the spark of a new chakra opening. Each step on the evolutionary ladder is a physical manifestation of a step on the spiral chakra ladder. We now stand tall, with seven to nine chakras open (depending on the person.) As we step up the ladder, we close (or weaken) the chakras that are more base, more instinctual. We open chakras which are more ethereal and less "of the Earth". At this time in our evolution, those initial three chakra's that Adam and Eve started with are dim, barely visible lights below our root chakra. They are almost unreadable, and give us just the slightest connection to the deepest parts of the physical realm.
Return to Eden: As we walk the spiral path, we embrace that which we lost and appreciate in a way we could not when our eyes were closed. Adam and Eve only knew they had plenty and were provided for, but they could not appreciate the bounty fully. As we advance, we realize the power and beauty of the gifts given to us more fully. Today we take everything for granted. We believe that the water, plants, sun, and moon were put here for our amusement but we never stop to be thankful for them. We spend our lives in futility, trying to amasse false wealth, when all of the riches we need are within and upon the Earth. In our attempts to grasp at joy and happiness, we lose the ability to be happy. Nothing we can make, take, or find can make us happy. Happiness comes from within, when you step up the spiral ladder and realize that the only thing that keeps you from hapiness and the kingdom is YOU.
Adam and Eve were not born with the choice we have today. It is something they learned and evolved. Man is still evolving, still growing. Some day, we will be worthy of returning to Eden and on that day, the doors will open and we shall be welcomed back home.
Only then can we truely appreciate the glory which is our creator and all of creation.
All creatures other than man are still living in Eden, as far as they know. The beings of the Earth live in the moment, the past and the future do not exist for them. They are not even aware of themselves. As Cipher states in The Matrix, "Ignorance is bliss."
So, what really happened in Eden?
Adam and Eve (early/first man) were more intelligent than all of the other beasts of the earth. They walked upright (mostly), had opposable thumbs, and could create and use tools. They had the cleverness to rule over the other creatures, but they lacked something that modern man has. Self realization.
The Fruit of the tree of knowledge (as referred to in the Bible) is the same as the "box" given to Pandora. The serpent is the same as Pandora's curiosity. More so, the serpent represents our DNA, and the spiral ladder of the Chakras.
As Eve sat in the garden, her DNA was activated by a sense of "something". She began to awaken to reality. To the existance of "self". The same thing occured for Pandora. She was "made" and set on Earth, bearing a box containing all human woes.
All the woes mankind experiences are a direct result of being self aware. The box within Pandora was her 4th Chakra (ROOT). The first three were open, the ones that allowed her body to bear life. These three connected early man to the earth in a very base and primal way. They are the primal chakra's, based in instinct and blood and deeply rooted to the Earth. What these chakras do not do is allow the mind to be lit by knowledge. They artifically cloud the mind, causing man to be unable to see even a glimmer of the truth.
Suddenly, Pandora/Eve saw a mysterious glimmer inside her mind. A tiny spark lit, and its glow fell upon the knowledge of self. She learned what the word "I" meant. It's as if a person living in two dimensions suddenly realized they could also look upwards.
The initial result of realization of self is one of absolute joy. A discovery such as this must be shared, and so Eve went to Adam. She showed him what she had learned, and told him he too was a person with thoughts and feelings and intelligence. The glimmer lit Adam's eyes as well and the pair rejoiced.
Then, everything began to fall apart. Pandora/Eve had opened the door to let in not only the joy of self, but also the knowledge of sin.
When an animal takes something for himself, he does not feel guilt or know that it could harm another being. He does so purely out of instinct, the inner pull to fend for himself. Make him self aware, and you introduce knowledge of greed and charity, and then he is making a choice between himself and others. It all comes down to choice. It is the reason we are here and it is what makes us human. Because we are aware that we have a choice, we are exposed to a complex network of emotion and decision. It is from this we derive all of our humanly woes.
To further correlate the two stories, the chakra-box that pandora opened is part of Jacob's ladder, or the double helix spiral path to heaven. This path has been seen in visions by mankind for aeons, depicted as single or twin serpents and references to six around one. Eve was tempted by the "serpent" of the spiral ladder within her. Tempted to climb. Pandora opened a box, releasing her ability to climb the spiral ladder within her. Pandora is just another way of describing how the first woman realized her self, and showed the first man the awesome beauty and crushing reality of the spiral path to heaven.
Thus began our evolution from near animals to our eventual place as pure spirits upon the earth. As we walk the spiral ladder, our bodies evolve to accomodate our soul's growth. This is why and how man has evolved.
Prehistoric man, those who came before and after him all have seen the spark of a new chakra opening. Each step on the evolutionary ladder is a physical manifestation of a step on the spiral chakra ladder. We now stand tall, with seven to nine chakras open (depending on the person.) As we step up the ladder, we close (or weaken) the chakras that are more base, more instinctual. We open chakras which are more ethereal and less "of the Earth". At this time in our evolution, those initial three chakra's that Adam and Eve started with are dim, barely visible lights below our root chakra. They are almost unreadable, and give us just the slightest connection to the deepest parts of the physical realm.
Return to Eden: As we walk the spiral path, we embrace that which we lost and appreciate in a way we could not when our eyes were closed. Adam and Eve only knew they had plenty and were provided for, but they could not appreciate the bounty fully. As we advance, we realize the power and beauty of the gifts given to us more fully. Today we take everything for granted. We believe that the water, plants, sun, and moon were put here for our amusement but we never stop to be thankful for them. We spend our lives in futility, trying to amasse false wealth, when all of the riches we need are within and upon the Earth. In our attempts to grasp at joy and happiness, we lose the ability to be happy. Nothing we can make, take, or find can make us happy. Happiness comes from within, when you step up the spiral ladder and realize that the only thing that keeps you from hapiness and the kingdom is YOU.
Adam and Eve were not born with the choice we have today. It is something they learned and evolved. Man is still evolving, still growing. Some day, we will be worthy of returning to Eden and on that day, the doors will open and we shall be welcomed back home.
Only then can we truely appreciate the glory which is our creator and all of creation.
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